View Full Version : golden's make me laugh

05-07-2004, 06:28 AM
I have had collies for years and we got this golden retriever 3 years ago. They sure are different than collies! My collies would side step a puddle.....not golden's. I was out for a walk in the bush last week, we had just had a snowfall....couldn't believe it..May 3 and it snows! YUCK! Anyways, if there was a puddle to be found, Sandy found it.

05-07-2004, 06:30 AM
what a goof ball!

05-07-2004, 06:34 AM
What a beautiful goofball! :D

05-07-2004, 06:36 AM
OMG...Sandy do you have to just go and lay right in it....lol..I love it! You are just like my Katie girl.

Sandy is beautiful! I love her. More pics please :D

Robin :)

05-07-2004, 06:42 AM
Oh my goodness! Those are some pretty big puddles too:D
But it sure looks like she had the time of her life!

05-07-2004, 08:06 AM
Oh Sandy what a sweetheart you are :D.

I know just what you are talking about too. Tommy is my first golden, and before him I had two collies. They were just like you described, they would avoid a patch of wet grass if they could! We never had to even worry about them walking in the garden since they didn't like walking in any kind of damp sinking earth.

Here is a shot of my Rainbow Bridge boys..


05-07-2004, 08:21 AM
Jessica, your RB boys were so beautiful. What a great picture of them, together! :)

I had to laugh at Sandy in those puddles!! With 3 Goldens, I know exactly what you are talking about!! In fact, two of mine are at the groomer today because they are so dirty from their wrestling and playing! The third would have been too, but I can't handle all three at one time!! :)


05-07-2004, 10:27 AM
LOL! I definately know what you're talking about, too.

I have a Collie (3 y/o Sable and White) named Molly, and a Golden Retriever (2 y/o in my signature) named Daisy now. Both are *my* first dogs of these breeds, but my mom grew up with Collies, and my grandma had a Golden Retriever a couple of years ago named Maddy.

Molly, will NOT step in a puddle; or anywhere that is wet. It's hard enough to give her a bath, mind you! ;) Daisy, on the otherhand, LOVES water, mud, anything wet; you name it! If we turn on the sprinklers in the backyard, she loves to run right through them, and roll all over the grass. Molly just finds a place that's safe from the "evil wetness" and has this ":rolleyes:" look on her face when she watches Daisy.

It did take a while to get her to use the pool, though. But, when she was about 8 months old, I decided to throw a tennis ball in, and she jumped in after it! I should have known it was a tennis ball that would make her do it. :rolleyes:

Sorry for rambing. :o Sandy is ADORABLE and looks like such the little clown! :D

05-07-2004, 10:31 AM
Silly Sandy, you're so adorable. I hope you had fun.

05-07-2004, 10:37 AM
Oh what a gorgeous girl! Love the pics!

As far as puddles go, maybe it's just the Roughs though. My Smoothie's gotten pretty good at stomping through creeks and mud. On the last hiking trip, I had to stop him from going through some horrible green sludgy looking stuff. Here's a pic of him retrieving a stick (uh twig):



05-07-2004, 10:41 AM
Awww Sandy is so cute!:D Sh'es gorgeous!

05-07-2004, 11:58 AM
She is gorgeous!!!
Keegan has no qualms about puddles or mud either!!!
My greyhound was the opposite she was very ladylike!