View Full Version : Had to move my horses today

05-05-2004, 07:32 PM
Gosh Darnit. Ok, here's the story.

I keep my horses at a place like 6 miles from me ( or used to anyway) and my friend used to keep her horse there very weekend. Well, I asked the lady that owned it everytime.. and then she was like " Oh she can come over whenever." So last weekend I didn't ask the lady and I just told my friend that she could bring her horse and it would be fine. Well, after the rodeo on Friday we took the horses to the barn and said goodnight and everything and went to my house for a sleep over thing. The next morning I got a call that said that we needed to move our horses somewhere else because she found a horse at her barn that she was not informed was coming. Well, I emailed her 4 times and tryed calling her twice. She ignored me everytime. I know she was there because my dad was emailing and she was emailing back to him. She KNOWS that we really have no where to put my horses out here. They are in my backyard right now. I skipped school today to clean up the backyard with my mom, and mom's friends. We got it perfectly cleaned up for the horses. Well, so at about 1:00 PM we went out there and loaded up my horses and brought them here. We have had a problem with the lady that owns the barn since last summer. We needed to get out of there.. but not that moment. We needed to find another place, but we have had no time. Well, she told my dad that we could move them whenever we had a place ready.

( Continued in next post)

05-05-2004, 08:26 PM
are you going to contintue? i was waiting for you to do that before i posted. oh well.
gosh that lady is really is rude! so you're keeping them in your backyard now? is your yard big? do you have like food and stuff or did the barn keep it? that sucks. how rude? man, if it were me i would call her and tell her what i think of her...of course that would only make matter worse, but it would sure make me feel alot better

05-05-2004, 09:38 PM
That female(I won't call her a lady) does sound rude. Sounds like she's on a power trip or something. Hope you find a place for your horses soon! Hey, did you get my card??

05-06-2004, 08:02 AM
so sorry to here this jan i hope everything works out ill be calling you tonight talk to ya about it then okay

05-06-2004, 08:10 AM
Wow I hope everything works out for you and your horses. I sure hope you find them a new farm to stay on soon. Best of luck.

05-06-2004, 08:36 AM
Sorry your horses were kicked out. :(

Hope you find a place for them soon!

05-06-2004, 09:48 AM
i hope everything works out for you and your horse. i'm sorry that had to happen