View Full Version : Explain your pets names!

05-03-2004, 01:37 PM
There is a thread like this on 2 other forums I go to, so I thought it would be interesting to do it on here too.

Basically, just explain how you came up with your pets name. Was there anything specific that made you choose his/her name..


Molly-- Not sure... After I found her, we were trying to come up with a name for her, and I suggested Molly.. My mom liked it, and it fit, so there ya go.

Annie-- She was already named this when I got her... I didn't like it at first, but it suits her.

Bailee-- I went through several names and tried calling her the different ones I picked, but finally my mom and I settled on Bailee... No reason behind it, just think the name is cute, and fits her cute personality.

Felony-- Again, no real reason. I just like the way it sounds, and its unique.. You won't find too many dogs walking around with that name. ;)


Angel-- She was the sweetest kitten in her litter, and my sister always said "Shes a little angel" so thats what she named her.

Lucy-- She's a very 'funny' cat, and shes a loud mouth, like Lucille Ball was... My mom and I like the show "I Love Lucy", so we decided to call her that.

Lilly-- She showed up at our doorstep around Christmas time, and she is tabby (tiger striped), so I named her Tiger Lilly. We shortened it.

Umm yeah... We aren't very creative... =P

05-03-2004, 01:57 PM
I didn't get to name most of them, but here are the ones I did:


Muskwa--his name means "bear" in cree. He was actually nameless for several months as we couldn't decide. An old medicine man who was friends with my hubby told us that the dog had a bear spirit (as does my husband) so he got his name. he still answers to "HEY YOU NO" pretty well though.

Earle--Named after singer Steve Earle, because I am obsessed!

Hoodoo--my bridge baby. He got his name when he learned to howl at three weeks old and decided to practice alot in the wee hours of the morning. The owner of his momma (Muskwa is his daddy) was always asking him "who do you think you are?" the first part stuck.

Kayleigh--arrived being called Cowley. Which I hated. I kept calling her Kayleigh so I figured that must be her real name.

Heyoka--was called Nanook by the shelter. I just hate that name for northern breeds, cuz everyone uses it. My hubby called him Heyoka, which is Sioux for a clown who teaches through his antics. It's a perfect name for this dog!

Preacher, Franklin, Raven, Pingo, Sleet, Bandit, Delta, Antare, Founder, Chase, Pacer, Hobo, and Goldie all arrived named and I just left them as they were.


Glacier--is named for his icy blue eyes. They remind me of glaciers.

Pete--was supposed to be Pierre, but my hubby protested and he became Pete which suits him better anyway!

Dominique--walked into our house at five weeks old and very tiny. She promptly beat up the two adult cats already with us and claimed her place as the dominant cat--hence a dom name!

Ivy is named because her eyes are the color of an ivy plant.

Polly Paws is named for her many extra toes--polydactal=Polly Paws.

Onyx is named for his solid black coat.

Felicia--well, this weird. I met her at about 4 weeks old in the shelter. She was quite sick as her momma had rejected her and she has deformed front legs. Another momma cat at the shelter accepted Felicia and saved her life. I knew that little kitten was meant to be mine. The first time I held her I heard her say her name was Felicia, not Stardust as the shelter named her. Heard it as clear as day and that's been her name every since.

Twicket came named. I wish I knew the story as it's a cool name, but no such luck.

05-03-2004, 02:03 PM

Raven....A woman at the pool at my old apartment complex had a newborn girl named Raven and I loved the name.

Ron....I wanted another 'R' name, so I named him after my biological father who died when I was a baby...Ron....


Dusty...His name was Ajax, and I was just in a hurry to change that dumb name...Dusty was the first to come to mind.

Roxy....Her original name was ChaCha, so same as Dusty...just in a hurry to change it, I thought Roxy suited her well.

Sarah....my 6 year old son named her after a girl in his class.

05-03-2004, 02:04 PM
Corkscrew- He already came with that name and i thought it was great so I kept it.

Tibby- the night I got her she meowed all night, so I thought I should name her after an opera singer. My favorite is Renata Tebaldi. So after messing around with the name a while I came up with Tibby and Tibby seemed to fit her perfectly.

05-03-2004, 02:08 PM
Well I'll include a few recent RB animals.

