View Full Version : Cats in heaven

05-01-2004, 11:50 AM
This has been nagging at me - don't laugh! My faith is in Christianity and I believe in heaven. I always talk about Rainbow Bridge and look forward to seeing my kitties again - but got to wondering if it was *scriptural* or not. Soooo....I wrote to my seminarian son (very conservation denomination) and asked my silly question. Held my breath..and he wrote back and told me that I can rest assured that I can fully expect to be happily surrounded by all my wonderful kitties in heaven:D
Just thought some of you might have wondered the same thing:rolleyes:

05-01-2004, 11:56 AM
I am a christian as well, and was always taught as a child that cats (pets) can't go to heaven, because they don't have souls. I always found that very disturbing, and somewhat have always still felt that our Creator would have to have a divine plan for something that showed us so much love. I do know that in the Bible (don't know the scripture) that it definitely says that we are to care for the animals .... as they are gifts from God as is our planet, etc. It is wonderful to know that there is a reference to them actually being with us in Heaven. I would love to know the verse, if it is attainable from your son?!!!

Thanks so much for the encouraging thoughts, especially today after being separted from my Duncan Noodle yesterday. ;)

05-01-2004, 12:04 PM
I have begun an online search on this topic now! Here is just the first link I found!


05-01-2004, 12:16 PM
This is so interesting!!! I don't know my bible well enough but I just know that somewhere it has to tell us that our furbies will be in heaven. If the scriptures tell us that animals have a soul then they must go somewhere after death.
Debbie, see if your son can get specific scriptures for us, please!

05-01-2004, 12:20 PM
Thanks Kim. One line stood out to me: "Though the blessed have better things to do than play with pets, the better does not exclude the lesser." I can't think of anything better than to play with my pets :)

This is something I've actually been thinking of this week. The post about Rainbow Bridge for Rescues got me wondering about the wild animals. So many sea otters, whales, seals, wildcats, etc are dying here in California and I just hope that they, too, go to Rainbow Bridge or pet heaven or ..... to enjoy eternal life.

05-01-2004, 12:21 PM
Here is another link .... this page is very good, I think..... I had already drawn the same conclusion as the very last comment on this page ..... that being that regardless of what happens, I am sure that God has prepared a perfect place for us all, and that it is not His desire for me to worry over it ..... which brings us back to having FAITH! ;)


Here is the quote that I am referring to ...

"Obviously, what God has prepared for us is wonderful beyond comprehension. Therefore, love your pets as much as you can while they are here. Those of us who go to heaven will later understand that everything worked out perfectly regarding our pets."


05-01-2004, 12:43 PM
They can't be "good" or "bad". However, this does not mean that they will not be in heaven. It is true that this created world is passing away. But we have the sure hope of a new creation, a new heavens and a new earth. It will not neccesarily be much different from the old creation except that there will be no influences of sin.

Why were animals created in the first place? To be companions and helpers to humans. They were created by God as a gift to bring us happiness.

When the rest of life seems overclouded by the muck of a creation in travail, it can be a great comfort to be with loving cats. They are simple creatures who are fully content to be near their master.

We don't know what everything will be like in our future home. But we do know that God has prepared us a place in a new perfect creation. And when I see you there, it will be no surprise to see lots of wonderful kitties clamouring about you.
The purpose that Emily, Eliot, and Dylan were created was to make you happy.

Although true happiness is impossible on earth, in the new creation, God's purpose for animals will finally be realized, and it will be better than we can possibly imagine.

The above was cut and pasted from my son's reply. Hope he doesn't get mad at me!! It made me feel good because he comes from a very ultra conservative theologically correct seminary and so I respect what he says and I know he put careful thought into it - of course he is no authority, but it made me feel better. I think the first point about having no soul was meant to be in the sense of requiring *salvation*. Animals are not equal with humans, but they ARE living creatures who were specifically created by God apart from inanimate objects as in the passages Kim gave us from Genesis.
:D :D

Laura's Babies
05-01-2004, 01:41 PM
I have always believed that our pets are there and I have many that I can not wait to see and love again (not that I ever stopped!). Until I get there, I know my Mama is looking after them and happy to be with them and all her babies there too!

05-02-2004, 11:06 AM
There are many Ministers that say that Cats , have no souls and wont go to Heaven, But I think that the Lord wouldnt be as cruel , as to seperate us from our Companions! If he does then I dont want , to go!!

05-02-2004, 11:29 AM
Good topic! I've thought about that too. Heaven would not be Heaven if there weren't animals there. How can the happiest place imaginable that we are supposed to spend an eternity at not have animals? Impossible! :D