View Full Version : My Cody's in SirJury

05-14-2004, 03:49 PM
My Cody needs your prayers. We went to Dr. Paul's today to have her chest cyst checked. If you remember, it was drained once but refilled after about a month. He was hesitant to aspirate it again as he fears constant draining will only aggrevate it and perhaps, cause infection. As long as it didn't grow much larger and wasn't bothering her, he wanted to take a wait and see approach and to come in if it got much larger. Then he would consider removing it surgically. (It's an encapsulated sac that keeps refilling)
We went today. He decided that as it looked so red and turgid and "angry," it would be best to remove it now. If she hadn't eaten this morning, he would have done it right then. Anyway, he wanted to do some pre op testing: Blood work, chest xray, abdominal xray (which struck me as odd, becasue that's not normally a part of the pre op protocol. He was to tell me later, that he "felt" something when he's was giving her the exam) Anyway, I was to leave her there and pick her up at 12pm, to return on Monday for the surgery. I went with Star to pick her up and I knew something was wrong the minute I walked into his room. They found a large abdominal mass on the xray, unrelated to the other chest cyst. Both he and Dr. Venezia believe there's a good chance it's benign but they want to go ahead with surgery immediately. They'll do an ultrasound first. It it looks operable, they'll go ahead. If not, he'll call me immediately to discuss other options.

He just called. They have her under and were in the process of doing the ultrasound. Bless his heart, he called me from the OR! He said it looks like a large cyst, fluid or blood filled, they can't tell. He did say that neither he nor Dr. V had ever seen one quite like this before. They don't know if they'll be able to remove it or not as it is very close to her kidney. He asked if I wanted them to proceed or if I wanted to take her for a second opinion at Tufts or Angell Memorial in Boston. I trust him so totally, that I said no, go ahead. He assured me that once they got in there, if he felt that it was too risky for them to remove it, he would close her up and we would take her up to Boston. The greatest risk is bleeding. Please pray for her. Her surgery should be over sometime around 4-5pm. I hope they can remove it safely. Poor Star is wandering around outside looking for her sister, moping. Keep your paws crossed for her please:)

Cinder & Smoke
05-14-2004, 04:01 PM
Hellow, GOD!!

Hi God ~ Sorrie, dint mean to *shout*...
We need HELP down here - rite Quick...

Kan You rush ober to da Hoppsbittle an Help wiff Cody's Sir Jury??

Oh... You're alreddy There?
Lil "touchie", but da White Coats are doing a great job...

All we kan do is Offer sum PT Prayers...
Well, OK, God -
We're all Praying az Hard as we kan!
Got allua Pawz & Klawz crossed, too!

Try to give a lil comfort to Mom, too.
Tel her You're onna case.


/s/ the Prayer Pups

05-14-2004, 04:02 PM
I just spoke with Dr. Paul. The wonderful, glorious, bestest news is that my Cody girl is out of sirjury and resting comfortably. Having worked for so many years in recovery, anesthesia complications are always my greatest fear!

The not so good news is that it is inoperable, as least realistically speaking. It is directly attached to the kidney and a couple of major vessels. He was hoping it would be on a stalk and easily dissected, but that's not the case; the risk of hemorrage is just too great. He was so disappointed that, in his words, "he couldn't help her."

But, the encouraging news is that there's a 50% chance that she was born with it and in such cases, many dogs live out long and happy lives with no untoward effects.

He also said that from visual inspection, he's almost 100% certain that it's not malignant. He even hesitated to take a biopsy or aspirate it for fear of bleeding. Her blood work was all within normal limits, her lungs and heart look fine, she's been eating, drinking, playing, etc. so that's further evidence that there's no disease process going on.

My options are....

Take her to Angell Memorial or Tufts U. Medical Center in Boston for a 2nd opinion and repeat ultrasound. I asked what they might see on a repeat ultra s. that 2 surgeons couldn't see on visual exam and he said, "nothing really." I think he just wanted to assure me that should I feel at all hesitant, I should not feel badly about getting a 2nd opinion. He said they would not open her up to do exploratory surgery and, under the best of circumstances, in the hands of the most skilled surgeon, the surgery is risky at best.

With his encouragement, I've opted to leave it be for now and we will do a repeat ultrasound at Paul's in one month's time to see if there are any changes. If so, we'll have to consider surgery at Tufts et al and weigh the risks.

