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View Full Version : ESPN Dock Dog in Seattle

05-10-2004, 10:30 AM
We went to Marymore park yesterday for the ESPN Dock Dogs compitition. Great weather for the event. I don't have too many pic's but will post a few. I will find out when it is to be aired on TV and let you all know. Some dogs would NOT jump in at all, it was very funny.
this guy wouldn't jump
http://www.imagestation.com/picture/sraid116/pf96642bcb30473c6e86367d1afacf91e/f8b9beb0.jpg http://www.imagestation.com/picture/sraid116/p359d820c93e9136a2f029b129f3d0b1e/f8b9bc9d.jpg
more to come

05-10-2004, 10:33 AM
another no jumper

05-10-2004, 10:44 AM
another try, but he still doesnt want to jump
the dad threw him in
then he wouldn't find out how to get out, there are steps, it took several tries and dad had to go half way in the water and pull him out, poor pup
all our girls did is watch !!
Lucee was swimming at the regular dog park for sticks
Ashlee won't go in past her tummy
nina didn't go in the water either this time, just played

05-10-2004, 10:58 AM
Great photos :) That is sad that the dad pushed that poor dog in :(

Your girls are looking great :D they are so sweet. Oh and i have been meaning to tell you a dog moved into a house down the road from us and i swear is identical to your Ashlee i will try and get a photo of her it is uncanny. :eek: :D

Rio and Me
05-10-2004, 04:00 PM
What a GREAT sport, Rio would LOVE that!
LAB's best water dog in the world,lol
Brilliant i wish there do that over here

05-11-2004, 07:19 AM
I loved all of the pictures. I would have loved to have gone to see that. I've watched it on espn before. Some of those dogs can really fly through the air.

Here is my favorite though. Your girls are GORGEOUS!!

Robin :)

guster girl
05-11-2004, 06:32 PM
Those are awesome photos! I've been wanting to get Finn involved in dock diving! He loves the water, so, it would be cool to see what he thinks of jumping off a dock or something....Could anyone participate? Man, that would be so cool to go to one of those! I'd get in and call Finn if he didn't want to jump on his own! Ha! :)

Cinder & Smoke
05-11-2004, 07:11 PM
Dave Letterman just had 3 of the Diving Dogs on his show -
sometime within the last week!
Runway and Tank was set up "out in the alley" in NYC!

Don't know if it was a Re-Run or "live" - but the Dawgs all seemed to
be having a real *blast*!

05-11-2004, 07:17 PM
Awesome pictures!!!!!!!!:D :D :D

I love the action shots!
very cool!:cool:

And I also really liked the pic of Lucee swimming. :D

05-12-2004, 11:37 AM
guster girl....yes anyone can participate, regular folks and dogs qualify on friday and saturday, then everyone jumps with the "pros" on sunday! It was awesome, if anyone has this come to their area you should definately go. Lucee just started swimming and she is picking things up so quickly now, I am hoping she will be a dock jumper by next year!!!
I wish I had seen the dogs on Letterman.

05-12-2004, 12:06 PM
Great pictures!

Anyone know how I can teach Kia how to jump off a dock? She'll swim, but has to 'ease' herself in, via the shore or a ramp.

Cinder & Smoke
05-12-2004, 02:02 PM
Originally posted by ramanth

Anyone know how I can teach Kia how to jump off a dock?

She'll swim, but has to 'ease' herself in...

How To...

1) Put bathing suit on :)
2) Stand on edge of dock; Dawg at your side
3) Say "C'mone, Kia! ~ Then you Jump In!
4) Observe Dawg still standing on dock, *waggin* her tail! :mad:
5) Climb out of water
6) *SHOVE* the dang Dawg off the dock into water
7) Repeat step #6 a few times if required ;)

Cinder developed her Dock Diving Skills by :eek: accident...
She fell off a dock one day while I was repairing a boat radio.
She SWAM like a fish - but was "timid" about jumping off
the dock again...
A few *SHOVES* later, she will now willingly jump in
any time she's told "OK - JUMP!" :)

Smokey was at first *terrified* of open water.
He wouldn't get more than his elbows wet.
He also "learned by accident"...

Cinder & Smokey were tethered together on their Y-Thingy while
we were working on a Ranger's Boat out on the dock.
Dunno if Cinder *intended* to go in or not;
but she either jumped or fell in - and
Poor ole SmokeMutt got dragged in with her!

He sank like a rock, but bobbed up and started *flailing* with
his front paws to keep his head out of the water.
Somewhere between where he fell in and the shore - he discovered that
kicking with his REAR Propeller Pawz helped a LOT.
A couple more private lessins (being gently *shoved in* with OUT
Cinder being attached) - and he also became a Dock Diver! :D

NOW - we need to be a bit "careful" when walking on any docks -
they've been know to just *jump in* when *I* haven't
been exactly planning on holding a swim partee! :rolleyes:

Examples >>>

Cinder >>

Smokey >>

"Hey Dad ~
What's Mr. Letterman's phone number?"

05-12-2004, 02:18 PM
Originally posted by Cinder & Smoke
How To...

1) Put bathing suit on :)
2) Stand on edge of dock; Dawg at your side
3) Say "C'mone, Kia! ~ Then you Jump In!
4) Observe Dawg still standing on dock, *waggin* her tail! :mad:
hahahaaa!!! :D Too true.

Well, I guess I'll need to make friends with someone that has Lake Access and a dock. :D People can't swim at the Dog Park. :( And all the Lakes with docks that I can swim at say no dogs. :( (That I know of)

Kia jumped off the dock her first time at the Dog Park. Once. All the other dogs jumped in so I'm sure she figured, hey! It'll be fun!

She sank just like Smokey and when she bobbed back up she was in panic mode. :rolleyes: ;)

I had to drag her out since she didn't quite understand the concept of the ramp.

Cinder & Smoke
05-12-2004, 02:47 PM
Originally posted by ramanth

Kia jumped off the dock her first time at the Dog Park.

She sank just like Smokey and
when she bobbed back up she was in panic mode. :rolleyes: ;)

I had to drag her out since she didn't
quite understand the concept of the ramp.

:eek: :D

I've found it helps to have a Long Rope attached to their collar.
IF they get in trouble, you can easily pull on the rope and
keep their head and mouth out of the water;
and quide or tow them back into shore.

I've taught ALL my dogs to swim using the
gentle *shove* off a dock method.
But ONLY after I was positive they "could" actually swim.

It *seems* cruel - but many dogs seem to lack the confidence to
jump into the water...
After they learn that they CAN swim in water Over Their Head,
and that it doesn't hurt to jump in -
it becomes Really *PHUNN*! :D

05-12-2004, 09:51 PM
what cute pictures !!!!!

Cinder >>

Smokey >>

05-13-2004, 12:41 AM
Here are 2 great pic's that were in our news paper.

05-13-2004, 12:55 AM
Great photos!! Loved the pics of your girls too. :) Nebo won't go past his belly in water either!