View Full Version : The new adventures of Mr. Magoo...

05-02-2004, 09:31 PM
Well, this little guy just isn't going to calm down on his own. We have been giving him several outings a day with none of the other cats around. He still has a nasty attitude. Let me tell you what he has done in the last few days. I briefly posted about this first one in my last thread.
When he is out he wants to be loved so he comes immediatley to my chair and rubs on my legs. I pet him and talk to him. I always keep my hand behind him now so I can make a quick get-away. I try to keep it calm and gentle but he will be rubbing away and just out of the blue he will whip that head around and try to bite me. Saturday morning he did this and I was gently rubbing and talking when he whipped that head around with mouth open. I immediatley jerked my hand back and the little brat went for my bare foot!!! I felt those teeth touch my foot and I jerked away fast and didn't get hurt. This time anyway!
Sunday he was out and we didn't realize that Stubby was hiding in the utility room. She walked out and he heard her. He went to her and they touched noses. I was already on my way to them when he stood up on hind legs and went at her with everything he had!!! Paws, claws, and teeth! She saw me coming and knowing that she gets in trouble for her fighting she managed to get away and ran. Mr. Magoo then proceeded to try to climb the wall that he had pinned her against. I mean literally that he tried to climb the wall while he was wailing and screaming!!!
He has tried to bite me many other times as well but I'm on to him now and fortunately have been able to get away. He does it with hubby too but mostly me. If you stop petting him he sits in front of you and cries like he can't understand why you stopped petting him. It makes me so sad and so mad all at the same time. He stood up on my chair tonight when I stopped petting him after he tried to bite me. I told hubby that if he climbs into the chair with me that I'm going to knock him off. He has me a nervous wreck!
He is the most confusing cat I have ever had to deal with! I can handle mean or scared but you can't figure him out! You never know what set him off. He is totally unpredictable.
I am going to medicate him and give that some time but I'm really not sure that he can ever be happy here. He might be blind but he's a little s&#t!!!

05-02-2004, 10:06 PM
Gee I am really sad to hear that Mr Magoo is causing you so many problems, I think his biting must be a defence he learned when he was out all alone, he probably is very confused, and being blind makes it very hard, he will no doubt act differently to any other cat you have ever known.

I really admire your courage in taking him on, it is not an easy task, i am not sure I would be up to it, hang on in there, hopefully as time goes on he will learn this is not the way to act, they are just like kids they need discipline, even if they are blind, call the CAT WHISPERER is there one nearby, who maybe could help you with techniques to deal with Mr Magoo, other than that I wish you all the best of luck, because it sure sounds like you are going to need it.;)

Laura's Babies
05-02-2004, 10:09 PM
I was wondering how long ago he had those surgeries and if maybe something might be giving him some sudden pain or maybe depression from loosing his eyesight ? He does sound like a complex puzzel and it is so sad because of what you can offer him and he don't know it. It is just so sad! How is your hand?

05-03-2004, 12:51 AM
CCL, I'm sorry to hear that Mr. Magoo is still trying to bite everyone.:( Hopefully the medication will help him. I really admire you for your persistence because I don't think that I'd be able to handle a cat like him. Good luck and please keep us updated.

05-03-2004, 02:03 AM
Originally posted by carole
...I think his biting must be a defence he learned when he was out all alone...
I was thinking the same the last few days.

05-03-2004, 02:39 AM
I'm really sorry Mr. Magoo is still trying to bite you and everyone else around. In fact, it's confusing and hard to understand why he's acting like that.

I've mentioned this before, but it reminds me a lot to my parents' cat Dino. He's not blind, but acting the same way. He's acting sweet and cries for attention, he seems to enjoy being petted, but then suddenly he turns around and bites you really bad. Or he attacks you with his claws. I had some really painful experiences with him in the past! :eek:
Oh, and when you're leaving him alone after such a biting attack, he would cry pitifully for more attention. He would even go after you when you walk away, and then he jumps into your legs. He wants love so bad, but when he gets it, he can't handle it. He's a mystery to me.

CCL, I know this is probably no comfort to you in your situation, but at least you'll know that there are more cats in this world with such an attitude. But what's really confusing is that Mr. Magoo never acted to you like that in the shelter. Could it be he felt more helpless there, with the surgery and everything, and now has got some self-esteem back? Or maybe it's just the other way around? It's so confusing!