Her chest cyst was removed! Gee, I almost forgot about that! That was how the day started, checking out her chest cyst! The day's such a blur and so much happened so fast...my head's spinning. When I was talking to Paul, I thought for a second, "I wonder if he remembered to remove that!!!" lol! He did:)

She may come home tomorrow, but in all liklihood he said she'll be there until Monday. He said the incision is extensive and she's going to be in some pain but they'll be giving her pain medication.

Thank you all for your prayers and positive thoughts. I know Cody appreciates them too! She's my angel (as opposed to her evil sister, Star you know:D) On a lighter note, speaking of Star, spazzy also came to the office this morning for a labicure, the most dreaded of ordeals! As usual, she was ment-o and it took me, Paul and gargantchuan woman to hold her down to do the dirty deed! Lord, you'd think she was dying!!! I wish I had a video of the procedure...legs and arms flying, eyes bugging out, panting. It's enough to make a mama cry. She looks at me as if to say, "SAAAAAAAAAAAAAVE ME!!!" lol! Funny thing is, she's fine with the back legs but "Oh no, don't touch my front paws!!!" It was the only laugh I had all day. We brought back to the office a big box of cookies and brownies and a personally pawed card from Star to say thanks and all Paul said was, "Oh, Star, you know I love you!" Isn't he sweet?

I don't know how I'd get throgh times like these without friends like you and wonderfully caring, compassionate docs like Paul. Please say a little prayer that Cody has a swift and complete recovery:) Thanks! Sandra

05-14-2004, 04:05 PM
Thanks Phred, Smokey, Cinder and of course, the big guy upstairs:) You worked your magic again, Phred:) You're the best! I'll keep ya updated! Like Cody, I think what I need now is a nap!:D

Holly's mom
05-14-2004, 04:07 PM
Prayers for Cody for a speedy recovery. And hugs for all of you. I hope everything will be o.k. It sounds like you have a wonderful vet, one that you can trust and know he will do the right thing for your pet. Keep us updated.

05-14-2004, 04:15 PM
Oh no! Not dear, special Cody!! Oh Sandra what an ordeal today was for you. I am so glad that she came through the Sirjury just fine, and we are praying that she won't have much pain. {Hugs to you and Star while you wait for Cody to come home}

Cinder & Smoke
05-14-2004, 04:18 PM

You'll keep a *sharp eye* on Cody whilst she's in
da Rekovery Room, won't You, God?

Really 'preciate You Help!
An kuld Ya pass an *AttaBoy* down to Doc Paul an
allua da Helperz!?

THANKS fur Your Help, God!!

/s/ the Prayer Pups

05-14-2004, 05:31 PM

Oh Sandra - you that's always first with sympathy when it's one of our furkids, is going through an awful time. You're in my thoughts and prayers special friend
I'm so relieved Sir Jury is over and at least you can - hopefully - get a little rest, and an extra big cuddle with Star.
I hope Cody manages a pain free week-end and should be OK if they keep up the pain meds., eh?

I'll be checking over the week-end to make sure recovery is going according to plan - 'night-'night, GodBless all Pet Talkers.

(Those dear Prayer Pups of ours sure have a way with their Hot Line don't they - neck scritchies across the miles Cinder and Smoke. xxx


05-14-2004, 05:33 PM
Sandra, you have had a very big day, just as Cody has too! I am so happy to hear Cody had the cyst removed, and his surgery went so well!

I know you will be on pins and needles until he gets home to you. You and Cody and the rest of the gang are in my thoughts and prayers.


05-14-2004, 05:40 PM
Aw, Sandra,
Prayers have been flying fast and furious from here for you and sweet Cody. Even the cats have had all paws crossed. I think I'll give them a tiny break. They all assure me they need to visit the litter boxes!!!!

Will you be able to call and check on her tomorrow? I hope she will be up and doing fine. With the Prayer Pups on the job, how could she not?

Prayers will continue until she is all better and back home!
(I bet Star will be lonesome without her sis this weekend!)

05-14-2004, 05:48 PM
Thanks so much everyone, for your loving words. Cody's such a sweetheart and gentle soul and tho the "alpha," (don't tell Star that!) she rules with a velvet paw:) Not a mean bone in that girl's body! I'll let you know how she's doing tomorrow and when I visit her, I'll be sure and pass along all of your well wishes:) I for one am one tired mama and will be hitting the hay very soon. Oh, when will the sun finally go down!!!

