View Full Version : Your Strange Quarks

05-03-2004, 01:17 PM
I thought this would be fun. Tell us about your strange quarks.

I hate it when someone put the toilet paper or paper rolls on the holder backwards (I will change it no matter where I am)

When someone pets my horse or dogs I have to brush that spot to make there fur go right again.

I sing in the shower:D

I take my dogs out to the potty in the morning in my PJ's

05-03-2004, 01:20 PM
Originally posted by FizzGiggs_Mommy
I take my dogs out to the potty in the morning in my PJ's

I do that too. :p I don't want to waste time getting dressed before I take them out - the dogs are more important! :D

05-03-2004, 03:03 PM
Originally posted by FizzGiggs_Mommy

I hate it when someone put the toilet paper or paper rolls on the holder backwards

I hate that too:D

I also can't stand for someone to come in the house and move something....I will go right behind them and put it back where it goes;)

I also can't stand for someone to mess with my computer:mad: I would rather do whatever it is they wanted to do on the computer and if I don't do it for them then I am standing over there shoulder watching making sure they don't mess anything up:D

Desert Arabian
05-03-2004, 03:07 PM
I hate it when I spend 30 minutes bathing and grooming a horse, only to have it roll 5 minutes afterwards. :mad: :p Grr! lol. So then I have to (at least) brush them again to get out the damp clumps.

05-03-2004, 06:00 PM
Originally posted by YellowLabLover
I hate it when I spend 30 minutes bathing and grooming a horse, only to have it roll 5 minutes afterwards. :mad: :p Grr! lol. So then I have to (at least) brush them again to get out the damp clumps.

haha!:D That will ALWAYS happen. Everytime I wash my horse for a Rodeo or Parade.. or whatever, I always leave her stalled for atleast 30 minutes afterward to make sure she dries. But even after she dries she will still roll. I just think it is better for them to roll when they are dry then wet. Then atleast things won't stick to them such as grass and stuff.:p

05-03-2004, 07:57 PM
Just a correction first - what you are talking about is spelled "quirks." "Quarks" are sub-atomic particles, which we cannot see with the naked eye, so cannot have much of a conversation about.

Quirks? When I have M&Ms, (or skittles or jelly beans) I sort them by color, and eat the "extras" until I have an even number of each color.

Quirk: incorrect usage of apostrophes bugs me!

05-03-2004, 08:01 PM
Originally posted by Karen

Quirks? When I have M&Ms, (or skittles or jelly beans) I sort them by color, and eat the "extras" until I have an even number of each color.

LOL same with me!:p I sort them by color and eat them until there's an even number of each, then I save my favourite colors to eat last.

05-03-2004, 08:06 PM
Well, I have plenty...just ask Josh ;). But I'll list just one right now. ;)

Whenever I eat a meal, I can only eat one type of thing at a time. I'll eat my salad until I don't want anymore of that [or until it's gone], then move on to something else and eat it until I'm done with it, and then move on to the next thing, etc. Aaaaand...if some food touches another food, forget about it...I don't want it. ;):p

Miss Meow
05-03-2004, 08:28 PM
Originally posted by Karen
Just a correction first - what you are talking about is spelled "quirks." "Quarks" are sub-atomic particles, which we cannot see with the naked eye, so cannot have much of a conversation about.

Quirks? When I have M&Ms, (or skittles or jelly beans) I sort them by color, and eat the "extras" until I have an even number of each color.

Quirk: incorrect usage of apostrophes bugs me!

There is also a cheese called quark, and I was amazed that there was a topic devoted to it! :D

We've had a similar topic before, and I mentioned that I cannot eat the stringy bits on a banana. They have to be removed.

05-03-2004, 09:13 PM
I hate odd numbers. I can't listen to the radio unless the volume is an even number, unless it's a multiple of 5.

That's the only one I can think of off the top of my head.. I will keep trying to remember some though :)

05-04-2004, 12:08 AM
Originally posted by Karen

Quirks? When I have M&Ms, (or skittles or jelly beans) I sort them by color, and eat the "extras" until I have an even number of each color.

