View Full Version : We've got a pet blue jay....

05-02-2004, 11:01 AM
This has been intriguing the heck out of me....Roxy and Dusty usually spend all day chasing birds out of our yard. But now, the past month, we have this young blue jay that hangs out with the dogs. They chase all other birds off except this particular one. They'll be laying by their food bowl, and the blue jay will come right up and start eating out of it. They get low on their bellies and wag their tails...they treat this bird the way they treat Sarah. When I look outside, 95% of the time, the blue jay is hanging out with the dogs. If he's not there, I'll see him come within a few minutes. Yesterday, Jaden and I were outside playing in the sprinklers with the dogs, the bird came up even when they were there. Interesting, isn't it?

In fact...I'll go snap a picture right now. BRB....

05-02-2004, 11:32 AM
Figures...Mike took the camera to the race today. I'll be sure to get pics soon.

05-02-2004, 12:23 PM
That's too interesting....

05-02-2004, 08:50 PM
A wild baby bird raised from a nestling by humans often imprints on them, and never learns that it is a bird. This includes never learning fear of predators, like dogs. Many people don't know this, and mistakingly think they can release the bird into the wild and it will know what to do. Most don't make it, but some may manage to live a while. They often meet their end by coming up to a human or a dog or a cat, thinking they are a friend with food, just like the ones they knew as a baby.

Perhaps this is what happened with this blue jay. It was raised around dogs and therefore is not afraid of them. Perhaps your dogs were just baffled by this bird's behavior, and decided it was a pal afterall.

The next time you see the bird, try going quietly outside, sitting down, and talking to it. You might be surprised. It might fly right to you. If it does, take it in and call a wildlife rehabber to come get it. It won't last long if it is imprinted.

I have an imprinted starling as a pet. He was the first baby bird I raised, and I didn't know what I was doing, so I accidently imprinted him. He has NO fear of anything. He likes the dogs, is completely unafraid of them, tries to follow them or peck them on the nose. He also likes to scold them, in a perfect imitation of my "grouchy" voice .... "Wishbone! Stop it!", "Twister, NO!"

Or, maybe it's a wild bird, and has just somehow made friends with the dogs. Humans can't begin to know all there is to know about animals ... remember the zoo gorilla with a "pet" cat?

05-03-2004, 06:17 AM
I am intrigued by your story. We have bluejays visit our bird feeder and they are so quick. I've been trying for quite awhile to get a picture of them, but they don't hang around long enough to get the camera out. Although the other day, my hubby managed to grab a quick shot.
I am really looking forward to seeing your picture!:)

05-03-2004, 09:29 AM
Wow! Looking forward to a picture. And to see if the bird approaches you.

05-14-2005, 04:32 PM
Cant wait for pic:D