View Full Version : getting cats out of garden?

miese Katze
05-02-2004, 01:52 PM

I thought perhaps someone here might be able to help with this problem. My boyfriend's parents have a pond with fish in their backyard. The neighbor has two outdoor cats who like to wander. This past weekend, they snatched the two large (and favorite) fish from the pond, which, needless to say, really irritated his parents.

My question for you guys, is there anything they can do to keep the cats away from the area? Any plants that cats hate that could be planted? My mom once got these smelly pebbles for her garden bed that were suppose to ward off cats from coming in. I have no idea if such things work though and my mom can't remember either.

My boyfriend's parents don't really mind if the cats are in the yard, just want to keep them away from the pond area.

Oh, and they have already talked to the neighbor who claims that they can not do anything about that:rolleyes:

I thought I'd ask here because at other boards the responses were not that peaceful.


05-02-2004, 02:07 PM
I'm not sure about this but it's worth a try since it's organic. I understand that kitties dislike citrus or acid smells. Like Orange smells or Vinegar. You might try spraying some around the pond and see what happens. Like I said, I'm not sure but it's a suggestion. Good luck.

05-02-2004, 02:11 PM
If the cats are inside/outside the neighbours can't control the direction of roaming ;)

But there are things you can do...

Jif lemon (lemon juice) can be sprayed around the pond or orange rind. Cats hate citrus smell.

You can buy jelly crystals to spread over your garden under different brand names in UK one is called 'Get Off'

Or subsonic noise maker are expensive but very effective.

Or movement sensitive water hose or spinkler can also discourage cats.

Or lastly get a cat themselves will clear their garden of other cats !!!!

05-04-2004, 10:40 AM
I Love Cats , but know how frustrating that xcan be when they roam , and pray. maybe m, if you got a Dog Costume. And Barked a LOT!

K & L
05-04-2004, 12:31 PM
There is motion sprinklers that you can setup. When the cat triggers them, he'll get wet and not hurt. Trust me, after a couple times he will avoid the area.

05-04-2004, 12:51 PM
I visit a "pond" group, periodically, as I'm a pond "wannabe". Some of the folks, there, have had problems with predators, including cats, racoons, Herons, etc getting to their fish. Many of them have done some elaborate electric fence type designing over the edges of their ponds to keep the predators out. I guess if the problem is bad enough, that might be an alternative. I'd sure try the less expensive, less unsightly methods mentioned by others, first, before going to that extent.

I wish them luck!


05-04-2004, 06:21 PM
Originally posted by K & L
There is motion sprinklers that you can setup. When the cat triggers them, he'll get wet and not hurt. Trust me, after a couple times he will avoid the area.

We got that for our pond and it worked great. We love our cats put didn't like them going after the ducks. So no only did it keep them out of the pond, now they stay away from the ducks, in the pond or out. :D

We got it from Dr. Foster and Smith pond catalog. You can find them on line. If nothing else it's a good way to water your plants around the pond. ;)

05-04-2004, 06:41 PM
THIS (http://www.greentouchirrigation.com/scarecrow.html) might work!:)

Or this (http://www.drsfostersmith.com/product/prod_display.cfm?pcatid=5613&D=motion%20sprinkler&R=10892&Ntt=motion%20sprinkler&Ntk=All&Dx=mode+matchallany&Ntx=mode+matchallany&Np=1&N=62728&Nty=1)

Good luck!

miese Katze
05-04-2004, 07:42 PM
thank you everyone for the suggestions. I've passed them on, so we'll see how it goes.

Thanks again!

05-05-2004, 11:29 AM
I stll like the Dog Suit Idea , then you wont be stuck at Halloween!