View Full Version : Advice please - outside only dog

Ally Cat's Mommy
05-14-2004, 04:58 AM
Please can you give me some advice....

Yesterday AM I left my housing compound and the security guard had a puppy tied to a tree outside the gate. It had food, water and shade, but I was still worried about it, so I asked who it belonged to and they siad it had been running around outside and barking a lot, so they tied it up.

I have checked with my shelter and no puppy has been reported missing in my area.

I took him into my garden, gave him food and water etc, and arranged for the shelter to collect him to give him all his inoculations, tick and flea dip etc and keep him until Saturday.

I have an option to keep him, but he would be outside-only. I CANNOT have a dog in the house. Of course he would have shade, a kennel, a water trough to jump in and cool off, quite a large garden etc, but in summer the outside temperture is over 120 degrees F!!!

If I don't keep him he will stay at the high-kill shelter (also outside but only a concrete floor - no grass) UNTIL (or IF) he is homes, otherwise he will be put to sleep. Of course there are hundreds of dogs here who live outside in these high temperatures without the benefit of fresh water and shade!

So the choices are:

Keep him as OUTSIDE ONLY
Leave him at the shelter and hope that he finds a better home than I can offer.


05-14-2004, 05:20 AM
What a sweet face!!!

I have never been crazy about outdoor only dogs, however, I do know that some are very, very happy and would actually prefer to be outside.

I think providing a loving home even if it is outside is a better option then a high kill shelter. Becuase I know you would give him the shade and water and food he needs, I think you should keep him.
Maybe you could ask around or see if there is someone else intersted that would be able to make him an indoor dog, but with just the options of high-kill or with you, I say keep him!

05-14-2004, 06:45 AM
After seeing that face I could not turn him in. It only takes a minute for me to get "hooked." I think maybe if you took him in you might be able to find hime a good home for him yourself. If not, well you have one super cute outside doggie of your own! ;)

05-14-2004, 06:52 AM
Where are you located? Is there not a rescue organization you could call? OUTSIDE in 120 degrees with no water or shelter or shade? :eek: There has to be another option if you have the time to seek one. This breaks my heart.:(

05-14-2004, 06:53 AM
Ohhhh look at that face! I don't think I could turn him in. I think him being an outside dog is much better than possibly being put to sleep. Who knows maybe someone you know is looking for a dog!

05-14-2004, 07:39 AM
I would keep him for now, and maybe post ads in the newspaper for "Found Dog" and if that doesn't work then try posting ads in the paper and petfinder.com for him and see if someone else doesn't want to adopt him! Make sure he has some shade :-)

05-14-2004, 07:49 AM
what a cutie! I agree with the others, I would suggest that you keep him and look for an indoor home for him, where he would feel more a part of the family. There may be someone out there looking for a beauty like him. With his/her good looks, it shouldn't be too difficult. Good luck!

Ally Cat's Mommy
05-14-2004, 08:52 AM
Originally posted by lbaker
Where are you located? Is there not a rescue organization you could call? OUTSIDE in 120 degrees with no water or shelter or shade? :eek: There has to be another option if you have the time to seek one. This breaks my heart.:(

Thanks to everyone for their advice!!!

I am in Bahrain (Middle East). There is ONE shelter and it is high-kill. He will have shade and plenty of water, but unfortunately that is the best I can do for him. If he goes to the shelter he will have shade and water, outside in a concrete yard with dozens of other dogs:(

I am NOT taking the decision lightly - it will involve a large cost of my part to FENCE IN my garden which is currently open, and construct shading etc, plus buy a trough, kennel etc plus cover his vet costs.

The choices are:
High-kill shelter or outside "pet".

He will be walked every day, and the kids can play with him in the yard after school. It also puts a huge financial burden on me when I leave here, to transport him back to South Africa, as I have always said I will never leave a pet behind.

05-14-2004, 08:56 AM
What a sweet face.

I concur that him being your outside dog would be much better than a fate at the shelter. That way you could try finding him a new home. :)

05-14-2004, 09:08 AM
I agree - keep him yourself as a foster dog, then work on finding him a good home. What a sweet face! Surely someone (else) will see his picture and fall in love ...

He looks a lot like a Smooth Collie - but that may just be the pictures ...

Can you make a flyer and put it at all local vets offices?

05-14-2004, 10:32 AM
Oh my gosh I am hooked! he is such a sweet looking pup! I would keep him vers. the high kill shelter. Keeping him as a foster dog would be great too. The best of luck, if you lived closer would come & get him!