Lol me too! then i eat the ones i don't like first

quirk#1 i hate it when people change things around on my computer (desktop, screen saver, settings, colors anything)

quirk#2 i can't eat more than one kind of food at a time. if i have three different foods on my plate i will eat each one separetly(sp?)

Quirk#3 i hate it when people read things over my shoulder or just stand behing me and watch me do things

Quirk#4 i don't like it when peopel go in to my room. even if it's just to talk to me. i guess im very territorial. lol

i'm sure i have more, but i can't think of them now, i'll post them later if i think of any :D

05-04-2004, 12:20 AM
Oh dear, I'm afraid I have WAAAAY too many to even begin mentioning. My boyfriend and my parents are constantly telling me I need help :rolleyes: I think I'd scare you guys if I started listing all my quirks!

I also eat my candy by colors - saving my favorite colors for last (pink, purple, or blue depending on the type of candy!). Have to eat all the icky greens and yellows first! Hehe!

05-04-2004, 11:07 AM
Whenever I have anything like Swedish Fish, Mike & Ike's, or any kind of candy that's fruit flavored, I eat them in this order...


05-04-2004, 12:11 PM
Like many others, I eat my food seperately .

I can't stand flakey people . If you are going to be late, call me! Or even better....If you aren't going to show, tell me! I'll be alot madder about you flaking then you not telling me ahead of time that you aren't coming.

My alarm clock . I guess I kind of have OCD about that. I check it several times before bed. I often wake up in the middle of the night and I can't relax without checking it again to make sure it's set properly.

05-04-2004, 12:18 PM
Originally posted by Tonya

My alarm clock . I guess I kind of have OCD about that. I check it several times before bed. I often wake up in the middle of the night and I can't relax without checking it again to make sure it's set properly.

I do that too. I check it like 5 times before bed, get in bed, get back up 30 seconds later to check again. Then I always wake up from a deep sleep to keep checking. I have fears of not waking up on time for work/school/whatever else I have to do.

05-04-2004, 12:26 PM
My clothes all have to hang in the same direction in my closet, with the open (buttoned) side on the right. There is no reason for this that makes sense, but it just makes me happy. :rolleyes: I also can't use wire hangers, only plastic ones. My niece color codes her clothes with her plastic hangers. I don't go that far! :D

I also wait for my morning cereal to get soggy before I eat it. I use to work with a girl who said that she had to eat her cereal very quickly before it got soggy because once it "sogged up" she couldn't stand it. :D Different strokes for different folks!

05-04-2004, 07:44 PM
Originally posted by Tonya

My alarm clock . I guess I kind of have OCD about that. I check it several times before bed. I often wake up in the middle of the night and I can't relax without checking it again to make sure it's set properly. [/B]

hey me too! lol. my family is always telling me i need to get halp and i'm going to end up like jack nicholson (sp?? in as good as it gets' lol

05-04-2004, 07:48 PM
Originally posted by Pam
My niece color codes her clothes with her plastic hangers. I don't go that far! :D

lol i do! and i always have to have the hangers hanging the same way. and i don't really care if the shirts aren't facing the same why but i usually put them in like that. :o :cool:

05-04-2004, 09:28 PM
I Can't bear anything that is crooked, I Just have to straighten it.

I like my towels folded a certain way, (mind you the cupboard is small , so they kinda have to be folded that way).

I always sleep with two pillows and a neck pillow as well.

If I am going somewhere I like to take the same route most of the time ( I know how boring).

I like the feel of cold crisp sheets.,even on a cold night, then like to warm up.(wierd!!)

05-04-2004, 09:58 PM
Carole, nothing is better than clean, cold, crisp sheets.

A few quirks of mine are:

Can't stand cupboard doors or drawers left opened, even a little bit.

When I wash my cutlery, they have to go in order in the compartment on the drainboard: knives, forks, then spoons.
My sons like to mix them up to drive me nuts.

Toilet paper roll has to be facing outward.

The dog and cats toy have to be put away back in their baskets before I go to bed.

This one really gets me today when I think about it.
When the kids were younger and they would come in dirty from playing outside, I'd wash them up, put clean clothes on them and then send them back outside to play. Go figure. I just didn't like a dirty kid. Quirky or what!!!!