05-14-2004, 06:22 PM
Oh Sandra,
I was shocked to hear about Cody going in for
But so glad that all went well.
We are sending so many get well recovery wishes
for her and that she live a full loooooong life.

Sheba sends oodles of AKita hugs and Rocky is sending
losts of slopy messy kisses.

Hugs Karen

05-14-2004, 07:21 PM
Wow Sandra, I'm so surprised at all you've been going through
today.:( Such worry. I am however very glad to hear that Cody's
resting peacefully now. I do hope she recovers quickly. :)

Hope your evening is calm & restful for you & for Cody. Prayers
on the way for you both. :)

p.s. The description of Star & the nail clipping was so funny. Poor
Star probably doesn't think so. :D

05-15-2004, 12:57 AM
Prayers on the way for sweet sweet Cody!!!
WHAT a day for you!!!

05-15-2004, 01:17 AM
AW POOR CODY. I'm so sorry you've had to go through so much, but so many people love you and are praying for you that I just know you'll have a great recovery and a long and happy life. You're so strong Cody. My thoughts are with you and I hope I keep getting updates.

05-15-2004, 07:54 AM
Sandra, so sorry that Cody had to go to surgery. Sounds like you and your Vet are on top of this and doing all the right things for her. Our prayers go out to you both.

05-15-2004, 08:42 AM
Sandra I'm so sorry--I'm just seeing this now:(

I'm glad to hear that the surgery went well, and I hope that Cody heals just fine. She is so lucky to have such a wonderful mommy, and you're both so lucky to have a caring and wonderful doctor.

I hope she continues to heal, and that there will be no complications from the surgery, and that all is well.

Please give her some gentle kisses from me when you see her, and give her lonely sister Star some kisses too!!

I'll be keeping you all in my prayers:)

05-15-2004, 11:35 AM
Dear Sandra,
I only saw your posting right now. I'm so sorry sweet Cody had to have surgery, but I'm happy to know she's recovering and should be home soon. Your vet sounds like a wonderful person and you are a wonderful mom. Between the two of you, Cody will have the best care that love can give.
Prayers and healing thoughts are going your way with many hugs.
Alicia and Carina

05-15-2004, 02:01 PM
Oh Sandra, you must have been so worried:(
But I'm glad to hear that she's recovering from her sirjury.
We'll be sending good vibes your way that all keeps going well:)

{{{{Hugs}}}} and doggie kisses

Anna, Angus, Roxey & Huney

05-15-2004, 02:46 PM
Just wondering if Cody got to come home today or if the decision was to keep her there until Monday? I know you won't rest until she is back in the fold. Doesn't the house seem so very strange with one of them gone? We are thinking of you. I'm still in a state of shock that something of this magnitude has come up so quickly.

05-15-2004, 09:05 PM
I am in hopes that you had a good visit with Cody today, Sandra, and that she will be able to come home tomorrow. I think you mentioned that in your email.

Lots of prayers and love headed your way. Update us when you can.


05-15-2004, 09:16 PM
Sadie and I send our biggest hugs and kisses to you and Star baby. I really do hope you recovers soon. Poor sweetheart, sorry that you have to go throught this, Sandra. I love you, sweet shining Star!

05-15-2004, 09:18 PM
Sadie and I send our biggest hugs and kisses to you and Star baby. I really do hope you recovers soon. Poor sweetheart. I love you, sweet shining Star!

05-15-2004, 09:30 PM
I just saw this!!!!!
I am glad that Sweet Cody is in recovery...Please know that our thoughts and prayers are with you,Sweet Cody & Beautiful Star
Please keep us updated....

And Big Thanks to those Prayer Pups!!!

05-16-2004, 03:58 PM
I don't know what else to say right now exept for my wishes that Cody is gaining back her strength and not in any pain.

Miss Meow
05-16-2004, 04:38 PM
What a dreadful experience for you and Cody :(

Please let us know how Cody is going today. I hope she's recovering and can come home soon :)

05-16-2004, 04:52 PM
Dear Cody, please get better quickly! We are praying for you and your Mom (and your sister, too). How very scary it is for you right now. Please update us, Sandra, when you have a chance. We are on pins and needles with you. {{{HUGS}}}!

05-16-2004, 05:12 PM
Oh, Sandra, I have only just seen this. I so hope Cody is doing ok. Sending positive thoughts and prayers that she is.