Mittins- He had little white paws and a little white on his chest and the rest of him was gray. My best friend's mom thought of the name, so I had to be different and chance the "e" to an "i". lol We had to bring him back with Michael because my brother was thought to be allergic to cats. We realized it wasn't that (dumb doctors) and Only Michael was there and another ALL gray (no white mittiens) so we got him and called him Mittins anyways.

Michael- AKA Katelynn. They told us that he was a "she" and when we got back from the vets we found out it really was a "he" so my brother just changed his name real quick. No real meaning behind either of those names..he just liked them.

Rudi- Our pug, we got her from her previous owners when she was 4 years old. They didn't want her anymore and we adored her sister who lived in our neighborhood so we took her. NO offense to anyone, but they named her Rudi from the character on the Cosby Show because the kids of the other family thought the black pushed in noses resembled each other. So that's how she got her name

Jessie- No peticular reason...again my brother wanted a pure black lab and stuck with names that just popped into his head. I call her Jessie Lynn though. :) Also, J.J.

Cleatus- I got him when he was five monsth old. His original name was Cane, then later names Cleatus. Within the five months of his life, and to my knowledge he had lives in the SPCA once, Humane society twice and had 3 other "Homes". When I got him his name was spelled "Cletis" So I didn't want to make him go through any more changes so I just changed the spelling to "Cleatus". I played softball alot and like the "Cleat"us part of it better.

Honey- She came with her name..I suppose she was named that from the color of her coat. My boyfriend and I were going to change it to "Hunnie" because I think Pooh spells it that way, but then decided against it for some reason. Not like she would know the difference.

Orion- He got his name because he looks like the cat from Men In Black....Orion's Belt.

Caeleigh- I was going to name her Caelyn, but decided against it and used part of my name and named her Caeleigh. Again, having to be different on the spelling.

Chloe- I came up with the name for Caeleigh, but it didn't fit, then I just said it again for Chloe and it just kinda stuck.

Stangly- He's my turtle. I drive a muSTANG hence STANGly. I then just wanted to add the "ly" to it.

That's it! :eek: :eek: LOL sorry if I bored you!

05-03-2004, 02:35 PM
This is interesting! I always wondered especially about "Felony" and wonder if there might be another named Miss D. Meaner :D :p

I majored in English Literature in college and always liked poetry so my three kittie are named for poets.
TS Eliot
Emily Dickenson
Dylan Thomas

Our RB bridge kitties were Bert and Ernie - from when the kids were small and liked Sesame Street:rolleyes:

05-03-2004, 02:37 PM
Kai - We had Chip, Zeke and Blaze [for the blaze on his head] on the list of names as well as Keiko (because we didn't know if we were getting a boy or girl). I chose Kai because prior to getting him, I had just recently gotten back from a camping trip. One of my camp leaders was named Kai-Tech. I loved the name Kai so I just stuck with it. I've always loved K names.

Kaedyn - He was originally named Milo but he didn't respond to it when we got him back in September. He didn't look like a Milo to me and it just wasn't unique enough for me so I wanted to change it. Before we got him, my brother and I were brainstorming names. I said Cajun jokingly but then started fiddling with the word and made it Kayden. Then I came up with a few ways to spell it; Kaedyn, Kayden, Kaeden but Kaedyn just stuck out so I picked that. But for the first few days we had him, my mom and I couldn't decide on a name. We ended up calling him "Question mark" for a couple days. :p

05-03-2004, 02:38 PM
Josie: Not sure. I think I was reading a book at the time I got her, and liked the name or something lol.

Zeke: From the show Tour Of Duty. There is a cool character named Zeke. That, and I love the name. I wonder if anyone has ever seen the show..

Kiba: I wanted a cool japanese name. Kiba was probably the easiest to pronouce out of the bunch I wanted. (It look my mom long enough just to remember this one lol) It means Fang..which also happens to be Kiba's fathers name....lol Tsume (claw) might have been more fitting, but it's kinda hard to pronouce properly..or awkward or w/e)

Smitten: Honestly, I mixed 2 diffent names together and came up with it..lol T-T I was a lot younger at the time and didn't even realize it was an actual word....

