View Full Version : Tito is getting a GIRLFRIEND!!!! No pics yet :-(

05-04-2004, 11:47 AM
I know I said I was going to wait until I moved next month to get Tito a girlfriend, but I have found a little kitty in need!!! I am so excited!! Boyfriend just called me and his dad lives out in Leslie County, KY (out in the middle of nowhere) and has found a little kitten who needs help. His kitty is a female, by Dad's best guess (Dad is NOT a cat person), estimated between 4-6 wks. old. Mother is nowhere to be found. it's a gray tabby (like Tito!) but a BOBTAIL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Kitty has no been to the vet, I know no details about what it's eating/health, other than it seems healthy. Dad wants to get it to someone who knows about cats b/c he has no idea about anything to do with cats. So I get it!!!!! Will have it Saturday by the latest, possibly earlier in the week (Leslie Co. is a 4-hour drive from Louisville). I am so excited!!!! I am taking Tito to the vet on Wednesday anyway so we may have two little kitties at the vet getting shots!!! Of course they will both be vaccinated for everything under the sun (FIP, FIV & FeLeuk for new kitty & possibly a FIV shot for Tito if he hasn't had it yet...don't remember).

PTers I need advice!!! I have approx. 5 days to prepare for arrival of new kitty who could be any age, may not even be eating solid food yet?? Waiting to hear back from Dad on what it's eating. I know I need to get new Kitty a litterbox, his own food bowl, etc. I am going to SLOWLY introduce them since we're not sure how Tito is going to react (shelter said he was "possibly not good with other cats" when they had him at 11 weeks?) What else do I need to think about? I am so excited!!

Any name suggestions for a bobtailed gray tabby that was found out in the woods orphaned?

05-04-2004, 11:49 AM
I really need to get this cat to the vet as soon as he gets up here, I will not let Tito & new kitty come in contact until after new kitty has been to vet. Who knows what it could have? Fleas? FIV? Anything!

I think I will take new kitty in to vet's Sunday if I can find a vet that's open, or Monday first thing.

05-04-2004, 11:58 AM
That's so exciting, wow!!! :)

But you're right, better have this new kitten checked by a vet and tested before she's getting in contact with Tito! Hope everything will work out fine and that poor little baby will be a part of your family soon! :)

Did your boyfriend's dad say anything that this kitten is old enough to eat cat food?


05-04-2004, 12:03 PM
Well, I asked Boyfriend that and he goes....."Hey I never thought to ask him that!!!" So I told Boyfriend to call Dad back and get more details: what she's eating, is she going potty OK, walking around OK, is her tummy bloated or anything, are we SURE there is no mommy cat around? And that's what I am waiting to hear back from him on right now. I am v. concerned about shots. I know Tito has at least had rabies & FVRCP, and I know he got more shots at the shelter but I lost the paper that said which ones!! I assume if Tito didn't have FIP & Feline Leukemia already that the vet would have given them to him when I first brought him in. But, I have been having vet trust issues lately, so I am not completely sure. I am trying to get a hold of the humane society where I got Tito and see how far back they keep records. I need to calm down! Woo!!

05-04-2004, 12:08 PM
I can't offer too much advice but if I know that at the shelter when little ones come in that aren't quit ready for the hard food they feed them baby food. It's mushy and has lots of vitamins. At least that is what they get to encourage them to eat and get them going. It's mostly used for weak kittens that need a good start.
I'm so excited for you and so glad that this little orphan will be getting a good home.

Annie-for Orphan Annie
BGee-for Baby Girl
Leslie-Since that is where she is coming from.

Or none of the above!!!

Hey, by the way, if you live in Louisville then you are only about 20 miles from me!!! HOWDY NEIGHBOR!!!http://petoftheday.com/talk/images/our_smilies/smile.gif

05-04-2004, 12:10 PM

Check your PM box I just sent you one! haha wondering where you were from! Isn't that funny?