05-16-2004, 05:29 PM
My Cody is home. I had one very upsetting moment as she was discharged. The vet tech brought her out from the back and of course I yelped and cried and grabbed her and kissed her. The tech (a very sweet, young girl) handed me the leash and with the saddest face said, "I'm so sorry. Take her home and enjoy her while you can." Well, I burst into tears and said, "What are you talking about???" "That's not what I was told!" She said, "Oh really, that's great" But of course, my first thought was that someone was lying to me. Dr. Paul was off and the 2 who were there were either in surgery or with patients. I had to wait until I got home to call and speak with someone. Dr. McFarland assured me that she had been in and out of the surgery, seen it all, talked with Paul, and everything he told me she recounted as well. She asked me the girl's name. I hesitated because I didn't want to get her in trouble:( She meant well, trying to comfort me. But, she said she misspoke and should never have said that to me. She must have based her comments on the fact that it's "inoperable," but perhaps she was unaware of the fact that it is in all liklihood benign. In my years of nursing, I know how easy it is to misspeak. I hope she didn't get yelled at:(

My Cody is very, very uncomfortable. She's been trying to lie down, but only makes it 3/4 of the way then stands up. She's wimpering, pacing, pawing, wanting to go out (leash only for 2 weeks) then back in and then the whole routine repeats. I know she's exhausted and wants to rest but can't.

She has two huge incisions, one straight down her underside, from under her front legs to her hind legs, almost 12" long and one down her side, about 6" It must be so painful to lie down:( I offered her her bed, a towel on the floor, a comforter, nothing seems to entice her. The vet who discharged her (Dr. Paul was off today) said perhaps just the bare floor with the towel would be best, as anyting itchy or rough might irritate the suture lines. They told me to give her 2 buffered aspirin; hopefully that will help. She did eat and is drinking water and sh went potty # 1 and 2, so that's good.

Star was so happy to see her sister, silly girl. She did spins and twirlies and kissed her all over! Of course she gave the sniff over, you know, all of those STRANGE smells!:D But she seems to know that she needs to be gentle with her and Cody is patient with her. No cone! And she's not touching her suture lines either, good girl! I can't wait to talk again with Dr. Paul. I have so many questions to go over with him once again; our last chat was at the height of so much emotion and I wasn't thinking clearly. My greates t fear is that the large cyst attached to her kidney will rupture:( But for now I'm just happy to have my baby home. Hopefully we both can get some rest soon because I'm exhausted; I know Cody is.

Thank you all SO much for you kind words and support and sweet thoughts for my sweet baby girl. I'll let you know how she's doing over the week.


Sandra and Cody:)

05-16-2004, 08:52 PM
I am so sorry I only saw this now, but am really glad she is home safe and sound with you.

Get well soon, Cody girl. Love and {{{{{{{hugs}}}}}} across the miles.

05-16-2004, 09:07 PM
Thank you for the update on Cody. I am so sorry that she has been so uncomfortable. Here's hoping that the healing process will accelerate and Cody will be back to normal. I do hope that this won't be a rough night for you. You both need your rest. We are sending love vibes to the patient.

05-16-2004, 09:09 PM
Oh Sandra, I know that the tech's words must have sent you reeling. I'm glad you followed up with the vet and will continue to do so. Dr. Paul will be honest with you, I'm sure, and I know you will feel better after you have spoken with him, directly.

Cody is in our prayers. I would wish for something stronger to help her relax and get through her pain. What drastic incisions she has!

I hope you both get some rest tonight. Something tells me that you won't, but hopefully at least she will.

Much love from our family to yours.


05-16-2004, 11:50 PM
Oh Sandra, I just saw this thread now. :( I'm so sorry to hear about Cody's situation. She will definitely be in my prayers. Please keep us updated.


05-17-2004, 02:48 AM
Oh dear!

What a saddening situation. I do hope that the girl at the Vet's office got spoken to, not yelled at, but just so she realized NOT to scare someone like that.

And I DO hope that Cody is back to "normal" and feeling better ASAP.

Cody, you gorgeous girl, hang in there and be good for momma. Limit yourself so you don't cause any stress for your momma or your sir-jury wounds. Get some good shut-eye in, and let momma do the same. Tell that beautiful sister of yours to be good too! Okay? Good girl.

{{*Hugs to you, *Star***Shine* and Cody girl!}}}

Sara luvs her Tinky
05-17-2004, 06:01 AM
{{{{{{{Sandra and Cody}}}}}}}

I am praying for you guys!...