05-03-2004, 06:20 AM
Kirsten I think you have hit the nail on the head. I really think he went through so much at the shelter with surgery and then a URI but is now well and raring to go!
My pity meter is nearly down to zero!! I don't think he needs any pity just some understanding. The problem is he has to learn how to reciprocate just a little! He's a brat! A blind brat I agree, but a brat nontheless!!!
Maybe I needed to get to this point to treat him equal to the other cats. The problem is I don't know how to redirect or discipline him. With my cats I just get loud and really fuss at them and that is enough. Last night Mr. Magoo was clawing on the chair and hubby lightly smacked the chair and said NO! Mr. Magoo ran into the wall trying to move. Ok, then my pity meter maxed out!!
Medication better work or I'm going to be left with no other choice. Anybody want him???http://petoftheday.com/talk/images/our_smilies/wink.gif

05-03-2004, 06:48 AM
I think he definitely needs to be re-homed. The situation is just not right for him.

05-03-2004, 06:49 AM
Poor CCL & Mr. Magoo (and the rest of her clan) I can't offer suggestions since I've never been in anything remotely similar. Its just a shame that he's acting so bizaarly... like Dr. Jekyl & Mr. Hyde - errr, Mr. Magoo.

More {{{{HUGS}}}} to you and lots of prayers.

05-03-2004, 06:51 AM
The reaction biting I *think* will cease given time, our Sandy used to try and bite Steve & I regularly for a couple of months.

He calmed down quickly in the first few hours of being isolated in our spare room. But if he came to us or we approached him, he would try and bit us, we just moved fast ;)

At first the biting came from fear and stress of new surroundings, it seemed to be more of a uncontrolled reaction. He would see/feel movement and would bite at the object so fast, this is why we think it was a reaction, rather than a decision to bite.

Over the months he started to have some control, in his reaction, so the bites would delibrately fall short of target. He would start to bite but would snap his month quickly before he got near us.

Now he doesn't seem to even try to bite (Unless we corner him prior to stuffing him into a case for a vet visit.)

For Sandy biting seemed to be a fear/fight reaction to the scary world and everything in it. Maybe Mr Magoo feels the same ?

Sandy is still wary of the things that move and things that don't but he loves the other cats. He plays with Tigs in the garden and he loves sitting in the garden in the sun feeling the breeze.

Sandy is a happy cat :D :D


I only tell you this as, I think Mr Magoo can stop biting and he can come out of a shell in the right home.

But that might not be your home. Look at SAS and Ti OR Kelly & Oliver OR Pam's daughter and Gabriel.

All examples of how the cats has to fit the home. All the cats struggled in their first (great pet loving) homes but settled in second homes.

I even think given a slow introduction and proper isolation at the start, he might get on with other cats.

Good Luck

(PS. I found this link which shows that isolation followed by slow introduction is recommended for blind cats...http://www.messybeast.com/disabled.htm#blind)

05-03-2004, 07:16 AM
Originally posted by PayItForward

I only tell you this as, I think Mr Magoo can stop biting and he can come out of a shell in the right home. But that might not be your home. Look at SAS and Ti OR Kelly & Oliver OR Pam's daughter and Gabriel.

I totally agree PIF! I have been reading these threads and have been at a loss to reply because I have seen similarities between Mr. Magoo's behavior and Gabe's, although Gabe was a real puzzle because he had two good eyes! Mr. Magoo is a very needy kitty indeed, and I can't help but think he would do better in a home as an only cat. Perhaps there is just too much going on in your home for him to ever really feel relaxed. I guess I am just thinking out loud here. I never thought Gabe would be happy anywhere but then thankfully along came SAS with just the right environment for Gabe. He never totally became a lovable boy but he at least did seem happy there most of the time. (((hugs))) to you as you figure out what to do. :(

05-03-2004, 07:17 AM
I so appreciate all your advice. I can't give him his own space. I would if I could. If it were possible I would build him a room that he could have all to himself. I do think there might be some hope with medication but I also am thinking that he needs a home with less cat activity. You are right that sometimes the cat just doesn't fit with the house and I will have to admit that to myself and realize that it doesn't mean I have failed in some way. I truly only want what is best for Mr. Magoo.
The biting of me and hubby can be managed because we know how to watch out now. The problem is him stalking the other cats. They try to avoid him and leave him alone but he won't allow it. I am keeping him isolated during his outings but I can't when he is in the cage.
I know this sounds horrible but I wish I had never brought him home because now I feel he is my responsibility and I won't let him down. At this point I don't know what is right for him. Finding him the perfect home is not going to be easy if it's even possible.

