View Full Version : Storms?

05-18-2004, 11:11 AM
How do your furrkids react to storms? We had the first major thunderstorm of the season roll thru last night and had some unusual reactions from the guys.

Kunan: took it in stride except when it sounded like lightning hit right outside the front door. Then his only reaction was for his eyes to get real big and he looked to me for comfort (bad idea! I hate storms!)

Bouncer: Hid under the workbench in the basement.

Zingo: No big deal

Plague: Ditto, no big deal. Slept thru most of it.

Oatmeal: Who was a stray until June of last year. His was the reaction that surprised me. He hid under the spare bed and was not coming out for anything.

Hunter: my little guy was a bit spooked but nothing major.

I'm just wondering how other cats react....

05-18-2004, 11:25 AM
Mostly, with ears back, if there is a loud thunder crack. Other than that, I just don't see much reaction.

05-18-2004, 11:47 AM
Mine all react differently....

Tigger, ever since her brother Tony passed away she will go flying under the bed with the first clap of thunder.

Smokey, well he could care less.

Tucker just sleeps right through it.

Mystic goes under the covers.

Abner goes flying but to where I haven't a clue......he is the biggest scardy cat in the entire world...all you have to do is ring the doorbell and he gone.

As for me...well thunder storms scare me to death. I could not live out west because I would be dying if I even saw a tornado.

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
05-18-2004, 12:27 PM
Tubby could care less - nothing can disturb his nap, you know. :rolleyes: ;)

Peanut hides downstairs. :(

Me, I love thunder storms - except when the thunder cracks right above the house unexpectedly. Sometimes - and mind you I said sometimes, this will make Tubby lift his head as if to ask "What? Can't you see I'm sleeping?"

Thunderstorms I don't mind, it's the tornado thing I could do without.

05-18-2004, 12:41 PM
They don't really care unless the thunder is extremely loud.

05-18-2004, 12:42 PM
Our gang likes to be near us during storms. I'm always checking where they are just incase we need to head for the basement.

Before Skinny came to live with us I would bring him into the basement (if it was daytime/evening) and I'd sit with him during a storm. Once he came to stay this past fall storm season was done. We had our first storm last night he thought it was pretty neat to be upstairs during a storm. :)

If it's tornado threating (which thank god is very rare) we've all been down in the basement. I found out just how fast I can get kitties into carriers.

Felicia's Mom
05-18-2004, 01:37 PM
Felicia goes under the bed or sofa during a storm. She hides as soon as she hears any thunder. Beau doesn't mind unless the storm gets too noisy, then he hides.
I love a thunderstorm, but don't like to be outside in them .
If I am asleep when the storm hits, I probably won't wake up.
I am careful after almost getting hit by lightning.

05-18-2004, 02:36 PM
All three like to be near to us when it storms. Eliot gets this wild eyed maniac look and jumps when the thunder cracks. We normally all gather on the big bed:D Daddy holds Princess Emily and coos to her.:p Dylan seems pretty relaxed and unbothered as usual.:rolleyes:

05-18-2004, 04:28 PM
Even very loud thunder doesn't affect Blueberry one bit:p Its like he can't even hear it lol...it doesn't bother him one bit, he probably likes it even. Sometimes he watches it from the window.

05-18-2004, 05:28 PM
Sammy is petrified! He hides in the closet and panics the whole time. Leroy, naturally has to be the odd ball, he wants to lay in the window and watch the whole thing. His favorite thing to do used to be to go outside during the storm and sit in the rain at the end of the downspout and play with the water coming out!! I told you all he was weird!
The rest of them don't pay much attention at all.

05-18-2004, 05:39 PM
Boomer isn't too fond of stormy days, though there hasn't been much thunder since I moved over here. (lots of raiiiiiiin though) We're forcasted for a thyphoon at the end of this week, so we'll see how he does with that!

Laura's Babies
05-18-2004, 05:41 PM
Chester can't be bothered by letting it disturb him. This is the "girls" first year to experience them since they are not a year old yet. We had a doozie of a storm yesterday and I was surprised to see the lightening seemed to "charge" Amy as she ran, likity split, back and forth from one end of the house to the other until she wore herself out... Then she curled up at the window and slept through the rest of the storm.

Giz was sleeping and Amy's charging through the house woke her so she decided to join her doing the likity spling running back and forth. Then, she too, curled up and slept through the rest of it..

A funny here, my sister use to have a dog that was terrified of storms and would hide under the bed everytime one came. My sister isn't to thrilled about them either so during every storm, her husband would call her and ask "Are you and Judy under the bed yet?"

I personally am TERRIFIED of lightening having grown up in Virginia where lightening struck something in our house everytime there was a bad storm. So, I am the kind that run around and unplug everything, close all the windows and doors when one comes and will NOT answer the phone during a storm!

05-18-2004, 07:46 PM
Neither boy seems to be aware that something different is going on outside. We just had a TERRIBLE storm blow through here half an hour ago! Both boys just ignored it completely.

I can't believe you haven't had any storms up until last night! Where is your town in PA? We've had very bad storms nearly every night for the past week.

Felicia's Mom
05-18-2004, 09:01 PM
I would not answer the phone if it would ring.

I don't unplug anything, although I probably should.

My apartment is on the second (top) floor, with windows on three sides. So the lightning is bright!

05-19-2004, 06:53 AM
Catnapper, we are in Monessen, about an hour South of Pittsburgh. There have been storms rolling thru pretty regularly for the past two weeks, but until Monday they managed to detour around us somehow. We had anothr round last night, not as bad as Monday. Oatmeal came and snuggled with me instead of hiding, so I could tell it wasn't as severe a storm. Monday I kept telling hubby that I was going to join the Oatster under the spare bed. I hate storms. A few years ago we were camping and a tornado touched down about 20 miles away from the campground! Way closer than I wanted it to be.....:eek:

05-19-2004, 09:08 AM
Unless it is ReallyTHUNDERING ,The Found Cats really do not react to STORMS! The Ones that wereHomeless , Hide From Thunder And Lightning!