Hope you are getting some good rest so you can be back to normal soon!! We love you and want you to get better!...:)

05-17-2004, 06:56 AM
Sandra thank you for the update. I know you were probably so tired and frazzled at the end of the day yesterday and do appreciate so much your taking the time to check in. I had no idea Cody's incisions would be so large! :( I can just picture the poor sweetie trying to find a way to lay down where it wouldn't stretch and tug at those sutures. I hope it won't be too long before that initial discomfort starts to improve. I hope also that you got some rest too. I would imagine that you might have caught a wink on the floor beside Cody. Our thoughts are with you and Cody today and we are sending our very best Get Well wishes to your girl. :)

05-17-2004, 07:11 AM
Thinking of you and Cody this morning. How is the sweetie doing? I hope she is feeling better. Update, please, when you can. Hugs.

05-17-2004, 09:10 AM
Hi everbuddy, Cody Girl here:) Meez feelin' much better today! My tail's waggin' and I slept all night long onna floor wif my mom! Boy, wuz I tired! I had a good breakfast and did potty and now I'm ready fer a short nappy den mom's takin me for a short walk. Me and my mommy thank you all so much for thinkin' bout me:) If I could, I'd give each an everyone one of you a big, slurpy kiss! Here' my mom!

Cody finally fell asleep around 9:30! Till then, she had not laid down once since noontime:( Finally, I got her to sit in front of me and I petted her face, rubbed her ears and neck. Her eyes started closing, her mouth opened (drooling:D) and her hind legs started sliding out to the side. I gently slid her down to a blanket and onto her "good" side and she fell sound asleep! It was the sweetest thing, but broke my heart to think how tired she was to have fallen asleep sitting up! She woke up with Star at 5am with a play bow!!!:eek: (Then a little yelp; that musta hurt!) But she's laying down regularly now, so I think she's feeling lots better:) She even let out her first little bark to go out! Thank you all from the bottom of my heart for your loving thoughts, prayers and well wishes. They mean the world to me:) Check in tomorrow! Love, Sandra

05-17-2004, 09:33 AM
Thank you so much for the update Sandra! I've been thinking about your Cody all weekend.

I hope she heals up fast. :) *HUGS*

05-17-2004, 09:35 AM
What a great update, Sandra and Cody!!! :D :D :D

I sort of figured "Mom" would be sleeping next to Cody last night. I'm so glad she got good rest. She sounds like she is 100% better this morning!!! Yippee!!!! :) :)

We're still hoping and praying that things will be just fine for a long, long time for Cody!!!!

Logan, Honey, Lilly, Murphy, Zipper, Butter, Mimi, Roger and Milly (who is sitting on two new eggs :rolleyes: )

05-17-2004, 09:38 AM
Sandra, I read your first post and it broke my heart to know that Cody was in such pain that she could not lay down. That was such a large incision, my goodness.
I just now read your follow up and I'm so glad she finally got some rest after a nice massage from you, it does help a lot and I do that every night to our dogs. I'm sure you are exhausted as well. It was wonderful to hear Cody woke up and felt somewhat like her ole self. I hope you both get some rest today.
Lots of hugs going to Cody and Star as well and take care of yourself.
Jackie, Perry and Daisy

05-17-2004, 11:48 AM
Boy, the things I miss when I don't check pettalk on the weekend!! I am glad Cody is feeling better. What a scare!!!! I'll keep you all in my prayers.

05-17-2004, 12:17 PM
Sandra, I just read your PM and came to this thread to find out the good news about Cody. It sounds like the worst is over and she's on her way to a quick and full recovery. You'll both need a good rest for the next couple of days. Carina and I send you and Cody many loving thoughts and will remain in our prayers. Of course, a hug to Star too.

05-17-2004, 01:23 PM
I'm feeling a bit sentimental and just had to post a few pios of my sweet girl. I can't upload at the moment, so these pics are a year or two old. If you've already seen them, sorry:o

Relaxing in the day lillies!:D

Pretty blue eyes!

Belly rub, please! (That poor belly now:()


Kona & Oreo's mom
05-17-2004, 02:29 PM
Aw, she is a special girl. Her pictures are lovely. I'll be thinking of her and wishing for her quick recovery.

05-17-2004, 03:48 PM
Oh Cody is such a Cutie!!!! I am soooooo glad to hear that she is doing much better today and had a good night's sleep!!!!!!! Wooohooooo, Cody. I am hoping that she feels all better quickly!!!
Hugs, slurps and wags,
Sue, Killian and Shiloh

05-17-2004, 07:16 PM
Hi Ms. Cody girl.