05-03-2004, 08:03 AM
Wow, I sure did miss a lot this weekend!! :eek:

I’m so sorry you’re still having problems with Magoo. I have to tell you that I admire you patience and your husband’s more than I can say!! I think the bite on the wrist would have been the first AND last straw with me, and even if I had been inclined to keep a new cat after something like that, my husband would NOT.

Magoo’s attitude reminds me a lot of my old roommate’s cat, Marty. He desperately wanted attention, but didn’t know how to go about making people love him. And didn’t know what to do with attention when he got it! With him, it was always cry, pet, purr, BITE. I was the only person he didn’t bite much, and that’s just because he knew that I would yell and then ignore him for an hour if he did. I can’t imagine what he would have been like with other cats around!

Anyway, I have no advice, but you have MORE than proven that you have Magoo’s best interests at heart! Anything you do will be right, because you’ll put a lot of thought and love into any decision you make. And in the meantime, guard those fingers and toes!!

05-03-2004, 09:01 AM
There must be a Furr Ever Home , where Scrappy Paddingtom ,can be the Solo Cat! I wish that I could help , but The Found Cats wont all move out! Prayers are coming for You!

05-03-2004, 09:21 AM
Deary CCL,

Your obligation to Mr. Magoo, is too keep him safe and healthy. Happiness is subjective. He is pretty much in control of how happy he is.....My guess is that he will take lots of time and care to fit in any household. If the kitty boy isn't working out for you, I would medicate him to the hilt and then rehome him, allowing the new meowmie all the preparation and forethought you / she/ he can muster.

He is so darn cute. As long as he can manage to control the situation, he will, even though he doesn't know that it is because he is cute and seemingly sweet!

I would also consider contacting a cat behaviorist.....they usually charge about $35 an hour. Bet it would take 10 minutes to figure this guy out!

Rush right to the pharmacy for the pills my dear, you will see all the difference in the world in him. No kidding.

Good luck.


K & L
05-03-2004, 10:22 AM
Have you tried giving him Bachs Rescue Remedy?

05-03-2004, 10:50 AM
Originally posted by K & L
Have you tried giving him Bachs Rescue Remedy?

I'm trying to find it and not having any luck yet. I'm hoping to get meds from the shelter tonight but I don't know if they will have them on hand.

05-03-2004, 11:01 AM
CCL - I had to go to a tiny specialty health and nutrition store for it. The chain stores and pet stores did NOT carry it. Let your fingers do the walking....
or wait to talk to the shelter and get something Rx

05-03-2004, 12:05 PM
Do you try and 'talk' to him??

Eddie is a "pet me until I nip at you" kinda cat.....

He's not much of a biter as he used to be.....I say "NO"
to him or "You are hurting me"..It took a while and every once in a while he WILL scratch me.....but it has improved!

K & L
05-03-2004, 12:16 PM
Originally posted by catcrazylady
I'm trying to find it and not having any luck yet. I'm hoping to get meds from the shelter tonight but I don't know if they will have them on hand.

You can get this in any health food store.

05-03-2004, 12:35 PM
Lisa... bless your heart .... I would be very tired of this as well! I do think that Mr. Magoo has too much to deal with for his situation.... meaning too many other kitties for him to feel comfortable. I hate that you feel so responsible for him, because you have done far more than most people would have! You have to think that Mr. Magoo may have been abandoned originally for his biting behaviour .... then the blindness only added to his defensiveness. It is truly sad for him, but you cannot let it constantly disrupt your home and the peace and contentedness that normally is enjoyed amongst your own cats! Please don't feel guilty over this!!!!!


05-03-2004, 02:01 PM
I will admit, I have not read everything here or in the other threads, but he sounds exactly like foster Lizzie. She does not realize that biting is not an option. But she learned to control her self in the months that she has been here. The first weeks, it only took a few strokes to have her turn to bite. Now I can do a LOT to her, but she will still turn to bite when she feels enough is enough.

