View Full Version : My gosh, my neighbor is so psycho...

05-06-2004, 03:43 PM
She is such a nut. You've heard about her before. The one who stole my dogs once, the one who says my dogs viciously attacked her...

Well, today I was out front pulling weeds. I have been off work all week long, but I've been staying inside. My car has been parked in the garage (I usually park it outside) all week.

I had Roxy and Dusty out front. They weren't exactly chained up, I chain the two up to eachother and that fools them from running off.

Anyways, the neighbor came out and gave me a nasty look. My newest tactic is killing her with kindness, so I smiled sweetly and asked how she was doing.

She walks over and says "Have you guys been out of town?"

Now, like I said, I've been home, but it has looked like I was gone since my car has been parked in the garage. I was curious to hear what she had to say this time, so I lied and said "Yes, we just got back, we were in Southern California."

She goes "I thought so...." And goes on to tell me this big huge story about how she was out front and my dogs went so psycho to attack her that they busted my fence down. I asked where the damage was and she goes "Oh, my husband repaired it while you guys were gone." She went on to tell me that it was such an ordeal and my fence was so badly destroyed that the police were out here and everything.

OMFG! I was home all week! How'd I miss that ordeal? :rolleyes:

I smiled sweetly and said "Wow, I feel so horrible. I am so sorry that happened. Thank you so much for repairing my fence. I'll be more careful to keep the dogs inside."

(By the way, when I'm not with the dogs, they aren't free to roam in the backyard, they have a locked kennel on the opposite side.)

05-06-2004, 03:48 PM
I'm not done ranting...lol. She always calls Roxy a 'he' and I don't know why, but it drives me nuts! How many times do I have to tell her that Roxy is a girl?!

Oh, and her husband, he's a super nice guy. He'd never lie about anything. So, after we were done chatting, I insisted that I go and personally thank her husband for fixing my fence. She was all "No, no that's not necessary. He is resting..." I was all "Ok, I'll come by later!" She was like "No, no! He doesn't care for company." lol. She didn't want him to know she'd lied to me.

05-06-2004, 03:53 PM
LOL! your neighbor makes me laugh!:D she seems a little out there. does SHE have any dogs? if she does call her dog a different name every time you see it. lol

05-06-2004, 04:03 PM
LMAO.. omg, Tonya, you have one odd neighbor!! :rolleyes: Eventually, you know, she can't hide everything..

05-06-2004, 04:06 PM
I'd call the police station front desk, explain, and ask for a copy of the incident report - just so next time she pulls something, you have "proof" of her lies.

05-06-2004, 04:23 PM
So - are you going to call her husband and personally thank him? That would really be funny.

05-06-2004, 04:30 PM
that is so funny. it really had me laughing.. i wonder why she would make up such a story though.. weird.

05-06-2004, 04:42 PM
There's a long history with this lady and I. What it all comes down to is she was attacked by a husky when she was a little girl. So she does not want a husky living next door to her. Our RB Rosco was a pitbull mix who was very agressive, and she never complained about him. She was actually angry with us for putting him to sleep when she'd seem him become agressive several times. Yet, Roxy hasn't done a thing and she hates Roxy.

05-06-2004, 06:25 PM
She's DEFINITELY got quite a few screws loose! There are some people out there that are pathological liars. They lie so much, they actually BELIEVE the stories they tell!

05-06-2004, 07:08 PM
LMAO! That's one odd neighbour you got!:p

05-06-2004, 07:19 PM
Wow, what an odd and crazy neighbor.... I hope she gets over this whole lying and complaining thing.

05-06-2004, 07:29 PM
Wow, she does sound nutty. Since you have known her a while I'm sure you can get a better feel for if she's a potential real threat to your dogs but the story scares me.

