View Full Version : Question about rat and cat introductions

05-14-2004, 07:20 PM
I just got two 8 week old kittens from the humane society, and I already have 3 rats. I was wondering what the best way to introduce them would be. I don't want them to attack each other, and I'm also fearful that if the kittens want to play they may injure the rats accidently. I've heard of many instances where rats and cats get along together really well and I was just wondering if anyone had any recommendations.

05-14-2004, 07:27 PM
I have mice, and one of my cats gets along with them and one would eat them in a heartbeat. (I lost my first mouse that way:()Marshmallow has just always been fine with them (of course they are always supervised) I would recommend having the cage in sight and supervising to see the reaction. Marshmallow has almost no reaction at all, but Pickles can't stand to not watch constantly. Then go with your gut after that.

Good luck, and have fun!

05-14-2004, 07:34 PM
IMO, you are asking too much of nature for a positive outcome, with probable deadly results. I wouldn't do it.

05-15-2004, 12:47 AM
Originally posted by Cataholic
IMO, you are asking too much of nature for a positive outcome, with probable deadly results. I wouldn't do it.

There are many, many people that keep both rats and cats sucessfully. My cats get along great with my rats, play together, eat together, sleep together etc. They were raised with small animals since they were kittens, which is the way to start. Take them out for about 15 minutes each day, letting them sniff eachother. Please do be careful of not underestimating the rat, as they will attack the cat and can injure the cat. If the kittens start to play too rough simply take them away. Eventually they will get used to eachother and the cat will learn his bounderies. If the rat is being played with too rought they usually let the cat know by nipping etc. Rats will defend themselves ferociously.

If you notice the rats acting scared do not force them to interact because this will just make things worse. Some rats are just naturally scared of larger animals, and well, some cats are scared of rats. Go figure. ;) Here are a few photos of my rats and cats and other animals together. The key is to make sure you are always there when the two are interacting together.





I have more on disks somewhere. :)

05-15-2004, 01:01 AM
hehe, this one was so funny! Cheetah was trying so hard to sleep and Pip just would not leave her alone. He would come attack her (grooming Cheetah) and everytime she was about ready to fall asleep again he would come back and bug her. It was the funniest thing. You can see the annoyed look on Cheetah's face LOL! :D


05-15-2004, 08:59 AM
If the Cats have not been taught , by thier Mothers to hunt , then they will not regard the Rats , as prey! Good Luck , with the intros!

05-15-2004, 11:40 PM
Originally posted by luckies4me
Take them out for about 15 minutes each day, letting them sniff eachother.

Thanks so much for the advice. Things seem to be going well so far. The kittens seem more curious than aggressive.

05-16-2004, 11:07 AM
Great! Keep me updated OK? :) They should do just fine.