View Full Version : Remember when?

05-08-2004, 06:21 PM
Not sure why I'm feeling nostalgic today, but was thinking about my childhood years, and thought I would share some insights into 'the olden days' of the 1960's

Corvettes cost $5000 (dollars) new..bell bottoms, mini skirts, and those ridiculous shoes with the 5-inch block heels (frankenbooties!)..the same bell bottoms were also low-rider hip huggers.

Sixties was the decade of temporary colorblindness - bright green, purple and orange were often mixed, tie-dying and fuzzed-out hippie hair, cullottes (a wierd combo of shorts and skirts) were allowed for the first time in schools, but no cullotte or skirt could be shorter than where the tip of the longest finger met the thigh.

"Bouffant" hairdos and black horn-rimmed glasses were the fashion statement. "Bouffant" means hair was put up in rollers wet, dried with this contraption that put a plastic bonnet over the head with a heated air blower attached - kind of like putting the exhaust hose of a clothes dryer and plug it into a shower cap thingy.....then, you would take your "toasted" hair out of this torture chamber, tease it beyond recognition ("teasing" basically means creating strategically placed knotted up wads of hair in order to give the illusion of volume--although one had to take care in the "teasing" process that it did not go to extreme and "p*** off the hair") and sculpt it with a spray-gum product called "Final Net" - this concrete coiff would last a good 5 days between shampooing.

There was a product called "creme rinse" that was the precursor to conditioner - it's primarypurpose was to "oil up" the hair, no doubt to make it possible to maneuver a comb through the mass of self-inflicted Final Net-cemented hairballs (and probably why we didn't wash our hair more than once a week - this ritual of un-tangling and subsequent re-tangling was time consuming and exhausting)

There was also an undergarment known as the "girdle" which essentially was a combination of tourniquet-strength rubber and metal stays, designed to reposition body fat by squeezing it into submission (and subsequently cut off oxygen to the brain cells, or we would NEVER have worn these circulatory torture devices) - the inevitable perimeter where the girdle ended and flesh began was evidenced by a lump of desperately escaping flab.

Give me today anyday!

05-08-2004, 07:03 PM
Tuxluvr, I am laughing so loud here and it's only 3 am :D

I don't remember 60es, I was only born in 75, but I remember other times. After the fall of Soviet Union, there was a time when everything was so confused here, even the fashion. I will not give descriptions, I blush everytime I remember how I dressed :)

05-08-2004, 07:50 PM
ROFLOL, I remember those days too, tuxluvr, oh so well! I remember the cullottes, pedal pushers too. The music was so different too.

I remember having to rat as it was called your hair, for that puffy look you were talking about. It was funny, but my hair never did hold a 'rat', it was too fine, still is. Then there was a hair do where they would cut their hair off really short on top and the sides perm it to where the curls just hugged the head, leaving the back long.

The girls wore can cans too, and for a time bloomers were instyle too!

I remeber when I went to high school, we were not allowed to wear pants, we had to wear dresses and skirts. The teachers had fits if they seen a girl run and jump in the car with a boy and not get into the car through the passengers side. She said it made the girl look cheap if she ran and got in on his side of the car.

I remember that girls weren't allowed to smoke at high school, but the boys had a fenced in area where they could go smoke!

Oh, my now you have my memories flowing too. :D Oh, we were a strange bunch back then.

Like you said the styles these young girls are wearing today, are the exact same thing I wore as a young girl! Checked pants! Now my oldest daughter comes in wearing stuff like that, and says ''mom, you hate my pants, don't you?'' and I say, '' yes I do''.

Give me a nice pair of jeans any day, but please not checks or whatever color is in style now, I am already tired of them and done wore that style. I think I'll make my own style up, as I go along!


05-08-2004, 07:58 PM
I was born in '72, but I remember going through mom's yearbook and rolling with laughter over the hair and clothes.

Oh, and I remember VIVIDLY the photo of my mom, my Aunt, and my Great Aunt all dolled up with pin curls and fur coats to go see Tom Jones. Mom told me Great Aunt Lucille tossed her panties onto the stage for Tom!!!!

05-08-2004, 08:04 PM
Originally posted by catnapper
,,,,,,,Great Aunt all dolled up with pin curls and fur coats to go see Tom Jones. Mom told me Great Aunt Lucille tossed her panties onto the stage for Tom!!!!

to coin a lyric, "It's not unusual..."

hee hee;)

05-08-2004, 08:25 PM
Originally posted by trayi52
ROFLOL, I remember those days too, tuxluvr, oh so well! I remember the cullottes, pedal pushers too. The music was so different too.

the girls wore can cans too, and for a time bloomers were instyle too!

Like you said the styles these young girls are wearing today, are the exact same thing I wore as a young girl! Checked pants! Now my oldest daughter comes in wearing stuff like that, and says ''mom, you hate my pants, don't you?'' and I say, '' yes I do''.

Give me a nice pair of jeans any day, but please not checks or whatever color is in style now, I am already tired of them and done wore that style. I think I'll make my own style up, as I go along!


LOL-I remember "pedal pushers" - I think the new wave term is "capri pants"....on any female over the age of twelve with a shape remotely resembling an adult female, these looked stupid then and look stupid now, Laura Petrie curse my name for saying so! I occasionally have a memory lapse and try these on, and all I can see is a middle aged chubby woman in pants that are too short......we used to call them "high water pants".

My mother told me about the days of "bloomers"....not sure what a "can can" is though...??

Remember when women's swimsuits had those horrible built-in bras? The bra cups were filled with some kind of foam rubber stuff that would, after a time and exposure to actual pool water, would dry and crumble, making the surface of the breast take on the shape and feel of a stale cornmeal muffin. (Mental note: breasts are not supposed to be "crunchy")

However, today's swimwear, I believe, is meant to only be worn near the pool, never actually to "swim" in. The absence of supporting fabric means it should be superglued in place unless you don't intend to make any movement more dramatic than shallow breathing, less our aging parts, having a mind of their own, find a way out of these flimsy constraints.

Saddle Oxford shoes were all the rage, although for the life of me, a woman "blessed" with huge feet at an early age, would want to wear shoes that looked like a cross between bowling shoes and a band uniform. There were also "penny loafers", poor boy shirts (I recall a similar term "poor boy sandwich"-suffice it to say if you ate to many poor boys you would not look good IN a poor boy)

I remember the advent of the "thong"....all I can say about this is that the designer just thought "underwear works its way up there anyway, let's just make it start out as a "wedgie"...

I stopped torturing myself years ago and abandoned the "fashion of the day"...I go for what makes my shape look presentable and comfortable.

05-08-2004, 08:41 PM
tuxluvr, I remember all the things you mentioned, the bathing suit with that awful stuff in them that was supposed to be a bra.

A can can, was like a slip, except it made the dress puff out. I think they still use them today on certain kinds of dresses, but I guess they renamed them!

Lord, I am just like you, I want comfort, comfort and more comfort. I remember wearing tight jeans, and well I just can't do that anymore, I want to be comfortable!

Men in very long hair, flower children! Oh my, mini skirts. I think I am really showing my age here, with all the things that I remember.

Catnapper, I loved Tom Jones and their was another guy at about the same time, his name was Englebert something, I started to say it, I want to say, ummm now don't laugh, I think it was Humperdinc or something, God what if its different!!

tuxluvr, this is a good thread, it does bring back so many memories!

Great thead! I will remember more, I know I will......


05-08-2004, 09:25 PM
Admitting what a dork I am....

in college, my best friend had gotten free tickets to SEE Mr. Humperdink. We had no idea who he was but it was a free night out. We spent FOREVER getting ready. Our best clothes, high hair, oooo, we looked hot.

