View Full Version : Meow!!!!

05-16-2004, 07:56 AM
What else to title this? Pouncer has been REALLY bad about meowing the past two days. He wants OUT, and NOW! He slipped out last night, but we managed to catch him quickly. But they way he's meowing sounds like a cat in heat!!!

Needless to say, they are loud, insistent meows that you can't ignore. Is there the possiblity that he's still got some male cat hormones and wants to go find himself a cute girl cat? :eek: Anybody have any idea whats going on insde that little head of his? Or is he so spoiled that he wants out and expects to be let out?

05-16-2004, 09:44 AM
well when i bring my cat in sometimes shell meow and hit on the door as loud as she can to get me to let her out to do her buissiness and eat or shell just want me to pet her but got her fixed her i think you should fix your kitty if he really does want a girl hell stop if hes fixed but before you fix him try my first soution:) hope one of them works for you like they worked for me;)

05-16-2004, 09:47 AM
Well, knowing pretty well that Pouncer is fixed, I think he is just SPOILED. :p As he should be, he he he. Does he go out sometimes? Or, is he strictly an indoor kitty? Maybe the spring smells are just too much for him right now? You know, everytime you go to him when he cries...well, it is just telling him he finally has you trained. :D

05-16-2004, 09:52 AM
Pouncer, you crack me up!!! I think he's just spoiled....which is of course how a Pouncer should be. Wilber does the same thing. He doesn't want out, but he meows incessantly when he wants attention - it's almost like he's sassing me...

05-16-2004, 10:57 AM
JJJ3 stands as close , to the Door , as he acn , waiting , to sneak out! Rocca , is the Nisy one ,as she ahs the Siamese Fire Alarm wail , down pat!

05-16-2004, 11:42 AM
Pouncer, Pouncer, Pouncer!! You are one rotten little boy!! You sound like a couple of mine! Maybe when you figure out that all that whining isn't doing you any good then you will quit. MAYBE! Mine haven't figured that out yet either!!http://petoftheday.com/talk/images/our_smilies/biggrin.gif
A few of mine firmly believe in persistance! If I drive her crazy long enough she will give in and give me what I want. Good luck silly boy but I bet it doesn't work!http://petoftheday.com/talk/images/our_smilies/wink.gif

05-16-2004, 11:53 AM
My Mooky does the same thing. We have been letting the cats out on the back balony, supervised, for some fresh air, about 3 times now and then bring them in about an hour later.
Within half an hour, Mooky will start meowing, meowing, meowing to go back out and Sades will stretch up and tap on the door handle. I swear he is trying to learn how to turn the doorknob.
So, Pouncer is just letting you know that he wants to go outside.
Maybe if you let him out for a little bit with you watching him, it might satisfied him.

05-16-2004, 04:02 PM
Originally posted by Cataholic
Well, knowing pretty well that Pouncer is fixed, I think he is just SPOILED. :p

Yes, just like two kitties here who have a very direct way of telling you they want out:D

05-16-2004, 10:36 PM
Oh Pouncer, honey, you are surely one purrsistant little lad!!! You sound very much like my Tucker ..... SPOILED WROTTEN!!!:eek: :D

05-17-2004, 07:03 AM
Pouncer, of course you want to go out - it's spring!! :) Your behaviour sounds very much like Fister's when he wants to go out. They can be SO persistent!! :rolleyes:

05-17-2004, 11:32 AM
I have a large, square bird cage that I put Ed into on the weekends.....When he wants to go out, I'll put him out there....

When he wants to come back in he let's me know...
The absolute best part of the whole process is I open the cage door and we walks back into the house, on his own!!:D

05-17-2004, 12:01 PM
Pouncer, Pouncer, Pouncer.....you are just like my Abner....he NEVER stops talking. I don't think your meowmie wants to be trained. ;)

Ally Cat's Mommy
05-17-2004, 12:32 PM
He certainly has got you well trained!!! Pouncer, you are SUCH a spoiled boy!! Kissies to you, sweetie!

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
05-17-2004, 02:42 PM
Check this (http://www.petplaypens.com) out as a possible solution for Pouncer. I just bought one for T & P to be used when we eventually take them in the motorhome. For less than $100.00 I got a 4x6 enclosure, fake *grass to put underneath, a tarp to put over the top to give them some shade and a carry bag for it all.

I had checked out some cages and kennels and things at pet stores and at various places online and anything that was any sort of decent size was really expensive and most didn't collapse down like we need for the motorhome. This is sort of a pain to put together the first time, but since you wouldn't be moving it like we are, you could put it together and keep it together. It's light enough to move easily (for grass cutting purposes) and I think it's just the greatest thing to get the kitties outside since sliced bread! It all looked pretty simple and I thought I could just go to home depot and rig one up myself, but then I figured by the time I engineered the whole thing, then found all the correct materials, I might as well just buy this "pre-fab" one and be done with it.

I've put it together once - in our living room - then had to take it down because I can't get it through any of the doors to get it outside. :rolleyes: One of these days when we're home on the weekend I'm going to set it up again and I'll take pics for all of you.

*I bought the fake grass for underneath for three reasons - #1 is that Tubby will eat the grass and then come in the house and puke it up, #2 is that since we'll be traveling, we won't know what sort of chemicals were used on the grass and I don't want him eating "bad" grass and #3 is that at some campgrounds there isn't a lot of grass available, so this way they can be comfortable and not on gravel or dirt.

Anyway, I just thought I'd let you know about this and didn't mean to write a book about it. ;) :rolleyes: :D The only thing I would add for Pouncer is some good tie downs to make sure he doesn't figure out how to lift the thing up and escape from underneath. And knowing Pouncer - he'd figure that out! ;) :D