View Full Version : Kneading...

06-28-2000, 12:51 PM
Just curious: why do cats knead? My kitty climbs up on my chest every morning when I wake up for his daily rub and he sits and kneads me, purring away. I know it's an instinct thing, but what kind of instinct? I was thinking maybe it's because they knead their mothers when they eat?? http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/confused.gif


06-28-2000, 02:26 PM
Yes that's exactly why.. they learn it as kittens because they knead their mama to get her milk flowing.

06-29-2000, 08:33 AM
My cats do that too... My black cat likes is better. http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/biggrin.gif But I do have breasts and it hurts when their little paws hit certain spots. Sometimes they like kneading my tummy too...
I guess it's because its soft... maybe I should do some abdominal exercises... http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/wink.gif

06-29-2000, 02:00 PM
I love it when cats do that. But here in the South, I call it "making biscuits"

07-02-2000, 09:17 PM
My Daisy (1 year old super fuzzy black cat) kneads this giant stuff pig on my bed! She hops on its back and stands there for a good 10 mins just kneading! She is declawed but she has been doing this since kittenhood. She will knead anything that resembles a pillow.