View Full Version : please give your dog an extra kiss tonight..

05-12-2004, 02:29 AM
I've sort of been watching this board a bit (I especially enjoy the pictures of Simba and Nala) but I've never really posted. Well I thought I would come here for a little support since I know you guys love your dogs so much. I lost my precious dog, Brooke, on Sunday (what a horrible mother's day...). We are not even sure what she really died from.. maybe complications from her pain medicine. She had knee surgery on Wednesday and things just went downhill fast from there. We were expecting to have her home all fixed up, but she ended up dying at the animal intensive care place. She was only 7 years old, and for all we knew - healthy, except for a torn ACL in her left knee.

I'm not sure if any of you remember Brooke, she was dog of the day on October 6, 2003 (http://dogoftheday.com/archive/2003/October/06.html) But with her being my first and only dog - I am having a hard time getting through this. I loved her more than anyone will ever know. I am so shocked, devestated and heartbroken. =(

If any of you can help me in any way, I would appreciate it.. even if you're just thinking about her.

I'm also posting this to ask all of you to pleeeeeeease give your dog an extra kiss tonight because you really NEVER know ='(

if you're interested in what happened, I wrote about it here:

05-12-2004, 02:46 AM
I'm so sorry this happened to you. *hugs* :( We're all here for you. We've got a bunch of great caring people here. She was a gorgeous gal.

Also, welcome to pet talk. I really hope you decide to stick around.

05-12-2004, 03:01 AM
I'm so sorry to hear what happened :( That is such a beautiful picture of Brooke, it sounds like she was such an amazing girl. I know you must be hurting so much right now.

05-12-2004, 04:57 AM
brooke is a beautiful girl. i am so sorry for your loss. i will light a candle for her tonight and give the all the furries extra tummy rubs in her name. ((HUGS)) joyce

05-12-2004, 05:33 AM
I'm so sorry for your loss. Brooke as a beautiful girl. Do you know the story of Rainbow bridge? If not, look in the dog memorail section, I believe there are some links there. It is aplace where many of us believe our pets go when they die to ru nand play, free of pain, until we are reunited with them.

Canis Amicus
05-12-2004, 06:32 AM
I am very sorry for Brooke and you. I remember I read her DOTD. Surelly at the Rainbow Bridge she is free of all pain and will look over you till time to re-union comes.

Rex (GSD, 3y)

05-12-2004, 07:59 AM
Oh I am so horribly sorry about the loss of your beautiful Brooke. I know no words are adequate to describe how it feels, it is like part of your heart and soul was torn away. Brooke was a beautiful girl, her eyes just look full of love and devotion. Oh I wish there were some magical words of comfort or healing I could speak, but all I can do is say that I understand how devastating the loss of a beloved dog is.

Please take your time, and mourn Brooke. Don't let anyone make you feel bad because you are grieving for "just a dog." It can be just as heartrending as losing any family member.

Different things seem to help ease the pain a bit for different people, but for me I know it helped some to set up a memorial to my boys when they passed away, with pictures and a few of their things, and candles. I also set up a memorial web page for them as well.

You and Brooke will be in my thoughts and prayers as you go through this very difficult time. *hugs*

05-12-2004, 08:20 AM
{{{{hugs}}}} to you. Its never easy to lose a pet. I will be thinking of you and Brooke. My RB Sammie will meet her at the bridge and help her over. In case you've never heard of the rainbow Bridge, here's a link to a beautifully done version of it. It has sound, so if you keep yours low, please turn it up.


4 Dog Mother
05-12-2004, 08:38 AM
So sorry to hear of Brooke's passing. I am sure she is at the Rainbow Bridge with all the other loved pets. Like others have said take your time grieving. Pets are special members of the family and everyone grieves in their own way and time. To us they are not just pets!

Hope you will hang around on Pet Talk. Keeping you in prayers. Diana

05-12-2004, 08:40 AM
I'm so sorry for you loss. :(

Brooke was so beautiful.

05-12-2004, 09:18 AM
I am so sorry for your loss :(

I hope you stick around at Pet Talk. And welcome.