05-03-2004, 02:46 PM
Kia ~ Already named and I felt it suited her. Recently though, I've thought about calling her Illyria (Ill-Leer-E-ah) after the character on 'Angel'. Both have piercing blue eyes and act like they are top dog. ;) :D

Zam ~ Named after a Star Wars character. A female bounty hunter. I figured Zam claimed my heart as a bounty. ;) :D

Logan ~ Andy named him after he clawed me up. Said he was like a little wolverine and so he was named after the X-Men character.

Jango ~ My little betta. He's blue and Jango is another bounty hunter character from Star Wars with blue armor. It suits him. :)

Ally Cat's Mommy
05-03-2004, 03:10 PM
Ally because we found her outside, so she is an Alley-Cat

Connor means "Most Wanted" and I really had to fight hard to keep him. The 2nd choice was "Brody" which means brother. All the good people in PT Land helped choose the name (Hubby wanted to keep his shelter name - Thomas):rolleyes:

05-03-2004, 03:15 PM
Katie- Not sure why! My dad named her.

Maggie- Maggie has the letter "M" on her forhead. So we named her maggie ;)

Elvis- My dad is a presley fan, and I wanted to name him elvis.

05-03-2004, 03:20 PM
Originally posted by sirrahbed

Our RB bridge kitties were Bert and Ernie - from when the kids were small and liked Sesame Street:rolleyes:

That had me laughing out loud!!!!!!
:D :D :D :D :D

Kito --we knew we were getting him, so we were trying to come up with a name for a few weeks. The day came to get him, and we still had nothing. We got him, and were driving home (about 3 hours), still thinking, when I looked at his papers. His momma's name was Nikita, and we liked that name. We shortened it, and made an "o" at the end because we thought it sounded more masculine (lol), and that's how his name came about.

Abbey --she was already named at the beagle rescue, and she knew it. She had been transported from a shelter in Ohio with 2 others, and they had been calling them "A, B, and C" The guy in charge of the rescue here just gave them names. We figured she'd been through enough, and we kept it.

Riley --when I found him, the woman who had him told me his name was Dominic. He didn't respond at all to it, so we changed it. He was "the little one" for a few days, and my husband picked the name Titus. It didn't fit him, to me, so I kept searching. I looked through all of the old Dog of the Day names, and came up with two, and put a poll on Pet Talk--Riley won by a landslide!!!

Jada --we had no idea what her name could be when we got her at the SPCA. Since she was my husband's dog (he wanted a rottie so bad!!), he got the duty of naming her. There were a couple, but Jada was the one I liked the best, so that's her!!!

05-03-2004, 03:22 PM
Buddy's actually called Strakur, which in icelandic means boy or buddy...My mom called him like that.. in PT I just did translate it , so it would be easier for you :);)

05-03-2004, 03:31 PM
Mickey - We went through so many names and Mickey was the only one we all agreed on. We were going to spell it like "Mikee" which means bear in Inuit or something (I had looked it up once) but decided to keep it at simple spelling.

Rocket - My brother had a beanie baby puppet that was named Rocket and when we bought our birdie, they were the same color so my brother insisted on that name.

Sky - Was basically because of her color. :)

Kona & Oreo's mom
05-03-2004, 03:33 PM
Kona was named such because as a kitten she acted like she was "highly caffienated," :) so I chose the name of a type of coffee.

Oreo already had her name when she found me, but I am certain it is because she is black with creme filling down her middle.

05-03-2004, 04:14 PM
Blueberry- Because he's a blue point Himalayan, and my favorite color is blue, we just started thinking of names with the word "blue" in it:p

05-03-2004, 04:23 PM
Before we got Sadie, we knew we were getting a black and white lab/dal mix and started trying to come up with names. I suggest Panda Bear, Ralph suggest Sadie, which was his neighbor's dog's name growing up. When we met her we knew she was sadie (which means princess, and yes, she is!)

We hadn't really talked at all about names before we went to get Cincy. On the drive home, we were trying different things and trying to think of something that sounded good with Sadie. I suggested Cincy becuase Ralph and I met at the University of Cincinnati. And has fit her very well...she is our roly-poly Cincy Bear (the UC mascot is the Bearcats)

Was named by his former family. We thought about changin it, but but is fir with our "S" sounds, and he responed well to it. Becuase the little girl who had to give him up named him and even though she won't know, we sorta left it for her becuase she wrote a sweet note to whoeer adopted Spot.