05-04-2004, 10:11 PM
Fun thread!

I'm a bit nutty, so here goes:

*I cannot have anyone touch my computer screen.. NO FINGERPRINTS! Same goes for my car's windshield.

*I always put my left sock on first. Never ever the right. Never.

*If I'm going to bed, I must pee right before... as in its the last thing I do. If I have to get up, even just a second to grab an extra blanket or something, I find myself in the bathroom again. If I don't, I'll lie in bed for a while thinking about that missed opportunity to pee.

*I MUST give and get a kiss from my husband every night. Even if we have to do it over the phone when one of us is out of town. I cannot go to sleep woithout it. (I know, disgusting, isn't it? :p )

*Scissors are for paper and fabric. Not carboard or twist ties, etc. That annoys me to no end... thats what wire cutters, razors, and a host of other tools are for. Scissors need to be sharp and clean. I HATE when everyone uses them to cut everything under the sun. I must have twenty pairs of scissors throughout the house and I toss them out once I find they've been used for a wrong purpose.

05-04-2004, 10:25 PM
Originally posted by catnapper
*If I'm going to bed, I must pee right before... as in its the last thing I do. If I have to get up, even just a second to grab an extra blanket or something, I find myself in the bathroom again. If I don't, I'll lie in bed for a while thinking about that missed opportunity to pee.

haha I do the EXACT same thing. Poor Josh thinks I have a bladder control issue...:eek::rolleyes::o

05-04-2004, 10:59 PM
*I cannot have anyone touch my computer screen.. NO FINGERPRINTS! Same goes for my car's windshield.

Catnapper, I am the same way about my computer, I hate it if somebody puts a fingerprint on my screen. Everybody know not to touch my computer screen.

I hate for anybody to sit down at my desk, with something to drink, I just know that they will spill it on my keyboard.

I am the same way about going to the bathroom before I go to bed, and if I have to get up for anything, I always visit the beloved bathroom too.

Carole, I feel the same way, I hate for anything to be crooked, it drives me nuts. Even at the doctors office, I sit and stare at a crooked picture. I have been known to get up and straighten the picture.

Oh well,


Miss Meow
05-04-2004, 11:18 PM
Originally posted by trayi52
Carole, I feel the same way, I hate for anything to be crooked, it drives me nuts. Even at the doctors office, I sit and stare at a crooked picture. I have been known to get up and straighten the picture.

Oh well,


That reminds me. I can't touch anything at the doctor's office. I imagine all the magazines teeming with germs and other gross greeblies left by all the sick people. I usually take my own book to read while waiting.

05-04-2004, 11:36 PM
I also do the candy thing.......I normally eat the ones I like the least first. These would be the yellow and green. Orange is the in between one. Red, purple, and blue are always the "good" ones. ;)

When I eat anything round (like a Reese's PB cup, hamburger, etc.) I always eat around the edges and leave a circle in the middle to eat last.

I probably check the doors and plug-ins before I leave to go anywhere at least 3 times.

I can't think of anything else but there's definitely more....

05-05-2004, 12:01 AM
- I have to check and make sure all of the doors are locked before going to bed.

- I HAVE to put my camera batteries in the battery charger before bed. If I forget about it, i'll remember while lying in bed. No matter how comfortable I am, I have to get up and put them in. You never know what you may need the camera for the next day. :p

- I have to drink atleast one cup, if not 2 or 3 cups of water before bed. Just plain water from the osmosis thing.. no ice.
I also have to drink a glass before school.

- I hate open closets. I can't sleep if mine is opened.

- My feet/legs can't touch eachother while I sleep. I have to have a blanket or pillow in between them. I also cannot sleep without my arm being directly under my face. I don't like my face to touch the pillow.

-My hair has to be up when I go to sleep.

- I HAVE to have my fan on, no matter the weather. It could be 30 out -- my cieling fan still has to be on. I'm so used to the noise of it, it feels weird with complete silence.

-Most of the time, unless it's really cold out, I can't sleep if my feet are covered. I cannot sleep with socks on, although I have fell asleep MANY times after school with my shoes on.

