View Full Version : Any Human doctors/nurses here?

Rio and Me
05-06-2004, 02:29 PM
Well i will not go to the hospital/doctors unless i go there in an Ambulance.
And since sunday i've been really ill, went home early from work on monday and not been back since (soposed to go in tomorrow).
I've not been eating since sunday (which is REALLY odd as i love food, not even Chocolate tempts me) drinking alot (i dont drink nearly as much as i am now), peeing hardly ever which is odd, sleeping reall bad, but really tierd, going hot and cold alot, no energy etc you get the drift.
Any thing that will help that doesnt envole the doctors/hospital, like herbal treatments?
Not well yuk i hate being sick!!

05-06-2004, 02:39 PM
Nurse here:) Ky, get yourself to a dr.!!! No appetite, unable to sleep, exhaustion, maybe a fever and not urinating enough mean something's going on. Those are a lot of varied symptoms that could be caused by a host of ailments. Don't treat yourself (especially with herbal remedies) for an undiagnosed illness. It's probably something minor, like a flu bug or perhaps mono. But it's impossible to tell without being checked out! No one likes to go to the dr., but you'll feel so much better just knowing what's going on. And you know, you need to be healthy for Rio's sake, too:) In the meantime, even if you don't feel up to eating, keeping drinking a lot of fluids. It sounds like you might be dehydrated/have a fever and your excess thirst is your body's way of letting you know that. Please, at least think about going for a checkup, ok? And let us know how you're doing and what you decide! {{{HUGS}}} Sandra

Rio and Me
05-06-2004, 02:48 PM
Well Rio has missed our exciting walks (mums been taking her on boring lead walks,lol)
I,ve been drinking so much i'm surprised the tank hasnt dried up.
I think i'll take yet another day off work (i think my job is not somthing you can do when you not well) and visit the dreaded doctor.
Let you know how i do at the doctors tomorrow.
Thanks for that little push in the right direction

05-06-2004, 02:48 PM
You take Rio to the Dr don't you? If he could, don't you think he would be taking you right now? Grit your teeth and do it for Rio, he must be worried so much... you don't want to worry HIM sick do you? Dogs can tell you know.

05-06-2004, 07:32 PM
Good call, Ky! You're going to be glad you went:) I'm so proud of you:D I know...drs. can be very scary;) Please, do let us know how it goes. And listen to Laurie! If Rio were sick, you wouldn't think twice about heading to the drs. office! Hope you start feeling lots better very soon:)

05-06-2004, 07:41 PM
ahh Tatz, didn't think anyone would listen to me. Thank you. :cool:

05-06-2004, 07:56 PM
You may not know it, but I always listen to you, Laurie...quietly, from afar:p

05-06-2004, 10:39 PM
Take Sandra's good advice, better to be safe than sorry, Good luck , hope you get better real soon, take care.