05-03-2004, 06:04 PM
Lacie - Named after Lacey J. Dalton, the singer

Queenie - Named because she is an Australian cattle dog, which used to be called Queensland heelers

Keito - Named after Taquitos from Jack in the Box, which the spelling altered. (Don't ask!)

Vanilla - Her name was Priscilla when I got her, and I know this totally flaky lady named Priscilla so that would never do. I asked my son to think of something that sounded like Priscilla, so she wouldn't be too confused ... hence, Vanilla.

Basil - Named for Basil Rathbone, Sherlock Holmes ... because he is a nosy, snoopy English gentleman, always investigating.

Wishbone - My son named him after Wishbone on TV.

Lucky, Jack, Pepper, Georgie, Twister - already named when I got them

Toby's Mommy
05-03-2004, 06:38 PM

Maggie: She had that name when we got her. I was going to change it to Lucy, but she already knew her name so...

Boo Boo: When we got him all I could say was Boo Boo so thats what we call him!


Cassie: My mom named her:rolleyes:

Mittens: She has all white paws so I named her Mittens

CP: She easily got her name!(stands for Constant Pain)


Thumper: Name when we got him

Austin: We were going to change his name to Dakota Jazz but he came running when you yelled Austin.


Ceaser: Beth named him! I don't know where she came up with it!

Romeo: Duh! He is Romeo!


Dodge: He dodges everywhere.

Jamba: Named after Jamba Juice I love that place!

Suave: My friend Rachel's nickname.

Slick: Emma's nickname

Sherman: A kid at my school's name is Sherman and he was there.

05-03-2004, 06:47 PM
Simba and Nala were obviously named after the Lion King -- my favorite movie.

My fish's official name is Earle.

Named after "Earle's spot" at school. My friends and I hang out there at lunch.

It came about as "Earle's spot" because we were standing in a random spot at school, and my friend Gina said "Lets go to our old spot" and it sounded like she said "Lets go to Earle's Spot"

05-03-2004, 06:48 PM
Gigi: I have this name on my mind before I have her. I think it suits her. :)

05-03-2004, 07:21 PM
Mine should be interesting ;)


Piddle- His REAL name was first Mickey, because I loved it, but he would pee alot as a puppy, and my mom started calling him Piddle lol and it stuck...

Wiggles- She wiggles when shes excited, need I say more lol

Jasper- Well his name sort of switched, I had a different name in mind the entire time and about 6 days before I got him, I changed it to Jasper, I think it sounds really cool;)


Tigger was a stray, and we got him and had him in the house and were looking at him, and my dad and I were just throwing out name suggestions and my dad said Tiger and I said I like that..hmm no wait....TIGGER!! And that stuck!

05-03-2004, 08:01 PM
We got the name Moose because the poor guy's name at the shelter was Bullwinkle. Ay, poor guy...we all feel for you. :(:p There was no way I was keeping the name Bullwinkle, so we opted to go with Moose. At first I didn't know what to think of it, but after awhile it grew on me. :) Plus, it's pretty unique so that's all the better. :D

Zoey we got randomly...I was going through various names in my head and was writing them down. I always promised myself I would name my next dog Laika, but it just didn't fit her. Zoey was sweet and cute, but at the same time sounded a little bit feisty and tough. Plus, I can call her Zoes [pronounced like toes] for short...and what could be better than that? ;):p

05-03-2004, 09:21 PM
Alex- He already had his name when we got him, and he responded to it and had had it for 9 years, so we couldn't change it;)

Phoebe- We got Pheebs when I was about six, so I had no say in the name;) But we named her off of Phoebe on the TV show FRIENDS because of the sone 'Smelly Cat' that she sings. I think you can probably figure it out from there:rolleyes:

Cleo- I'm not sure why my parents/sister name her Cleo, I was five at the time.

Rolo- It took me a long time to come up with a name for Rolo. I tried so many things from Rodeo to Z. He's dark brown/black with an orangy-caramel color, so he looked like a squished Rolo candy. I started calling him that, and it stuck.

Scooter- The day I saw Scooter at the shelter I started calling him Scooter. I told my mom that if I ever got him that would be his name. I don't exactly know why I picked that, but I did.

