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12-28-2000, 02:37 PM
I have 2 cats, one of them every morning right at 6am is crying at my bedroom door wanting in, all she wants is my bed to lay on nothing else. I sometimes let them sleep with us but they are just to hyper in the mornings. Also they love to be in the bathroom with us while we are getting ready in the mornings one sits on the toilet and the other between the two curtains in my shower...does anyone else experience crazy things in the mornings with there sweeties?

Annie Fannie, & Primi Lou

12-28-2000, 03:08 PM
Both my cats LOVE to wake me up in the morning. It's become instinct for me to play dead in the morning, because if they see me move, I won't be able to get back to sleep! They sleep with me anyway, but the minute I stretch or turn my head to look at my alarm clock, the chorus of meows begins. They run up to my head and start headbutting me to be pet. My boyfriend has learned the play dead thing as well. We don't have any peace if they know we're awake. http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/biggrin.gif

12-29-2000, 06:09 AM
Oh Spencer that is too funny! http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/biggrin.gif I know what you mean, Laura, about playing dead. I have done that often. Once they know you are awake, there is no sense planning on staying in a nice warm bed. They want to begin their busy day of eating, sleeping and bird watching!!

12-29-2000, 08:15 PM
Oh this is so familiar. If that alarm clock goes off, it's all over for me. I love to hit the snooze button at least once, but no. Mimi sits beside the bed and cries like a baby until I get up and either let her outdoors or feed her. It's never the same request. This morning, I didn't set my alarm and I hear a cat crying from outdoors. I was guilty immediately, thinking that Mimi had not come in last night, but I was sure she had. Anyway, I have a new friend. It's not Thomas the cat who visited me for many months, but a new begger. He is beautiful A cream color, short haired cat with the most beautiful blue eyes I have ever seen. It is almost like they have the word out to come to Logan's house if you're hungry or lonely. He has stayed here all day. He has no id or collar, but looks healthy to me. I made him a warm bed on my porch in case he needs shelter from the cold and put out water. I did not feed him so I wouldn't encourage him to stay if he belongs to someone else. I don't have a name for him yet, but if he hangs around long, and especially if he wakes me up often, I have to name him. Any suggestions????

12-29-2000, 10:10 PM
as usual,you are right. This new "man" around my house must belong to someone. If he continues to hang around, I'll definitely do as you have suggested. I would LOVE to have another cat of my own, but this one looks like he probably belongs to someone, but is one of those guys that has been banished to the outdoors. Mimi will NOT tolerate another cat indoors. We've tried that before with an orphaned kitten and had to find a new home for it. There was another cat who came here for several months, who we named Thomas (aka Tom Cat). He was a big, husky tabby that after Thanksgiving never came back. I feel guilty not opening my door to them, but with Honey, Lilly and Mimi, it is almost impossible. I had made the mistake of putting trashbags out late in the evening and someone found them. Probably my new friend, "Butter". I will definitely be a little more proactive with him if he is still here tomorrow.
Thanks for the good advice. I know you have been through this problem often.

12-30-2000, 09:04 AM
Our cats think that they have to be first in the mornings too. Lucy sits beside the alarm clock waiting for it to go off. The when it goes of she starts her Miaow Miaow Miaow and doesn't stop until she gets her breakfast. Our new kitten thinks that she is a dog. As soon as she sees movement or voices she has to come up to us, sit on our pillows and lick our noses.

12-31-2000, 10:57 PM
My two cats (brothers) could not have be more different in their morning habits if they were trained. If I am still asleep when Joe wakes up, or when he returns from his morning exploration, he will scrunch up his paw so that all claws are well and truly tucked away and proceed to actually try and open my closed eyes by gently stroking my eye-lids - he is almost unbelievably gentle. His brother Typha is quite different; It doesn't matter what time of the day it is, if he finds me asleep he will immediately bed-down and fall asleep beside me, he likes nothing more than to sleep. I was recently ill with the flu and subsequently in bed for 3 days straight and I think Typha thought it was Christmas...

