View Full Version : What's your cat's biggest fault?

05-08-2004, 03:09 PM
Nobody's perfect, right? I guess the same goes for our feline friends! :)

Okay, I'm really lucky with mine, they are sweet girls with a great purrsonality and I love them so much, but each of them has one little mistake. :)

Luna: she's peeing on the rugs and poops on the floor, almost every day! :eek:

Lily: well, except that she's naw-tee... :) she's jealous and cannot stand it when Luna and I are cuddling. The other day, she jumped Luna from behind when she wanted to curl up on my chest. Poor Luna was offended and walked away...

But apart from this, I wouldn't change a thing! :)


05-08-2004, 03:19 PM
This is HARD!!:rolleyes:

Dylan - he's a messy eater and drinker - likes to use his paws. Otherwise I think he is purrfect:D

Emily - two-faced. Only loves on me if her precious daaaddddy is not around, otherwise I get the one-eyed salute. When he is holding her - she GLARES at me!!

Eliot - pesters the other two just for fun. For example: Emily is up on the tall dresser on her favorite high perch pillow. Eliot has to hop up there and wrestle her down. Does he want the spot? NO....
Eliot HATES for Dylan to sleep with us. Eliot has his own bed on another dresser that NOBODY is allowed in. But when bedtime rolls around, he stands guard over the big bed until we have climbed in - if Dylan jump up - Eliot jumps down until Dylan leaves. Does Eliot want the big bed? NO..he just doesn't want *Dylan* on there. Once Eliot is asleep - THEN Dylan climbs back in with us :p

Laura's Babies
05-08-2004, 03:30 PM
Chester; Only problem with him is he don't warm my lap as much as I like, although he did start bitting about 4 months ago if I pet him to much.

AMY; Does not like me to touch her anymore very much, no longer the "cuddle bug" she use to be.

Giz; Is into everything, climbs places she should not be, gets into the kitchen cabinets (something new), constantly pulls the curtians down by their kitchen perch and scears the daylights out of the other two when they fall on them. If it moves, she POUNCES on it, this includes the feet undercover!

In defense of Giz, her personality is what makes her so pretty. She also loves her cuddels and loving, 3 to 4 times a day and she is a real RIP to have in the house... SO MUCH FUN!

guster girl
05-08-2004, 03:36 PM
Lock knocks everything off the counters! :) He's the big kahuna of counter surfing, and, thinks everything is his toy, and, he's only done playing when it hits the floor. :)

05-08-2004, 04:35 PM
Hmmmm.... must I pick something?

Allen: His fussiness about the cleaniliness of his litterbox. I can't keep up with him. and wold it kill him to COVER his messes?

Pouncer: Outside of the fact that he likes to fall off the roof???? heee heeee... its a bit annoying when he DEMANDS something. I've never had a cat so loud and vocal when he wants something. Its almost like nails on a chalkboard.... very highpitched and insistent! Thans goodness that he doesn't get that vocal too often! :)

Felicia's Mom
05-08-2004, 04:39 PM
Felicia: not getting along with Beau. Usually she just ignores Beau like he isn't there. I think she would be happy as a single cat.

Beau: he goes out of his way to get Felicia mad at him. It is almost like he is thinking: "She doesn't like me, so why should I be nice to her!"

05-08-2004, 04:49 PM
This could take a while!

Sammy-Same problem Sirrahbed has with Emily. He is strictly his daddy's cat unless daddy is asleep. The rest of the time he acts like I'm not fit to live with him!

Leroy-He has so many that it would tke too long to list but that is why I love him!

Peanut Butter-Hmmmm...His hair is hard to take care of!

Stubby-Tempermental little girl!

Maggie Sue-She is mean and growls all the time!

Pete-He is having trouble remembering where the litter box is.

Pepper Jack-He's a skinny little ball of energy that sometimes goes just a little too hard for the rest of the kitties. They have to run and hide until gets rid of the extra spurt.

Pervy-My sweet baby girl has only one teeny tiny flaw and that is when she wants me to love on her she runs to the living room rug and I have to follow her. She prefers all of her attention be given on that rug!

05-09-2004, 04:22 PM
They all seem to walk in front of me, slowly.......I am constantly stepping on them! :( :(

YOSHI: He thinks the rules in the house are for everyone BUT him. :rolleyes: He just isn't getting it that he isn't allowed on the kitchen counters. :mad:

LUCKY: Almost everytime he poops, he's got to run to the Oriential rug, and drag his butt clean! :eek:

FLUFFY: I'm his good bud until his daddy gets home, then he ignores me completely :p

Great topic!!

