View Full Version : Horse Camp Work Weekend *PICTURES*

Desert Arabian
05-10-2004, 07:50 PM
Well, I went up to camp again this weekend, and I brought my camera to take pictures to share with everyone! :) This particular work weekend was FAR from normal thanks to the extremely severe weather we had Friday and Saturday night, we could barely do anything because everything was soaking wet. There were no horse activities this weekend since the trails were too muddy. Usually I have to do 4 or 5 trail rides and am busting my butt off down at the corral. I was so sad that I couldn't do anything with my buddies (the horses) this weekend, my friend Amy was just as bummed. Well, thankfully, Darin the camp director/person in charge noticed that we were bummed out and told us to go down there Saturday morning and clean out the corral. We were soooo happy! It was only me and Amy down at the corral, it was so fun! Usually there are 8 staff members and we are running around trying to saddle 30 or so horses- barely having anytime to soak in the true joy of the surroundings. Amy and I immediately went over to Fuzzy T who is being kept separate from the herd since he is new and hasn't been introduced yet. We gave him a bunch of kisses and petted him for a while. Then, we got to work mucking out the stall and raking out the farrier work station- cleaning up hoof clippings. We had the country music on full blast and faint neighs and nickers could be heard once in a while. Ahhh, it's a sound I love to hear. The wheelbarrow was soon full, which meant we had to take it up the road to the fence to dump it out in the field. When we got to the gate we were greeted by many of our buddies. I saw Spirit on top of the hill and started to call for him, but since he had his left side towards me he didn't come since he is moonblind in the left eye. I was so sad, I wanted to see him sooo bad. Luckily, he turned around and spotted me and came running over! I was so excited! :p Then my other buddy, Jack paid a visit- of course I had to cover them him in kisses and give them tons of treats. It was extremely foggy out; the horses in the fog were gorgeous. Soon we had to shoo away the horses so we could open up the gate to dump the 'barrow. When we were done mucking we did various odd jobs such as scrubbing pails, scrubbing the huge water trough, cleaning brushes, sweeping, etc. The smells, sights, and sounds of the corral/horses lifted my spirit so much and made me so joyous. Manonman, do I love volunteering up there. I wouldn't trade that job for $1 trillion. I am going back this weekend; I figured it would be a good way to escape all the hell I am going through with my rats. Well, enough blabbing, here are the pictures! :D

This is Fuzzy T, a Thoroughbred gelding used to be owned by my friend Lacey:
Amy about to give Fuzz a kiss:
Me giving Fuzz a facial rub:
Me teasing Fuzz with a treat (ha ha, my facial expression, bad timing Amy! I was talking to Fuzz and she took the picture at the wrong time, ha ha ha!)
Horse herd:
L to R: Speed, Jailrock, Midnite, Buck, Blue, Mae, No Name, Dart

Desert Arabian
05-10-2004, 07:51 PM
Amy giving Jackers a treat:
Me giving my baby a kiss:
No Name and Jack:
No Name, Seeker, and Jack:

The horses don't look their best, since they got poured on two nights in a row. That will be our chore for this weekend- grooming all the horses. WEEE! :rolleyes:

05-10-2004, 08:53 PM
Wow, beautiful pics :D Thanks for sharing :)

05-10-2004, 09:10 PM
That's a lot of horses and they are so beautiful. That must've been fun, I love horses and have always wanted one but I wouldn't even know how to begin taking care of one and how to give it what it needs. I should probably learn. :) Thanks for sharing the pictures.

05-10-2004, 09:12 PM
:eek: Great pics!!! The horses are all soooo pretty!!! You're so lucky to be able to work with them! My cousin has 3 horses and a pony and I've helped them groom them a few times. It's fun ^_^

That pic looks like it should be a painting!!! o_o soo pretty!

05-10-2004, 09:45 PM
great pictures! i wish i could go to a horse camp too, maybe i'll find one this summer. :D

05-10-2004, 10:16 PM
Great pictures. :) I sent the link to this thread to my sister. She just got her own horse not too long ago and is totally head-over-heels for any horse she sees. She'll love these. :)

05-10-2004, 11:02 PM
Laura those pics of the horses in the FOG are awesome!!

05-10-2004, 11:50 PM
Beautiful pictures! I think this one would make a great Wallpaper for your computer!

Or this one:

05-15-2004, 01:35 PM
Laura, your enthusiasm and love shines all through your post like the sun, brightened my weekend anyway! I guess you were in horse heaven, huh?! :) And what wonderful pictures, especially the fog ones! :D

Hope you are enjoying this weekend as much. :)


05-15-2004, 03:41 PM
The whole thing sounds like a lot of fun. Great pics! I think Spirit is completely adorable though!:)