01-01-2001, 12:56 AM
My cat Tiger also instinctively wakes me up at 6:30 every morning. She doesn't meow though, she makes this really loud whining noise until I get out of bed. She used to sit on the bathroom scale everytime me or my husband would shower but one day my husband fell in the shower (he's not a small fellow) and scared poor Tiger out of her wits. She doesn't even like to go in the bathroom anymore after that!! http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/eek.gif

01-02-2001, 07:57 PM
I'm changing the subject back to something Spencer and I were talking about last week. The "buff colored" cat with the beautiful blue eyes that woke me one morning last week,is still here. Tonight he let me hold him and I realized, he has no claws. I promptly brought him inside and closed him in my office with all of the ammenities and lots of love from my daughter and me. I have been so worried about the cold weather and had made him a warm bed outside in a sheltered area and, yes, of course I had started feeding him. I am still worried about the reaction of my 2 dogs (they won't hurt him, but they're big and excited), and also Mimi, who as I have said before, is totally frustrated by other cats. I'll keep him separated and get him to the vet tomorrow. Hopefully, I can either find his owner (which I haven't had success with so far with signs and checking lost/found in newspaper) or find a new home where he can stay indoors all the time. I think the back claws are intact, but none on the front. Maybe he just escaped from someone's home...he wears no collar. Since Mimi is an indoor/outdoor cat, I think it would be hard for me to keep this one from going outside with her.
I'm just rambling along here. Just wanted to let you know what was going on with "Butter" aka Butterscotch Pudding.

01-03-2001, 09:31 AM
I have found Greenville to be so inadequate when it comes to rescue and support. This is really the largest city in the upstate of SC. There is a good Golden Retriever rescue group, not far from here, but other than that, I have even found that the Citizens for Concerned Animals here is not very responsive. I pulled up that Yahoo Yellow page listing and as you probably noticed, there are three listings at the same address. It's the Humane Society "shelter", which my vet told me last time I found a stray (dog), to avoid like the plague! Since I've just gone through this whole situation, not four months ago, with Dexter, the dog, I dread it! Probably will just do it on my own. I found an excellent home for Dexter, so maybe I'll be lucky with this cat. Hopefully, it can be my home!
I don't even mind the bills and wouldn't mind keeping this cat...if Mimi can handle it. Butter (as we call him) slept in my office all night last night and didn't cry until 6:30 this morning. He did not use the litter box, but doesn't seem to have messed up anywhere else. If I can get him loaded into the carrier, he will see the vet this afternoon. Honey and Lilly met him face to face this morning. I gated off the door to my office so they couldn't come in, but he could get out if he wanted to. I just wanted him to have a secure place to return to if he wanted. He went right out into the house and I stayed with them, but they did not try and hurt him. Obviously, he was a little intimidated by two big Golden Retrievers, but it really went well for the first time. We'll see what happens.

01-03-2001, 02:35 PM
I let Butter out this morning as he was frantic. He came back and has been in since then. Can't see vet until Monday. Here's the problem...Honey and Lilly (dogs) have gone nose to nose now and are not problem. He and they adapted very quickly. But, they got so excited, that when I let them outdoors, they chased Mimi, which they never do. She was sunning and got very upset. I'm sure she'll come home, but any suggestions on how to comfort her, without having her scratch my eyes out would be appreciated. I can not and will not isolate her. She's been through thick and thin and is more important than dogs and new cat put together. How do you handle this sort of thing with Spencer and others?

ps. I guess we should be talking in the Cat Rescue site rather than the Cat Behavior and Morning Alarm section. Of course, some of my questions are behavior related!!! Isn't it funny that just a couple of days ago, I asked about fostering on the Dog Rescue site? Here I am with a cat! The dog would be easier. We're going to try and take a picture of Butter on the webcam later and with Paul's help, can hopefully post it for all of you to see.

[This message has been edited by lhg0962 (edited January 03, 2001).]

01-03-2001, 02:51 PM
My cat is the same way. She will jump all over my bed and punce on me in the morning because she knows what time i need to get up and if I am not up she will get on my back and start needing it with her paws. Then ill get up and go into the bathroom to take my shower and she will sit in the shower in the back and watch me. When she was a kitten she used to hop in their with me everyday.:-) It was the most cutest and wackiest thing.

Originally posted by Primi&Annie:
I have 2 cats, one of them every morning right at 6am is crying at my bedroom door wanting in, all she wants is my bed to lay on nothing else. I sometimes let them sleep with us but they are just to hyper in the mornings. Also they love to be in the bathroom with us while we are getting ready in the mornings one sits on the toilet and the other between the two curtains in my shower...does anyone else experience crazy things in the mornings with there sweeties?

Victoria C. Robinson

01-03-2001, 08:27 PM
I'm moving my rescue story to where it ought to be. Sorry for hogging the behavior site, but if you've been following my "Butter" story, I'm posting pictures on Cat Rescue.