View Full Version : Cheetah hurt her leg.....

05-14-2004, 06:47 PM
and we made a trip to the vet this morning. I will copy and past from my Journal so I do not have to type it all out again. :p

Well Cheetah somehow hurt her back leg yesterday. She was inside all day which is pretty strange. I had seen her all day and then when I went into the room last night I was mad at the cats for sleeping on the bed as I usually do not let them up there due to my sensitivity to fur, though Cheetah is allowed to sleep with us at night time. So I told her to get off and then I felt so bad because I had no idea she was hurt. When she jumped off she went under the bed and I noticed her limping. Urrgh I wanted to slap myself. Poor girl. I wouldn't have asked her to move if I knew something was wrong. :( So she has a small gash in her back leg, near her pinky toe. It isn't that bad but she was in some pain and I would feel better bringing her in. I don't want to risk infection etc. It's nothing that needs to be sutured but I think some prednisome may be in order. So I am going to take her in for a drop off at CatCare and see what they can do for her. Poor girl. :( I have NO idea how she did this as she was inside all day yesterday so I don't know what she could have cut herself on. It's very strange. Unless she did it outside and I just did not notice the limping before? Which isn't likely as anytime they get hurt I freak out and notice the tiniest little things. I can't stand when they are hurt, especially my cats, I just freak out. Everyone is telling me not to bring her to the vet but I have to. I cannot leave her in pain like that. That is cruel! She is doing much better this morning but still, I want to make sure that it isn't anything bad and possibly get some antibiotics. It looks like she got her leg caught on something and it tore, like it was stuck and she pulled away. It's very small, not even an inch long and shouldn't requite stitches at all, but still.

I can tell she's OK as she was purring up a storm this morning and acting like her usual dog self. She LOVES her stomach rubbed, just like a dog. It's her favorite thing in the world LOL. I swear, I have weird cats. So I was thinking I could just get her rabies and dewormed while she's there too. That's the only thing we have to do is the rabies so I might as well do it while I am at the clinic. I want them to at least shave the area and look at it. Granted, I could do this at home as I've done it a gazillion times, but it is so much different when it's your own pet. Very different. I can't stand them being in pain but if someone at the vet clinic comes in it's not that big of a deal because they aren't my pet. I mean I care, but I care so much more when it has to do with one of my own, my babies. So please everyone, stop telling me to NOT take her to the vet, because I'd like to be better safe than sorry!

More in next post...

05-14-2004, 06:59 PM
BTW Lucy has a huge piece of grass sticking out of his mouth and he looks so funny LOL! :D

So anywho, I got up this morning and took her into Care Care for an appointment. I ended up waiting about 3 hours just to be seen. We did end up going to eat during that time so the wait wasn't that excruciating. They gave her an exam and told me she needs to have a dental, which is good as I am planning one very soon for all my kitties. Her front teeth are OK but she does have some buildup on the back teeth. She had a small temp, 103 and she weighs 6.5 pounds. She has always been so tiny poor little girl. The vet said she was at a good weight for her body type which made me feel good. They also told me a lot of bad stuff about the BARF diet too which I had never heard before. Hrmm......

Anyway, they shaved her paw to get a closer look and like I thought didn't requite stitches. I opted to give her the pain shot, Torbugesic, which is the first time I've had a pet get this type of pain med. So she is doing a bit better just from that but the meds made her a little dingy. :eek: They also shaved her butt a bit to make sure she had no other wounds as I told them last night she was pretty swollen. She is on Calvamox for 7 days and goes back in ten days for a checkup and vaccines as she needs her Rabies, FRVCP and FELV/FIV. So now she looks REALLY funny with a naked butt, hehe. Don't believe me? Take a look! :D


Here is her owie. I have no idea what happened as the wound is not a puncture wound. My thoughts escape me on this one.

So of course she needs to stay inside for two weeks and I have the cat box set up for her etc. She peed in the carrier while at the vet clinic poor girl. Now I am praying she doesn't get infected. I have to soak the wound twice a day with a warm pack and also apply some neosporin. Wish us luck! Seems like I have had one too many vet visits lately!

05-14-2004, 07:02 PM
Oh yes, and it only costs 70 bucks! :D I love Cat Care. Isn't this funny though? They charged ten bucks just to clip her fur. :rolleyes:

05-14-2004, 10:25 PM

05-14-2004, 10:36 PM
I'm so glad to hear that Cheetah's leg is not too bad, and that you acted quickly by taking her to the vet. I think her little shaved behind is cute!!! Give her extra cuddles for me, and let us know how she is doing.;)

05-14-2004, 10:45 PM
She is doing really good right now. Seems a lot more happier since having the pain injection and is using her leg more. She is doing good in the potty, has eaten and drank. :)

05-14-2004, 10:48 PM
Great news... thank for the update! :)

05-14-2004, 11:43 PM
I'm glad she is doing good. Poor paw.. I'm glad you got her into the vet to make sure everything was ok, It's good to know that you care so much.

