View Full Version : Should this be allowed?

04-30-2004, 08:31 PM
I love dogs, obviously. And for the most part, I am not afraid of them. However, when a medium size dog comes running at me barking its head off, I get nervous of it.

My neighbors have 2 dogs. One looks like a golden mix, and I'm unsure of the other. They are usually tied up outside, however, sometimes one of them (or both, I'm not sure) are allowed off leash. I have no idea why she does that, but these dogs shouldn't be allowed. They seem like friendly dogs, even though they bark however. Mine bark, but they're friendly.

I was out for a walk tonight, and as I came home they started to bark as they ALWAYS do when anything moves. I didn't think much of it, till I realized one was off leash (she had just let the other one in a second ago). It ran right over into our yard and started barking like crazy. I just tried talking to it being friendly like 'Hey bud! Whatcha barking at me for?' So maybe he knows I'm not trying to kill him (I duno if dogs work like that but anyway). I wasn't so much afraid of the dog, but I was nervous. I kinda hoped the owner would call it but she didn't. It backed off back into its yard as I walked by, then came up behind me again as I walked by.

I really don't think people should do allow that, I don't care if the dog wouldn't bite, it's still not something I want come at me. My niece is very afraid of big dogs she doesn't know, esp if they are barking. Besides the fact it is rude for anyone else near the place, her dogs should be offleash ANYWAY. I mean, it's not a busy road compaired to others, but it gets enough traffic.

A guy my mom knows when over there once to drop something off, and he's like 'Do they bite?' or something, and she's like 'If you don't move a lot they won't' and my mom even went over there once to see them and asked the same thing and shes like 'They better not!' Err..yeah ok. I know under a normal condition, my dogs will NOT bite. I'm not saying they never would, cause something might cause them to. But for the most part, I know they would not. If I thought they MIGHT, I wouldn't allow them near people like that (especially outside OFFLEASH)

Urg, it bugs me. We aren't even suppose to have dogs out here if they bark a lot. I also think I remember you're not allowed more then one, but maybe I'm wrong. (I don't understand the rules honestly, you buy a house yet you have rules??) Anyway, I would never say anything about them barking, I'd hate to see them go to the HS. I just think she needs more control over them.

What do you think?

guster girl
04-30-2004, 08:43 PM
I think you should tell the neighbor that it's inappropriate for her to allow her dogs off leash outside of their yard. I woudn't threaten her, but, I'd let her know that it's trespassing and, she needs to keep her dogs confined. Regardless of whether it's a barking dog or not, it needs to be leashed or confined. You should be able to call animal control if it happens again.

04-30-2004, 08:51 PM
I've thought about it, but I'm afraid I'll sound rude :o :(

guster girl
04-30-2004, 09:01 PM
well, I don't think it's rude to ask someone to keep their dogs out of your yard. If you go and confront her about what she should be doing differently or telling her her dogs are a nuiscance, that would be rude. It's your property, and, you shouldn't have to worry about another person's dog being on it. My neighbor's kids were always leaving their bikes and toys and stuff all over my yard, and, I went to her and asked if she could ask her kids not to play in our yard. She wasn't offended, but, she also didn't keep them out of our yard for more than two days. I dont' know how you want to handle it if she says she will and doesn't, but, I do know that when her kids left four bikes in my yard, the bikes magically ended up in the street. :) (it's not a busy road, just a paved road in the mobile home park) She never let them play in the yard again, though. But, it just depends on how important it is to you not to have her pets in your yard. And, besides, it's way more rude of her to let her dog do that than it would be to ask her not to.