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View Full Version : Kitties on a rainy Kenutucky day...

05-01-2004, 11:21 AM
I decided to take some very good advice from Debbie (Sirrahbed) and spend some time with my furbies. I'll sort out Mr. Magoo issues later.
Here in Kentucky on Derby Day it's raining and nasty. My guys had their "Run for the Cat Chow" early this morning and are just hanging out now.
Peanut Butter, Stubby, Lucky & Maggie Sue are allowed outside on weekend mornings only. About 5:00am I let them out then the heavens opened with a downpour!

Here is a wet & disappointed Peanut Butter

Sammy is bird watching

Lucky is just hanging out (boy he hates the camera!)

Pete "STRUTS" for the camera

Pervy is doing tongue and body aerobics

Suddenly Pepper Jack finds a BUG!!!
This creates some excitement!
Where did it go?!
A seriously out numbered bug!

I'm afraid the bug soon met it's demise. Poor Bug!
Stubby and Maggie were off in some secret sleeping spot and missed all the excitement.
Well that is how our Saturday morning has gone so far. Kind of boring huh! The only excitement for the morning has been a BUG!

05-01-2004, 11:37 AM
:D Doesn't sound so boring! If you are a cat on a rainy Saturday morning, I suppose a BUG is a mighty exciting event!!! My three are all in windows - also batting at bugs!! No rain yet but it is coming!!!

05-01-2004, 11:50 AM
Lisa, I just LOVE your beautiful kitties ..... I just wanted to climb in my computer and hug big wet Peanut Butter! Thanks so much for cheering me up in my gloom! ;)

05-01-2004, 11:56 AM
Awww, what some grand pictures! I loved the one where they are all looking for the bug. I wonder what it looked like from the bug's point of veiw? They are all such beautiful babies.

Thanks for those wonderful pictures!


05-01-2004, 12:24 PM
How come some cats are let out and some aren't ??

Shame for them to miss there morning treat, maybe it will be better weather tomorrow :)

05-01-2004, 12:42 PM
PIF-Peanut Butter, Stubby, Lucky and Maggie Sue were much older ferals when we got them in so they spent many months outside. They never got over that and will swing from the curtains if they are not let out. It has taken me years to finally wean them down to weekend mornings.
We have a small neighborhood park right behind our house which was recently refurbished. Lots of big new play stuff for all the kiddo's but because of that traffic has also increased. My fear for these guys is great but I give in to them early weekend mornings because there is virtually no traffic during those hours.
We got Sammy when we lived in an apartment so he never went out. Leroy used to go out until he disappeared for three days and came home terrified. He didn't want to go out again for awhile so I took advantage of that and just stopped him all together.
The last three were pretty young when we brought them in so they are used to not going out and don't even try.

My dream someday is to screen in our large covered front porch so all the kitties can feel like they go outside.

05-01-2004, 12:47 PM
Ahh, I see. :D

Yes, my herd swing off curtains if I keep them in too :)

It is always hardest to keep the new cats inside whilst letting the others go out.

05-01-2004, 12:50 PM
Aww! I just want to bury my face in that big blob of wet Peanut Butter fur! :D Cat huffing? :rolleyes: :p

05-01-2004, 12:56 PM
Originally posted by RedHedd
Aww! I just want to bury my face in that big blob of wet Peanut Butter fur! :D Cat huffing? :rolleyes: :p
Tsk! Huffing is much better when done on sunwarmed dry fur!!
hopeless cat huffer:D :D
caught in the act:rolleyes:

05-01-2004, 01:16 PM
I have to agree with Debbie! Sun warmed dry fur is more pleasant! I got a big wet Peanut Butter hug and I did kiss that wet fur and it took me ten minutes to get the hair off of my mouth!!! It really sticks when it's wet!!http://petoftheday.com/talk/images/our_smilies/tongue.gif

05-01-2004, 01:41 PM
Originally posted by catcrazylady
It really sticks when it's wet
:D I always lotion up and vaseline my lips before I go to bed....try huffing with vaseline on your lips!!!:eek:

05-01-2004, 01:56 PM
YOU ARE NOT RIGHT!!!!http://petoftheday.com/talk/images/our_smilies/rolleyes.gif http://petoftheday.com/talk/images/our_smilies/biggrin.gif
Huffing while slathered in Vaseline!!! OH MY GOSH AND GOOD GRIEF!!!

05-01-2004, 02:04 PM
Originally posted by catcrazylady
YOU ARE NOT RIGHT!!!!http://petoftheday.com/talk/images/our_smilies/rolleyes.gif http://petoftheday.com/talk/images/our_smilies/biggrin.gif
Huffing while slathered in Vaseline!!! OH MY GOSH AND GOOD GRIEF!!!