05-14-2004, 10:55 AM
I think you should keep him! Keeping a dog outside is doesn't make you a bad dog owner. Just make sure he gets lots of love and attention - and shelter and water of course! ^_^

...funny that so far in the poll 100% of people said to keep him as an outside dog, but before when people have said they have an outdoor dog people jumped down their throats and told them to bring their dog inside or to the pound. :rolleyes:

05-14-2004, 12:05 PM
Originally posted by wolfie
funny that so far in the poll 100% of people said to keep him as an outside dog, but before when people have said they have an outdoor dog people jumped down their throats and told them to bring their dog inside or to the pound. :rolleyes:[/B]
It is generally unacceptable to have an outside only pet, when NO other option exists.

If there is only one outcome, outside in garden versus outside in high kill shelter, people pick the most humane option.

But keeping any pet outside only is cruel, when they have the chance to be inside (or inside/outside IMO) either at no-kill shelters OR rehoming to an inside home.


Go with your heart, if you can afford to keep him safe and sound, who are we to argue. :D

A cheeky question, can't the doggie come inside at your house ? (After a proper introduction with the kitty kats of course)

Ally Cat's Mommy
05-14-2004, 12:30 PM
Originally posted by PayItForward
It is generally unacceptable to have an outside only pet, when NO other option exists.

If there is only one outcome, outside in garden versus outside in high kill shelter, people pick the most humane option.

But keeping any pet outside only is cruel, when they have the chance to be inside (or inside/outside IMO) either at no-kill shelters OR rehoming to an inside home.


Go with your heart, if you can afford to keep him safe and sound, who are we to argue. :D

A cheeky question, can't the doggie come inside at your house ? (After a proper introduction with the kitty kats of course)

To answer both points above:

1) I was refreshed by the open-mindedness of the responses, taking the circumstances and available options for the dog into account. I WAS worried about getting flamed, so thanks everyone for being so understanding.

2) The dog can't come inside because that is the condition which my husband has stipulated. He has been totally against having pets here, as he knows how expensive it will be to re-locate them. Three years ago he agreed to take Ally in, and last year when Connor was on "Death Row"at the high-kill shelter, he relented and agreed to cat #2. They also have restrictions - they have their own "bedroom" (the kitchen) and are not allowed in the lounge or dining room at all. Small price to pay for having them in my life!

I don't want to turn this into a debate about equality in marraige or anything, the fact is that he LOVES dogs, but is not prepared to have ANYTHING messing up the house (the cats are restricted to certain areas, the kids clean up after themselves, and a dog will not be allowed inside). I am grateful that I have the cats, and would be able to at least give this dog a home, albeit NOT inside the house.

I would of course be only too happy to give the dog up to a good inside/outside home but I must be realistic. I will never place a "free to a good home" ad - there is a lot of dog-fighting and cock-fighting etc here in Bahrain. People will not pay for a "pavement special" dog. I will do my best through my animal welfare contacts to find him a home, but I will offer him the best that I can.

Cinder & Smoke
05-14-2004, 02:33 PM
HEY! "OUTSIDE" a Loving Home is NOT such a bad "deal"! ;)

We "Adopted" Arrow an handsome ~9 mo Shepherd/Husky? Mix from the County Pound to be "just a watch-dog" after the new house got broken into.

Fancee *Insulated* Dawg Howze (with overhanging roof / observation post / patio roof, raised floor, heavy Rug Front Door, attached water buckit, and a Variety of floor coverings & bedding). *NICE* Place! And with a *View* - he lived beside the driveway with a good view of the road and close enough to the BigHouse that he NEVER was "forgotten"...

You had about 4.5 minutes from arriving Home to let him *OFF* his chain... At 5 minutes he started to *YAP*; at 5.5 minutes he was in *Full BARK Mode*! NEVER left the yard or pastures (well, almost never... had a *thing* for Kids... if he wasn't Home - he was 4 doors down the street playing with the pre-teen Kids :rolleyes: )

Oh - I should add - he started out as an OUTside ONLY Dawg -
"just a *watch dawg*"...

Yeah, right...
He had his choice at night and weekends -
in OR out ;) -
too :eek: HOT in the house - and he'd *ask* to sleep out (chained for his safety).

Off to work or shopping?
Happie as a Klam he'd jump onto his Observation Post /roof, accept the chain, give a *Kiss*, and go ON Duty...
NObody even slowed down in front of the house without him going into **FULL ALERT** with a serious *BARK* that lasted till the *intruder* was sent on his way!

I could tell a thousand ARROW, the Guard Dawg Tails... :D ...
Rest In Peace, lil Buddie - You're gone :( but NEVER to be forgotten! ;)

The POINT ??

