View Full Version : update on son's OE.....

05-02-2004, 01:20 AM
I finally got to talk to my son, we rang him last night, we have a super deal here, we can ring between 6pm to 8am weeknights and weekends for up to 2hrs for only eight dollars, so we ended up chatting for an hour.

Things are going well for him, I was a little concerned from his last email as the gardening job was not working out, he said it was really bad news, and his back was killing him (my son has problems with a bad back) so this was detrimental to his well-being and his cricket, he told me he had to lay a thousand grass plugs on a freezing cold day, totally exposed on the military base for 6 hrs all alone, and it rained too, he was not a happy chappy.

The good news he is now going to be doing a courier run, the cricket club have bought him a car, and he will be on call, also the cricket club pay all his board and food money, so he is on a good wicket here (excuse the pun) lol., he probably won't be making quite so much money, but he will get the use of the car, and may take it to scotland for my uncle's wedding, and do a job at the same time.

Unfortnately my sons cricket bat broke, its a $500 dollar bat, so he now is looking at 175 pounds for one over in England,not quite so good , but will have to do.

He is talking about going over again next year already, I asked if he missed NZ, he said not really, its not that different over here, just in some ways.(oh dear I will have to go through this separation again, boo hoo, it will be better next time, and easier for me I am sure of that)

It is going to be a bit daunting doing a courier run, when you don't know where the heck you are, he will have to rely on maps, I am sure he will be fine though.

I Finally feel more back to normal now, i think being able to really talk with him, ask lots of questions and get answers and here for myself he sounded happy was just what I needed to hear, his last email, he sounded a bit low and I was a bit worried.

We also found out my uncle"s fiancee's daugher is only like 30 mins away from where he is, so she rang him, they have never met, but he will go and see her sometime.

Well thanks for listening, just wanted everyone who responded to my last thread to tell you all how its going.;)

05-02-2004, 02:03 AM
Carole, I know how hard it is when they leave like that. I remember when my son started driving truck, and I worried that he was going to get lost, have a terrible wreck, etc. I was always so happy when he would call in, and just talk about the dropoffs, and what he was hauling. It is a neverendless worry, I still do it, and he is 32 years old!

I worry about the other kids too, my 18 year old will be leaving home next year, and I know I am going to just cry, she is my baby!

I am glad you got to talk to your son. It sure does help to be able to just hear their voices. I know...


05-02-2004, 10:35 AM
Carole, I am glad you were finally able to talk to your son, and pleased to hear he is doing well. The courier job sure sounds much better than the gardening job! :) Shame about his cricket bat being a write-off though.

That telephone deal sounds good, will you be calling him each weekend from now on?
Thanks for the update, please keep them coming.

Got to agree with Willie .....

Originally posted by trayi52
........... It is a neverendless worry, I still do it, and he is 32 years old!
Sure is, I still do it too, and mine is 41 years old with a family of his own!!:D


05-02-2004, 10:44 AM
I am glad to hear that he is doing well. I dread the day that Jaden goes out on his own. I'm going to be a mess. lol.

05-02-2004, 03:57 PM
We will probably call Scott at least every two weeks, so that we have some news to catch up on, he can also ring anytime if he needs to, yes I am happier about the new job for him, but now I am thinking oh heck what if he has an accident, I mean U.K traffic is way more than in NZ and also the roads are very narrow compared to NZ except the motorways of course, I will just have to hope he is a cautious driver and all goes well.

He is happy, that is the main thing., yes Willie one never stops worrying about them no matter how old they get, however I know he is being well taken care of, the cricket team really look after their overseas team-mates, he is in good hands.

I am wondering if he realises just how far Romsey is from Scotland, its a long drive, and he wants to go even further up to perth, to see his cricket team mate from NZ, mind you that will be good for him.

I asked if he had met any nice girls, he said he had spoken to a few, who thought he was an Aussie, the dagger looks soon sorted that out for them lol, its going to be fun though, as the Black Caps (our top NZ cricket team) arrived in UK yesterday, Scott will enjoy the rivalry, all in good fun, ironic as he is playing for England this year.

Will keep ya's all posted when I hear anything new and worthwhile to report, thanks all for listening to me ramble on.:)