Well, we get to the venue and see that we are the youngest people (ahem, women) there. They are all gushing about Englebert. We go and sit down and then this aging guy in a pwder blue tux - complete with ruffles and powder blue patent leather shoes comes on stage gyrating! I spent the evening staring at his backup singers --- it was better than him! Then there was a short intermission. When he returned, he was in skin tight black Levis and a cowboy shirt, shoes, & hat. It only went down from there when he did a Huey Lewis and the News set. :rolleyes:

But hey, Mr. Humperdink mentioned us during the concert... "I see there are women of all ages here. Look at the young ladies right up front " We were the young ladies!

05-08-2004, 09:41 PM
How about go-go boots? Vanilla extract behind the ears? Mood rings? gum wrapper ropes? Am I in the right generation or somewhere in between? My mom liked Engelbert!! :D :D How about Young Doctor Malone? Ben Casey? Doctor Kildare???

OH and speaking of being addressed at a concert!! my friend and I got thrown out of a Leonard Nimoy one man theatrical show "Vincent" by Leonard himself!!!! It was a matinee so it was basically full of school age kids who were bused over. We both brought our babies along who were nursing infants at the time. Both woke once each in the first half and briefly squeeked and we nursed them. That was it! AFTER the half time break - he came back on stage and before he started into his monologue (guess this had been bugging him at intermission) he asked "would the ladies near the front with the crying babies please exit the theater, you are disrupting my performance!" Both babies were and had been sound asleep for the past hour or so - kids all around were shooting spitwads, getting up and down, climbing over seats etc - and he asked US to leave?? Not only that but he waited until AFTER intermission and refused to continue the performance until we got up and left in front of the stunned and packed convention center!!

Sorry alittle off topic but it WAS a MEMORY!!:eek: :eek:

05-08-2004, 10:02 PM
Debbie how rude he was! I guess, I can safely say you are not one of his fans. I don't blame you either, that is just shocking!

I remember go go boots, I used to own a pair myself. LOL. I loved Ben Casey and Dr. Kildaire. Dr. Kildaire was Richard Chamberland from the Thornbirds.

I remember a time when Englebert was quite handsome, he used to sing a song that was soooo sexy when he sang it, it was called ''Spanish Eyes'', that was the only song I ever like to hear him sing.

I did love Tom Jones though, and when his show came on, women were swooning all over the place.

Debbie, I still can't get over Lenord Nimoy being so rude, that is just awful!! He sure didn't have to do that, I think if I had been there, I would have got up and walked out too. There is just no sense in being so rude, star or no star. Yuk on him!!


05-08-2004, 10:17 PM

Tuxluvr, I am laughing so hard, my sides hurt!!!

I was born in 1953. My Mom was the "in" type. Long before they had wonder bras, she used to wear "falsies" in her bra! She'd wear them in a bra that would "push them up and squeeze them together"!!

It was also the time WAY before pantyhose, when you had to wear a girdle with "hose" and those hook things to keep them on. :rolleyes:

Cigarettes cost 25 cents a pack and I could go into the store and buy them for my Mom. :eek:

Ah, Trayi52, do I EVER remember MY go-go boots? I got my first pair from my aunt at the age of 15!! I LOVED them boots!!

Marijuana was rumored to be made from baked banana peels. Never figured out where THAT came from!!

Anyone remember Tame?? It was THE conditioner of that era. And "peddle pushers" used to be called "clam diggers".

We also used to wear penny loafers with dimes in them, in case we needed money for a phone call. Yeah, phone calls USED to cost 10 cents. I remember when they were a nickle! Boy am I dating myself here!!

In 1972, I bought my very first car, a Volkswagen Beetle, powder blue. Total cost...$2,400!!!!!

Thanks Tuxluvr for the walk down memory lane. It really brightened my day and made me think of how young and innocent I once was!!

05-08-2004, 10:37 PM
Donna, banana peels used to give people some kind of high, just like pot. I don't remember how they prepared them for the high, though. I remember kids was doing that in the 70's too.

I remember the girdles with hooks, hose came in two and not all in one. The hooks held them up! Oh yes I remember that. I was born in 1952. I am older than you, Donna.

Wow, don't you wish you could still buy a car for that price. Those little beatles are worth more than that now.

Yes, I love the memories.....:) memory lane..

05-08-2004, 11:02 PM
Anyone remember Adorn hairspray? It came with nifty little gadgets for free. One was a tiny teasing comb to use with the spray. Another was a plastic roller pick where you rolled up some hair, sprayed it, held a minute, then let in go to make "perfect" curls.:D hmmm...candy dots on sheets of waxy paper...candy cigarrettes wrapped in paper with powdery stuff so you could blow out a puff of "smoke...sweet pastel liquid in waxy soda bottles - little teeny things....a free dish, glass or towel in the big size laundry detergent...candy lipstick to rub on your lips and make them all red before you ate it...LOL and pettipants!!! Anyone have those?? Like a petticoat/slip only you could wear them under culottes or pants. Training bras - mine had Barbie on it - do they still have those??? Thongs were things we wore on our FEET!! My kids have never dialed a phone except for a toy one they had! Lipstick that was blue or green but went on pink or peach. THIS has been fun!!

05-08-2004, 11:05 PM
Oh, and I remember VIVIDLY the photo of my mom, my Aunt, and my Great Aunt all dolled up with pin curls and fur coats to go see Tom Jones. Mom told me Great Aunt Lucille tossed her panties onto the stage for Tom!!!!

Well, I don't remember the 60's at all, and I don't know what Tom Jones looked like ... but I did recently here an interview with him on NPR, and WOW - what a voice!!! :eek:

05-08-2004, 11:21 PM
I was born in 61 but I remember my aunt (my sitter ) in high school having to take me with her .(My mom and garndma not knowing) How about mucsle cars and motoercycle (the days my uncle sat me) GoGo boots man I remember them.
I remember bell bottoms return in the 70's the wider the better my mom split them and added an insert to make mine even wider then she put what she called a cigerette pocket( would kill me if any ever found there) on the top of the split. It was the back pocket of another pair of jeans.
How about Macrame beltsand all those painfull beads clubbering you every step.
This has been a great walk down memory lane.

05-08-2004, 11:30 PM
Twisterdog, I haven't heard anything about him in so long. Did he still have a good voice?

Debbie, I remember all the things you mentioned! I got a laugh out of the thongs, I mentioned it to my teenage daughter and she is just like noo way, mom!

I am really enjoying this thread, fact is I love it.


All Creatures Great And Small
05-09-2004, 12:31 AM
Originally posted by sirrahbed
gum wrapper ropes?

OMG - I didn't think anybody else remembered those! My sister (born in '57) had one that had to be about 20 feet long - we went through a lot of Wrigley's to help her make that chain! Somehow you folded the gum wrappers really small and intertwined them so they zig-zagged. I'll have to ask her if she remembers making that rope!

Dialing a rotary phone - I distinctly remember arguing with my husband when we were first married (in 1983) that we didn't NEED to spend extra on a push button phone and "touch-tone service", just because we were too lazy to dial a number! :o :D
We actually have one old rotary phone downstairs that we keep just for the fun of it - it still works, amazingly! :p

There's some Tom Jones and Engelbert Humperdinck songs I still like to listen to once in a while - what the heck, I'm over 40 (hee hee). Remember this one?: "so I sing you to sleep - after the lovin' " HAHAHAHA what a cheesy song!

05-09-2004, 12:37 AM
I remember that song! That was a good song! Men, they don't do that, they just go to sleep! LOL!

How about, well when I was in school, girls would sneak up on boys and yank that little loop off their shirts, and make bracelets and necklaces out of them.

I remember the gum wrapper ropes too. Groovy......


05-09-2004, 12:43 AM
Corinna, your about the same age as my baby sister. She came along the year Kennedy was assinated.