-No matter how hot, I normally do not like going out without a long sleeved shirt or sweater on. I feel so naked without. :p

-I also set my alarm more than once before bed time. I can't set it for an odd number. The only time I do is if the number ends in 5.
(does anyone else notice that these are mostly about sleep.... guess it's time. :p )

-I can't stand having single programs or saved pictures on the desktop. I always delete/move everything into a file before I get off the computer. I also have to make a completely new folder when loading pictures, even if it's 3-4 pictures... although it's very rare that i'm loading that few pictures.

Okay.. i'll stop for now. :p

05-05-2004, 03:18 PM
I am a bit of an insomniac, I Too have to have a fan going all night, otherwise I just cannot sleep, I have accustomed myself to the noise, but the good thing it drowns out all other noises, and that is why I get some sleep.

05-05-2004, 04:02 PM
I CANNOT go to sleep with my feet out from the blanket:p I always have to have something covering them, even if its boiling hot. I don't know why, its like I'm afraid something will grab my foot or something while I'm asleep:o :p

05-05-2004, 05:17 PM
I have to have my feet uncovered, I love the feeling of a nice cool sheet under my feet. I would not be able to sleep, if my feet were covered.

My husband is the one that goes around and checks to make sure the stove is turned off, and unplugs everything. He uplugs my coffeemaker, even when I would have it set to make coffe the next morning. I ended up, when that coffeemaker tore up, I just went out and bought me a regular coffeemaker, without the clock on it.

I cannot stand to drink coffee, that has set on the heating element for more than 30 minutes, I always pour it into a coffee thermous, so it will keep its fresh brewed taste. I am very picky about my coffee.


05-05-2004, 05:35 PM
I cannot go to sleep until I have checked to make sure the stove burners are all off, the kitchen appliances are all plugged out, the windows downstairs all shut, and the doors all locked. Even if someone else checks downstairs for the night, I still have to go and do it myself. I can't go to sleep not knowing everything downstairs is locked/off/unplugged/etc.

I can't go to sleep without having the covers over me. If its hot, I just turn the air conditioning on to make it cool inside. I just can't sleep if I'm not fully covered.........feet and all.

I don't like seeing the toilet paper facing backwards.......it HAS to face forward.

I can't stand people wearing shoes in the house. They have to be off. Shoes belong outdoors. :p Maybe I'm like that because our house in almost fully carpetted. I wouldn't mind shoes in a house with floors, but with carpets, I just don't like it. Makes the carpet dirty. :p

No fingerprints on my moniter either. Everyone knows not to touch my moniter screen. :p

guster girl
05-05-2004, 07:01 PM
Geez, I have so many! But, there is a very fine line between quirks and pet peeves, so, some of these may sound pet peevish. :)

First off, I make lists for everything (I even made a list for my quirks!).

but, here are the ones I thought of today. :)

I can't have the a.c. or heat blowing on my face or hands when I'm driving, I always have the a.c. blowing straight up and the heat blowing from the floor boards up.

I always make faces when people look at me (crossing my eyes, sticking out my tongue, puffing my cheeks, etc).

I wipe down my desk and keyboard at work at the start of every day with antibacterial wipes.

If I eat candy sprinkles on ice cream, I sprinkle to cover the top, eat the top, sprinkle to cover the top again, eat the top, etc. I don't eat a lot of ice cream (and even more rarely do I eat the sprinkles), but, when I do, that's how I do it! I'll go through almost an entire container of sprinkles for just one bowl of ice cream.

I can't eat just one Pixie Stick or one Freezer Pop. I literally will eat the entire package. Watch out for THAT sugar buzz!!

I use photographs for bookmarks.

Others have mentioned taking their dogs out in pjs, I do that, too....but, I'll take Finn out with a towel on my head and one around my body. When he's gotta go, he's gotta go! :)

Toilet paper has to be "over the top". I will change it regardless of where I'm at. :)

I can't eat Nacho Bugles without M&Ms and vice versa.

I'll only drink sodas in plastic cups (unless I'm at a restaurant and have no choice).

