View Full Version : My air conditioning went out...

05-04-2004, 03:50 PM
and it sucks! Well, I finally got the cats off my bed...they're all sprawled out on the kitchen floor dying of heat stroke. And the service people can't make it out until Thursday afternoon!

I have to add...Dusty and Roxy normally love being inside...My house is so hot that as soon as I let them in, they started pawing the door to go back outside.

05-04-2004, 04:12 PM
I feel for you. I have been there, in the hottest part of Florida's summer my X-husband broke into my home while I was away for the weekend and destroyed my home. The air being one of the things. The house got so hot, we all, pets and I lived outside under the oak tree almost all day. It was the only cool place to be. The dogs and cat where so hot, all I saw was tounges.

I'll never fogot that year, I would water the roof of the house at night, just to bring the temp. down inside some, so I could sleep. Fans in windows helped at night, but the days where the worse. Sence he destroyed the air so bad, it couldn't be repaired. I Finally broke down and bought a window unit, for the living room at least. Hoping that once in court the judge would order him to get me a new unit. HAHA....right!!!

Never again do I want to be that hot. I hope they fix your air soon and then you and your babies can sit in a nice cool house again.

05-04-2004, 04:23 PM
Get all the windows open and borrow fans from neighbors to circulate air. Mine broke before and I was miserable. I didn't figure out it was better to open the windows til the last day :rolleyes: I got physically and mentally SICK.

Keeping cold wash cloths on your face helps too.

05-04-2004, 04:46 PM
YIKES! :eek: It's 96 degrees over here now...yesterday it was 107. A *tad* cooler, but still hot!

05-04-2004, 05:22 PM
Today, it is only 91 degrees outside which makes it 82 in my house. I don't know how hot it was yesterday, but my house was 88 inside. :eek: