View Full Version : Do you exercise?

05-07-2004, 06:38 PM
I was just wondering how many of you exercise reguarly? I used to exercise alot when I was in my 20's, I used to run 3 miles several times a week, do aerobics, and lift weights. I've become alot more lazy in the last few years, now I enjoy basically just walking.

Lisa & Sash

http://pages.ivillage.com/lisalee992 (Sash's website)

05-07-2004, 06:51 PM
Up until about three years ago I walked and hiked, stayed very fit and strong. VERY stressful events occurred and I basically became housebound and my only exercise was walking to the fridge:o I now carry an extra #50:eek: BUT for the past two months I have joined Curves, a women's only gym and workout three times a week and have cut back carbohydrates. (ARGHH!!!)As the weather is nicer, I am hoping to get back to my walking and hopefully - hiking again. It is frustrating though. When younger, I could easily drop weight in a few weeks if I really tried. No more!! I am 49.

05-07-2004, 06:54 PM
I've started to jog every other day with Daisy, around our neighborhood block. We also run [2-3 laps] a couple of times a week in P.E. class, around our track. :)

05-07-2004, 07:08 PM
Debbie: How do you like Curves? There is one very close to my house.

Julie: heehee... that's the ONLY reason I like going to school is that you are FORCED to exercise. :)

I am in phases. There are blocks of times I was doing Taebo. There are times I was playing badminton... and times I was doing weight training...times I just go to the gym and do whatever. Right now I am doing NOTHING. :o :( :rolleyes:

And I was eating a donut while typing this too. haha!!!:p

05-07-2004, 07:11 PM
Sometimes when I'm not feeling that good about myself I start excercising, but only a little.. heh. I know I should excercise all the time but I'm pretty lazy.

05-07-2004, 07:22 PM
ehehehe.. I don't regularly exercise. Well, I do walk but I don't do anything that makes me sweat buckets or anything. I volunteered for setting up and cleaning up for this band festival for the past three nights. I've never done that much exercise before. After the third night, I started feeling really refreshed and lively (despite what my sore muscles were telling me). I guess that's my motivation for getting back to shape. It's so refreshing! :D

Edwina's Secretary
05-07-2004, 07:27 PM
I am a teeny bit older than sirrahbed and I do high impact Jazzercise six days a week.

On Friday I rest.

05-07-2004, 07:44 PM
Originally posted by jenfer
Debbie: How do you like Curves? There is one very close to my house.

As far as anything that starts with E___ goes, I like it! It's a fun environment, hydraulic machines in a circle and music playing - all age groups working togther so good support, etc. They try their best to make it fun:) I also like NOT having sweaty men around:rolleyes:

guster girl
05-07-2004, 07:44 PM
I was excerising five days a week for awhile, but, then, once I geot Finn, I didn't make the time for myself as much. But, now that he's a little more trustworthy, I am going to start back into it. I was walking 4 mph on the treadmill for about an hour, and lifting free weights for about twenty minutes. I was also doing pilates about three nights a week. I miss it! It made me so awake! I just had boundless energy, and, I'm back to feeling tired all the time. Got to get back into it!

05-07-2004, 07:57 PM
I think I've just come out of a lazy period. I was having a rough time and basically did nothing but stay in my room :rolleyes: Lately, I've been walking every night. Roller blading a few times in the week, and I want to start jogging. I have been a little bit, but not that much.

05-07-2004, 09:20 PM
Not excercise as in work with machines etc but everyday afterschool my friends and I practically walk home from school, take the bus for a few stops, get off, walk some more than I take Mickey for long walks until we finally go our separate ways to our houses. I like walking, lol. :)

I was hoping this summer I could join a gym but that's not looking so good.

05-07-2004, 09:28 PM
I should really start doing more exercises than just walking around at school and sitting at home by the computer... :rolleyes: :p :D haha
I'm just being super lazy...senioritis has hit me pretty hard and I just can't really bring myself to do anything lol. I'll probably do a lot more stuff during the summer. ^_^

05-07-2004, 09:36 PM
Yep. I exercise at least 6 days a week. I didn't used to........I was a lazy girl.......:p.......but it didn't take me too long to figure I NEEDED to exercise to feel and look the way I wanted to. I've been exercising regularly since September last year, and since then, I have lost weight, and I feel a LOT healthier and more active. Now I can't stand *not* exercising!