Kona & Oreo's mom
05-12-2004, 09:22 AM
I am so sorry for your devastating loss. Brooke is a lovely lady, and I know how much you love her. I will be thinking of you as I give my Oreo a kiss tonight.

05-12-2004, 09:30 AM
Extra kisses are given to all of mine in Brooke's honor. I am so sorry for this devastating loss. :( :( You will be in my thoughts and prayers as you grieve for her. She was definitely a beautiful girl.

05-12-2004, 10:19 AM
I just read Brooke's story in your journal and understand how devastated you and your parents must be. No words can really express the sadness at a time like this. We are here for you if it helps.
Safe passage to the Rainbow Bridge, sweet Brooke.

05-12-2004, 10:43 AM
Brooke was a beautiful girl.. I'm so sorry for your loss..

*Hugs to you*

Rest in Peace Brooke. :(

05-12-2004, 11:02 AM
I'm so, so very sorry to learn of Brooke's passing and my thoughts and most heartfelt prayers and sympathies go out to you and your family during this very, very difficult and sad time. It's never easy losing a beloved furkid. But losing your beautiful Labbie girl, your precious "first," so tragically, at such a young age, is well, almost more than a furmom can bear:( As I type the tears are falling and I can only imagine your great heartache. Thank you for sharing her journal with us and giving us the opportunity to have a glimpse into the heart of your sweet baby.

Your Brooke was such a beautiful girl, so gentle and loving and we were honored to have her as our Dog of the Day. How well I remember that shiney, black coat, those beautiful brown eyes, that loving, eager to please expression. Labs love to make other happy, laugh and smile, don't they? And I remember looking at Brooke's picture, laughing, commenting to my girl Star, "Look Star, Brooke sits just like you..."Labbie legs."

I wish I could say something to ease your pain but there's little one can say at a time like this except that we are here for you. When I lost my first Lab Jingles, my heart dog, the pain was so unbearable I thought I would never feel real happiness again. It took a lot of time, a lot of tears and a lot of support from other dog lovers who understood my pain before the healing could begin.

As K9Soul says, don't let anyone diminish or minimize the depth of your loss. Grieve in your own way, for as long as you need to and remember, we understand and are here for you whenever you need to talk. I hope you can take a bit of comfort in knowing that your beloved Brooke left this earth knowing she was the most loved and cherished doggie on earth and will never, ever be forgotten.

After a while, when you're feeling up to it, I hope you'll come back and share some happy stories of your life with Brooke. For me, sharing with others my great love for my Jing, my cherished memories, helped a lot in easing the pain. And I know my dear, sweet Jingles is there at the Rainbow Bridge, welcoming her beautiful Labbie sister Brooke with open paws and heart. And my Lab Star, my Husky Cody and all of my furkids will be getting lots of extra hugs and kisses in Brooke's name today. You are so right. We must cherish each and every day we are blessed with the love of these precious souls. Love and {{{HUGS}}} Sandra, Cody, Star, Mr. B, Oliver, Moon and Rosie

05-12-2004, 11:29 AM
I am so sorry to hear of your loss, its something I think we all worry about when our dog babies have surgery. I sure will kiss Tawny a few extra times tonight. Just think your sweetheart will be waiting at Rainbow Bridge.

05-12-2004, 12:08 PM
I am so sorry for your loss of your beloved Lab, Brooke. I know exactly how you feel as I just lost my beloved collie, Jasmine about 2 weeks ago. I can tell you that by sharing pictures and stories with the people at Pet Talk, it really helps to deal with the pain. Remember the good times that you shared with her. I have put up a picture in my living room that was special to me and my son gave me an enlarged picture of her. Those things help. When my son was grieving the loss of his dog years ago he put almost every picture he could find of his dog on his bedroom wall. Find what works for you and like the others have said don't let anyone minimize how you feel. Your pain is very real. God be with you as you come to terms with your loss.

05-12-2004, 12:48 PM
I am sorry for your loss. :( RIP, Brooke.