I only eat ice cream out of a cup (no cones).

And, one that is a little harder to explain.....I'll try! I emphasize different syllables than a lot of people, apparently. My ex pointed it out to me, not as a bad thing, he liked it. But, say for example....Taco Bell. I say TACO bell. Most say taco BELL. Or.... ibuprofen. I say *I*buprofen, and, apparently, most people say ibu*PRO*fen. :) Told ya it was kinda confusing!

I'm sure my list will grow with each hour! I'll wait til the end of the night to post any more though.

05-05-2004, 07:54 PM
When eating Pizza, I only eat the topping and the crunchy outside crust.
The soggy middle goes in the trash.

I eat the chocolate of chocolate donuts and throw away the rest.
One day my boss had this strange look on his face, while talking to me and I heard my coworkers snickering, because I had chocolate all over my face.

I also hate open closet doors, and shutting the door is the last thing I do before going to bed, only to have one of my cats pull the door open again.

I have a habit of turning off the lights when leaving a room. I don’t know how many times I turned of the lights on some poor women still sitting in the stall in the bathroom. They usually yell at me – Hey, turn the lights back on!

05-05-2004, 08:12 PM
Originally posted by auggie

I have a habit of turning off the lights when leaving a room. I don’t know how many times I turned of the lights on some poor women still sitting in the stall in the bathroom. They usually yell at me – Hey, turn the lights back on!

LOL!:D I used to have a habit of leaving lights on:p lol

05-05-2004, 09:05 PM
One quirky thing that Paul does NOT understand:

The Snooze button. I set my clock early enough so that I can still get to work on time if I hit the snooze button - and usually do at least twice.

*I* think those extra 9-minute periods of sleep are more valuable somehow than the pre-alarm sleep - feels like I'm cheating the day out of something, I guess.

*He* thinks I should just set the alarm for the moment when I absolutely HAVE to get up.

Felicia's Mom
05-05-2004, 09:11 PM
This is what I came up with, there are more.

Every day when I get home for good, my shoes come off. In warm weather I am barefoot, in cold weather I have slippers on.

I check when I use the telephone even though I haven't been on a party line since the 1960's.

05-05-2004, 09:49 PM
Karen... YES! You NEED those extra 9 minutes. I simply cannot jump right out of bed. my body doesn't begin to stir until half and hour after the initial alarm rings.

Sometimes hubby needs help on the computer first thing in the morning and asks me from a sound sleep to help him. So I get up and sit dumbly for ten minutes before my eyes even pretend to focus. He doesn't understand that even though I'm sitting up, talking and cohehrent, that I'm not in any way awake.

He'll hold full conversations with me in this half asleep state and then expect me to remember! He loves to ask me favors during these "discussions."
"But, you said you'd do it when I asked you this morning!"
"Was I awake?"
"No, was I FULLY awake?"
One shold not be held accountable for those early morning promises!


05-05-2004, 09:59 PM
These are the ones my husband thinks are nuts, I think they are normal. ;) ;)

Once I lock a door I have to pull on it 3 times, before I'm sure it's locked.

When you put knife in the dish drainer, put them sharp side down, even if a butter knife.

Paper towles have to go one the holder where the towel roll out to the right.

When i'm in the car driving, as soon as I put the car in first, I always look to the left as I change gears. I don't know why I do it and most times I don't even know I'm doing it. But it's only when I drive a maunal car.

When I sit on the couch or chair, I have to have a blanket across me, cold or hot there needs to be a blanket. If theres no blanket, then a pillow will do.

I hate to go to homes that don't have that personal look, It just bugs me. If you have a home, make it a home, personal pictures or something, Please. I don't feel comfortable in a home that looks like you bought it off the show room floor.

And I will agree with my husband on this one, it is a little odd.
I hate close in shoes!!!! Even in the cold of the winter, I want my sandles. I'll wear socks with them if I can get away with it when it's cold. If I really really have to I will wear them, but they will come off the first chance I get. I've even been known to be in a store and slip them off, just for a sec. so my feet can breath. Even On my wedding day, I took my shoes off at the alter, hiding them under my gown. I suddenly became 3" shorter. :D

Oh and I can't drive a car with shoes on, ever!

