View Full Version : I'm tired of kitties on my bed...

05-01-2004, 03:11 PM
I know it sounds awfully selfish of me. But they are far from generous. They crowd Mike and I out of the bed, there's hair everywhere, they bite my toes, lay on my face, walk across me, fight and play while I'm sleeping, etc..You know all that silly cat stuff that cats do in the middle of the night. I have insomnia, so I never get a decent nights sleep with all this extra activity.

I feel so selfish and mean for suddenly changing their habits, but a full nights sleep would be soooo dreamy. They like the top of the dresser, so I'm thinking about putting one of those enclosed beds up there.

I don't know! :confused: Do you have any suggestions on how to cure my little problem?

05-01-2004, 03:14 PM
hmmm...I did buy an enclosed soft bed and put it on top of the dresser and now that is where Eliot sleeps. I also have baskets lined up on top of the larger dresser and Emily sleeps there some of the time. But now, I MISS them!!!:eek: It's an idea though - gotta get your sleep! You can always take the beds down if ya get lonesome!:D

05-01-2004, 03:35 PM
Yeah, I love cuddling with them, but even if they give me some breaks here and there, it would be great. Literally, the only place they ever sleep is our bed. The have no desire to even leave that room.

guster girl
05-01-2004, 05:44 PM
You could close them out. That's what I do with Lock. Would they howl and fuss if you did that?

05-02-2004, 12:09 AM
A good nights sleep is a refreshing thought! A whole night of freedom to move where and when I wanted without fighting a ton of kitty weight holding me down. Yep, that sounds like a dream but it ain't gonna happen in my house! I would have no paint left on my door and I couldn't sleep through all the screaming and screeching either! I agree that a break every now and then would be quit refreshing.

05-02-2004, 12:22 AM
Originally posted by catcrazylady
I would have no paint left on my door and I couldn't sleep through all the screaming and screeching either!

Gustergirl, catcrazylady answers your question. lol. Let's put it this way, one time, I forgot to feed Ron...and I was in the bathroom in the morning, and he busted the door open because he wanted food. haha.

05-02-2004, 12:26 AM
Well, I'm still here at PT, might as well add something...I love them, and their cat games. Ever since I saw my fat Calico kill a 5 inch Centipede that was crawling near my head one night, the cats can own the bed if they want. I worship them, feed them, they own the house. If they want most of the bed, fine. I read your story and feel your aching back.The 3am fight for bed territory gets wild sometimes. Something about that purring in my ear makes me sleep pretty good though. Don't have any suggestions for you except consider yourself blessed to be loved by a cat(s).

05-02-2004, 06:25 AM
I'm tired of kitties on my bed...
close the door

05-02-2004, 10:40 AM
haha, I'm so easy....I just posted this in dog general...

I'm such a mush...I was just complaining about animals in my bed yesterday on PT, and now I just added one more. lol. She slept all night out of her crate for the first time. No potty accidents, no chasing kitties, nothing....She was an angel. I woke up this morning to her cuddled up against me on her back. All four of her legs were sticking straight up in the air. lol. It looked funny. Ron was cuddled up against her, and Raven was near by. It was a pleasant thing to wake up to... :D

Jen, I know locking them out is an option, but I'd just hate for them to feel rejected. I've allowed them in my room for so long. I was trying to think of more of a compromise. Besides, they'd just knock on the door and meow all night long. lol...

05-02-2004, 10:47 AM
You added another pet and it's already in the bed!!!http://petoftheday.com/talk/images/our_smilies/eek.gif
Aren't we animal people nuts!!?? Too funny!

05-04-2004, 10:42 AM
But I love Cats , on the Bed , espeially In COld Canada!

05-04-2004, 03:15 PM
I am weird (not that you didn't already know that), but, I love cats in the bed. I call them to me at night. Yeah it gets crampy sometimes, but, it feels better to me to have them there.

05-04-2004, 04:51 PM
Closing the door is not an option for me either. The meowing and thumping that Trevor does would wake up the dead! I usually have two dogs and one cat in the bed, although sometimes Trevor will leave in the middle of the night to get into some kind of mischief somewhere. Andy doesn't like to sleep on the bed much any more since the dogs arrived. He says it's too crowded and I think he may be right! LOL!