Holly- My cousin/aunt/uncle named Holly when she was five days old. Her registered name is Barrd From Hollywood, and they called her Holly. And supposedly it's bad luck to change a horse's name, but I like it.

Dora & Blue- Since the girls were going to be in a preschool classroom that my mom teaches in, we decided that their names would have to do with something preschool-ish. Blue is a gray color, so I thought of Blue from Blue's Clues, and Dora from Dora the Explorer.

Aspen and Misty
05-03-2004, 10:18 PM
Nova- She is a yellow color and my shinning star (Nova means Star)

Breeze- Is a foster puppy and when I called and left name suggestions on her machine I said "Bree" but she thought I said Breeze, so Breeze it is.

Julian- Julian's name was Jillian (mjy fav Girl name) and we called her Jilly Bean, but then Julian became a he and we changed his name from Jillian to Julian.

Jaxom- Is my Fav. Dragon rider from the series By Anne McCafrey.

Peaches- My sister named

Tundra- She is white like the Tundra

Brook- Named after my old best friend

Butternutt- Was the name everyone wanted me to name Jaxom, but I deced on Jaxom, but deced to name my lil rattie girl who has a nutt color on her.

Lillian- I got her around easter, she is all white like the flower Easter Lilly's

Misty- I forget, we got her like 10 yrs ago!

And then I'm not gonna mention the fosters (LOL)


05-04-2004, 12:20 AM
Nebo--it's a mountain in Utah. It wasn't really one of the names I was wanting to use (I wanted to name a husky Koda) but I thought of it...liked it...and it just seemed to fit the brat boy.

Reggie--All I remember was that my brother suggested it when we had him as a pup. My mom didn't like it but the rest of us did. I think I wanted to name him Lucky before that lol.

Smokey (RB)--I was 2 when we got him so I don't think I had much choice in the matter. My parents let my brother and sister name him. My mom wanted to name him Nibbs.

05-04-2004, 06:03 AM
Originally posted by wolf_Q
Nebo--it's a mountain in Utah.

I wanted to say that Nebo in Russian means Sky - I love it :). And this fits Nebo's blue eyes.

Juni is short for Junioara. When she was just a wee kitty that could fit in my palm, we didn't know if she's a girl or a boy and decided to call her Juni - a short name from Junioara (female) or Junior (male) - then we would call her by the long name, which we never did. In time, the name Junitsa stuck to her. Or Juneasa. Or Printsesa. Or Dulcheatsa. Or Alintushka. Or Tsushka :D :D :D

Pichu's long name is Pichu Gudurichu - Cuddling Kiddo. He doesn't look anymore like a Pichu, he's more than 5 kilos at 1 year old. Now, we call him Pichu or Pichiosu, or Pichishor, or Pichulets, or one milion other cute names :)

Juni will be 4 years old tomorrow and Pichu will be one year old.

05-04-2004, 09:17 AM
oh boy I will go through some names this morning lol


Happy-this was her litter name and it fit her so we just kept it.

Misty-misty is short for mistletoe mischeif, the mistletoe because I got her at christmas, and well the mischeif was supposed to be christmas, but as soon as she was in the van she was getting into EVERYTHING, so very quikley the chrismas became mischeif.

Shadow-well I was in kalowna when my dad got her, but he said he named her shadow because everytime he took her for a walk she would walk under his feet like a shadow

Perky- well she came with the name biscut which we did not like at all, then her name was Roxy for a little while but she was always so perky that we changed it to perky

Ripley- he was terrified of the name he came with(roscoe) and we had been watching Ripleys believe it or not that night lol

Blair-lol ok his name is a joke. blair was his litter name and you have to know that my mom once had a boyfriend named blair. now when blair was given to us my dad had just moved out, my mom thought this was just plain out funny, so his registerd name bacame "Weskys my boyfriend blair"

05-04-2004, 10:10 AM
Originally posted by Vio&Juni
I wanted to say that Nebo in Russian means Sky - I love it :). And this fits Nebo's blue eyes.