So glad you are feeling better and you had
a good breakfast.
Wow! you must be feeling better to have awoken
up at 5 a.m. ready to play. lol

Mommy is sending her love and we are
sending more slurpey kisses your way.

Sheba and Rocky

05-17-2004, 07:53 PM

Thanks for sharing them with us - in no time she will be offering up her tummy for rubs ...............

05-17-2004, 08:11 PM
What an ordeal poor Cody!!! Glad to hear you are starting to feel better!! We'll be thinking of you :)

05-17-2004, 09:16 PM
I was just thinking about Cody this evening & hoping everything was going well. I'm glad to hear it is:D

I love that you posted some pics of her, she's just a gorgeous girl!

Hopefully we'll get to see some new ones soon;)

{{{{HUGS}}} to you Cody (and to you too Sandra:))!

05-18-2004, 07:32 AM
Oh Sandra i have only just seen this now, i am glad Cody is doing better and got a bit of sleep. The photos are beautiful such a sweetie. :)

Prayers are on the way for Cody, Star and Mama. {{{Hugs}}}

05-18-2004, 09:07 AM
How did Cody and you sleep last night?? Hope it was a good night. Killi and Shi send their wags and I send a scritch!!

05-18-2004, 09:37 AM
Well, Miss Cody slept well! As usual, it was my moring glory, Star, that woke us all up at 4:45 am with the first birdie chirps, lol! Cody's eating and pottying and staying away from her zippers, so that's good!

Last night, around 9:30pm, Dr. Paul called, but we mised him as we were taking the girls out for one last walk:( Bless his heart! It was that late and he was still in the office and just wanted to check in to see how we all were doing. He was so sweet and reassuring. But what really made me feel awful, was that he went on and on, apologizing for Heidi, the vet tech that mistakeningly told me that Cody's condition was terminal:( I never wanted her to get "yelled at" and he assured me that he didn't. He said she's such a good vet tech and kind young lady and was only trying to comfort me, though mistakingly so. I never wanted to even mention her name, but the Dr. on call made me, assuring me she wouldn't get in trouble. Still, I feel awful. She was the one who helped that day with Star's manicure/death scene performance and was so patient and sweet. Ugh. Anyway, we'll be seeing him in about 1 1/2 weeks to have the sutures removed and will talk then about how we're going to monitor the growth, monthly ultrasounds, etc. I know he said he was almost 100% sure it was benign, but stilll, without being able to biopsy it, I'll never know for sure. And there's the fear of it rupturing:( But for now, I'm just so grateful to have her home and feeling ok. We'll take it a day at a time!:) Cody sends lots and lots of happy tail wags and slurpy licks to all of her kind friends! We appreciate your support so much!!! Love, Sandra and Cody

05-18-2004, 10:01 AM
Your "morning glory" and Murphy could have kept each other company at 5 am this morning, Sandra!! Heck, I was up too, so Star and I could have played ball or something!!! Ha Ha!!! Right after Murphy woke up so early, which is very unusual, I heard a loud BANG and it was Butter, who was outside, climbing up the screen on my sliding door in the bedroom and it was off the track and fell with him on it! His eyes were as big as saucers and that BANG set Honey and the others off to barking! What a wild house this is at times. I think Star would fit right in!!!! ;)

So glad Cody had a good night, once again. And your vet sounds wonderful, and so caring. That's what we all need and I have come to expect it. I told Dr. R this morning that he is not allowed to retire. :p I can't imagine having another one as good as he is.

Hugs to your girls! Maybe you need a nap!!!! :D

05-18-2004, 10:31 AM
Well, Ladies, I could have also joined you this morning at 4:45, when Miss Shiloh decided that she wanted to go potty early today. She usually lets me sleep til 6:00. :rolleyes:

Glad to hear that Cody had a good night and seems to be feeling better. Woohoo!

05-18-2004, 11:22 AM
Oh Cody... *swoon* We just don't see enough of you! *BELLY RUBS* :D

05-18-2004, 11:36 AM
Thanks for the update and the pictures of beautiful Cody. I don't think I had seen them before. It's so wonderful to know she's feeling much better.:D Isn't it great when you have a vet that is so caring and understanding. You know she's in good hands.
Hugs and kisses to the girls.