Did I happen to mention, I hate shoes. LOL

05-05-2004, 10:22 PM
Fox Gal, we are two peas in a pod! I hate shoes too. Right now, from where I sit, I can see 3 pairs in the hallway. I shed them as quickly as I can, every single day!!!!! :o

05-05-2004, 10:25 PM
I love going barefoot and would rather go without shoes as well. That's why I love my Chuck Taylors because there's almost nothing to them... especially since they're so old and worn out now. :D

I only have one pair of real shots, and a pair of sandles that I normally wear. The bottoms of my feet are so tough from going barefoot all the time. :p

05-05-2004, 11:11 PM
Kay-ann you would be right at home in NZ, barefoot is thought nothing of here, however I do notice a trend now that most people I see do wear shoes, I guess times have changed, Kids are always outside in barefeet, I am always telling my daughter to put some shoes on, but she is deaf apparently.

My girlfriends American husband was horrified how our children run around in barefeet, he did not like it one bit.

05-06-2004, 08:10 AM
Bare feet are the best! I am barefoot whenever possible. When I was working fulltime, I wold kick my shoes oiff in my cubicle and my boss would have fits... why? My feet surely didn't stink. I used to work in a picture frame shop and would walk around there bare foot... remember framshops always have broken glass shards all over the floor, not to mention staples, tacks, nails. I didn't care, I went barefoot and never once got anything stuck in my foot.

Fox-Gal, I am the same way with knives... I've always thought it was common sense not leave the blade down. Apparently, hubby thinks its stupid and he's contantly leaving blade up, handle in the drying rack. :rolleyes:

05-06-2004, 08:42 AM
I thought of a couple more thanks to my hubby.

I must have one window open no matter what season it is. I love the smell of fresh air.

Like Kay I can not sleep with socks on it is very uncomfortable (sp).

My hubby thinks this is gross! I put ketchup on my maccaroni and cheese all the time if there is no ketchup I wont eat the Mac and Cheese.

Most of all I hate it when some one sits in my chair at work and gets the seat all hot. I have to wait like 5 min until the seat cools off. It just totally grosses me out.

05-06-2004, 09:53 AM
i HATE when boys pee on the toilet and it's even worse when you go to the bathroom sleepy-eyed during the night and sit in water because someone left the toilet seat up!

05-06-2004, 10:43 AM
Originally posted by Nomilynn
I hate odd numbers. I can't listen to the radio unless the volume is an even number, unless it's a multiple of 5.

And, Naomi, you call that a QUIRK? LOL..I am thinking somethin' a little more serious, girl...:D :eek:

05-06-2004, 12:18 PM
Originally posted by Kfamr
The bottoms of my feet are so tough from going barefoot all the time. :p

Mine are the same way, I could walk on rock and not really feel it they are so tough. The husband hates it. I'm baerfoot all the time, even when I go back up north, I'll walk in the snow barefooted. I guess we should be thankfull we live in Florida and can get away with barefeet. :D Anyway, it's easier to wash feet then shoes. LOL

I wold kick my shoes off in my cubicle and my boss would have fits
I lost a job when I was younger, becuse of that and because I refused to wear closed toes shoes. Oh well, I found a new job, where I could where my sandles. :D

Fox-Gal, I am the same way with knives... I've always thought it was common sense not leave the blade down. Apparently, hubby thinks its stupid and he's contantly leaving blade up, handle in the drying rack

I've had to tell so many people to turn them over. They look at me like I'm nuts. Till I explain it to then. If have to reach over to get something you might get cut by the sharp end of the knife. Common sense right? Husband still thinks it silly. :rolleyes: MEN!!
You know I'm going to have to show him this so he knows, I'm not the only one. LOL

I must have one window open no matter what season it is. I love the smell of fresh air.

I'm the same way also. That's just the way I was raised, fresh air always, it's healthier. I don't like to live in a closed house.