Yes this is a nice walk down memory lane.:)

05-09-2004, 12:55 AM
I admit it I'm 43 Turned it in April. I still get carded some times . I love the commercial where the guy cards the gal for something . The announcer says you may even make a 35 year olds day.
I'm so glad for moms genes. shes 60 and looks 40. Son got them unfortnuly , not the girl.
Oh here is the engagment pic for the paper (local)

05-09-2004, 12:57 AM
here is my favorite and going in to our home town paper in Washington. Tim (hubby) took all the photos .

05-09-2004, 12:59 AM
Corinna, they are such a cute couple.

I knew you was just a young sprout! LOL, I am 51.:cool: Now isn't that just groovy?:cool:

05-09-2004, 01:14 AM
Hubby is 46 , most of my friends are 50+ I have always hung out with people older than me. Did cause problems when I was younger,they all wanted to go to the bar so I would then go home and hubby (bf at the time) would stay with me and would do something to gether . I knew he was for me then and 25 years of marriage prove it . I am the youngest at work , for now we are going to have 2 college kids this year.All the others are the work campers , retirees that work at parks and places as they travel from the south .
Hey do you have instant messaging with msn? Then we wouldn't have to hijack threads.

Lilith Cherry
05-09-2004, 07:08 AM
LOL I am REALLY old then! Im 54 and I remember Englebert Humperdinck when he was Jerry Dorsey and not famous yet! He was from the next small town and sang at the local dances quite often! That was in Leicestershire in England.

I remember sleeping out overnight on the sidewalk to buy tickets to see the Beatles in 1963 ( when I was 13) telling my mother I was at a friends house overnight.

I remember white stockings and lipstick to match with Op Art clothing in black and white only. Teenagers were either Mods or Rockers....

The 60 s were fun but I love being me now even better!

05-09-2004, 08:08 AM
Hey Tom Jones is STILL going strong!!! Trust me on that!! He performed recently down in Atlantic City and my co-worker (age 50) and her daughter (age 22) got to go! Her daughter thought he was as hot as her mom did! LOL! He still has that voice! Aah that voice! And for being as old as he is (late 50's? early 60's?) I think he is still lookin' quite good! ;)

PS: Just did a Google search. He was born in 1940! :eek: That makes him 64! Lookin' good Tom! Lookin' good! :p

Anyone remember S&H green stamps. I always had the job of licking the stamps and putting them in the books for my mom but I don't ever remember sharing in the fun of turning them in for the merchandise. She must have done that while I was at school.

All Creatures Great And Small
05-09-2004, 08:39 AM
Originally posted by Pam
Anyone remember S&H green stamps.

Sure do! I remember having a drawer full of them in the "buffet" (piece of furniture designed to hold dinnerware, but it was our extra "junk" storage:p ), and sitting around the table with a damp sponge, pressing the sheets of stamps against it and then into the little books. I remember going to the S & H store, full of anticipation of the marvelous prize we were going to get (a full-size trampoline, maybe, or a swingset for the backyard?) Wow - we went home with a car blanket in a plastic bag to keep in the trunk for emergencies. I guess you had to collect a garage full of them to get anything good. :D

05-09-2004, 09:38 AM
I remember S&H green stamps too. I remember I got a toy farm set with them. I had to share with my sister Ann. LOL, but I always love going and just looking at the wonderful things you could get.

They changed and Quality stamps were given, After I married, I saved those and got all kinds of stuff for my house. Even saved and got a baby bed once!

Lilith Cherry, did you get to see the beatles? Wow, I thought they were so cute, with their cute little haircuts. Oh my, I am really loving this thread.


05-09-2004, 10:09 AM
I do remember S&H Green Stamps - and A&P Yellow stamps...but for thelife of me don't remember if we ever got anything for them - I just remember finding them in the bottom of my mom's purse covered with the same lint that collected on the loose life savers.

Gum wrapper chains! OMG I almost forgot about those - some early form of origami....we also had those little fortune teller paper things...you would fold a square piece of paper so that it looked like four little cones, put "fortunes" or sayings on the inside, and number on the outside and played this little game...silly.

I remember ADORN hairspray, and also remember some really hideous perfumes..

TABU - with an aroma destined to suck the oxygen out of a 10x10 room in the matter of seconds..
PATCHOULI--became closely associated with those who enjoyed incense and other less legal burning weeds!!

AND my old time favorite
EVENING IN PARIS - this was stuff in a deep blue glass bottle - I accidently dropped and broke my sister's stash of this awful stuff and the upstairs bedrooms reeked for months!

MUSK OIL-the name says it all

Then there were the odd home remedies - my mother used to put drops of olive oil in our ears to unclog them..YUCH...when I got older and started watching chefs on TV and saw them cooking with olive oil, I couldn't believe they were using "ear cleaner" to cook food!

05-09-2004, 10:14 AM
How about, well when I was in school, girls would sneak up on boys and yank that little loop off their shirts, and make bracelets and necklaces out of them.

OMG!!! Those were called "Fairy Loops"!!


Green Stamps!!! My Mom bought my very first guitar with Green Stamps! I learned to play it on my own, and eventually for my 15th birthday, Mom and Dad invested in a Gibson guitar!

Anyone remember Spoolies??? They were little pink rubber things that you curled your hair with.

How about the Veg-O-Matic? It was one of the FIRST infomercials on TV. My grandfather, rest his soul, saw it on tv and absolutely HAD to have it!! He tried the "ripe tomato" trick and it went "splat" all over the kitchen counter! We never let him forget that!!!

I LOVE this thread! Keep it going!!

05-09-2004, 10:19 AM
ok Adorn was bad but what about the enviromentaly safe pump spray of final net . if you could get it unclogged to spray it cenemted the hair to gether.

05-09-2004, 10:24 AM
Originally posted by moosmom

Tuxluvr, I am laughing so hard, my sides hurt!!!

I was born in 1953. My Mom was the "in" type. Long before they had wonder bras, she used to wear "falsies" in her bra! She'd wear them in a bra that would "push them up and squeeze them together"!!

It was also the time WAY before pantyhose, when you had to wear a girdle with "hose" and those hook things to keep them on. :rolleyes:

Thanks Tuxluvr for the walk down memory lane. It really brightened my day and made me think of how young and innocent I once was!!

Oh yes, the "falsies" and those push up bras! Even those today, the "wonder bras"...I saw a woman in one of those a few months ago and they were so "pushed up" they looked like one big round breast with a "plumbers crack" down the middle!:eek:

And hose with garter belts - geez I hated those things! They would snap or dig into your skin - I always had those little garter indentations in my legs...

Go Go boots - ok on the count of 3, everyone emulate Nancy Sinatra:
"These boots are made for walkin
and that's what there gonna do
and one of these days these boots
are gonna walk all over you"


05-09-2004, 10:31 AM
And what, exactly, was the marketing genius behind the term "training bra"?

Whom or what were we "training" anyway? :D ;)

I do distinctly remember having conversations with my girlfriends about these and we honestly believed that wearing them would "stimulate" the growth of, well, you know...

And does anyone remember this saying?

"What nature has forgotten, stuff with cotton"

Today I guess is replaced with
"Where nature hasn't gone, there's always silicone!"
"Where nature left you less to brag, find a surgeon with some saline bags"

05-09-2004, 10:36 AM
OMG, tuxluvr I was thinking about that song last night!! I started to mention it and got all excited and forgot to.

I remember spoolies too!


05-09-2004, 11:48 AM
This seems to be a thread for the ladies among us, but here's a bit of male input:

When I went to Maidenhead County Grammar School in the late forties and early fifties, we were forced to buy and wear the official school uniform, a grotesque purple and gold creation with a very silly cap. If you were seen going to or from school without it, it was caning time. The girls' Grammar School, (on the opposite side of town of course), had similarly gross uniforms (but with skirts).
To be seen talking to one of the girls while in uniform would produce serious repercussions, even expulsion. How's that for segregation!

