View Full Version : My bad week is getting better!

05-19-2004, 01:24 PM
This week is a very bad week for me, I seen my mom go back to California Saturday, My dad's 5 year anniversary of his death was Monday. My brother in laws dog had a stroke. And today guess what happened? I woke up to get ready for work, Cubby was scratching (he is declawed, I have learned never to do it again) the door frame to our bedroom. I went to close the door and his paw was there. Now he scratches the door frames all the time, he never gets his paws close enough to get them shut in the door. I have always told him that some day he will get a door closed on his paw. Well today was that day. I tried to pet him but he was VERY mad at me. I wonder why? :confused: His paw was swollen and he wasn't using it. I had to go into work or I would have been fired. So I went in and told my manager, "Since I came in this morning I really need to go home early so I can take my Cubby into the vets office and I explained what happened." She said she would let me leave early and I said ok cool thanks. So on my break I came home checked on him and he was using his paw, the swelling was gone and he was still very mad at me. Well I brought my breakfast with me so I gave him some of my breakfast to make up for the bad mommy experience that he had with me earlier. He started purring for me and giving me kisses.

I just got home from work, they let me leave 5 minutes late. WOOHOO Thank God it wasn't an emergency! :mad: Then all day today I got made fun of, because everyone know how much I love my cat. Some one new asked me today what kind of animals I own. My response was, I don't own any but I have one cat that owns me. Of course they laughed at me and so did every one else.Everyone started calling Cubby either Chunky or Chubby.

All I said when they would call him that is WTF? my little baby is hurt and you guys make fun of his name. He is the manlyist cat anyone could ever want and you make fun of him. He is a tuff little guy and he will hunt you down and make you regret the name calling.
:rolleyes: ;) Again I was laughed at.

Anyways I walked in the door and there is Cubby waiting for his lovings, rolling on the floor and being my baby. His paw is fine and he is using it and there is no swelling. I have touched it a few times and he lets me. So I think everything is A-OK! with him! :D Of course I will keep a close eye on it for the rest of the night and tomorrow and see how it does.

05-19-2004, 01:33 PM
awww....some people will never get it and you know what I think? They are JEALOUS!!! You have Cubby and they don't!!:D Not just anyone can be loved by a cat but YOU are!! No small thing.;) I hope you and Cubby have a wonderful evening!!!

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
05-19-2004, 01:51 PM
Originally posted by sirrahbed
awww....some people will never get it and you know what I think? They are JEALOUS!!! You have Cubby and they don't!!:D Not just anyone can be loved by a cat but YOU are!! No small thing.;) I hope you and Cubby have a wonderful evening!!!

I agree! They are jealous that you have someone(?) you care about so much, and that you know cares about you, and they don't have that. They don't know the unconditional love of an animal like you do.

I'm so glad Cubby's paw is better. I had a similar experience with Tubby and his tail getting caught in the door. He forgave me instantly but I still haven't forgiven myself, and this happened about 12 years ago now.

I'm glad Cubby was able to make you feel better and forget all those mean people at work. :)

Laura's Babies
05-19-2004, 01:54 PM
A lot of people do not share our love pets, that is why there are still so many homeless and abused pets out there. It is just a fact of life, as cruel as it is, it is a fact. I do not care WHO makes fun of me and my love for my pets, it only shows WHAT they really are. I am lucky that my crew loves their pets and are understanding and caring when I am worried about mine.... And these are some of the biggest, toughest guys I have ever worked with.

Glad you baby is alright but still keep a eye on that paw..

05-19-2004, 02:40 PM
I swear some people just have absolutely NO CLUE!!!!! People in my office don't understand that while I have no skinkids....I have 5 furkids and they are to me my skinkids.

I'm glad that Cubby is feeling better and I hope your week gets better.

Felicia's Mom
05-19-2004, 02:42 PM
I'm glad Cubby's paw is better.:)

05-19-2004, 04:47 PM

People who don't have pets, don't understand the bond that is between and pet and their owners.

Just ignore ignorant people. Cherish what you have with Cubby.

05-19-2004, 04:50 PM
I fell asleep and guess who was there with me? Cubby. A girl from work, that understands me alot more than the rest. She called while I was sleeping to see how Cubby and I were doing. She may not feel the same about animals so I do but she would NEVER make fun of some one for something they love so much, and something that they care about as much as I care about animals.

The one thing I never understand at work is, everyone there has cats, all of their cats are having kittens. My friend that called me just picked up a pregnet cat that just had kittens. She was so geeked about it. I told her that I can understand that, and I thanked her for taking in a cat that wasn't hers and giving it a proper place not only to live but to also have her kittens. :D

05-19-2004, 05:12 PM
There are unfortunately many "clueless" and heartless people in the world ... but thankfully, we catlovers have our PT friends to lean on! ;) So glad that Cubby is feeling better, and I hope you are now too!:)