05-12-2004, 04:08 PM
thanks you guys.. really. all of your comments mean a lot to me, they are so sweet. its comforting to know that you guys really do understand and will keep my sweet baby in your thoughts. but like one of you said, i just feel like i'll never be happy again. i don't want my family to pack up her bed and her toys in her "bedroom" behind the couch because i want to be reminded of her. i put up my favorite picture of her by my bed and i even sleep with two of her favorite dog toys. it's just so hard to believe. thanks for lighting the candle in brooke's name, and giving your dog kisses in her name too.. and saying that your dogs will help my baby over rainbow bridge. you guys know just what to say.

we will get another puppy this summer sometime, but my mom wants to get another black lab puppy. do you think that might be a bad idea to do that? i just can't imagine looking down the stairs and seeing a black dog other than brookie. and i don't want to be somewhere and look over and see her and then for a split second think that its brooke, you know? we will be waiting a month or two, and i do want another dog, but i don't want to be unfair to it by thinking it should look, act and smell like brooke. do you see what i'm saying? any thoughts?

miss you brookie baby :(

05-12-2004, 06:39 PM
You know, as hard as it is to believe, you will feel happiness again, but it takes time. One day, you'll think of someting sweet and funny Brooke did, and you'll find your self smililng instead of crying. And before long, little by little, the sadness will be replaced with those cherished memories of happier days. When I first lost Jing, I couldn't bear to move any of her things. To move them, put them away, meant that I was accepting the fact that she was gone and I wasn't ready for that, not right away. Like you, I wanted to keeep her with me, if only through her toys, her blanket, her bowl. One night I laid down and buried my face in her bed and smelled her sweet smell and just cried and cried. After a while, I was able to put it away, but I have it still, 5 years later. And all of her toys are stored safely away in her basket. You're still at that point where her passing has not yet become a reality. I would take as long as needed to work up to that point where you can put those things aside. And when you do, remember, that does not mean that you are forgetting her or betraying her for there is not way on God's earth that could ever happen; you're just moving on to a different phase of the grieving process. One thing that helped me a lot to deal with my girl's passing. I sat down and wrote her a letter, telling her how much I loved her, how much I missed her. I thanked her for her many years of love and companionship we shared and assured her, that one day we would be together again. Before I knew it, I was recounting all of the wonderful years we shared, from the first day she "came home," right through her adult years. Whatever was in my heart, I wrote and before long, it was pages long and hours had passed. I had laughed, cried, smiled and it was a wonderful feeling to think that she was hearing my words and feeling my love.

I have always had yellow Labs, girls, and when it came time to welcome another Labbie into my heart, it was a yellow I longed for. Everyone is different. Some people need that conncection to the love they lost. Some feel, as you say, that they are betraying their lost one by trying to replace her with another "just like her." But you know, even if the color is the same, the personality of each is exclusively their own, especially with Labs:) If you think it will make you too sad, bring back too many painful memoires, cause you to compare one against the other, than perhaps a black or chocolate would be better for you to deal with emotionally. But you know, when you find that one and only special one, when you make that connection, all of those concerns will fade away and you'll love that new precious puppy for the very special individual that she is! Let your heart be your guide; you'll know what's right.

Me and cody and Star will light a candle for Brooke tonight and we will keep you and her in our thoughts and prayers. I know how very sad you are and it's breaking my heart to think of you feeling so alone; but remember, you're not. Brooke is looking down upon her mommy with such love and we're here for you too, whenever you need to talk.
{{{HUGS}}}} Sandra

05-12-2004, 06:53 PM
I am so sorry!

Sending many HUGS and prayers your way.


05-12-2004, 09:50 PM
I am so sorry to hear of your loss. I know how awful that is, so hard to go through too. I am sending prayers your way...

Also, welcome to PT!

05-12-2004, 10:33 PM
Any dog you get will not take Brooke's place in your heart, or your mind. Do not worry. Any pup will be it's own character, even if she looks just like Brooke did. The human heart is amazing in that it expands to fit ever one more.

I am sorry you had to lose your sweet girl, but she's still with you, in a corner of your heart, where she'll always be. And, of course, in the physical presence of those little black hairs that I am sure are as woven into any fabric in your home just as well as Brooke wove herself into your heart.

05-12-2004, 11:28 PM
You have my deepest sympathy. I lost my beloved greyhound suddenly 2 1/2 years ago and she was my only dog and the first dog I could call my very own.
Godspeed to the Bridge sweet Brooke.