05-06-2004, 10:10 PM
I check things about three times or more before I leave the house, such as the stove, anything plugged in that shouldn't be, door locked, anybody hanging around my back porch/deck, making sure were Sash is. I do about the same things before I go to bed also. It's a wonder I ever get to sleep or out of the house! :confused:

Lisa & Sash

http://pages.ivillage.com/lisalee992 (Sash's website)

05-07-2004, 01:49 AM
I'm ALWAYS barefoot at home, but I can't stand the thought of going outside barefoot. I hate getting my feet dirty. :p What if I accidently step on a bug or something? Ewww!

Wearing shoes inside feels odd though. We never wear shoes in the house.

Laura's Babies
05-07-2004, 08:42 AM
Since I am a cook, mine is food related..

I go into a panic when I see food uncovered!! Even during serving times, once you are done, recover the food!! Those boats vibrate constantly and stuff is constantly falling from the celing, the movement of the boat is constantly blowing stuff from the tow we are pushing, back to the boat, people sneeze or cough, loose hair and you better NOT grab food with your hands!!

Opened, unsealed food in the cabinet or pantry so the next person who grabs it, slings it everywhere and left open for bugs to get in.

Lids not properly screwed back on jars, mayo, pickles ect.

CLOSE CABINET doors when you are done in them! This comes from when I was a child and someone left one open and my Mama walked into it, I can still see the whole side of her face bruised and swollen.

PUT things back where you found them whan you are done!

The uncovered food thing just about throws me in a panic, the other things are just aggervating...

05-07-2004, 11:53 AM
Originally posted by popcornbird
I'm ALWAYS barefoot at home, but I can't stand the thought of going outside barefoot. I hate getting my feet dirty. :p

Same here! It just doesn't *feel right*. :p

- Molly and Daisy HAVE to get fed first. I won't eat anything, or even go near the kitchen if they don't *first thing* in the morning.

- If I get into one of my *cleaning moods*, I can't stop until I finish every-single-thing I wanted to do.

- I have to sleep with my blankie. :o I've had it since I was born; and if I don't have it with me in bed, I'll start to panic, and won't go to sleep until I find it.

- My stuffed animals on my bed are always in the same order from right to left. ALWAYS! Golden Retriever stuffie, Mini Golden Retriever stuffie, Chocolate Lab Stuffie, and my Dog Pillow with Bones.

- I have to have Ketchup with Chicken. If I don't, it tastes too plain. My dad thinks it's gross, but both my mom and I love it. :p

- I -can't- put my feet on the table if I'm sitting/laying on the couch. They have to be on the couch with the rest of me. :p

I'm sure there's more...but those are the ones that came to mind first. :D

05-07-2004, 12:09 PM
Originally posted by Fox-Gal
Mine are the same way, I could walk on rock and not really feel it they are so tough. The husband hates it. I'm baerfoot all the time, even when I go back up north, I'll walk in the snow barefooted. I guess we should be thankfull we live in Florida and can get away with barefeet. :D Anyway, it's easier to wash feet then shoes. LOL

My mom has always said it's a Floridian thing. The only downfall though, is when it's summertime and the pavement/sand/grass/ EVERYTHING gets really hot... you sorta have to run quickly across wherever. Our deck especially gets hot.

05-07-2004, 12:16 PM

Do you ever get bit by the red ants??? My father lives in Key Largo and he gets bit all the time!:eek:

05-07-2004, 12:17 PM
Opps Sorry Kfamr :D

05-07-2004, 12:56 PM
Originally posted by wolf_Q
I also do the candy thing.......I normally eat the ones I like the least first. These would be the yellow and green. Orange is the in between one. Red, purple, and blue are always the "good" ones. ;)

When I eat anything round (like a Reese's PB cup, hamburger, etc.) I always eat around the edges and leave a circle in the middle to eat last.

DITTO on all that you said! I'm the exact same way and totally agree on the flavors!

If its a Reece's PB cup I'm eating though, I'll eat around the edges, then peel the chocolate off and save the peanut butter for last!

05-07-2004, 01:09 PM
I remembered another one. It never fails, every time I do this, I get the strangest looks!