I don't remember much about our dress codes, since we had little money for such luxuries as new clothes, and rarely got close enough to a girl to check out her hair (let alone anything else), but I distinctly remember the "Teddy Boys". They were the bad (rock & roll) kids, who had velvet lapels on their jackets, "DA's" (duck's *rse hairstyles) all brylcreamed and shiny, "drainpipe" trousers and "winkle-pickers" (pointed Italian shoes). They used to sew fishhooks behind their lapels, so if anyone grabbed them threateningly, they got a handful of hooks. Not pleasant people.

You got new toys twice a year if you were lucky (Christmas and Birthday), and I remember my pocket money going up to sixpence a week (about 2 cents?). :eek: :eek:

Yes indeed, those were the days! - Or were they? :confused:

05-09-2004, 11:52 AM
LOL! This is fun to read! :D

If we go back to when I was 16, I remember buying packs of cigarettes called York or Eifel - with only 5 in.

Creme rinse .... oh yes, I used one with a wonderful aroma of peach. It came in a small yellowish tube. Does anyone remember the shampoo "Breck"? I really liked it! Also, about a decade later, there was this almond/marcipan smelling shampoo I was crazy about. It had like small bubbles in the bottle. :D

Oh, and Patchouli, I remember that too. ;)

OK guys, Tom Jones and Engelbert H didn't do much for me, but P.J. Proby!! He had a wonderful voice - I can't remember the specific song I liked, though. It WAS quite a few years back. LOL!

Clothes!! Oh the things I was wearing!! My parents refused to take me along to big family do's - but that was the plan. LOL!

The sixties were a great time! I happened to be living in London when Stones played in Hyde Park too!

Did any of you go to Woodstock? I would have loved to be there!!

05-09-2004, 12:01 PM
Jonza, thanks for finally explaining what the DA stood for...I laughed out loud, because they did really look like a Duck's. *rse :D

And did you have, as a Billy Joel song lyric stated "a mint called Sen-Sen" - those little seeds in a red foil packet? I always thought they were some kind of illegal drug, in fact they were just really awful-tasting breath mints!

Winkle Pickers in our country were not Italian boots, but I suspect rather the equivalent in pointy-toed cowboy boots.....referred to as "roach killers".

Randi, I think the green-bubble shampoo with almond smell was called PRELL - always liked it, too - it came in a clear squeeze tube.

Breck is actually still around, but I think they were bought by Dial Soap - I still see their label on hotel shampoo mini-bottles.

05-09-2004, 12:12 PM
This is a great thread, and men are welcome to share their memories too, fact is I would love hearing them. Jonza, I remember when I was a kid, Christmas was getting just apples and oranges and peppermint candy.

I do remember one Christmas getting a jump rope, and a pair of pajamas.


Lilith Cherry
05-09-2004, 12:17 PM
Yes Trayi I got to see the Beatles and Rolling Stones in my dim and distant youth LOL!
And Jonza, the Grammar school I went to had the same purple and gold uniforms ... yuck and yuck again:p

I remember all those awful perfumes too and even wore patchouli in my teens!

I am still an overaged flower child exploring the world in my retirement
:) :eek: and my husband still loves garter belts to this day ;)

This is such a funny post!

05-09-2004, 12:47 PM
Originally posted by All Creatures Great And Small

Dialing a rotary phone - I distinctly remember arguing with my husband when we were first married (in 1983) that we didn't NEED to spend extra on a push button phone and "touch-tone service", just because we were too lazy to dial a number! :o :D
We actually have one old rotary phone downstairs that we keep just for the fun of it - it still works, amazingly! :p

There's some Tom Jones and Engelbert Humperdinck songs I still like to listen to once in a while - what the heck, I'm over 40 (hee hee). Remember this one?: "so I sing you to sleep - after the lovin' " HAHAHAHA what a cheesy song!

My mother had a rotary phone until about a year ago - we finally got her into the 'pushbutton' age - we also had a "party line" when I was growing up...which meant you shared a phone line with one or two other houses in the area...I used to get in trouble for picking up the phone and listening to this old woman talk to her friend about all her medical problems. My sisters used to get in trouble for hogging the phone lines from the neighbors.

Yeah, but sometimes a cheesy song is just what the doctor ordered.

"And I know that my song isn't saying anything new....
but after the lovin, I'm still in love with you"

Personally, I think our world needs more cheesy songs


05-09-2004, 12:51 PM
And I DISTINCTLY remember actually having to walk over to the TV set and TURN THE CHANNEL with a KNOB!

Remember the first "remote controls"? A friend of mine had one that not only responded to the "clicker", (mind you it only had 3 BUTTONS, change channel, volume, and on/off) - if he stood in front of the TV and jingled the change in his pocket it would change the channel.

05-09-2004, 01:00 PM
Originally posted by tuxluvr
And did you have, as a Billy Joel song lyric stated "a mint called Sen-Sen" - those little seeds in a red foil packet?
No, all I can remember was a sort of sherbert powder one sucked up through a straw, and ice cream on VERY special occasions.

Originally posted by trayi52
I remember when I was a kid, Christmas was getting just apples and oranges and peppermint candy.
Yes! We had "Christmas stockings" hanging in our bedrooms as well as the normal Christmas gifts, but they were mostly filled with apples and oranges and other less expensive items.

Originally posted by Lilith Cherry
Yes Trayi I got to see the Beatles and Rolling Stones in my dim and distant youth LOL!
I was offered a helicopter trip into the Isle of White Festival (back stage), but declined, since "I didn't have the time". How stupid can one be?! :mad:

05-09-2004, 02:17 PM
remember was a sort of sherbert powder one sucked up through a straw

Pixie Stix?

05-09-2004, 05:01 PM
My brother used to have Sen-Sen in his room all the time. They were GROSS!!!!

Anyone remember the perfume Midnight in Paris??? I got it one year from a girl I went to Jr. High School with. Just THINKING about that stuff gives me a lump in my throat!!!

Ah yes, Prell Shampoo! My mom used to use that stuff. I got it in my eyes once and it burned like the dickens!!! :eek:

leslie flenner
05-09-2004, 07:35 PM
no one has mentioned PSSSSSSST? Song on commercial: "It's the neat shampoo you can do on the run!" (I think- correct me if i'm wrong!) It was a dry spray one could spray on that "cleaned the hair" (same as baby powder does).
I grew up using Breck (which has just come back on the market!) and Tame creme rinse! There is no such thing as creme rinse anymore and Tame really got the tangles out good! And yes, Prell was one of the best!
I was in grade school during the 60's. My mom was a protester in the vietnam war and before that had been in Mississippi during the civil rights movement. My best friend's mom had same interests and we were close. Me and Rena would go to the head shop and buy "love beads" and comics (we were not allowed to buy Fritz the Cat or Cheech and Chong!). we bought glasses where each lense was a different color and Kalaidascoped (sp). As in Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds (and kalaidascope eyes.....). I sure wish I had those glasses now- when you looked through them you saw a million of the same- like how a fly sees things!
Tom jones is doing well with his cd with KD lang! They have been on pbs several times and I cannot believe how good he looks!
Remember red wax lips?

leslie flenner
05-09-2004, 07:38 PM
I hated bell bottoms then and don't like them now! Same with platform shoes! ICK!

05-09-2004, 07:49 PM
Originally posted by leslie flenner
Tom jones is doing well with his cd with KD lang! They have been on pbs several times and I cannot believe how good he looks!

