View Full Version : teeth removed, no food problems so far

05-05-2004, 05:21 PM
my puppy has had chronic food problem with eating the dried food. the vet thought it could be a meal allergy so I started feeding her a combo of a natural food and the meal food to see if it made a difference, which it didn't. however, she just got spayed the other day and turns out she had to have two bay teeth removed as well and since then she's had no problems digesting the food. could her problems have come from the teeth or is the antibiotics from the operation just helping her digestion?

05-06-2004, 07:29 PM
It's unlikely that the antibiotics had any affect of her eating issues. It sounds like she was definitely having problems eating with her troublesome teeth. Either way, you'll soon know if that is the case after the course of antibiotics is finished. The antibiotics were most probably prescribed to prevent post op infection from the tooth extraction, not for anything related to the spaying. If she was refusing to eat due to GI problems, she probably would have shown other symptoms, aside from just refusing to eat. Hope you continue to do well little pup:)