WELLL!!!! What could I do?? I was all ready for bed...and there was that big fluffy orange belly on my pillow!:eek: I couldn't resist! I didn't even THINK about the vaseline!!!:D :D

05-01-2004, 02:10 PM
!!! OMG !!! I love that picture!!! I really understand what happened now!! I would have dove right into that belly even if it was soaking wet and I was covered in tar!!!
I have to go find Peanut Butter right now and rub and huff his belly!!!

05-01-2004, 02:32 PM
Originally posted by sirrahbed
Tsk! Huffing is much better when done on sunwarmed dry fur!!
hopeless cat huffer:D :D
caught in the act:rolleyes:

I must admitt I really enjoy this forum, it suits this melowed out grandpa just fine!..LOL, is this what "huffing" is all about? I like to put my ear next to the calico and listen to the jackhammer sound purring away...I bet Spring has sprung back East Catlady from Ky.? I have a PC wallpaper that shows my sisters yard last spring. Red Bud trees, Apple Tree's bloom'in. Miss it!!


05-01-2004, 02:48 PM
Well, they look like they enjoyed the day - except for Peanut Butter who looks a bit upset with his wet fur.

I especially love this picture: :)


05-01-2004, 02:56 PM
Nice pics, I especially like the ones of Peanut Butter all wet ;) Thanx for sharing these with us!

05-01-2004, 03:01 PM
Originally posted by lat192004
I must admitt I really enjoy this forum, it suits this melowed out grandpa just fine!..LOL, is this what "huffing" is all about?
Here ya go Lat:D Dictionary (http://petoftheday.com/talk/showthread.php?s=&threadid=48439) Huffing is a fine art;)

Sorry CCL - did not intend to hijack this thread:o

05-01-2004, 04:46 PM
I guess I have to apologize for expressing my desire to huff Peanut Butter's wet fluff and "hijacking" this thread. I just have a thing for freshly licked kitty fur. And as for the fur sticking :rolleyes: been there, done that. I wear lip gloss and often forget I have it on when I go to smooch my fur babies. Cat Hair + Lip Gloss = Not a good combo, unless you like furry lips :p Same thing happens when "schmoozling" a belly of kitty fluff (Schmoozle: To put one's face on/in a fluffy cat belly). Cat hair ALL OVER MY FACE! AAGH!

05-01-2004, 05:11 PM
Originally posted by RedHedd
I guess I have to apologize for expressing my desire to huff Peanut Butter's wet fluff and "hijacking" this thread. I just have a thing for freshly licked kitty fur. And as for the fur sticking :rolleyes: been there, done that. I wear lip gloss and often forget I have it on when I go to smooch my fur babies. Cat Hair + Lip Gloss = Not a good combo, unless you like furry lips :p Same thing happens when "schmoozling" a belly of kitty fluff (Schmoozle: To put one's face on/in a fluffy cat belly). Cat hair ALL OVER MY FACE! AAGH!

Guess today is a day for huffing and hijacking:D Anyone have a better idea?? Oh, RedHedd, I added schmoozle to the dictionary! Good one! I idn't know THAT one even though I DO it all the time. Nothing like hairy lips. I'm getting used to it though - what with the vaseline habit and the fact that Dylan likes my pillow. I wash those cases constantly but they are always hairy:rolleyes:

Now for something you were DYING to know: did you know that using lipgloss and vaseline daily makes your lips lose the ability to lubricate themselves? Yup. I read it in Reder's Digest so you know it's true. I've been greasing these ruby reds for at least 35 years now and can't bear to go more than a few hours without or I am in withdrawl. I don't go ANYWHERE without a tube of something slick in my purse or pocket:rolleyes: Aren't you glad you know this priceless little tidbit??

What the heck is this thread about???

05-01-2004, 06:04 PM
A rainy day in Kentucky has led to huffing and hijacking!

And people call us REDNECKS!!:D :D http://petoftheday.com/talk/images/our_smilies/biggrin.gif

05-01-2004, 06:12 PM
Originally posted by lat192004
I bet Spring has sprung back East Catlady from Ky.? I have a PC wallpaper that shows my sisters yard last spring. Red Bud trees, Apple Tree's bloom'in. Miss it!!
CCL has not answered yet and I am in Ohio so I'll tell you about here

:D It is GLORIOUS! We have the redbuds(two shades of pink and nearly red) , dogwoods and pears are in fullbloom, oh yes and lilacs full bloom and scenting the air. The magnolias are small but looking good. The tulips , hyacinths, etc are about finished and now the irises are taking their turn!! Beautiful!!

