View Full Version : do you have good posture?

guster girl
05-18-2004, 07:45 PM
I'm sitting at this computer at work, on a bar stool seat. I've always hated my posture. But, until recently, never really considered trying to change it. I've been trying so hard to sit up straight at my desk, and, I do fine for awhile, while I'm thinking about it. But, I'll lose my concentration and then notice I'm slouching. Does anyone else hate their posture? Is there anyone here that has any suggestions on how to better my posture? I know pilates helps a lot, and, I've got a book and a couple of DVDs, but, I've just never done it consistently enough to notice a change in posture. And, this so odd! A coworker of mine just walked up to me as I was typing this and commented on how pretty I was sitting. Dang, if I could just keep that up! :) Random topic, I know, but, I'm just curious...

05-18-2004, 07:50 PM
I don't really think about it, but I believe I have good posture. I know when I was riding, you need to sit up and have good posture. My instructor compaired me to another rider who is really good and had been riding a while (like with posture, he said I reminded him of her) Yeah that's a horrible example, but like I said, I don't think of it much lol

I know if I'm sitting in a chair for a while, I will slouch cause it gets uncomfortable..lol

Desert Arabian
05-18-2004, 08:09 PM
On horses yes- it's a must- shoulders, hips, and heals all in line with your back not too arched and not too bowed.

When I'm off a horse, my posture is terrible which only makes my back problems flair up even more since I have no curve to my neck or spine. I am constantly hunched or slouched in the chairs at school. I rarely sit properly, unless their is a guest speaker or something and we have to look nice as a class. :p

05-18-2004, 08:16 PM
Pilates will help a ton. Also, I got a fitball and now use it as my main desk chair. It is fantastic.

guster girl
05-18-2004, 08:35 PM
I've been thinking of asking them if I could bring one of those balls to use at my desk. I have the ball already, just don't know if they'd be alright with me using it here. I'm kind of in the back, though, so, maybe......There are even chairs that are equipped with the ball to sit on. They're strange looking, but, I want one! :) And, I took pilates, and, want to again! I love it, just have been really slack on my exercise routine. I did take english riding lessons when I was about 17 or 18. I loved working on my posture, but, haven't ridden with that kind of structure in a long time!

05-18-2004, 09:13 PM
No, I have really bad posture. I always slump over when I sit and When I walk I slup over too! I look shorter than I really am!

05-18-2004, 09:18 PM
I have terrible posture. I rarely think of it, though, unless my back or neck starts to hurt. Of course, I noticed and sat up straight when I saw this topic. ;)

05-19-2004, 07:37 AM
I have horrible posture, in fact, I can't stand up straight properly without alot of pain. I think it might be from growing up with massive depression making me slouch alot and stare at the ground.

Oh, one thing I learned when I went to physical therapy for my back, if you want good posture, work on your stomach muscles cause those help support your back and help you stand/sit up straighter.

Ooooh and the ball is a good idea. I might have to try that since I never thought about it!

05-19-2004, 08:53 AM
i only have bad psoture when i'm not doing any sports. i'm not really sure why that is, but i sloutch a lot. and i try to sit up straight, but like you, i can only do it while i'm thinking about it

05-19-2004, 09:11 AM
on a horse, I have very good posture any other time not at all, like I am ALWAYS slouching, I find it extremly uncomfortable to sit up straight even for a few minuts, I also do Pilates regularly because we do them for dance, I did not even know it was supposed to help your posture, never made a difference for me :confused: people always complain about my posture though, but I am just the kind of person that goes for comfort over all lol:p

05-19-2004, 09:13 AM
Originally posted by 2kitties
Pilates will help a ton. Also, I got a fitball and now use it as my main desk chair. It is fantastic.

You are SO bizarre! How do you stay on that stupid thing while working??????? I fall off of them when I TRY to use them at the gym! :D

Edwina's Secretary
05-19-2004, 09:33 AM
Randi and I were just talking about this yesterday! I have terrible posture -- especially when seated at a desk. In addition to being bad for the body it is ugly! I am shocked when I see a photo of me looking like I have a dowager hump and an extra ten pounds.....I try but need to try harder!

05-19-2004, 10:53 AM
I suffered from severe back and arm pain about 3 years ago. I'm talking about so severe that I could hardly function. Turns out that I suffer from arthritis and disk degeneration (sp?) in my neck. Traction helped to get me through that bad spell, but it scared me that at 39 years old (at that point) that I could have such a bad problem. The traction relieved the pressure on the nerve that leads to my arm, which was causing the problem.

