View Full Version : Stan won't be having his tumor removal... :(

05-18-2004, 11:15 PM
He passed away last week. :( Stan was a nice sweet American Blue ratty that I had rescued almost two years ago. He was adopted out and was supposed to come back to me this week, but while his owner was on vacation he passed away. :( The children in the class had an open casket memorial for him at the school.

I also lost my hissing cockroach today. :( I have had him for so long and I really am sad that he is gone. His name was Hermes and he was the most social of the two. :(

05-18-2004, 11:28 PM
Cass, I am so sorry! That was sweet what the children done for Stan though. I really hate that you lost Hermes, you had had him for such a long time. How long does a Hissing Cockroach live anyway, and where did you get him?

Again, I am sorry, Cass. :(


05-20-2004, 12:22 AM
How dissapointing this is. Only one reply. Thank you so much Willie for replying, as at least I know one person cares. Though he hasn't live with me for the past year, this little guy held a very special place in my heart, as did Hermes. Stan was the sweetest rat. When I got him he had been living in a tiny critter keeper for so long that his growth was severely stunted. He was suffering from respiratory issues and his whole body was bloddy from being infested with mites.

Hermes was a great pet! Most people would not think that roaches have distinct personalities but these two were so different from eachother. Hermes was always the quieter one, not likely to hiss even when startled, more accepting of handling and even eating from my hand. He was so calm when I held him and he would just look up at me. Petri on the other hand is the exactly opposite, always on the go and hissing more at me. He doesn't care for me much, but does like to pose for photos. :(

I was really excited that Stan was to be coming back to me, that I would see my little boy again and try to get that nasty tumor off of his back, but he passed away. :(

05-20-2004, 08:11 AM
I didn't see this yesterday, Cass, or I certainly would have commented. I'm so sorry about Stan. It certainly sounds like he was loved, not only by you, but by the kids in that classrom too.

I'm also sorry about Hermes, your Cockroach. How long do they normally live?


05-20-2004, 09:39 AM
Thanks Logan. :(

My roaches can live a very long time, about 25 years or so I think. Hermes was only about 2 years old, though I am not sure exactly how old he was when I picked him up, as he was already an adult and fairly big by that time.

05-20-2004, 09:46 AM
I didn't see this until now...

I'm sorry about stan, it's always hard to loose a ratty. It sounds like lots of people really adored him. Im sorry about your cockroach too, I'm glad you can love a critter that most people find "gross". Shows how compasionate about animals you really are!!

My prayers are with you

Desert Arabian
05-20-2004, 03:18 PM
Originally posted by luckies4me
How dissapointing this is. Only one reply. Thank you so much Willie for replying, as at least I know one person cares.

Cass, I feel your pain. It's always like that- it's rats- who cares- no one loves rats as much as fellow rattie owners- not many people truly understand them......

I didn't read this right away because I am so sick of rat medical stuff with all the hell I am going through, don't take it personally, I just didn't want to read another disappointing rat thread. Damn tumors, I am so sick and tired of them, #)$@^@)#^$)*@^#)$*^@#*$^&*@#$ Ugh! I've had it. :( Why do they have to be so expensive to remove ON A HALF POUND ANIMAL! WHY!? WHY!? WHY!? Nugget, Oreo, Sweet Pea, and Chloe- all had tumors. Each would have cost $500 to remove.

*end of rant*

I am so sorry to hear all of this. Now Fred and Daisy can have a new buddy at the Bridge!

:( :( :( I don't know what else to say, other than sorry, no matter what people say it will never bring back our rattie friends...:( :(

05-20-2004, 03:36 PM
Thanks YLL. I am in tears right now as just about two hours ago Meeko had a seizure. It was the first rat seizure I have had. He is old, but not that old. His little front arms were flailing around and his mouth was all open and stuff. Even after picking him up (I noticed a weird noise so I looked into the cage and saw him seizing) he seized for another 12 seconds or so. :( I don't know what I am going to do if he dies or keeps having seizures. Looks like I will be making another trip to the vet, possibly for euthanasia. :(

05-20-2004, 03:41 PM
I am sorry for your loss Cass, my sincere condolences to you, chin up sweetheart, hoping your ratty is going to be ok, positive thoughts and vibes being sent your way from across the miles.

05-23-2004, 10:19 PM
I'm sorry about Stan and Hermes. :(