MANY Dogs can and DO live VERY Happie Lives
as outside only or "limited" inside dogs...

If New Pup minds his *Pees* an *phoos* -
and gets some basic Obedience Training - Hubby just might
*warm up* to him and invite him in...

And life In the Garden :) doesn't sound so bad to me!

/s/ Phred

05-14-2004, 02:35 PM
Just keep plenty of water and shade and it should be okay, maybe you could get a mister.

05-14-2004, 02:55 PM
I do NOT think it is okay to keep him outside, even if he has shade and water. 120 is HIGH, even in the shade -- VERY hot.
If it's going to be temporarily while you find him a new home -- that's okay. But 'living' outside, in my opinion, is NOT okay.
Is there some way the shelter can 'list' him as an adoptable pet, as in to 'get him out there' so people can see him if they're looking for a dog.. but live with you as a foster?

Why is he not able to come inside? The kitties?
Know of any friends/relatives who want an -inside- doggie?

Originally posted by wolfie

...funny that so far in the poll 100% of people said to keep him as an outside dog, but before when people have said they have an outdoor dog people jumped down their throats and told them to bring their dog inside or to the pound. :rolleyes:

This is a far different story. :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

05-14-2004, 03:01 PM
Obviously indoors would be the best option but if it came down between than and that sweet face being put to sleep. Where I live it gets to 110 and I see men out working...no shade nothing...if this dog has shade and water and like I said a mister that seems better than death imo.

Cinder & Smoke
05-14-2004, 03:45 PM
Originally posted by Ally Cat's Mommy

"Of course there are hundreds of dogs here who
live outside in these high temperatures
without the benefit of fresh water and shade!"

This is a very important point! ...

New Pup is almost certainly a Native Dog -
Genetically Conditioned by many generations of his ancestors
to tolerate the heat of his native Bahrain environment.

Given food, sufficient water, and good shade;
he'll think he's already IN Heaven living In the Garden!

GO for it!! ;)
The Garden sure beats the :eek: pound!!

05-14-2004, 05:23 PM
I don't think it's a good idea to keep as a outside dog. I agree with kay, 120 F is extrememly hot ecspecially if your covered in fur!

now water and shade is gonna do any good.

Maybe a friend of yours would like to adopt him as a inside dog.

theres gotta be someone who want him

05-14-2004, 05:32 PM
Personally I think having him outside is much better than letting him get PTS at a shelter. While yes, 120 F is hot these dogs are bred to handle the hot weather. The same way Alaskan huskies are bred to handle the extreme cold. Over many generations these dogs have developed a genetic tolerance to the heat. Bahrain isn't like the US where there are so many opportunites for animals to live a happy life. I'm sure that they don't have all the rescue groups and things that we have here. I'm willing to bet that odds are even if he did get adopted from the shelter he'd be an outside dog anyways. Animals are treated differently in different parts of the world. I'm not saying I agree with it, but that's just the way things are. Personally if being outside and well loved and well cared for is this dogs best option then I say go for it.

guster girl
05-14-2004, 06:08 PM
Is there any way you could put him at the shelter and ask them to contact you if they're going to put him to sleep? Then you could go and get him before they do? I don't know how the shelters work over there, but, if they would notify you the day before or something.....He's very attractive, and, young, though, so, it seems like he'd stand a good chance of getting adopted. But, if he's a native dog, with food and water and shelter, I think he'd be alright outside. Is there a fenced in yard or does he need to be tied up all the time? Sorry, I didn't read every post. Maybe even just foster him until you could find a place for him. And, as far as it being hot, and, him having fur...fur acts as an insulator, keeping him warm in winter and cool in summer. He doesn't look like he has a double coat like a husky or a newfoundland, he'd probably be alright if he was provided adequate shelter and water. Keep us posted, though.

05-14-2004, 09:38 PM
As much as I don't like to see dogs outside all the time(down here it's way too hot), I couldn't bear to see that face behind a chain link fence waiting for death. I applaud you for wanting to keep him and give him a good home. He looks so happy there and it's so much better than taking chances. I say go for it!

05-14-2004, 11:22 PM
Well, I've got to side with the minority here. I agree with Kfamr and Amber. I do NOT agree with this: "I think him being an outside dog is much better than possibly being put to sleep. "

There ARE fates worse than death. I'm not saying, by any means, that Ally Cat's home is a fate worse than death. Don't take it that way. I am simply continually frustrated by statements like, "Anything is better than being put to sleep" or "Well, living outside on a chain is better than being killed." People who say that have never worked in the front lines of the animal businesses.