05-09-2004, 04:53 PM
Tito: purring in my ear at 4 AM every night, wanting to take over my pillow to sleep on, and wanting to use the litterbox the second I take the lid off it to clean it out.

Sophie: So far, litterbox issues, but what do you expect from a tiny little kitty? I just have to put up one more pic of her!! This was the first pic we took of her, in the carrier on the car ride home.

05-09-2004, 05:22 PM
LOL, many of these things listed here sound VERY familiar to me! :)


Is THAT Sopie??? OMG, what a doll! :) (I want a kitten!!! LOL)


05-09-2004, 09:54 PM
Hello Kirsten;

I would say my Tabby's worst fault is starting bed fights at 3am every morning. The calico's most annoying habit is putting her foot in the water bowl and tipping the contents on the carpet. I don't complain about their faults as they own the house. One look inside will tell anyone that.:)

05-09-2004, 10:28 PM
Leo's biggest fault?...hmm...

Deciding 4 a.m. is the most appropriate time of day to attempt climbing up the wall is a pretty annoying habit..

It’s also mildly irritating when he slips through the door right before bedtime, causing me to run around the yard in my pj’s opening can up on can of cat food trying to lure him back inside..

But besides from that.. He’s an angel. :D


05-09-2004, 11:51 PM
They are both pretty purrfect, apart from Ashes grumpy nature, and split personality, he is a pretty cool cat, he has attitude, and secretly I like that about him, he is a messy drinker, he always drinks at the side of the bowl and spills water onto the floor.

As for Princess Lexie, its hard to find fault with Miss Purrfect, I really had to rattle my brain, I guess ripping my net curtains and the wallpaper would have to be her worst fault, and I have long forgiven her of that.:)

05-09-2004, 11:57 PM
Sylvia is a lovely cat and a dear friend but she drives us batty when she scratches the window with her claws! Sounds like fingernails on a chalkboard and it really sets ones teeth on edge. But she enjoys our reaction I think so we're not likely to break her of it!:rolleyes:

05-10-2004, 08:09 AM
F+T are purrfect........

ok Tigris bullying Filou
but then most of the time F has started.

No they don't have faults:rolleyes:

05-10-2004, 08:43 AM
Moose and JJJ3 have theannoying habit , of thinking that using the litter box , means taking all the litter , and throwing it , on the floor. I tell them , that they are using the litter box , not building the Suez Canal!

05-10-2004, 08:54 AM
Julie has a habit of coming in and pouncing on me about 30 min before the alarm goes off. She is persistant too...she runs across the bed and makes noise to make sure I am good and awake. Then when I go ahead and get up...she eats a little bit and then lays down and goes to sleep.

There is no snooze button on a cat who wants breakfast.

05-10-2004, 02:44 PM
Tigger everything has to be on her terms and her terms ONLY.

Smokey he does not shut up!!!! :rolleyes: Smokey could talk the ears off a dead person;) If he should fall asleep downstairs and hubby and I go upstairs to go to bed he will cry until you yell his name so he knows EXACTLY where we went.

Tucker she has a chronic respiratory infection so her breath smells really bad:eek: AND she is an OLD GRUMP!!!!! I have never seen a kitty who is always in a bad mood...she makes PMS look good! :p

Mystic thinks she RULES the house...little does she know SHE DOES NOT!!! :o She has a really good left hook that she loves to use on Smokey and Abner.

Abner where to begin??? He is afraid of his own shadow. :rolleyes: Talks almost as much as Smokey. Starts his rampage through the house at 5 am and does not stop until I'm up getting ready for work...then he of course goes back to bed.

Of course I love EVERY minutes of their faults!!!!!

05-10-2004, 03:39 PM
My cats' biggest fault is that they are too handsome, and therefore a tiny bit vain (not that all my praises could inflate their egos)....lol, just kidding

Let's see....I have 2 little princes, Oreo and Wilber.

Oreo's biggest fault is that he's very particular about being cuddled and loved. It's only on his terms of course and if you dare move while he's secured his spot in your lap, he'll hop down and lay somewhere else, leaving his meowmie sad.

Wilber's biggest fault is that he runs under your feet sometimes unexpectedly and almost trips you, or worse almost causes you to fall on him! Oh and he's very, very much a scaredy cat. Any kind of company causes him to flee for the safety of the cabinets. I just don't like it cause a) I don't want my baby to be scared and b) I want to show off the charming personality I see to others.

06-09-2004, 09:18 AM
faults? my boys? couldnt be.......well, baby washy does chase indra......and indra will chew plastic if i dont keep it away from him and he is realllly sneaky about finding it.....nevvie is just a perfect boy tho!!