Now that you have brought the conversation back to "Tom" I have a little humor to add to the mix. Recently he was on TV doing an interview with someone (I can't remember who, except that it wasn't Barbara Walters). Anyway, the interviewer asked if people still throw their underpants on stage and he said "yes, but today they throw thongs!" Well, I was telling my daughter this and when I said "what do you think people throw at him on stage these days?" Her reply......."Depends!" Geesh I guess Tom and I look really, really old to a 27 year old! :D :rolleyes: :D

05-09-2004, 08:05 PM
SPOOLIES!! OMG how could I forget spoolies?? Remote control - YES we had one - really fancy but it had a long cord that connected to the TV but we thought it was pretty cool!
Did you guys wear GYM SUITS for PE?:eek: They had to seriously shop for the ugliest things they could find. One school we had puke green one piece numbers with tabs on the side to pull in the waist and bloomer-like bottoms of the legs. HID - E - US beyond belief!! Did you have reading level groups at elementary school? Like the Robins, Bluebirds and Canarys, etc. Did you have milktime where someone would bring in the case of milk - some special government program I think and it came in little glass bottles with a cardboard top that if you didn't get the tab just right, the cardboard went IN and the milk shot OUT??:rolleyes:
Tuesdays were savings bond days so we could bring in our dimes or quarters to pay on our savings bonds...
Did you iron your long hair to straighten it? Wear fishnet stocking?? Oh those were SO COOL but they hurt when you bent your knees!! My legs were...uh...plush..and stuck out the diamonds..YES and textured nylons!!!..they were sheer but had fancy patterns in them. :D :D TROLL dolls with that fuzzy long hair on top? Thumbelina and Chatty Cathy - I think CC had a baby brother too?

Back with a few more!...I remember in elementary school having drills for tornados and also films about nuclear fallout but I never knew what it was but only it was scary and we had to have drills for that too, and our basement at home, my mom kept water and groceries in case we had "fallout":eek: :eek:

Macrame!! Cords and beads to make these plant hangers and also beads on strips to put up in doorways - that was WAY COOL!!

Something to play with was a tub of powder and you added water and it made SLIME - Fun!!!

05-09-2004, 08:26 PM
Oh dear lord, the GYM SUITS! Gad, those were awful - I suspect the same people who designed jail uniforms moonlighted as gym suit designers. Ours were those gakky one-piece double knit jobs with orange and grey striped tops and orange shorts....URK URK URK...

Fishnets, yes...and I remember the "hair ironing'...also the infamous trend of rolling long hair up on soda or beer cans.

Troll dolls creeped me out - I just couldn't deal with them, although they were certainly popular. I had a Chatty Cathy, and the obligatory Barbie doll, as well as the little sister, friend or something named "Midge" - freckle-faced red head doll.

There was also Betsy Wetsy (messy messy)

We didn't have reading groups that I remember, but I distinctly recall in grade school, grade 1, 2 and 3, there was the "Humpty
Dumpty Wall of Shame".(they didn't call it that at the time, that was my addition)..each person had a Humpty Dumpty paper cutout pasted above the chalkboard with our name on it, and if you didn't clean your plate at lunch, your Humpty Dumpty got turned upside down. Imagine if they did that today?

There were also clearly displayed paddles, one I remember being labeled "the board of education". Yes, teachers actually paddled children in those days if they were REALLY BAD.

And the CAFETERIA FOOD - good lord what were they thinking? They used to announce the school lunch menu on the local radio station, and my brother and I used to laugh at the "Beenie Weenie" announcement. We had something called "Peanut Butter Balls"....they were literally quarter sized round wads of peanut butter rolled in cereal flakes. And it wasn't Jif or Peter Pan-we referred to it as "industrial waste peanut butter"...UGH

05-09-2004, 08:33 PM
Silly Putty, Slinkies, Super Balls....and remember "Knockers"???

Before you raise eyebrows, "Knockers" were these heavy hard plastic balls a little smaller than a baseball, attached by a large cord with a loop in the middle - the trick was to hold onto the loop and try to "knock" the balls together...BRUISES GALORE with this ingenious toy, and if an observer got too close, a black eye or mild concussion...I think they didn't last long.

Then there was the "Slip n Slide", Twister, Chinese Checkers and the commercials

"Plop plop, fizz fizz, oh what a relief it is!"

"I can't believe I ate the whole thing!"

05-09-2004, 08:38 PM
And for TV viewing, remember Red Skelton (Clem Kadiddlehopper, et al) Dinah Shore (she always ended her show with "see the USA in your Chevrolet"), Ed Sullivan, The Honeymooners (gosh I LOVED that show! - Bang Zoom Alice - right to the moon!)

05-09-2004, 08:45 PM
Originally posted by Pam
And for TV viewing, remember Red Skelton (Clem Kadiddlehopper, et al) Dinah Shore (she always ended her show with "see the USA in your Chevrolet"), Ed Sullivan, The Honeymooners (gosh I LOVED that show! - Bang Zoom Alice - right to the moon!)

Red was the best...remember the seagulls "Gertrude and Heathcliff" ??

05-09-2004, 08:48 PM
Originally posted by tuxluvr
Red was the best...remember the seagulls "Gertrude and Heathcliff" ??

Sure do! You just don't see that kind of humor on TV any more! :)

05-09-2004, 08:59 PM
I have several Chatty Cathys now, and the other family members that was in the chatty doll line. I always wanted one as a kid, and never got one, LOL, now I have at least 4 of these dolls along with the big sister and the baby brother and baby sister. Oh how I love those dolls!

Do you remember those little cheap dolls that had a pony tail and when you took her hair down, she was just as bald in the middle of head as she could be. I think they went for about 50 cents back in the 60's. I found one at an antique store, kept watching for it to go down in price, they wanted 10 dollars for it, I finally got them down to 2 dollars on her, I was patient, but I wanted her so bad.

We had gym suits too, ours was a navy blue, with elastic at the waist, and snaps in the front. The girls and boys were separated during gym, but you could always look over at the divider and see boys eyes looking at the girls working out! We had seperate home rooms too, boys in one, girls in the other.

LOL, because of my name being a boys name, they always got mixed up and sent me to the boys home room. I was so young I would get so embarassed over the whole thing. Hmmmm, I should have went.....

Fishnet hose, yes I remember, and Leslie I remember that shampoo and the creme rinse too. I wore the bell bottoms, mohair sweaters that itched you to death!

I remember girls ironing their hair to make it straight, I never did because my hair was so straight, not even a hint of a curl in it!

If I get a chance I will make some pictures of my Chattys, oh they have the prettiest eyes! I really lucked up and got a brown eyed one too! I have dolls of all kinds, that I know a lot of you will remember. I do need to make pictures of all my baby dolls!!

05-09-2004, 09:28 PM
How about the Tiny Tears doll??? I had one. She had short red curly hair and eyes that closed when you laid her down. My Airedale, Tinker, chewed her when he was a puppy, left her with no nose and a section of her hair ripped out. I still loved her!! (was pissed at the dog, however for a long time)

Oh those gymsuits!!! I used to get a wedgie everytime I put it on!!! How I hated them!

How about Crazy Foam?? It was foam soap for kids. I used to beg my Mom to buy it for me when she went grocery shopping. I think it's still on the market.

Remember when they had "savings day" in elementary school?? You'd bring in (it was always $1.00 for me) money and your bank book. The teacher or principal (not sure, THOSE memories were kinda fuzzy) would take it and then you'd get your passbook back showing the deposit was made.

05-09-2004, 10:30 PM
Donna, I am going to look and see if I have that doll, it seems like I do. I have so many dolls, you would think you were in heaven and a little girl again! Short red curley hair. I will look and see if I have her, if I do I will send her to you. Just let me see and make sure. I just have so many, its hard to remember all of them. I am like a kid when I start looking at my dolls.


05-10-2004, 12:42 AM
Since we are talking about bad hair products How about those wonderful(:mad: ) Toni home perms? I only got 2 but I remember my mom and grannie holding this tom boy down to give it to me.

05-10-2004, 06:18 AM
Originally posted by Corinna
Since we are talking about bad hair products How about those wonderful(:mad: ) Toni home perms? I only got 2 but I remember my mom and grannie holding this tom boy down to give it to me.

Ahhh, Toni, the bringer of "brillo pad head"! Man did those things STINK!