05-06-2004, 07:40 PM
I'll trade you for my streaking 50 year old neighbors . They run from the house to the hot tub in the middle of the yard.

guster girl
05-06-2004, 09:56 PM
You should definitely thank her husband, in front of her if at all possible. have them over for dinner even. I mean, since they repaired your fence after being attacked by your dogs, treating them to dinner is the least you can do. That would be funny. :)

05-06-2004, 10:14 PM
Originally posted by sabies
Wow, she does sound nutty. Since you have known her a while I'm sure you can get a better feel for if she's a potential real threat to your dogs but the story scares me.

Sabies, read this post:


guster girl
05-06-2004, 10:24 PM
How's the house selling coming for them? hopefully, really well!

05-06-2004, 11:04 PM
That's right! I totally forgot about that! They were going to sell their house. Unfortunatly, it's not on the market any longer. Her husband got injured at work and he's forced to retire. I don't think that they can afford to move.

05-06-2004, 11:27 PM
I think you should bake him a big platter of cookies, and take over some giant helium balloons that say "THANKS!". Of course, make sure they are both there at the time. ;)

And, if I were you, I'd invest in a six foot wooden privacy fence running the entire length of your property, where it border these neighbors property. I'd take out a loan if I had to, but I would definately be building the tallest fence the zoning regulations would allow. Incidents like this one are funny, sure ... but in all seriousness, this woman sounds like MAJOR trouble just waiting to happen. You're frankly lucky it hasn't happened yet. People with an ax to grind and too much time on their hands are very dangerous people indeed. My mom always says, "Good fences make good neighbors."

05-06-2004, 11:45 PM
Haha, You are so right...Because of this woman, the big beautiful backyard...the backyard that I specifically bought this house for...for my dogs to have... is not accessable. My dogs instead are either cooped up in their dog run or in my house because of her. It irks me to no end.

05-06-2004, 11:46 PM
BTW, I did threaten her, because she has a ton of cats that breed like crazy, that if they touch my property, I'm going to trap, neuter, and adopt them out....But I just don't have the heart/nerve to do it. Even though she's evil, I can't bring myself to "steal" her cats from her.

Canis Amicus
05-07-2004, 06:30 AM
LOL With a neighbour like this you do not need enemies...


05-07-2004, 06:49 AM
I kind of have a crazy neighbor lady also. Though not to the degree of yours...lol

My neighbor is always a bit weird acting and very rarely talks to us. I mean I don't even think we do the polite, hello, how are you thing anymore. She is just a little on the strange side. It seems that if she did talk to us, it is just to complain. Like maybe Brandon's music is too loud or Alden pulled his truck up to close to her driveway could we please back it up so she can see better or she will have Alden carry in some of her heavy packages. Well, the other day Alden and her were gabbing like crazy out in the front yard and I was quite shocked. Alden came in and I immediately asked what that was all about and guess what. She LOVES Katie! She actually goes out back to the fence and feeds her. We had no idea. We very rarely see her. She told Alden that she brings home her left over dinner and feeds the good stuff to Katie. Even more recently she brought over a bag of dog food and gave it to us. She had bought it for herself thinking it was doggie bones that she could feed Katie but when she got home she realized it was dog food so she gave it to us. Alden has promised her that I will pick up a box of dog treats for her. Just goes to show you that sometimes dogs can bring out the best in people.

Robin :)

05-07-2004, 08:03 AM
The guy that owned the property next to us (he passed away last year) everyone had told us that he was a strange old bird. After we moved in, he came over and chatted with Dick. Didn't seem so strange to us.

Then we got Molly - oh man you should have seen him - he was in love. He would talk to her at the fence and coo at her. Her little butt would just wiggle when she saw him. After that, he was so nice to Dick and I and all the dogs. I think you're right about dogs bringing out the best in people,

05-07-2004, 10:49 AM
Geez, that woman is at it again!? I like Karen's suggestion. Oh, and defiantely walk over some cookies or something as a thank you. :)

05-08-2004, 11:42 PM
WOW I can't believe she is still at it!