View Full Version : Random Photos from the past few months.

05-01-2004, 11:22 AM
I was looking through my photos and found quite a few that i have not shared, including Elvis and his sister, Penny, Theo, Clover and a few of the dogs from Flyball.

And in no order at all. ;) I hope you enjoy.

Our last Flyball comp..This is the team Clover was to be racing on but she got sick a few days before and could not race.

Kobe "Bear" a beautiful chocolate labbie. Clover and Kobe race in Flyball behind one another on the same team.

OK the last Kobe pic ;) This was at the nationals Kobe is pictured with his young handler *The Bear handler*

Clover on the way home from the nationals, we stopped for lunch and to give the dogs some play time.

Clover yawning. :)

More coming....

05-01-2004, 11:28 AM
All 4 Dogs at the park. :)

Jackson the Boxer, Clovers best mate and road trip companion.

Theodore yawning.

Our up and coming Flyball star Maggie the Border Collie X, She can run 4.3 seconds :eek:

Meggles, another Border Collie x , She was our fastest Flyball dog untill young Maggie came along. ;)

Miss Penny.

Even more coming ;)

05-01-2004, 11:32 AM
Cute Theodore.

Our Flyball camping trip, Some of the dogs having fun. *Mostly the labs*

Pretty Clover.

More coming...Sorry ;) :D

05-01-2004, 11:37 AM
Elvis' little sister TinTin *Tinny*, She is such a cutie.

Elvis and Tinny, when they were 5 weeks old. :D

The El man. 5 weeks old.

Elvis 5 weeks old.

" "

This should be the last lot coming up now.

05-01-2004, 11:42 AM
Miss Penelope.

Jessie another of our Flyball dogs.

Cameron and Clover at dog club.

OK thats all...hope you enjoyed them.


05-01-2004, 12:45 PM
Adorable photos! :)

I know that Prince's trainer said that her and a few other people were getting together to do flyball this summer. It looks like a lot of fun.

Do your dogs do agility too? Do you think that doing agility and flyball would be too much?

Thanks for sharing!

05-01-2004, 01:18 PM
Adorable! Elvis is such a cutie! :D

05-01-2004, 06:35 PM
you have quite the gang there. Loved the pictures. I think your dog Clover is very handsome. It looks like you have a lot of fun with them:)

05-01-2004, 07:01 PM
aww cute pics! 4.3 seconds is the fasted time in your club? I guess I am just really use to flyball in Canada lol happy runs solid 4.0 seconds and her onler sister sweep can easily beat happy while running on 14 inch jumps against happy on 9 inch jumps. although sweeps team in slowing down because of cajun(happy, and sweeps dad) he is older and running 14 inches is just getting to darn hard for him lol I just dont understand why they dont just switch happy and cajun, happy is young and can run 14's fast without a problem, pluse she always brings the ball back unlike cajun lol cajun can take happys place on the eh team they run 9 inches so he would be fine, but noooo these people are just to darn stubbern:rolleyes: but hey the eh team is doing fabulous now! new best time in brandon, of 19.2 seconds :D hehe I think I have gone WAAAYYYYYY off topic lol:eek:

05-01-2004, 10:35 PM
:D thanks everyone.

Do your dogs do agility too? Do you think that doing agility and flyball would be too much?

No we dont do Agility, But i am hoping to get Elvis into Agility when he is older and at a different club. Also it depends on the dog some can handle doing both Flyball and Agility but some cannot. We have dogs at our club that do Agility, Tracking, Flyball and Obedience. Flyball is fun though you should give it a try. :D

Amber it must be the name. ;)

Sandra, Thankyou. Clover thanks you as well. Yes indeed we have alot of fun. (Not all of the dogs pictured are mine) ;)

Shayna, LMAO yeah 4.3 is our best time ever. :eek: We are hoping to knock Maggies time down to 4 Seconds flat. LOL our fastest team time is about 22.40 Seconds, We are so slow. ;)

I know what you mean about people being stubborn about moving dogs into different teams, That why we have a team selection commitee (That i am on) and we are pretty strict with what dogs go into what teams.

If the handler is not happy with our team selection it is up to them to improve (Both dog and handler) to get into one of the more reliable teams. If you put the work in you will be rewarded.

Ok now i have gone completly off topic now aswell. :D

05-03-2004, 08:53 AM
Great pictures! I so want to get Kia involved in agility.

05-03-2004, 08:59 AM
Great pictures! And this looks like so much fun for all the dogs!!!! :)

05-04-2004, 01:54 AM

About time we had some pics of your "crew"!!! :D

Never be sorry for posting .............. thanks for sharing.
One of the pics is near a river - is it the Murray?

05-04-2004, 06:44 AM
Love all the pics but Clover is my favorite! Too bad you don't post more! And, that little Theodore is a doll. Is he yours, too? Really enjoyed these. I wish I knew of a place around here that did flyball. The dogs seem to really enjoy it and I'd love to see it in person.

05-04-2004, 10:03 AM
Love the pics Clover! That one of Elvis with his feet planted firmly in his food bowl is my fave.:)

Flyball sounds like so much fun, but everytime I've seen a competition, the dogs are just barking their heads off. So I think we'll probably just stick to agility. Being a Collie, I'm always scared to do anything that encourages too much barking with Oz.


05-06-2004, 07:02 AM
Thanks everyone :D

Captain it is a river in Albury so it could be the Murray. It was a $500 fine per dog if we got caught down there so we did not stay for long :eek: it would of totalled $5000 in fines.

Valerie yep Theo is ours, well he is my Mums realy even though i trained the little guy. :D

Flyball sounds like so much fun, but everytime I've seen a competition, the dogs are just barking their heads off. So I think we'll probably just stick to agility. Being a Collie, I'm always scared to do anything that encourages too much barking with Oz.

LOL that is the fun of Flyball seeing the dogs aloud to bark as much as they want to and just having a great old time. I encourage Clover to bark as it gets her excited and she runs faster. Then again some dogs dont bark so you never know Oz may not be a barker.

That is a cute pic of Elvis in the food :D

05-06-2004, 09:12 AM
What great pictures, thanks so much for sharing them:D