05-10-2004, 06:45 AM
Dipity=do? something like that pink gel in a big jar - I'm not even sure what it was but FOR I think just like a hair gel like now. Yes, I had Tiny Tears Moo!! I also had a couple Toni home perms - I think they made a special one for kids - extra gentle but I still looked like a brillo. My brother had a CREW CUT and he used something called butch wax in a tin that looked like shoe polish:D
Did your moms made lots of casseroles with cans of Campbells soup? The worst one I remember we called tuna wiggle and it had tuna (of course) noodles, cream of mushroom soup and crushed potato chips on top. I actually made it a few times when I first got married but my husnand HATES it so it's a joke now - if I want to go out to eat and he asks what is for dinner I say Tuna Wiggle and he knows we are going out to eat!:D
YES I had a GIRDLE too:D and yes it just pushes the fat around to somewhere else - finally they got fancy and modern and there was a *panty-girdle*:rolleyes: and it moved the fat around a little more evenly.
Well might as well get personal. but they did not have peel and stick kotex so we had to wear elastic belts with garter things front and back and kotex that were the size of duffle bags with long tabs that made wedgies:o :o Mom said nice girls did not wear tampax!! :eek: :eek: :eek: I was only 12-13 and did not know why they sold them then but was always embarrassed to walk by them!!

PS Yes, Barbies redhead friend with freckles was Midge - I still have her and the little sister was Skipper!! I LOVED my Barbies and still have them!!! Some look pretty bad because I tried to give them haircuts and makeup:D :D OH OH! TRESSY!!! She was like a Barbie but not made by Barbie and had a piece of hair on top you could pull on and it would get really long and then you spread it all out like she had long hair. Then I think you pushed a button or something to make it go back into her head so she had short hair again:D

05-10-2004, 08:23 AM
Oh no, we shouldn't do this, I'm getting some really weird flash backs.

Do you REALLY want to go this far back in time? There'll be no mention of shampoo and stuff, since we had no hot water and could only bath once a week anyway!

I remember my very first day in primary school. I was absolutely scared stiff. My mum delivered me to the entrance of the school playground, a mad noisy place with kids racing around all over the place. I was tightly holding on to a mug and an empty tin which we took with us for the cocoa distribution. We used to get gift parcels from the Red Cross, and cocoa was distributed in school. The first thing that happened when i ventured out into the playground was that someone ran into me and I dropped the mug. I was destroyed! No cup of hot cocoa for me! What was this harsh world I was being forced out into!

In grammar school, if you were really naughty, you got 3 or 6 of the best, with a long bamboo cane, VERY hard. The gym teacher would also regularly beat us with our gym shoes. The maths teacher was a genuine sadist. His reaction to a wrong answer would be to stab the pointed end of a pencil into your scalp. That really hurt!

"CAFETERIA FOOD" - oh my goodness, the school meals! If you didn't eat it all up you got beaten. I remember seeing one poor kid forced to eat the dessert and immediately spewing it all up again. The one that we all really hated was semolina I think. We used to call it "frogs spawn" and it was absolutely disgusting.

There was also the inescapable, pervasive fear of "The War". I can remember regularly seeing the whole sky full of low flying bombers (ours luckily!) on their way out to Germany, since we were right under the flight path. The noise was amazing, and the ground literally shook under our feet. Once when I was about 5, I was in the garden playing in the late evening. I asked my mum why the sky was all tinted red on the horizon. The answer? "Oh, that's London burning". Such things do tend to make an impression on a young kid.
Since there was so little food and nobody had any money, we kept chickens and rabbits in the back garden, and had a vegetable patch. Sometimes I would have to go with my mum to a sort of soup kitchen, a huge barracks building with long tables where hundreds of people would sit in rows and eat their cheap gruel.

We didn't have "knockers" but we had "conckers". They were hardened chestnuts (on a string too), and they certainly gave us some decent bruising! You hung your concker on a string, and your opponent tried to destroy it with his concker. One mean trick was to soak them in vinegar overnight, so they went rock hard and could almost break your opponents finger!

We had no television in the house until after I left England, but my friend just down the road had one (wow!), so I used to go down there every tuesday (I was about 12 to 14 I would imagine) and see "The Quatermass Experiment", a real sci-fi horror series. I used to take my evening meal down there on a tray (always fried eggs on fried bread!), and we'd make model airplanes and stuff. I can remember being totally freaked out by Quatermass, and running frantically back home in the dark with my tray rattling away, shaking like a leaf!
We also had an old wind up gramophone and played 78's in a tent in his back garden. My favorites then were The Sheik of Araby and Stardust, probably by Mantovani or some such dance band. Later my taste developed to the blues, then rhythm and blues, rock & roll and goodness knows what!

So I'm afraid if there are any kids out there that think they're having a hard time nowadays, I have little sympathy! Admittedly it's a tough world, but as far as I can see, the majority of problems we have nowadays are self inflicted or what I call "luxury problems". :rolleyes:

05-10-2004, 09:31 AM
I noticed this on CNN. Slightly off topic, but it seems as if those fishnet stockings haven't gone out of fashion after all! :D

French policeman arrested driving in fishnet tights

PARIS (Reuters) - A French policeman faces trial in a police court for driving under the influence after he was stopped at the wheel of his car drunk and wearing only a pair of fishnet tights, a prosecutor said Friday.
The man admitted he was a part-time prostitute after fellow police chased him through the Bois de Boulogne, a wooded area on the outskirts of Paris reputed as a nighttime hangout of transsexual prostitutes, in the early hours of Thursday.
The policeman said he needed the extra income. If convicted, he could lose his driver's license and be fined.
Prosecutors said there was not enough evidence to try him for passive soliciting, which is punishable by prison in France.

So there you have it - different strokes for different folks!

Miss Meow
05-10-2004, 04:25 PM
Originally posted by jonza
...So I'm afraid if there are any kids out there that think they're having a hard time nowadays, I have little sympathy! Admittedly it's a tough world, but as far as I can see, the majority of problems we have nowadays are self inflicted or what I call "luxury problems". :rolleyes:

John, I couldn't have said it better myself.

My grandfather on my mother's side was a prisoner of war in Changi for several years, leaving my grandmother with a child to struggle on her own and dealing with the trauma when he returned.

My Dutch grandfather was a member of the Dutch Resistance against the Germans and was captured by the enemy. Meanwhile, my grandmother was traipsing around Europe with five children, trying to keep them alive.

My generation and the ones following don't really know what hard times mean!

My mum had one of those hose-connected hair dryers mentioned in a previous thread. It scared the pants off me whenever it came out ;)

05-10-2004, 05:05 PM
Originally posted by Miss Meow
John, I couldn't have said it better myself.

My grandfather on my mother's side was a prisoner of war in Changi for several years, leaving my grandmother with a child to struggle on her own and dealing with the trauma when he returned.

My Dutch grandfather was a member of the Dutch Resistance against the Germans and was captured by the enemy. Meanwhile, my grandmother was traipsing around Europe with five children, trying to keep them alive.

My generation and the ones following don't really know what hard times mean!

My mum had one of those hose-connected hair dryers mentioned in a previous thread. It scared the pants off me whenever it came out ;)

No doubt there are new stresses today, but I would have to agree a lot are not real "problems" when you put them against what our ancestors dealt with. My mother was telling me about her grandmother, and how she booked passage on a ship from somewhere in Germany to the US with 10 children. Her husband had died a year before - she did not know where she would live once she got here, only that it would be a vast improvement on the then-tyrranical rule of her country....my own paternal grandparents traveled thousands of miles by horse and buggy to settle "somewhere in the midwest"....but again had no real idea of where they were going and what it would be like once they got there.

There was no running water or electricity. My mother grew up in a dirt floor cabin.

However, I do see extraordinary strength in the young men and women willing to put their lives on the line for freedom today, so I don't think all is lost in the "guts and gumption" department of our youth!

