View Full Version : OMG - I'm fostering KITTENS!!!

05-03-2004, 08:41 PM
I've been reading about so many people's new kittens and feeling a bit of kitten envy, I think - soooooo . . .

I got talked into fostering - and just this afternoon received SIX cuties - 4 from one litter (7 weeks old) and 2 from another litter (6 weeks old).

The "Save Our Strays" group I help out with was desperate for foster homes for the 60+ kittens that have been brought to our doors, so I agreed to help out. I thought I was going to get a mom with 1 or 2 week old kittens, but these apparantly were needier.

The older 4 are completely weaned and eating solid food, the younger 2 are noticeably less rambunctious and I'm not sure yet how well they're eating. I've got them all together in a large "playpen" type cage with a snug little sleeping place.

Here's a link to TOO MANY of these DARLING KITTEN PICTURES!


(Or see the "Foster Kittys" album at http://community.webshots.com/user/evelynblack)

05-03-2004, 09:24 PM
Thanks so much for helping these little ones. :) Do you have any photos?

Laura's Babies
05-03-2004, 10:16 PM
You are so LUCKIEEEEE! You got them at that cutesie, cutesie age and get to have all the fun! I'd put them in a pile in the middle of the floor and get right on in there and love the dickens out of them all!

05-04-2004, 08:55 AM
May The Lord Bless and Keep yu , for helping those Poor Little ones , and Know Tht you are Blessed , by the Pet Amgel Army , and that Good Luck , will be yours! Found Cats MIIIIIAAAOW For You , and The Kitens!!!

05-04-2004, 10:59 AM
OK - here's a picture of the "playpen" cage. They are such a bundle of non-stop activity! Zooming around, already jumping to the carpeted shelves, or pulling themselves up on them. Playing king of the hill on top of the bed. Attacking the unsuspecting tail of the one that's going potty in the litter box.

The 2 smaller ones are most interested in me. They both seek me out (and actually look at my face) and come to me more often for a snuggle. They both seem to be eating OK, although there's one that seems like the smallest & least acclimated to eating from a dish; and I've been watching him/her (?) the most.

I'm feeding them Purina Kitten Chow dried food, as well as some of the same canned food that I feed my two 8 year old cats. There's water available for them, and this morning I offered some milk (2% fat - which is what I drink) -- some of them loved it!

This is my first time fostering a bunch of kittens - I'm all ears for any suggestions!

05-04-2004, 01:28 PM
LOL here you were expecting to get maybe 2 little ones and you landed up getting 6. HOW LUCKY IS THAT.
Bless you for taking care of these precious babies. Enjoy them.

05-04-2004, 03:09 PM
They are so much fun, I can't get anything else done!

Today they decided to play ON ME - I was the jungle-jim! I sat down cross-legged on the floor and they started launching themselves into my lap, climbing up my arms, up my shirt, up to my shoulders & neck, and then down onto an unsuspecting sibling. Lots of noises, tussels, tiny little kitten claws (ouch!).



(Or see the "Foster Kittys" album at http://community.webshots.com/user/evelynblack)

smokey the elder
05-04-2004, 04:05 PM
To approximately quote a friend of mine: "Kittens are such fun. Soon you'll have a kitten hanging on your arm, one on your leg, a kitten in your shoe, a kitten in the bureau, a kitten on the keyboard....":D

05-05-2004, 09:42 AM
Interesting developments: My dog, Sascha, is dying for these kittens to play with her! They're a little afraid, but getting more accostomed to her.

My two 8 year old cats aren't happy with me - they won't even come down the stairs into the basement!!

**Here's a closeup pic of the 2 smallest ones - they need more laptime than the 4 older ones.