When eating at a fast food restaurant, I squeeze the ketchup packets directly into my mouth and then put fries or burger in my mouth. I can eat several ketchup packets with no food if I have a salty taste in my mouth.

05-07-2004, 01:15 PM
Originally posted by FizzGiggs_Mommy

Do you ever get bit by the red ants??? My father lives in Key Largo and he gets bit all the time!:eek:

I have before... but they honestly don't bother me much anymore. I just step carefully. :p

05-07-2004, 10:58 PM
Originally posted by FizzGiggs_Mommy

Do you ever get bit by the red ants??? My father lives in Key Largo and he gets bit all the time!:eek:

Oh yeah I get a lot. I even have a few scares on my feet from them. But even if I do happen to have shoes on, they get in there too and it takes longer to get the shoes off and get rid of the ants. Then you have to spend time making sure the ants are all out of your shoes. So I'm looking at is as a time saving step. LOL Any excuse not to wear shoes, I can come up with it. :D

After think over all I have said here, no shoes, tough feet and scares from ants, what you people must think my feet look like. :eek: :eek: :eek:

I swear, I have cute feet. :D :D LOL

05-08-2004, 03:46 PM
I have quite a few.. lol

- I have to have my feet covered in bed.. No matter what.. It just has to be done, like Bluekat said, i feel like something is going to grab me.. :X

- Whenever im cooking something on the stove, i have to stir whatever it is, a bunch of times before its ready..

- As soon as i come on pettalk, i go straight to general. No where else.

- I *have* to have my radio on at night, on one channel the whole night, even if it's on commercial for awhile..

- When i go to pee or something i have to close the door, no matter if it's just my mom home. I feel too open.. lol

- Everyday, i have to be wearing my jewlery.. If i don't have it on, i feel naked, and un-girly, :X i dont know why though..

- When i sleep over a friends house, my hair has to be up when i go to sleep, i don't know what it is.. Yet i can't stand my hair up when im at home..

I'm sure ill be back with more.. ;P

05-08-2004, 03:48 PM
Originally posted by CamCamPup33

- When i go to pee or something i have to close the door, no matter if it's just my mom home. I feel too open.. lol

Oh I have to close the bathroom door even if its just ME at home, and no one else! :p Not only do I close it, but I lock it too. Yes when I'm home ALONE. LOL!

05-08-2004, 04:43 PM
Hmm, I can't really think of a lot of things I'd think of as quirks for myself at the moment..

I know one thing is when I'm cooking, before I start I take every last thing I will need to make whatever it is out and set it on the counter: spices/seasonins, measuring cups or spoons that I'll need, ingredients, bowls/pans. Once it is all out, only then do I start to prepare the food, and I put each thing away after I'm done with it. I'm not sure where that came from except I do remember my mom frantically looking for some ingredient while something else was boiling over on the stove, and I just am a very prepared/organized type... I am much more relaxed if I'm fully prepared before I start a task.

I also like to snack while I'm reading a book. This has gotten to the point if I sit to read I will immediately start to feel hungry, even if I've eaten recently, so I have to make sure whatever I'm snacking on is healthy :p.

05-08-2004, 04:57 PM
Originally posted by K9soul

I also like to snack while I'm reading a book. This has gotten to the point if I sit to read I will immediately start to feel hungry, even if I've eaten recently, so I have to make sure whatever I'm snacking on is healthy :p.

That reminds me... my mom *HAS* to have a newspaper or something to read while eating.... She doesn't like to eat without something.

05-08-2004, 06:31 PM
Originally posted by K9soul

I also like to snack while I'm reading a book. This has gotten to the point if I sit to read I will immediately start to feel hungry, even if I've eaten recently, so I have to make sure whatever I'm snacking on is healthy :p.

Same with me!:p I HAVE to eat something when I'm watching TV or else I get really hungy lol:p

05-08-2004, 07:19 PM
Originally posted by Pam
I also wait for my morning cereal to get soggy before I eat it. I use to work with a girl who said that she had to eat her cereal very quickly before it got soggy because once it "sogged up" she couldn't stand it. :D Different strokes for different folks!

Shredded Wheat, unless it is fully "sogged" is/should be illegal! ;) :D