05-04-2004, 05:01 PM
Originally posted by Tonya
I know it sounds awfully selfish of me. But they are far from generous. They crowd Mike and I out of the bed, there's hair everywhere, they bite my toes, lay on my face, walk across me, fight and play while I'm sleeping, etc..You know all that silly cat stuff that cats do in the middle of the night. I have insomnia, so I never get a decent nights sleep with all this extra activity.

I have that exact problem - except with 8 cats. And I love it :D I don't think I could make them sleep somewhere else if I wanted to. Some of them jump on my chest and make me short of breath. Sometimes I'll wake up with 4-5 of them lined up sleeping on my chest and legs and it makes me soooo hot. But, I love them and I love to feel them next to me. I also have 2 dogs in the bed too, so I can never move!

I know I didn't offer any advice, sorry. Maybe you could sleep in their cat beds .. hahaha!

05-04-2004, 05:11 PM
I used to pick up my pillow and blanket and slept on the couch......:rolleyes:

05-04-2004, 05:37 PM
Originally posted by RICHARD
I used to pick up my pillow and blanket and slept on the couch......:rolleyes:

Haha, I should try that.

You all are right...I can't have the best of both worlds. I'd miss them if I didn't have them in bed. It just gets frustrating sometimes. The past few nights that I've had Sarah in my bed, the cats have been quieter. I think that they don't want to wake her because then she'll want to play with them. hehe.

05-04-2004, 09:46 PM
We have a Full Sized bed and drool over the thought of someday owning a King (heck, we'd settle for a Queen) but we somehow manage to share it with two cats. I sleep like the dead, so I never have a clue what/who shares my bed and hubby usually is the one who does the weird contortions! :D

But we also have a big armchair in our room that both cats love to sleep in. In fact, Allen will often kick me out of it if I'm sitting in it too late at night. Is there a way for you to add a nice comfy, cozy chair or bench in the room for the cats? We'd be having more bed fights if it wasn't for this chair.

05-04-2004, 09:52 PM
Oh, Tonya, I feel your pain. Butter is a quite a problem during the night, wanting to come in and out, and short of locking him in the garage (Scott's answer for the problem), I just deal with it. He bangs on the vertical blinds when he wants out, and climbs the screen on the slider when he wants in, and I wake up constantly! I would say it is a minimum of 3 times every night, if not more. I'm a poor sleeper, anyway, like you, but if we "lock him out", he bangs on our door and shreds the carpet outside the door. Usually, he can open the door on his own, anyway. Our only salvation is when Elizabeth, Scott's daughter, is here. He goes to bed with her and he can't open her door, and she doesn't hear him if he tries to wake her!!!! LOL!!! I sure wish Elizabeth was here more often. :o

05-05-2004, 12:42 PM
I feel honored when one of the cats want to sleep with me, it doesn't happen very often when they want to cuddle in the middle of the night and it's usually just Bubby. Normally Bubby sleeps on top of the cat tree, Priss on the end of the bed or on Daddy and I don't know where Lucky usually sleeps, he ends up on the end of the bed a lot, but not usually at the same time as Priss. I would suggest putting a big cat tree in your bedroom to lure some of the playing to it. We have a 5 footer in there and they love to sleep on that and watch over us.

When Bubby does cuddle me, it is so great, he hugs my head and I put my face in his chest, it's like he's human, it's SO sweet. He's the only one that cuddles like that with me and Lucky comes by several times a week purring like a motorboat and wanting to suck on our ears or hands, LOL. I hide under the covers sometimes, LOL. And Priss directs all her attention to her Daddy, so she doesn't bother me. She kneads his belly at all hours of the night and meows at him to let her under the covers and sleeps on his belly, but he doesn't seem to mind. The only time it's bad is when they bring their toy mice on the bed and start batting them around, now THAT is annoying. I also suggest keeping a spraybottle on the bedside table and spray at them when they start getting wild. Good luck! :D