05-01-2004, 06:18 PM
UHHHHHM- My daylillies are getting ready to bloom!!! Hubby is sneezing his head off so the rag weed must be in full bloom too!

I'm not real good with flower and tree names. OH, my weeping cherry bloomed briefly and now it's done and I do have some pinecones on my pine trees!!!http://petoftheday.com/talk/images/our_smilies/biggrin.gif

Now we have gone from huffing and hijacking to nature!http://petoftheday.com/talk/images/our_smilies/biggrin.gif

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
05-01-2004, 06:44 PM
Well I'll bring this thread back to its senses - your kitties are sooo adorable! Even a wet, upset Peanut Butter passes the cuteness test. But I have to admit I like the "bug series" the best. Your kitties are all so pretty, and they really compliment each other in their coloring. I love it when they're all looking in the same spot and the bug is nowhere to be found. :D

05-02-2004, 10:56 AM
Peanut Butter, you look gorgeous even soaking wet.
CCL, I just love seeing pictures of your beautiful kitties and I agree with the others that said the bug pictures are great.

05-02-2004, 10:59 AM
Your Cats are like The Found Cats , in that , when they see a Bug , it is like the Chinese Fire Drill , too many Cooks , spoiling the Broth , and the Bug gets away. Only Michael , and The Princess are Hunters!

05-02-2004, 01:10 PM
Originally posted by sirrahbed
CCL has not answered yet and I am in Ohio so I'll tell you about here

:D It is GLORIOUS! We have the redbuds(two shades of pink and nearly red) , dogwoods and pears are in fullbloom, oh yes and lilacs full bloom and scenting the air. The magnolias are small but looking good. The tulips , hyacinths, etc are about finished and now the irises are taking their turn!! Beautiful!!

I'm not drifting from the subject here, just commenting on the seasonal colors. I'm a homesick Buckeye, going through my annual "spring has sprung syndrome".
Thank you for the seasonal report from back East! Do you have Tulip Poplar trees where you live? In my other life I had a farm in southern Ohio that was full of tulip trees, Red bud trees, black berry bushes(Sneezing now. Nose and head stopped up LOL). I had a woody area that had wild violets, trilliums, May Apples. Guess I better post something here relative to the subject? I did actually huff both on my cats this morning. I'm guilty of cat huffing. Guess this huffing appeals to both my kitties, they just purr louder. I believe being a man and a cat lover doesn't set well with some guys. Well, when you think about it, house cats are just small Tigers. How more macho can it get? Actually both of my cats are are bigger than the small dog next door. I have dogs that happen to be cats. Nice to be here at PT!

05-02-2004, 01:55 PM
Originally posted by lat192004

I'm not drifting from the subject here
:D I totally lost the original subject. Not too many rules here at Cat General!!

Do you have Tulip Poplar trees where you live?
I looked this tree up online, but do not think I have seen them - the flower looks like it would be very distinctive if I saw it in bloom. We live pretty close to town...lots of wildflowers though - violets, coneflowers, etc

I did actually huff both on my cats this morning. I'm guilty of cat huffing. Guess this huffing appeals to both my kitties, they just purr louder.
Great wasn't it? :D

I believe being a man and a cat lover doesn't set well with some guys.
:eek: too bad for them!! Their problem. hey! how about checking out this site http://www.kimscats.com/ThePerfectMan.html It belongs to our own kimlovescats. I think you'll get a chuckle out of it - and hopefully send in a picture!!

Nice to be here at PT!

Smart man ;) :D :D

05-02-2004, 02:09 PM
Sirrahbed, I want to tell you that site MADE MY DAY,,THANKS Music yet??!! So cool, I have saved this site to my favorites, and will use it for reference everytime some jerk bothers me. have to get Angel and Sweetie together, maybe some time this week I will get a picture to you....Thanks so much, I Loved the Site....Latitude19 from Hawaii............p:>)

05-02-2004, 02:41 PM
What a cute and funny thread! Isn't it funny how bugs are so entertaining and create such a stir! :D My husband took this picture about a year ago. It seems that a certain white kitty who shall remain nameless had found a cricket in the living room and by the time Bella noticed it, his limbs had been rather crudely removed by said white kitty. :eek: At this point Bella just had to see what all the excitement was about, while Andy laid there disappointed that his *toy* was no longer moving. :D

05-02-2004, 06:44 PM
CCL, all of your furkids are gorgeous.:) My favorite was this one of Pete.
We need to see more of him. He's so handsome.:D