We practically have a mini-gym at home, with a treadmill, weight lifting bench, stationary bicycle, this thing called a *door gym*, and lots of balls, stretch bands, dumbells, etc. I workout with our machines daily, and go to workout with my trainer twice a week. I *love* lifting weights! I think I prefer weight lifting over cardiovascular exercises, but of course I need both. Its just that I enjoy lifting weights........:p I think I'm going to go workout right now.

05-07-2004, 09:42 PM
Not as much as I should. I do belong to a gym, it's like Curves in that it has ifferent stations, but it's unlike Curves in that it provides aerobic/cardivascular exercise as well as anaerobic. It also allows both genders. It's interesting, in that you change "stations" every 30 seconds, so you're not doing any one thing long enough to get bored.

There are too many things I like doing more than I like exercizing, but I know I should anyway.

05-07-2004, 09:54 PM
I've been going to a gym 2 to 3 times a week for almost a year now. [Treadmill, Elliptical, and free weights.]

In addition, I've started doing some 'walk in place' tapes/DVDs at home that I really enjoy. They are by Leslie Sansone and they're called "Walk Away The Pounds". They come in 1-, 2-, 3-, and 4- mile series: some are walking only, some add weights, and some add an abdominal belt thingie. (I've just got my first in that series and haven't figured it out yet, *blush*. ) I also have her 1- and 2- mile series done to Christian music for when I feel like a change of pace.

I still don't like exercise, but do it 5 to 6 times a week. I'm a lot healthier than I was this time a year ago.

Cheers to us!

05-07-2004, 10:28 PM
Everyday, I walk around the block with Elvis.

When he gets older I'm going to take him jogging with me in the morning.

05-07-2004, 10:37 PM
I just joined Curves 3 weeks ago, and I really like it. It makes me feel better just going. I can definatley tell a difference when I don't go.
I have the Taebo tapes, haven't done them in forever, but also have the Leslie Sansone tapes to and I really like those!!! But I have trouble doing stuff on my own like tapes. What I really need to work on now is the dreaded D word. icckkky

05-07-2004, 10:50 PM
btw, my mom go to curves

05-08-2004, 01:09 AM
I used to exercise alot, when I was 10-11-12, and then I broke my foot 3 years ago (when I was 13) and it still bothers me all the time, if I walk alot, like if I go to the mall I have to wear a bandage on it for 2-3 days.

I would love to jog and Jasper would love it too, but I don't think I can :( But I do swim alot when it's warm enough.

My cousin also goes to curves and she LOVES it and my aunt wanted me to start going with her, but Im not sure...

Ally Cat's Mommy
05-08-2004, 02:24 AM
Originally posted by AmberLee
In addition, I've started doing some 'walk in place' tapes/DVDs at home that I really enjoy. They are by Leslie Sansone and they're called "Walk Away The Pounds". They come in 1-, 2-, 3-, and 4- mile series: some are walking only, some add weights, and some add an abdominal belt thingie. (I've just got my first in that series and haven't figured it out yet, *blush*. ) I also have her 1- and 2- mile series done to Christian music for when I feel like a change of pace.

I LOVE WATP (Walk Away the Pounds)!!!!! I alternate the 4 mile Super Challenge and the 3-Mile Fat-Burner, but I only use the weighted balls, I haven't tried the belt thingie either! The 4-Mile doesn't use weights at all, and I feel so energized after it.

I have also started running a couple of miles on a treadmill a few times a week, just for some variation! But I feel that I need to do more - my fitness level is improving but I am not really dropping any weight (I actually have an appointment with the Doctor tomorrow for my Thyroid etc, as I am having problems with it), so I am hoping that is the reason that I am not losing weight.

05-08-2004, 08:25 AM
I did nothing until I was 38 - which is quite some time back in the past, then I started with jazz dance. I used to got twice a week but now I only go one time but then for 2,5 hrs.

I walk all the stairs that come in my life (which was 3 floors * 6 times yesterday in the office;) )

Without exercising I would loose my shape, I'm quite sure.

05-08-2004, 09:57 AM
I dont exercise regulary.. when is good weather I love go hiking.. there is good place to do that .. there are cliffs near ocean and there is made track to go.. you can watch sea birds there to :) very near from my town :D

05-08-2004, 11:13 AM
Since January, I've been going to Curves three times a week. My main reason for starting was a loss of strength since I retired five years ago. I know I'm more limber and it will take a while for other changes to show up. However, I'm not quiting!