05-18-2004, 02:53 PM
So glad are Cody girl, and you got some rest and she is feeling better. Soon, she will be wanting that tummy rubbed again. YOU GO, CODY GIRL!!!
The cats send tons of cat kisses to you and her!:D

05-18-2004, 03:11 PM
Yes, thank you from us too. What a relief that she is continuing to recover as she is. I do believe the *coming home* was just the tonic she needed. Hannah is practicing her *healing paw* therapy and put it on Cody's picture.

In our house, I was the one up at 4:45 am (anxious about another dental appt. at 7:00 am) and the dogs didn't necessarily appreciate it either.

05-18-2004, 03:21 PM
That's a switch, the doggies getting upset about Mom disturbing their sleep:D

05-18-2004, 04:49 PM
Sandra I am so glad to see an update. I was hoping for one! It is sounding good to me for sure. Cody is certainly a resilient young lady. :) It's too bad you missed the vet's phone call but just the fact that you were all out walking I know will be good news for him to hear! I hope that Star will let you both get just a bit more shut-eye tonight and into the wee hours as well. :) There must have been a full moon last night or something because Bella was up repeatedly to take sips of water and in turn kept waking me up. Unfortunately she doesn't sip so ladylike! SLURP! SLURP! OK we had the a/c temporarily turned off and I guess she was warm. Tonight should be better since she got all of her locks shaved today and should be a much cooler pupster. ;) Logan your description of your early morning today had me laughing out loud. I would have loved to see the expression on Butter Boy's face! LOL! Never a dull moment for sure!! Sweet dreams to all of you tonight with wild and crazy households and continued Get Well wishes for Cody!

05-19-2004, 11:32 AM
Originally posted by tatsxxx11
That's a switch, the doggies getting upset about Mom disturbing their sleep:D

I had to laugh at that comment, Sandra, because that's the way it's always been in my house for the last 10 years. I get up very early, Carina voices her complaint and goes to sleep in another room until I'm ready to go downstairs.;)
How's sweet Cody doing today?

05-19-2004, 12:12 PM
Cody's doing VERY well Alicia:D:D:D She's back to her perky self, wanting to run off and romp in the yard with sister Star! But she still needs to be leashed walked, for another week and a half. But as far as the surgery is concerned, she appears to be making a full recovery. Next week, when the sutures are removed, Dr. Paul will talk to me about how we will monitor the growth on her kidney. For now, I'm just thrilled that she's feeling better:)

But, as if all this were not enough.....well, let's just say that my little diva Star simply will not be upstaged! Last night, as my husband and I were leaving to clebrate our anniversary with a nice dinner, we came into the kitchen to find that Star had gotten into the trash compactor (SOMEONE left it ajar) and had consumed an entire chicken carcass; the WHOLE THING!:eek::( Well, there went dinner, (ours, at least!) and reactivated was our hotline to the vet's! They assured me that usually they do a good job at crushing all the bones, the main concern being blockage...vomiting and constipation, or diarrhea:( Watch her was the order. Well, I did that, all night long! Little scamp went straight to sleep and didn't blink for 9 hours! She made poopies today like normal this morning and was ready for a full breakfast:rolleyes: But until tomorrow, she's on a plain diet, half portions and more montioring. This is one tired furmom!:D Thanks for checking in Alicia and Carina! And oh, wouldn't I love to have a doggie that likes to sleep in! lol!

05-19-2004, 12:19 PM
Happy Anniversary!!!!

Glad to hear that Cody is doing so well!

Hehehehe, so Star was a "naughty dog" !!! Glad she's doing ok, too! It never ends, does it?? LOL

05-19-2004, 12:38 PM
Hey Sue:D You know, I shouldn't have expected anyting less from the "queen!" Thank GOODNESS Cody was sleeping on the porch while the dirty deed was being done. I had closed the door to the kitchen so Star wouldn't disturb her. The last thing she would have needed was to get sick from eating chicken bones...like worst case, perforated GI tract! Please give dear Killi and Shiloh a big hug and kiss for me, ok? (Star says she would have loved to have had Killi over to share in her feast!:D)

05-19-2004, 12:48 PM
Hehehe, Killi would have loved to share the chicken with Shining Star***!!! I'm glad she is having no ill effects from it. In the past, Killi (on pred) has eaten a whole bag of strawberry candy and some chocolate Hershey Kisses (with wrappers). The only ill effects were RED poops (sorry) and foil. LOL

05-19-2004, 01:16 PM
Well, for goodness sake, Sandra, I didn't know it was your anniversary! Sounds like Star wanted to keep you home for your celebration!!!! :eek:

Gee Whiz, hope you and JT have the opportunity to celebrate tonight, now that everything is ok with that silly girl!!!! :D

How many years???