I have been involved with rescue, shelters, humane societies, etc. for almost two decades now, and I have seen a LOT of things. I have seen thousands and thousands of dogs in every different circumstance possible. And there are most certainly things worse than being put to sleep. It is very naive to assume that a humane death is the worst possible alternative on this earth ... VERY naive indeed.

I do NOT like dogs living outside only, especially one dog living alone outside. Even if someone in the family pays some attention to the dog every day, it is most generally heavy at first, and as the kids grow up or lose interest and the cute puppy grows in to a big dog, it gets less and less. A few minutes, even an hour, a day of attention still leaves 23 hours of solitary confinement. Dogs are pack animals. It is their instinct and nature to never be alone. A wild canid separated from its pack dies, and our domestic dogs have retained that instinct - "alone = dead." It is against every fiber of a dogs being to live alone all day and night. It is the equivelant to you or I spending the rest of our lives in a prison cell, in solitary confinement, with the warden bringing us a bowl of food once a day.

Also, dogs have no concept of "death" ... NONE. They don't comprehend the meaning of life or death. It is NOT the same for the dog as it would be for us ... we would KNOW we were going to die because no one wanted us. Dogs live entirely in the moment - a dog being euthanized will be deliriously happy getting petted and talked to until it falls asleep, and just never wakes up. There is NO fear, trauma or realization in a humane euthansia.

Now ... having said all that, let me add this: I am speaking from an American perspective. I have no idea what life is like for dogs in Bahrain (heck, I don't even know where that is!) or what shelters are like. I know in some countries, there really is no such things as a "humane" shelter. If that's the case in Bahrain, and I sincerely hope it's not, then that might change things somewhat.

Ally Cat's Mommy
05-15-2004, 05:12 AM
Thanks to everyone who has taken the time to respond. I appreciate ALL your viewpoints, and am really taking everything into account.
The reality is that Bahrain does not offer much hope at all for homeless animals. I volunteer at the ONLY shelter on the island, and I see first hand how animals are treated here.
I could tell you stories that would make you sick, and that is why I am not optimistic about placing this dog - I cannot hand him over to someone responding to a flyer,
as I will never know what his fate is.
I have already asked everyone I know without success, and most peaple are reluctant to own animals here, as they (like ourselves) are here on work contracts,
and they do not want the expense of taking a pet back to their home country.

Last month our shelter took in over 70 dogs and puppies, and Put To Sleep 81. We homed 11 :( So basically we are looking at a maximum capacity of around 100 dogs and puppies,
therfore there is a one month "turnaround" during which the dog has a chance to be homed, otherwise it will be euthenased to make space for the next one.

There are also a HUGE amount of incredibly cute puppies there, and let's be brutally honest, they have the best chance of being adopted,
along with "novelty" breeds like Jack Russells and Dalmations, which are usually in high demand.

I have faxed my land-lord for permission to erect a fence, and also asked the shelter to make sure that he isn't PTS without letting me know.
Of course if someone DOES go down there and pick him, they will let him go!

I know it's really hard to understand the situation here in Bahrain, so thanks for trying to! (Uabassoon summed it up pretty well in her post). Like Phred and others pointed out,
its IS incredibly hot here, but the animals have adapted.

The problem we have now with our Dilmun cats (which are well adapted to the hot climate) is
that they breed with stray DSH and Persians, and end up with fur which
is unsuitable for the climate. I even see German Shepherds etc living outside here, and they really suffer in the heat.

Here are a couple of pics:

This is the puppy enclosure. It usually has around 20 dogs in it, but they were all being flea-dipped in the other enclosure when I was there)

Some of the other puppies, who may or may not get the homes they deserve:



My garden (which in comparison to the above does not look TOO bad!


05-15-2004, 02:33 PM
Originally posted by Uabassoon
... While yes, 120 F is hot these dogs are bred to handle the hot weather. The same way Alaskan huskies are bred to handle the extreme cold. Over many generations these dogs have developed a genetic tolerance to the heat. Bahrain isn't like the US where there are so many opportunites for animals to live a happy life. I'm sure that they don't have all the rescue groups and things that we have here. I'm willing to bet that odds are even if he did get adopted from the shelter he'd be an outside dog anyways. Animals are treated differently in different parts of the world. I'm not saying I agree with it, but that's just the way things are. Personally if being outside and well loved and well cared for is this dogs best option then I say go for it.
Couldn't put it better! :) And I think the key words are "well loved and well cared for" for I know for certain that with you, Julie, and your family, he will be. Bless you for caring and wanting to help him.