05-08-2004, 12:41 PM
Originally posted by Freckles
Since January, I've been going to Curves three times a week.
I had never even heard of Curves until two months ago when my neighbor invited me, now it seems like they are all over the world and every time I mention it, people know about it! DUH! Where have *I* been? I really am enjoying it too! The support of the others is helpful and I like the changing stations every 30 seconds so no boredom - plus resistance toning alternating with aerobics! Also - all age groups seem to come - young and uh...yes even granny types, trim and slim plus pudgies. The harder you push the hydraulics, the harder you work (no weights to mess with), so it can work for everyone. It's about as fun and the E word can get - now for the D word:rolleyes: Don't mean to sound like a commercial! I have just been to assorted gyms and do not like them. i also like to walk in the neighborhood.

05-09-2004, 08:23 AM
I try to work out 3 times a week, sometimes it's more and sometimes it's less. Last year I went to curves, I liked it at first, then I got tired of going in a circle, now I go in ride the bikes or walk on a treadmill, or do a skiing maching for 30 minutes then lift weights and work on different areas that I want to lose in. My total work out takes right around 2 hours.

05-09-2004, 04:27 PM
i only exersize when i on a sports team. i'm not motivated enough to go out and do it myself. but right now i'm on the track team so i run at least a mile a day during the week at practice

05-09-2004, 10:49 PM
When I was younger I played a lot of sports, so that was my exercise. I wasn't really into regular exercising/cardio workouts until I went to college and had a slight brush with the dreaded "Freshman Fifteen." Granted, I didn't gain 15 lbs, I did put on a little more weight than what I would have liked. After that, I started working out around 4 times a week for about 2 hours each time. I've also recently started cutting carbs out of what I eat, and I've already lost around 10 lbs in just a month or so. :eek:

Plus, now when I don't work out as much as I'm used to, I feel gross. :p

05-09-2004, 11:44 PM
I have gone from couch potatoe to exercise junkie, and back and forth on and off, I used to walk my daughter to school every day, but she catches a bus now at her new school, I need to and must exercise more for my health and well-being, I am waiting for the new gym to open just two houses down from my house, and hopefully I might get motivated to join., until then I need to do some walking.

05-10-2004, 09:44 AM
Not as often as i should :( But i do walk and jog with the dogs EVERY day for at least and hour.

This time last year i was going to Belly dancing classes once a week and also 2 KickBoxing classes a week i was very fit and looked quite buff aswell. ;)

There is a class that combines KickBoxing and Belly dancing that a friend and i have been wanting to go to but have been too lazy and i cannot see us getting into it now that Winter is coming.

05-10-2004, 04:30 PM
Yup - I exercise regularly - have been since childhood when I would exercise with my mom to Jack Lalanne's show (showing my age, I know :rolleyes: ). I also was a (semi-professional) jazz dancer for many years and got used to working out all the time; I feel weird if I don't work out. Now I do an hour at least three times a week - a combo of calisthenics, ab crunches and upper body strengthening with dumbbells. I also try to squeeze in 90 minutes of Bikram yoga at least once a week too. Go out dancing whenever the opportunity arises and walking up and down San Francisco's hills is the best - S.F. women have the best legs because of walking our hills. :p I also do LOTS of stairs - I work in a three story office with only one elevator and LOTS of stairs so I'm up & down all day long and then I have stairs at home too.

05-10-2004, 04:44 PM
Originally posted by popcornbird
I *love* lifting weights! I think I prefer weight lifting over cardiovascular exercises, but of course I need both. Its just that I enjoy lifting weights........:p I think I'm going to go workout right now. :) I love it too; it sure is addictive, isn't it?

05-10-2004, 05:38 PM
I don't really exercise right now...only during gym class for school. Last week this guy came in to our school everyday for a whole week for this Safety Awareness program. He forced us to do all these exercises, it was really hard and painful. We had to do like over 100 jumping jacks and situps, pushups, running, everything. But even though it was hard, I think its really good for us. So even though the program is over now, I think I will try to do exercises each day.

05-10-2004, 06:44 PM
We walk with the boys 20 minutes morning, and night. About twice a week, we go for a one hour loop; and twice a week, we play tennis for about an hour.