I can speak russian, but I've never thought of that LOL...I really dont know why.. :D But really nebo in russian means sky :D

Kona&Oreo's mom - did you know, that in Icelandic "Kona" means "woman"???:)

05-04-2004, 10:24 AM
Tito: (Cat) When I adopted Tito from the shelter his name was Ashton. The girl at the shelter named him that after Ashton Kutcher. Well I don't really give a crap about Ashton Kutcher and plus my boyfriend refused to call the cat if he was named after Ashton Kutcher (guess he thought it was lame too). So we spent five days kicking around names. I really wanted to name his Sascha but Boyfriend said that was a girl kitty's name. I thought it was kinda unisex. Finally, it was the night before I had to take him to the vet to get some shots. I knew I couldn't bear to take him as a no-name kitty!!! So Boyfriend starts throwing out crazy names...and out of the clear blue sky came "Tito Magoo." We cracked up laughing and it stuck. We dropped the Magoo part out of laziness. We almost named him Toonces b/c he looks like "Toonces the Driving Cat" from Saturday Night Live but I didn't think that was original enough. So Tito it is. It fits him perfectly, if you could meet him you'd know!

Swimmy: is a fish. Enough said. A beta actually.

He-Man and She-Ra: Two other fish (tetras). I wanted to name them after a famous couple since I got them together. Later I found out they were both males. I guess She-Ra is having an identity crisis. But it's OK since he's a pink fish and pink is associated with girls so much!!!:D

Dixie: (Dog) Was named after a street near my parents' house. She still lives with my parents.

Mushka: (Cat that has since gone to RB) Have no idea what he was named after. But it's a cool name!

05-04-2004, 10:57 AM
McMurphy was named after the fiesty irish nurse on the TV show, "China Beach". Seems a fitting name for a terrier.

Madison was named after the mermaid in the movie, "Splash". She was definitely an uptown girl, so definitely fitting.

Whizzer of Oz was named after the classic movie. I wanted a connection between my two lil' Toto dogs and my Collie.

Don't wanna jinx anything, so *knocking wood*, but for the new Collie puppy that's going to be a part of the family in the next week, if everything works out, I'm leaning towards Gulliver, aka Gully. Think that goes pretty good with Oz. Both have somewhat of a travel theme to'em. :)


05-04-2004, 12:11 PM
Anna - She was already named when we got her - I didn't like her name at first, so I tried coming up with names, but for some reason I couldn't. The name grew on me, and it fits her perfectly.

Rosie - She got her name in few hours after we got her at 8 weeks old. I wanted to name her Phoebe, after FRIENDS, but apparently, everyone in my family was against that. Although my mom admits that Phoebe would FIT her now, since she's a ditzy dog, and she's not exactly "smart" when you want her to be! So, I remember, my brother came up with Rose, and I looked at the puppy, and said "Rose.. ".. then my dad said "How about Rosie?" and I just immediately loved it, and called her "Rosie" and it just felt right. :D

For my future dogs: I have these names in mind: Lonestar, Cheyenne, Yukon, Indiana Jones "Indy", and Ritter (after John Ritter, he was one of my favorite actors.. )

Future cats: Chandler (after FRIENDS, and he is my favorite character. This name would suit a Orange Tabby. :)) and Joey (Also, off FRIENDS, and this would suit a black/white or gray/white cat)..

05-04-2004, 08:52 PM
Michie (RB) - (pronounced Mish-ee) My parents adopted her at 5 years old. She was an AKC registered black and tan smooth coat dachshund. Her registered name was really "Micherle Vandersnoot"....ICK!

Ski (RB)- My dad's nickname in the navy. Our last name is Ukranian and ends with Sky (pronounced Ski), and my mom didn't like the nickname. She thought if she named him Dad's nickname, they'd stop calling my dad that. Didn't work. Ski was a German Sheperd/Saint Bernard mix.

Muffin (RB) - She was a very sweet lab terrier mix. She was a lovely shade of brown, which my dad said reminded him of the color of the bran muffins he would buy at work. It stuck:rolleyes: . She was my heart dog.

Diohgi (RB) - Brian's cat in college. Name pronounced di-oh-gee. Say it out loud...it's DOG! Diohgi acted just like a dog, would come when called, walked on a leash and liked to play fetch.

Bailey - Brian wanted to name her Canada, but I said hell no. We went back and forth and finally I came up with Bailey and he liked it. So Bailey she is.

