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View Full Version : new shadow update!

05-11-2004, 09:33 PM
ok my friend talked to her dad about taking shadow til the end of June, and he said yes provided she eats dogfood(saftey reasons there dog eats kibble, and this friend has a little sister) so we ordered shadow some mountain dogfood(premade BARF, not sold in stores, its sold through privet suppliers) which is basicly dogfood, we ordered her chicken and veggie, and tripe. and my dad is going to see if he can keep shadow in his apartment temp. untill he can get out of his lease. he wont find out till next week though. but if he cant my friend is just as easy a fallback, since we need the mountain dog food for shadow either way. :D and last night I gave shadow a bath, and tis morning a grooming including a nice cut to make her feel better and its a good way to give her attention here is a pic of shadow in her hair cut! (she is smiling so big and sitting up in hopes of letting her out to eat lol)

05-11-2004, 09:40 PM
Aww that picture's adorable! I hope everything works out for Shadow and you guys. :)

We've used Mountain Dog Food before. I had no idea they sold it over there too. I never knew they had tripe though.. I'll have to look for that; the boys seemed to love the greentripe sample we got.

05-11-2004, 09:44 PM
lol they have privet suppiliers all over canada, the one we use is in Craven, only 45 min away from here. trip was the first thing we ordered from them lol
here is there site, go to prices on the side bar, then click the button for full price list, it lists everything they sell.


05-11-2004, 11:20 PM

05-12-2004, 08:08 AM
Shadow looks wonderful. :D

I hope everything works out for her and she enjoys the new food.

05-12-2004, 09:43 AM
That's great. I'm glad things are working out for Shadow.

And she looks so cute in that picture. Big smile! :D