Laura's Babies
05-15-2004, 12:12 AM
Good thing you saw that! It looks like it could have gotten nasty if not treated. (((Poor Shaved Butt Kitty)))

05-15-2004, 01:35 AM
I'm sorry to hear that Cheetah hurt her leg :( but I'm so glad that you took her to the vet and that she's doing much better now.:) Please keep us updated when you can.

It will probably take about 3 months for her fur to grow back. My Cirrus had his belly and bottom shaved due to surgery in March and now his fur is finally starting to fill in but won't be completely in until sometime in mid June.;)

Steffi N
05-15-2004, 06:31 AM
Cheetah, I am sorry you hurt your leg, but glad your mommy took you to the vet and that you are getting better. Pets for you. :)

05-15-2004, 08:51 AM
The Found Cats are Glad That Cheetah , is a Lot Better , and hopefully , can make The Partee!We Love Cheetah!

05-15-2004, 01:26 PM
Originally posted by catmandu
The Found Cats are Glad That Cheetah , is a Lot Better , and hopefully , can make The Partee!We Love Cheetah!

A Partee? There is the partee at? :D

05-16-2004, 06:03 PM
> I can't stand when they are hurt, especially my cats, I just freak out. Everyone is telling me not to bring her to the vet but I have to. I cannot leave her in pain like that. That is cruel! <

Now now.......... we never said NOT to take her in, we said it sounded like it didn't warrant an emergency visit. Which it didn't....... :D She had a little cut on her foot, and yes she was in a little pain.

When you have animals you have to learn to see the red alert situations and separate anxiety from fact. When my horses are injured you should see me! :):eek: Homer thinks I'm gonna have a heart attack. But I do know what is an emergency and what can wait. Now Jim turns into a puddle when his cat is hurting in any way. Constipated cats are not fun!

I must say I really enjoyed playing with Dylan. I had a blast! I forgot what it was like to have a young one around. All mine are old and moody now!

05-16-2004, 06:23 PM
Aw poor Cheetah. I sure hope she's doing better. Got any updates?

05-16-2004, 07:22 PM
Awwww! I hope Cheetah is feeling better. What's with the leg boo boo's lately? Cheetah and Pouncer and Pepper ?? :confused: Must be Spring Fever causing them to act more energetic.

05-16-2004, 09:48 PM
Originally posted by Marge
> I can't stand when they are hurt, especially my cats, I just freak out. Everyone is telling me not to bring her to the vet but I have to. I cannot leave her in pain like that. That is cruel! <

Now now.......... we never said NOT to take her in, we said it sounded like it didn't warrant an emergency visit. Which it didn't....... :D She had a little cut on her foot, and yes she was in a little pain.

When you have animals you have to learn to see the red alert situations and separate anxiety from fact. When my horses are injured you should see me! :):eek: Homer thinks I'm gonna have a heart attack. But I do know what is an emergency and what can wait. Now Jim turns into a puddle when his cat is hurting in any way. Constipated cats are not fun!

I must say I really enjoyed playing with Dylan. I had a blast! I forgot what it was like to have a young one around. All mine are old and moody now!

hehe I thought you were gonna think I was referring to you LOL, but I was referring to a friend of mine who is a pain in the butt! I was telling the vet about her. She told me not to take her to the vet at all, that I could just do it myself. She always says stupid stuff like this all the time and sometimes I wonder why I adopted my rats out to her. She is a friend, but geez, sometimes she is just annoying. Her thing was, "it's just a cat".

Dylan had SOOO much fun with you! He really liked that tickle game, hehe! What was it? Ankle, knee, tickle? hahaha I will have to play that when he gets home.

I remember when I caught Tin Tin's tail in the door. He is Cheetah's brother but lives at the house. Anyways, when he was about 9 months old I went to shut the door, and shit it hard! :eek: Well I shut it on his tail, and he had to have part of it amputated. :( I freaked out and he sceamed so loud and immediately ran and hid under the couch. I had to run out and catch Dan as he was leaving for work. I had never gone so hysterical over a cat until this happened. I was pregnant too to top it off, so even more emotional! :rolleyes: He had a very difficult recovery too, as the tech did not wrap the surgery site the right way and he got a major infection. It took about a month for him to heal. We got him neutered the same day, so he wasn't too happy with us. :p

Cheetah is doing great! The night after the vet visit she was acting a little dingy. I think the meds went to her head as she was really hyper like on catnip and her eyes were all dilated etc. I know she doesn't have worms now as I checked her poopies and they looked excellent. She's pretty much back to normal, except for the bald spot on her butt. :D

Ally Cat's Mommy
05-17-2004, 10:44 AM
Glad Cheetah is recovering well.

And Cass, IMHO you don't post NEARLY enough pics of your cats!!! Getting that new camera soon??????:D

05-17-2004, 10:46 AM
Originally posted by Ally Cat's Mommy
Glad Cheetah is recovering well.

And Cass, IMHO you don't post NEARLY enough pics of your cats!!! Getting that new camera soon??????:D

As a matter of fact, I am getting it today!!!! :D :D :D