05-13-2004, 12:14 AM
All of my babies got a few extra kisses and hugs tonight in honor of your sweet, beautiful Brookie baby.

I am so sorry to hear of her passing, and I know it is hard.
Take your time to mourn her properly, and don't let anyone tell you she was "just a dog", because that simply does not exist. I have four of my own furbabies, and I would be just devastated if anything happened to any one of them.

I will keep your family and your sweet Brooke in my prayers, I'm sure she is playing hard and healthy again at the Rainbow Bridge.

I hope you stick around Pet Talk, there are some amazing people here!!

05-13-2004, 07:30 AM
Yes, I remember your beautiful Brooke. I'm so sorry to hear of her passing. I can imagine how devistated you are. I'm glad that you came and shared you sorrow with us. Most of us who have babies at the RB certainly do understand. But like tatsxxx11 said, one day you will think of something cute she did and it will make you smile. Just keeping thinking of the happy times you had with her. It makes it a little easier (I know because I lost my RB Keisha almost 3 years ago & it's still hard to get over).

I do hope when you get your new pup you will come back and share growing pictures with us because I'm sure you know how much we love pictures!
And personally, I don't think it would be bad to get another black labbie. Our Keisha was a chow and look what we have now...another chow!

Hugs given to my 3 beauties in Brookes honor have been given.

Take care

R.I.P. Brooke

05-13-2004, 09:56 AM
Very sorry to hear about Brooke. She was a beautiful Lab. She looked very happy in her photo that you posted. It must have been very hard for you not to know what exactly was wrong with her. I know I would have felt helpless. I read most of your journal entry but got very sad. Did they ever find out what happened to her? Know now that she's in no pain and is playing with all of our RB babies. She's happy knowing that she'll eventually see you again. And, I know how special our furry friends are so I make sure Duke knows it every day.

Dixie Belle
05-13-2004, 11:21 AM
I am so sorry to hear of your loss. I will be thinking of you.

05-13-2004, 08:51 PM
Really sorry to hear about Brooke. She had such a sweet face. Our prayers go out to you and your family for such an awful loss.

guster girl
05-13-2004, 09:29 PM
Finn gave you and Brooke a kiss right back.

05-13-2004, 09:38 PM
Sorry to hear of your loss. I imagine it is more difficult when it is so unexpected. I definitely understand your sorrow. Think of Brooke at the Rainbow Bridge with all her wonderful earth memories.

When and if you get another puppy I don't think it matters if it is another lab. Brooke will always have her place in your heart and the new puppy will find another spot. You may be reminded of Brooke at times but I don't think that would be a bad thing.

guster girl
05-13-2004, 10:05 PM
I think you should go with your heart when you meet whatever puppy you may bring into your home. If your family falls in love with another black lab, then, bring him home. If you fall in love with a blonde cocker spaniel, a collie, a mutt, whatever. I had to put my Bruno down in June. He was fifteen and we'd been best friends and soulmates since he was one. He was a mix, but, looked almost exactly a long haired dachshund. And, I would have been fine with getting a doxie, but, it just happened to be a yellow lab that I met and fell in love with. And, I have to admit, sometimes it makes me miss Bruno even more, having a dog around. I even caught myself calling out Bruno's name instead of Finn's a couple of days ago. But, it's no more difficult or easier now that I have a new dog to forget about how hard it was letting Bruno go. I don't cry myself to sleep like I did the first few months. But, I'll always miss him. Finn is in no way a replacement for Bruno, and, I don't think any dog you will get will ever take the place of Brooke, even if it does look like her. I think as long as everyone in the family shares your thoughts and they don't expect a new black lab to be in any way like Brooke, then it shouldn't be an issue. I hope you stick around at pet talk. A lot of people here can relate to what you're going through, and, sometimes that's the best medicine. :) There's a site where you can write tributes and post pictures for your lost pets, too, and, I know that helped me a lot when Bruno passed and then when I lost my kitty of seventeen years a few months later. I go back and read their tributes all the time. It makes me cry a little, but, it feels good to see the tribute. I'll post the link as soon as I can remember the name of the site....it's eluding me right now....


I remembered! :)