I was instructed to make sure that I used a headphone for my telephone, hold my steering wheel at 5 and 7 (o'clock), and definitely have a drop down keyboard and sit up straight! Heck, I was even warned about the way I position myself when I sleep.

Anything you can do to make your office/computer place more ergonomically correct will help you, I promise.

I have no natural curve in my spine, especially around the neck region, either. I want to avoid surgery at all costs, but eventually, I will have to have it, I fear. Just recently, I started having the numbness in my right arm and hand again, periodically. Thank goodness, I haven't had the pain associated with it this time, but the MRI I had, just week before last, showed continued deterioration of the disks in my neck.

Do I need to be more diligent about my posture and following the rules? YES!!!!

Take care of yourself. It only gets worse as you get older. :o

05-19-2004, 01:49 PM
Originally posted by Cataholic
You are SO bizarre! How do you stay on that stupid thing while working??????? I fall off of them when I TRY to use them at the gym! :D

It's guster girl here. SOrry, couldn't log in under my usual name. :) I've used the ball as a seat at home, but, I'm really hoping that they'll let me take it to work! That would be an 8 hour workout! :) I know several people who use the ball as a seat.

05-19-2004, 05:13 PM
I have been working on getting my posture correct for the last year or so. I am the only one in my family with bad posture. I am not to the point where, I sit up or stand up straight with out thinking about it. At first it hurt alot to stand up straight, now it doesn't bother me at all. Of course sometimes I still catch myself hunched over or whatever and I correct it as soon as I see it.

When I am at my computer desk though I still haven't worked on sitting up straight enough at my desk. Normally, I hunch over or I have my elbow on the top of the desk and lean over. I am also having issues with my eyes right now so hopefully I will be able to working on my posture a little more after I go see my eye doc next month, and maybe I will also be able to see. ;)

05-19-2004, 07:03 PM
Right now I am wearing a bodice that forces me to have good posture. -_- I'm realizing how bad mine is normally. :o

05-20-2004, 01:23 AM
I have pretty bad posture...which sucks cuz I'm still pretty young lol.. I carry a 30-40lb backpack on my shoulders every day for school.... >.<

05-20-2004, 08:49 AM
My posture is rather poor. I have scoliosis. I had to wear a back brace for 3.5 years. It was hard plastic that went high up under my armpits (I always had soars) and down to the fold of my legs. I could only take it off to shower. It was the most horrible thing ever, and I wouldn't wish it on anyone. I had a 42 degree curve in my spine, now it's down to 38 degrees. 3.5 years of torture to improve a lousy 4 degrees, it was not worth it. I had to wear it from the middle of my 6th grade year until the beginning of my 10th grade year in school.

05-20-2004, 09:59 AM
Originally posted by WolfChan
Right now I am wearing a bodice that forces me to have good posture. -_- I'm realizing how bad mine is normally. :o

A bodice that forces ya to have good posture? Where'd you manage to find and get one of those!

05-20-2004, 10:28 AM
Originally posted by minkyboodle
A bodice that forces ya to have good posture? Where'd you manage to find and get one of those!

At the mall, surprisingly. It doesn't have rigid pieces that absolutely force you to sit up straight, but if you slouch you get gouged in the stomach. -_-

Rio and Me
05-20-2004, 11:15 AM
I ride so you have to have a good posture on a horse, and its stuck i allways sit up straight, the only time i sluge is when i'm sat in a chair nearly lying on it,lol, but any other time i'm up straight.

05-20-2004, 12:21 PM
Nope I have bad posture....my mom is constantly bugging me to stand up straight. :o

05-20-2004, 10:16 PM
Originally posted by wolf_Q
Nope I have bad posture....my mom is constantly bugging me to stand up straight. :o

Same here...:rolleyes: lol

05-20-2004, 11:27 PM
I have good posture. I sit up straight naturally, even if I'm tired. It's just a habit. :p
I have scoliosis, which is curviture of the spine, and basically mine is *almost* curved like an 'S', but not soo curvy, LOL. (Although, you couldn't tell if I had it just by looking at me.) It's not a severe case, but I don't want to take chances, so over time I guess I just taught myself to sit up straight.