Foster Bailey was even WORSE, and even SHE came around in many months time. She was down right dangerous and very few people would deal with her (hense the reason she was living with me)

I do not encourage keeping him if you cannot handle the situation, but he can and will learn. So it all depends on your tolerance level. Some people can wait it out and some people cannot.

Do what is right for YOU, because if it is not right for you, than it is NOT right for him

Best of luck

05-03-2004, 04:05 PM
Oh poor you, I can only imagine the turmoil you must be feeling, of course you will feel bad if you have to return him, because his chances are somewhat limited at being adopted because of his blindness and now his nature, the thing is he may well be adopted again, but also to a home that does not fit, but you know you can only do your best in this situation, I Know your patience is wearing thin, but please try and give him a few more chances, I really believe a cat therapist is your best bet, they really know their stuff and can offer you advice on how to deal with him.

However having said that, it may not be because Mr Magoo is blind, or has been defending himself out in the wild, it maybe unfortunately just his nature, my own cat Ash is like that, he can be loving and cute and next minute swipe you, he is not a cat to be reckoned with, and I have learn't how to deal with him on his terms, lol, but I know your situation is different, and if he is attacking the other cats, that is a worry.

I really have no experience in this , but just wanted you to know everyone is behind you at PT, whatever decision you come up with , will be supported I am sure, I just wish you all the luck in the world.:)

05-05-2004, 12:56 PM
I have a rubber hand on a stick (a halloween prank item I bought for socializing ferals without having MY hand removed). What if you stuffed a garden glove with items that smell like you and your husband, attached it to a broom stick, (probably tape it with duct tape & well) and pat him all over with that? Let him bite the crap out of it, and maybe the aggression will taper off when he realises he's not getting a reaction. It works with wee nastys, and cranky cats, it may work with Magoo! Get as much odor as possible of yourself onto the glove first so he thinks it's you. ;) Just an idea. P.S you could even stand on a chair while patting him so the leg attacks don't occur. :)

05-05-2004, 01:01 PM
Originally posted by QueenScoopalot
I have a rubber hand on a stick (a halloween prank item I bought for socializing ferals without having MY hand removed). What if you stuffed a garden glove with items that smell like you and your husband, attached it to a broom stick, (probably tape it with duct tape & well) and pat him all over with that? Let him bite the crap out of it, and maybe the aggression will taper off when he realises he's not getting a reaction. It works with wee nastys, and cranky cats, it may work with Magoo! Get as much odor as possible of yourself onto the glove first so he thinks it's you. ;) Just an idea. P.S you could even stand on a chair while patting him so the leg attacks don't occur. :)

I think if it comes to that extreme I will take him back to the shelter. Hubby and I might be able to handle that but I don't think the other cats will deal with that very well. I guess I could get them their own little kitty stick that they could poke and rub him with!!!http://petoftheday.com/talk/images/our_smilies/wink.gif

Are you sure your not a Lion Tamer?

05-05-2004, 03:49 PM
Originally posted by QueenScoopalot

CCL, haven't you got that cat under control yet?LOL.-you don't control a cat... a cat takes a message and puts you on hold. And if a cat is not interested in what she hears or sees she will walk away. You need to have the wisdom to know when to hang it up. I have a beautiful stray cat outside that will not me touch her. Not for anything,it just will not happen.I have tried Feliway, rescue herb thing and catnip. For me to stay friends with her I can't touch.She is so sweet, BUT SHE WON"T LET ME TOUCH-AGGGGGRRR. If there was ever a moral to your story it would probably be to let your cat live as she wants and let her be free. Some cats have a quirky attitude, and you have one. Such is life:D

05-05-2004, 04:00 PM
Some day I'll get this forum "down pat"! Still working through it lol! Actually some days I feel like I'm taming the lions. I don't have any really nasty cats here right now with the exception of Mewsette who some days is soooo sweet and other days she'd like to rearrange my face. *sigh* Rescue Remedy to the rescue with her. But kidding aside, "THE HAND" does work very well, but I see your point Lisa...can't work around there with the other cats around. I cage my newcomers until I'm sure they aren't dragging in cursed panleukopenia. Right now I have a few too many nursing kittens under the roof, and have to do a quick thin out. Problem being several other foster homes are out of commision due to panleuk. so it puts me in a bind. Too many kittens, and too few foster homes. *sigh* Jan

05-05-2004, 04:06 PM
I've actually been known to hiss at my cats when I want immediate attention.