Guinness - Brian got to pick the name. He said Guinness reminded him of Sir Alec Guinness in "The Bridge on the River Kwai". (Personally, I think that is the B.S. explanation, cause Brian's from Cornwall and his favorite beer is Guinness, but anyway....:rolleyes: :D )

People act like we're alcoholics cause we have Bailey and Guinness (the names of a liquor and a beer), which was never our intent. Our running joke is that if we get another dog, we'll name it Jameson (an irish whiskey) and then we'll have an Irish Car Bomb (a mixed drink which has all three of the above beverages in it).

05-04-2004, 09:00 PM

Cami- Her name was originally Sandy or brandy.. Ahk, i wouldn't have it *AT ALL* No offense to anyone who likes those names, but i couldn't see myself calling her 'Sandy', or 'Brandy'.. So we were out with cami and we passed the resturant 'Cami's' and i said "How about cami?" And it stuck.. :)

Cali- Well i didn't get to name her, but if i had to say, it's probably because she's a calico cat.. :p lol..

05-04-2004, 09:03 PM
Major because we farm and our farm is kind of called "Major Farms". and because he was a "Major" change.

05-04-2004, 09:27 PM
Originally posted by Sevens

People act like we're alcoholics cause we have Bailey and Guinness (the names of a liquor and a beer), which was never our intent. Our running joke is that if we get another dog, we'll name it Jameson (an irish whiskey) and then we'll have an Irish Car Bomb (a mixed drink which has all three of the above beverages in it).

I have a friend whose parent's dogs names are Abby (for Absolute Vodka) and Bailey (for Irish Creme). They aren't alcoholics either :D

05-04-2004, 11:01 PM
I have a friend who's dog's name is Stoli--they aren't alcoholics either:D

You have to admit, some alcohol and beer names do make great pet names (like Bailey and Guiness):D :D

05-04-2004, 11:09 PM
I knew someone once who named their cat Sambuka lol. I thought it was pretty cool hehe. Some liquor names do sound neat as names :D

05-04-2004, 11:43 PM
Nipo ~ This is a one of many Hawaiian words meaning love. It fits her because she is my baby girl and I loooove her!!!

Long "Jack" Silver (RB) ~ I wanted a pirate name because of his black patch over one eye. I'm not sure if this is really a pirate name or not but I like it. I prefer one syllable names for pets and that's why I chose a name that could be reduced to a one syllable nickname.

Mele ~ This is a Hawaiian word meaning song. It fits him well as he is a beautiful singer!

05-05-2004, 12:06 AM
Cats: some of them. :)

Bunny Butt..... because her butt looks like a bunny's

Trouble...... If you knew her as a kitten, you know why. LOL

Tig.... because he thinks he's a tiger, but he's only half tiger, so It's Tig. Tig/er hafe the tiger. ;)

Lita..... she was named after Lita on WWF. My husband thinks she hot, so I thought if I named Lita that he'd like the idea of me keeping her.

Darell.... was namd after the old Newhart show for those brothers, Darell and my brother Darell and my other brother Darell. Darell other brother passed, so only on Darell now.

Blondie.....she blonde.

Cali..... after Calico, because she is. But now she Monkey, she acts like a monkey.

Dogs: Some.

Tuffy.... was named after a bennie baby

Brock....Husband though it was tough sounding. :rolleyes:

Mooch... because she like to mooch food off people.

Odie..... he use to let the cats beat him up, like Odie on garfeild.

Brandy, Cannilla, Rocky came with those names.

And ChiChi my Chinchilla.... was named after my mother in law who passed right before we got her.

All the Rabbits are named after nicknames my husband and I have. Pookie, Waldo, and Poopers. :o

05-06-2004, 08:14 AM
Great thread. :)


Penny, was born on Christmas day so we wanted somthing Christmas sounding. We went through Tinsel or Tynsel, Sparkle and then we came to our senses and called her Penny because she was so tiny, The size of a Penny coin. (Not realy that small but she could fit into the palm of my hand and i have tiny hands).

Clover, was the little black Poodle from the V.C Andrews books "Flowers in the attic" i loved the name so Clover it was. She was also going to be Guiness.

Theodore, poor Theo was nameless for about a week then my Mum and i said we have to make a decision quickly. I was reading the newspaper and came across a story about a Police officer who name was " Sen sargent *Somthing* Theodore" i suggested the name and it stuck.