I like Annie a lot. I actually was already thinking about Leslie too!

05-04-2004, 12:15 PM
I just pm'd back. What area of Louisville are you in? You don't have to answer me here you can pm me if you prefer. Or you don't have to answer me if you would rather not.http://petoftheday.com/talk/images/our_smilies/biggrin.gif

05-04-2004, 12:24 PM
CCL, I PMed you back. As for Tito's shots: he has had all 3 FVRCP shots, tested negative for FeLV/FIV. Was dewormed and given Frontline at the shelter. Vet gave him rabies vacc. So, Tito has never had a FeLV vacc. I definitely need to get him that before I introduce him to new kitty. What else should I make sure he has? Anyone an expert on kitty shots? I am so paranoid.

BTW I just got off the phone with Boyfriend and he said Dad said he's been feeding the kitty nothing but table scraps for two days. Nice.

05-04-2004, 12:35 PM
Yeah, the BF's father may be feeding the kitty table scraps, but at least he was concerned enough to try and find someone who knew something about cats.

Good luck and you are going to have your hands full with two kittens (the energy level is incredible...)

05-04-2004, 12:38 PM
Very very true Emily. I am super glad that he took the baby in and is finding it a home. Hopefully Tito won't go crazy with jealousy!!

05-05-2004, 12:37 AM
Good luck with your new kitten. I also like the name Annie unless it turns out to be a boy. LOL:)

Just remember to introduce Tito and the new kitten slowly after the new kitten has had a clean bill of health. I'd also recommend that you have the vet deworm the kitten since he/she is a stray and most kittens tend to have roundworms. I'm sure that everything will work out in time. Please keep us updated and we'd also love to see some pictures of the new kitten.:)

05-05-2004, 08:08 AM
I am really upset about something and I have been posting about it over in cat health forum but I have to add it here. I took the reccomendation of a friend who has a dog (bad idea) to go to a certain vet when I first got Tito. I had just moved to town then and I don't know anyone who has cats here. So I take little 11-week old Tito to the vet with a record of what shots he had at the shelter (the first two of the three FVRCP shots & a deworming & flea medicine) and told the vet to give him everything he needed. All he did was give Tito a rabies shot and his 3rd FVRCP shot. He told me I didn't need to get him vaccinated for FIV, FIP or FeLV unless I decided to let Tito outside or unless I got a second cat.

Here are two questions:

1. Does the FVRCP shot cover FeLV & FIP? I read on petsdoc.com that the "FeLV and FIP are given with the FVRCPC shot." Is that a separate shot? Are FVRCP and FVRCPC the same thing?

2. Is it too late (he's a little over 6 months now) to get him vaccinated for everything he might need? I read all the shots are supposed to be given at certain weeks of age. What now?

I know it might seem to everyone that I am freaking out and overreacting but since I am a first-time cat owner, I don't know what to expect or what I am doing really. I feel like this vet may have put Tito's health in danger by not giving him the full vaccination schedule for his first year. I feel like an idiot for 1) trusting him and 2) not knowing any better then or now.

I am going to see a Feline Specialist as soon as I can get an appointment. There's a cat-only clinic here in Louisville.

05-05-2004, 08:40 AM
OK I think I have calmed down. Sorry to be talking to myself here. I think everything is fine, the lady at the Cat Clinic just explained a lot to me and I am taking Tito in today to get a checkup & some preventative ear mite & flea medicine in case little New Kitty has fleas/mites.

I'm like a nervous parent! Thank God I don't have real children.

05-05-2004, 11:24 AM
I am sure that Tito , willbe pleased with the New Arrival , as noone should be , without a Friend , of his own Species! How about Missy , as a name?

05-05-2004, 11:39 AM
*chuckle* Lizzie you are doing just fine. You are a loving momma for your furbabies and that is how it should be. Glad you found a cat only clinic. That is wonderful!