05-19-2004, 01:30 PM
20!!!!!!! God, it feels like a lifetime. I think it is! lol!

05-20-2004, 04:57 AM
Sandra, I am just catching up here on PT and am so happy to read how well Cody is doing. :D And thanks for posting the pictures, she is so very beautiful! :)

Keeping her in my prayers.

05-20-2004, 04:58 AM
(Belated) Happy Anniversary!! :D

05-20-2004, 05:52 AM
Good Girl, Cody. I couldn't be happier than to know you are feeling better and better every day and eager to get back into your play routine, but you be careful. We can't have you busting a stitch or anything. And we've decided we are just going to pray for that little thingie inside you to just shrivel up and go back to wherever it came from.

Star, I think you had a motive to your chicken bone escapade. A whole carcass :eek: is quite an impressive treat, but getting mom and dad to spend their anniversary with you is even better. But you know, I don't think it was worth the worry you put your mom through. So you might want to take a bit of time to ponder all the ramifications before your next Star project. One zippered dog in the house is just about all Mom can handle at one time.

05-20-2004, 09:08 AM
Originally posted by Rachel
And we've decided we are just going to pray for that little thingie inside you to just shrivel up and go back to wherever it came from.

I believe in miracles. I will join you in that prayer.

05-21-2004, 06:50 AM
Happy Anniversary Sandra. :D

I am so happy to hear Cody is doing so well, the prayers are still coming your way. :)

And Star is was shocked a whole chicken carcas, Oh my. I hope you continue to feel well and have no ill effects.

05-21-2004, 06:57 AM
I'm glad Cody's doing well! All those prayers must have worked.

05-22-2004, 12:23 AM
Soooooo ssoooooo glad Cody is doing good and back to her normal self!!:D :cool:

05-22-2004, 09:18 AM
How's that zipper doing, Cutie Cody?? Is it itchy yet? Are you leaving it alone? I sure hope so! Hey Star****, how's your stomach feeling after the encounter with the chicken? Hope you're good, too. Hugs to Sandra for taking care of these lucky dogs!!!

05-24-2004, 01:17 PM
Cody here...I'm doing great Aunt Sue:) My zipper's a little itchy but I'm being good, leaving it alone most the time, though Star sometimes gives it a cleaning:D I go on Thrus. to have the stitches removed! Woo hoo! As for sister Star, she didn't even belch once after downing that chicken carcass! She's got a gut of iron, my mom says!

How are our pals Killi and Shiloh doing??? We're all keeping our paws crossed for you guys. Have your mom update us when she can.

I'll check in after my visit to the white coats!
Love and slurpy licks!

05-24-2004, 02:01 PM
:) :D That is my way of saying I'm glad Cody and Star are both doing fine!!!!! :)

05-24-2004, 02:30 PM
Cody, glad to hear you are doing better. :) Gigi says hi. :D

05-24-2004, 04:57 PM
We are so glad to hear that Cody and Star*** are doing fine! Cutie Cody, you are such a GOOD girl for leaving those stitches alone!!!! Star***, glad there are no ill effects of that chicken feast!!

Thanks for asking about Killi and Shi. Shi goes to the vet on Wednesday. She has a lump to be looked at.
Killi had an incident of major incoordination, but he recovered and has been fine since. (Don't know what happened there, couldn't catch his balance, til I held him.)

05-24-2004, 06:37 PM
Shiloh has a lump???:confused: Killi's lost his balance:( Sue, please let us know what the vet says on Wed. Where is Shiloh's lump? I hope and pray it's just a fluid cyst or fatty tumor. Killian, Cody wants you to know that sometimes she gets wobbly too. Isn't it great to have your mommy there to catch you:) I hope it was onlly a temporary misstep, sweet Killian:) We all send you all our love, lots of hugs and big, slurpy licks to our bestest pals, Kiilian and Shiloh:)

05-24-2004, 08:47 PM
Originally posted by tatsxxx11
Shiloh has a lump???:confused: Where is Shiloh's lump?

It's on her cheek (side of her face?), not on her snout. Strange place for a lump, I think. She's the one who had one on her leg in another strange place before. :confused:

Slurps and wags from Killi, Shiloh and me (hugs from me, LOL)