View Full Version : Jake and Max go for a hike

05-10-2004, 03:18 PM

Come on, Mom! Come on Jake!

I'm (pant pant pant) coming!

Look what I can do!

I can jump over logs too

Watch this!


Wooptidoo - I can do that too.


Bet you can't do this!

And I'll bet YOU'RE not smart enough to stay dry!

That's OK - I'll just run myself dry!

That is one dumb dog.

05-10-2004, 03:31 PM
Cute pics!!!

My shelties aren't really fond of water either, although they will wade every now and then.

Looks like a fun time was had by all. :)

05-10-2004, 03:34 PM
Originally posted by Shelteez2
Cute pics!!!

My shelties aren't really fond of water either, although they will wade every now and then.

Looks like a fun time was had by all. :)

Yeah - the most Jake will do is dip his toes in and bark at it!

05-11-2004, 07:08 AM
Great photos, it looks like the dogs had a great old time hiking.

Max and Jake are so handsome, we need to see more of them. ;) :D

Thankyou so much for sharing them.

05-11-2004, 07:32 AM
Aren't you two having a blast!:D What a great spot for a hike and a dip; just beautiful. (But not as beautiful as you guys:)

05-11-2004, 07:38 AM
The guys say "Why a thank you. Thankyouverymucha"

05-11-2004, 07:57 AM
Wonderful pics, Max looks like he is just having a blast! Jake looks happy too, but just more reserved than big silly Max :D. Beautiful boys, looks like a really fun day!

05-11-2004, 12:20 PM
Wonderful photos!!

You keep mentioning moving.... are you still going to be in the U.P. this summer? I'm still looking forward to doing some camping with the doggies. :D

05-11-2004, 12:24 PM
Oh yeah - we'll still be in the UP! Just further out in the country. I was wondering if you'd still want to do that - it's time to start planning!

05-11-2004, 01:33 PM
Great pictures! They look like they are having fun. I think its time for us to go on another hike. I wonder what Tori will think of that. You have beautiful boys there. Give them hugs from me.

Robin :)

05-11-2004, 05:03 PM
They're in hog heaven now! We just took them for another looooong hike. Max ran around like a maniac, jumping wildly into the lake and running out and jumping in again. Jake stayed right on my heel like a good boy, until it was time to get into the car. I say "car ride" and big dumb max jumps right in, but Jake's too smart for that. He was smiling and doing that little hoppy thing, staying just out of reach as we tried to catch him and put him in the car. He was just having too much fun!

Summer is so short here. There are still patches of snow here and there (rare - but there!). We have to enjoy every single day before it ends.

05-11-2004, 07:53 PM
Great pictures and I love the captions too! :) That water looks COLD!!! :) No wonder Jake is thinking twice. I would think about 100 times. :) We don't see enough pictures of your two!

05-12-2004, 05:45 AM
AWWW both of your boys are sooo cute!!!:D Looks like they had a lot of fun during the hike!! ^_^