Elvis, well Mum is an Elvis Prestly fan so that is where he got his name even though i dont like it. I would have called him Zephyr (pronounced Zefer) or Astro, Turbo, Tweed. Those are my favourite Border Collie names so in the future i will use them. :D


Yumi (Yu-Mee) was a young lady from the television station Channel-V who i thought was kinda cute and Yumi was an adorable kitten so the name fit her perfectly. I actualy thought of the name and then we were watching TV and Mum said what about Yumi when i was about to suggest the name. So it was a very easy choice to make.
But she did go through about 10 names before we even got her home before that some of those being, Jade (Sweetest girl ever, Jade is a friend from school) the name would have been perfect. Rubi, Tiger-Lilly (Lilly for short), Tabitha, Tabby, Misty.

05-06-2004, 08:37 AM
Angus-named after Angus Young from AC/DC

Roxey-from the song Roxanne by Sting

And Huney-first time she came to me I called her honey (as in "Come here honey"...it just seemed right:D

05-06-2004, 08:56 AM
FizzGigg name came from my favorite movie "the Dark Crystal" By Jim Hensom (If you haven't seen it rent it. Its is such a cool muppet movie)

Tobi's AKC name is Pro's Tuff Guy When we picked him up from the breeder he was playing so ruff with the other pups thats where we got "Tuff" and his Daddy's mane was Pro's Max So he became "Pro's Tuff Guy" How we got Tobi from that I dont no?

Max's Full name is Maxemus Destruction. The first day we brought him home he made such a mess out of everything he got into everything he even pulled a whole chicken (Cooked) right off the counter and ate it while I was in the shower. Thats how he got his name.

05-06-2004, 09:39 AM
when i was younger i just named a lot of my pets after how i tought they looked.. and i haven't gotten any new pets recently.. sometimes i'm just not sure how i would name a new pet because i'd be afraid to choose that name for it to have forever. heh

Rio and Me
05-06-2004, 02:22 PM
Well when I was younger i named my pets real dumb names (i only had cats when i was young)(family as a hole had dogs but the cats were mine)
RB- Leaf, was my tabby cat
RB- Slaphead, black farm cat
Most resent RB cat- Kissafur, grey farm cat
RB- Tibs, Abbysinian
Tiger- my dad's 3 legged farm cat
Ferret, Tia liked the name and it seems to fit her.
Rio Most certainly not after any football players, just liked the name

Felicia's Mom
05-06-2004, 02:41 PM
I'll just do the cats I have now and one RB cat.

Cleo- 1984-1989: came from a pet shop and was called Cleopatra by the people who worked there . I liked the name so it stayed with one exception; Cleopatra turned out to be a male. So he was still Cleo, but it was short for Cleophus.:)

Felicia- 1989-: That was the name of a singer I heard on the radio. I hadn't heard the name Felicia before, and thought it was beautiful. I promised myself that my next female cat would have it for a name.

Beau-1992-: His full name (not counting the Cattery name) is McCleo's Beau. I saw the word beau, decided it would be a nice name for a cat. He is also named after Cleo with the Mc from my last name.

Just want to add that most people get their pet and then think of a name. While I usually have the names selected first. :rolleyes: Why? Because I do things backwards!;)

05-06-2004, 02:42 PM
Originally posted by Vio&Juni
I wanted to say that Nebo in Russian means Sky - I love it :). And this fits Nebo's blue eyes.

Wow I had no idea! That's so cool! :D

05-06-2004, 09:35 PM
Sash- my boyfriend named him, he actually picked Sasha, but then we found out Sash was a little boy.:eek: so we shortened it to Sash.

Lucki- was Sash's sister and I named her Lucki because she was darn lucky to be found on such a cold day.

Blackie- obviously because he was all black and beautiful.:)

Kit- was my very first cat my dad found and we never had cats before, so we just started calling him Kitty and he became Kit, a beautiful charcoal grey cat.

Tabby- is our newest edition, he lives with my mom and dad and they named him Tabby, he's an orange tabby

Lisa & Sash

http://pages.ivillage.com/lisalee992 (Sash's website)
http://www.geocities.com/blackie7979/mypage.html (My cats)