Miss Meow
05-10-2004, 05:28 PM
Originally posted by tuxluvr
However, I do see extraordinary strength in the young men and women willing to put their lives on the line for freedom today, so I don't think all is lost in the "guts and gumption" department of our youth!

Yes, you're right. I temporarily forgot about that when "my Playstation's broken", "I'm not getting a BMW for my first car" and "I have to pay for my education" thoughts came to mind :)

I'm sure today's young people of Afghanistan, Iraq, China, Israel, Palestine and many other countries can fairly say they have problems.

05-10-2004, 06:03 PM
Originally posted by tuxluvr
and remember "Knockers"???

I do remember the real ones.....

I have to do a double take these days.

Originally posted by tuxluvr
making the surface of the breast take on the shape and feel of a stale cornmeal muffin. (Mental note: breasts are not supposed to be "crunchy")

Stale cornmeal muffin? Crunchy???

:D ;)

05-10-2004, 06:34 PM
Originally posted by moosmom
Anyone remember Spoolies??? They were little pink rubber things that you curled your hair with.
I'm loving this thread. I was born in '51 and feel like I'm in good company here.

Spoolies! Those weird pink rubber things!

Had the go-go boots, the bouffant hair dryer (they still sell those!), remember ratting my hair, the white lipstick, smoking banana peels, the summer of love here in S.F., the mini skirts, the mods 'n rockers, Mary Quant, girdles, garter belts - pantyhose weren't invented yet, Tame creme rinse, pedal pushers, bloomers, culottes, rotary dial phones, telephone number prefixes, those foam swimsuit cups ...

Remember those torpedo cup bras? The playtex ones with the round stitching?

05-10-2004, 06:58 PM
Originally posted by RedHedd
Remember those torpedo cup bras? The playtex ones with the round stitching?
OMG!!! NOW I remember. Guess I had put that far out of mind:o They were best worn under a pastel knit sweater! Some the girls has to put toilet paper in to make sure the points didn't collapse:o :D How about "Cross Your Heart" Lifts and Separates ?

Fake eyelashes? I wore them for years. I can look at old pictures that look like I have bugs on my eyes. Even had a special applicator to get them on just right! They were black and looked so cool with my long blonde hair -parted down the middle, blue eyeshadow, frosted lipstick, and my granny glasses!!!:D

I spent Sunday with my son and daughter-in-love and her mom. We got to singing some oldies and giggling after I told her about this place (PT) and remember when thread. We would forget the words and DIL would help us out! Guess her mom played these oldies when she was growing up and they were oldies then! We were singing

*I was out on a date in my daddy's car....we hadn't driven very far...."

bet I have some of YOU singing now!!!:p

05-10-2004, 08:16 PM
Originally posted by sirrahbed
OMG!!! NOW I remember. Guess I had put that far out of mind:o They were best worn under a pastel knit sweater! Some the girls has to put toilet paper in to make sure the points didn't collapse:o :D How about "Cross Your Heart" Lifts and Separates ?


LOL Actually, I was thinking of the "torpedo bras" and forgot to include those - the "circular stitching" that made the female form look a lot like the tail lights of a vintage automobile....and you are right, those "mammary divots" were embarrasing!! ..imagine the tensile strength of those undergarments! Twas like stuffing your breasts into pastry bags, the "ice cream cone look"....the only time when the female form came with the timeless warning "you'll put your eye out" (Richard, that one was for you, baby!)

05-10-2004, 08:21 PM
Originally posted by tuxluvr
timeless warning "you'll put your eye out"
Wasn't that the Red Ryder BB Gun?;)
...unless you are RICHARD!!!! of course:rolleyes:

05-10-2004, 08:22 PM
Originally posted by RICHARD
I do remember the real ones.....

I have to do a double take these days.

Stale cornmeal muffin? Crunchy???

:D ;)

heh heh....nice to meet you Richard - one warped sense of humor over here (me) in the middle of the great unwashed midwest! :D

05-10-2004, 08:27 PM
Originally posted by tuxluvr
Twas like stuffing your breasts into pastry bags,
Didn't your mum teach you the proper way to put them on? :eek: Over the shoulder, fasten, then lean over at the waist, do a little *jiggle* to put everything into proper place within the pastry bag and there ya go! :D

05-10-2004, 08:28 PM
Originally posted by sirrahbed
Wasn't that the Red Ryder BB Gun?;)

LOL...not to change the subject, but that movie was the best! Did you see the sequel movie "It Runs In The Family" by the same author? It follows a summer story

Actually, it's sort of on topic because it deals with a lot of those "olden day" things...see it if you haven't

05-11-2004, 07:34 AM
Probably, none of you know what it means to grow up in the communist (socialist) system. No worries in the world (REALLY!), many things were for free, I never had inferiority complexes that my parents had only a 6 room house, instead of a castle. But... the things that were for free depended on people and in our school cafeteria, for a while, we had an AWFUL cook. I was a very thin little girl and my teacher, who ABSOLUTELY loved me, couldn't bear the thought that I am not eating, when she knew war and harder times. So she tried to force feed me. And I b....d in the plate!!! That's what you would call a spoiled child!

Not that I am dreaming of those times, but it really is a lot harder for us now! My brother would not be able to afford education if I couldn't help.

05-11-2004, 11:39 AM
Originally posted by tuxluvr
heh heh....nice to meet you Richard - one warped sense of humor over here (me) in the middle of the great unwashed midwest! :D

You don't have to come from California to be easily amused!!!!:D


Hot pants.

Pet Rocks.

The sew-on edging for bell bottoms.

8 tracks.

The 'nuclear war' poster.........'put your head between your knees and kiss.....'

05-11-2004, 11:48 AM
I had forgotten 8 tracks!! How about reel to reel?? My dad STILL listens to those!!! He will soon be 80:) Did anyone play "Pong"?? We ran right down to Sears-Roebucks and paid $30 for that high tech marvel of a game to play at home!!!

05-11-2004, 11:51 AM
Didn't your mum teach you the proper way to put them on? Over the shoulder, fasten, then lean over at the waist, do a little *jiggle* to put everything into proper place within the pastry bag and there ya go!

ROFLMAO!!!!!!!!!!!:D :D

05-11-2004, 01:48 PM
Redhedd, you brought me back to another few - Mary Quant and BIBA!! :D

05-11-2004, 03:55 PM
Originally posted by Randi
Redhedd, you brought me back to another few - Mary Quant and BIBA!! :D Jean Shrimpton, Veruschka, Twiggy ... and trying to have eye lashes like Twiggy - oh-so-carefully painting those spider legs over my eyes ... :rolleyes:

Roller skates with keys, Keds, Play Doh, Silly Putty, Slinkie, Hula Hoops, playing Jacks .....

05-12-2004, 10:03 AM
Originally posted by tuxluvr
However, I do see extraordinary strength in the young men and women willing to put their lives on the line for freedom today, so I don't think all is lost in the "guts and gumption" department of our youth!

Just to put the record straight, I must say that I really agree 100% on that.
I'm so glad it's not me who has to grow up and make some sense of this mad, mad world! Mine was more than mad enough.
Where's the logic, where's the good old-fashioned common sense? Where's the appreciation of the fact that others have to follow where we have lead them? Where's the humility and tolerance? (Come on you bl**dy politicians, get your act together and stop all this greed and hypocrisy!)

And, although a bit off the topic, I think I'd better revise my previous statement too:

My cat is more intelligent than the majority of politicians! :D :D :D

All Creatures Great And Small
05-13-2004, 07:46 AM
Originally posted by leslie flenner
PSSSSSSST? Song on commercial: "It's the neat shampoo you can do on the run!" (I think- correct me if i'm wrong!) It was a dry spray one could spray on that "cleaned the hair" (same as baby powder does).