I did this to Jan the other day when she had a claw stuck in my sweater and I wanted her to back off right away.

Seriously though, gosh what a heartbreaking story this has been. I can sure understand where Mr. Magoo is coming from, he has the need to be extra agressive right now so that he isn't taken advantage of, but it must be so hard.

05-05-2004, 04:42 PM
QSAL I sure didn't mean any offense by making a joke. I swear I think I'm so worn out over this cat that making a joke is all that is left! I just got a visual of myself fighting off this little blind cat with a stick! Nobody would ever believe it by looking at him that some day that may be necessary!!
I'm keeping him caged all the time and giving him very little attention. He does get is hour out in the evenings and I think we will keep it that way for some time. I need to call the shelter and see if they got my his meds in.
We now have one very mad cat on our hands and I don't know who it is. Every night when we let Magoo out we close off the back part of the house. For two nights in a row now somebody has peed a flood right in the middle of the bed!!! My plan tonight is for me to stay with them and hubby can have Magoo. Maybe I can either catch the one doing it or just spend time with them in hopes that that will take care of it.
I'm also going to start using the spray bottle on Magoo. If he opens his mouth for any reason other than to eat or yawn I'm gonna zap him! This is his last chance at a home with me so if I have to be a little mean than so be it. I'm going to try to get some retraining done on this cat and give him some more time to adjust. I just pray I'm doing the right thing for his sake.

CCL, haven't you got that cat under control yet?LOL
Can I ship him to you?http://petoftheday.com/talk/images/our_smilies/wink.gif I promise to pack him nice and neat?http://petoftheday.com/talk/images/our_smilies/biggrin.gif

05-05-2004, 05:10 PM
Squirt bottles do work! :D I have one I bought a while ago with a big yellow parrot head on top. The water comes out it's beak, and all I have to do is pick it up, and everythings under control again. Granted Magoo won't see it coming, but it may work better that way. I wouldn't speak to him when using it though. He shouldn't associate the water with humans. Maybe next thing to try is a cattle prod? :rolleyes: :eek: :rolleyes: "Mr Parrothead" works wonders lol! :D Jan P.S Catland...I don't recall having a claw stuck in your sweater? Refresh my memory please...I don't recall the hiss from you either. :eek: *chuckles to self*:D

05-05-2004, 08:45 PM
Ahhh yes! The dreaded spray bottle...Good idea! I works wonders on Miss J. In fact...I have it sitting right next to me because Miss J. thought it would be a good idea to try and pull the carpeting off the floor next to the sliding door. Two good squirts and she said 'to heck with that....for now;) '

I hope squirting does the trick!

And as for your bed...is that not the most infuriating thing? Buddy has been known to do that...GRRRRRR:mad: And of course...it only happens when I am dead tired and can't wait to fall into the bed, but can't because I have to change the sheets and clean the mattress. Man, if I didn't love that mutt..........

05-06-2004, 08:37 AM
I have been known to use the dreaded squirt bottle on my guys on occasion. Before I squirt them I will shake the botle so they here the sound of the water in the container and then I squirt them. After a few squirts I just have to shake the bottle and they will stop what ever they are doing (bad) at that moment.

I have been following the story of Mr. Magoo and I am sorry that you are having such a difficult time with him. But maybe it is time for a little "tough love", i.e. the squirt bottle...

Good luck!

leslie flenner
05-06-2004, 08:25 PM
the fake hand is good for cats in cages that simply need to get used to the idea and feel of being touched by humans. We used them at the AU shelter (jan, maybe you loaned yours?). Anyway, it helped somewhat I remember- I can imagine it would help magoo because he'd be petted by it (in the cage- door open obviously) get irritated and bite it. When nothing happens, he lets go and simmers down- his ability to tolerate increases with time- I would imagine a very short period of time with him! Anyway- do what you have to do! I used to have some "bed wetters". I remember changing all the bedding only to go to bed a few minutes later with it peed on AGAIN- VERY territorial issues I guess! One cat used to pee directly down the bathtub drain (conveniently enought!- and a male no less!- he'd squat perfectly on top of it and leave no mess!)

Laura's Babies
05-07-2004, 07:59 AM
I am so glad that you are trying to work with Mr. Magoo and didn't just take him back. If you sucessed with him, the rewards will be so wonderful! However it comes out, you have done more than most of us could have done!