Oh gosh, we went through a LOT of cans of PSSSSSSSST! I had two sisters, all of us having that long, straight hair that was popular back then, but this was before the days of the blow dryer, so if we didn't have time to wash our hair the night before and let it air dry, this was our only option. Actually, I don't remember that it worked very well - mostly just looked and felt like you had dusted your head with powder, so your hair just looked dull and cakey.

I still remember the first "blow comb" or "hot comb" that my mom bought - it was a crude blow dryer (more heat than air), but it was flat and shaped like a comb, with the heat coming out through a brush attachment snapped onto it. You were supposed to brush / comb your hair as usual and it would "magically" dry your hair in half the time! (Worked about as well as the PSSSSSST :rolleyes: )

How weird is this, that I not only remember my mom's bonnet-style hairdryer with the little plastic cap, but I remember the smell of it! My mom was always under it with those black brushy rollers in her hair, with the pink plastic picks to hold them in place. (I used to play with her Dippity-Do setting gel when she wasn't looking. :D )

05-13-2004, 11:20 AM
So long as were being nastalgic....lol

OK ok I'm only 22 but things nowdays make me feel OLD especially in my line of work *confusers I mean er computers*. I remember my first game system. When I was 5 my parents bought me a Comadore 64. That thing was soooooooo cool! I loved playing the game where the little sitck figures beat each other up while making cheasy Bruce lee type noises :). I learned to program Basic on that thing too. When my parents "Upgraded" and got me my first console system, a Sega Genisis (I missed out on nintendo, but the C64 had better games. Nintendo missed out on Frogger lol) I sat in fron of that thing playing Target Earth and Altered Beast for HOURS. Mom had to come in and unplug my TV at dinnertime! TV was more fun too, cause they had shows like GI Joe and Transformers and Thundercats...The ninja turtles were cool too. I wanted to marry Leonardo lol. Nowdays you ask a kid about Transformers and such and they look at you funny....when I was little I watched things like Rainbow Brite and Care Bears *I STILL watch care bears on tape sometimes lol* and Fraggle Rock. I watched just about every Donald Duck cartoon I could get my paws on too hehe. I remember when my parents first got a CD player...man were we COOL! I was one of the first kids in my school that had one at home. Anyone remember Beta tapes? Pfft on ebay theyre selling the players for like $200....ugh.
I'm done rambling...do any of you remember that stuff or have kids that played with Ninja Turtle toys lol?
I'll end with a song
"Karma karma karma chamilian, you come and go, you come and goooo, lovin is always easy when your colors are like my dreams, red blue and greenm red blue and green."

:D :D :D

Eeek lol

05-13-2004, 12:21 PM
DJFyrewolf36, yeap I remember. My daughter is 18, she watched all that stuff on tv too. And the games, oh yeah, my kids, all three of them loved the games. My olders kids, had the one that pacman came out on, and frogger, there was another one too, but I don't remember it. I remember one Christmas, the kids got a fishing game, and all the grown men in the house took the game away from the kids and spent Christmas day playing that darn fishing game!

Yes, you young people have some good olden day memories to share too.


05-14-2004, 05:00 PM
I had a pacman mini arcade thing and it made the MOST obnoxious noise....mom HATED me cause Id be up playing it at all hours *beep beep beep* She finally figured out a way to turn the sound off lol.

My dad and cousin in law took away my fishing game and played it once too...on my birthday! Ugh, took mom hours to get em to let me play lol

05-14-2004, 06:30 PM
Burma Shave

Burma Shave

Remember these? For those who never saw the Burma Shave signs, here is a
quick lesson in our history of the 1930's and '40's. Before the
Interstates, when everyone drove the old 2 lane roads, Burma Shave signs
would be posted all over the countryside in farmers' fields. They were !
small red signs with white letters. Five signs, about 100 feet apart,
each containing 1 line of a 4 line couplet ... and the obligatory 5th
sign advertising Burma Shave, a popular shaving cream.

Here are more of the actual signs:

Burma Shave

Burma Shave

Burma Shave

Burma Shave

Burma Shave

Burma Shave

Burma Shave

Burma Shave

Burma Shave

Burma Shave

Burma Shave

Burma Shave

Burma Shave

And my all time favorite:

Burma Shave

05-14-2004, 10:27 PM
Ok how about getting the Hot wheels cars with a fill up . Ok I told you I was a tom boy. Or how about the tootsie toy cars. I think my dad still has my set in the barn.

05-15-2004, 12:47 PM
I remember a handsoap that had a toy in the center. We used to go to our grandmother's house, and wash, and wash to get to the middle! I have yet to find anyone who recalls this soap. It was early 60s. I may just still have the plastic grey elephant that was in the middle of one bar. :)

05-17-2004, 12:39 PM
Originally posted by QueenScoopalot
I remember a handsoap that had a toy in the center. We used to go to our grandmother's house, and wash, and wash to get to the middle! I have yet to find anyone who recalls this soap. It was early 60s. I may just still have the plastic grey elephant that was in the middle of one bar. :)

They must have brought those back cause when I was little I had one with a little car in it :) encouraged me to wash lol. We could get it at the Costco....haven't seen it since I was little though

All Creatures Great And Small
05-17-2004, 05:25 PM
Originally posted by QueenScoopalot
I remember a handsoap that had a toy in the center. We used to go to our grandmother's house, and wash, and wash to get to the middle! I have yet to find anyone who recalls this soap. It was early 60s. I may just still have the plastic grey elephant that was in the middle of one bar. :)

Oh my gosh, that triggered a very faint memory for me - I do remember a soap that had a toy in the middle, and also a soap that had "hair", like it was all fuzzy. Were they the same thing?

Edited: They WERE the same thing! I just found this site for memories about retro toys, etc.: Feeling Retro (http://www.feelingretro.com/view_toy.cfm?id=31) and there it was - Fuzzy Wuzzy Soap! I think all of us "oldsters" should check this site out!

Ally Cat's Mommy
05-18-2004, 02:00 AM
DJ Fyrewolf - I had one of those Pac Man mini-arcades too! I THINK I got it for Christmas around '81 or '82??

Jonza - you are right - I also go two pressies a year - one for my brithday, and one for christmas. I remember being REALLY excited the year I got a radio alarm clock. Now you just throw them in the trolley with the shopping!! I also remember being picked for the "reserve" Netball team at school, and rushing home to tell my mum that I needed a Netball for practicing. She told me I could get one for my birthday (three months away)

tuxluvr - It is with deep regret (and a large amount of nausea) that I inform you that TABU is STILL AVAILABLE. Not only that, but it is my Mum-In-laws favoutire perfume, and now thanks to the wonder of the internet she is able to find it and buy it again. BOY does it STINK!

Moosmom - I had a Tiny Tears too - I loved that doll, and I was devastated on Christmas day when one of her legs fell off!

Funny up-to-date story re "Capri Pants". Background: They are practical here in the Middle East, as you don't always want to wear long trousers or dresses, but due to local customs need to cover up, so Capri's are a great compromise!. My Hubby HATES them, so whenever I wear them he says,

"Hey Julie, why don't you throw a party and invite your pants down" (ie down to my ankles - they just REALLY annoy him!)

05-18-2004, 06:07 AM
Originally posted by All Creatures Great And Small
Oh my gosh, that triggered a very faint memory for me - I do remember a soap that had a toy in the middle, and also a soap that had "hair", like it was all fuzzy. Were they the same thing?

Edited: They WERE the same thing! I just found this site for memories about retro toys, etc.: Feeling Retro (http://www.feelingretro.com/view_toy.cfm?id=31) and there it was - Fuzzy Wuzzy Soap! I think all of us "oldsters" should check this site out! WOW....now that's a memory trigger! Neat site...thanks!

05-18-2004, 10:28 AM
I just went to that feeling retro place and found Stratego of all things. Gosh, I played that game with my next door neighbor all the time! Except we'd argue over stupid stuff like how the Spy worked and all....I hated the stupid spy!!!