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04-30-2004, 03:20 PM
greet your cats when you get home???

I first make sure I don't step on the Edster...
make sure nothing is broken or teetering on the edge of a shelf or table.....then....

I pick him up like a baby..tell him I love him then stick my nose in his neck and breath really fast, while he purrs and stares off into the distance....:D

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
04-30-2004, 03:23 PM
Tubby is usually waiting right by the door for me, so I pet him and say "Hello big boy, did you miss your mom?" Sometimes Peanut comes running sometimes she doesn't - sometimes she's too preoccupied with her daddy upstairs. :rolleyes: But when she does come running, she'll rub her gums on the corner of the wall and I always have to pick her up and smooch on her - while she struggles to get away....probably wants to run back to the arms of her precious daddy. ;) :rolleyes: :D

04-30-2004, 03:27 PM
I open the door slowly - Tito always knows when I am coming home and therefore sleeps right on the doormat. I walk in, drop my stuff on the dining room table and Tito's meowing the whole time, this pathetic sort of "I just woke up" mew. I pick him up and sit down on the couch with him and he proceeds to lay on my chest, try to lick my ear (I don't let him b/c it tickles too much and plus then he tries to do it in the middle of the night), and he puts his paws into my hair and kneads!! Very cute. Good thing his claws don't hurt. I talk to him and sing his song to him. His song goes like this:

"Tito, Tito, Tito,
I made you out of clay;
Tito, Tito, Tito,
with Tito I shall play..."
and on and on.

Sometimes it just turns into:
"Tito, Tito, Tito;
Tito, Tito, Tito;
Tito, Tito, Tito;
With Tito I shall play!"

04-30-2004, 03:30 PM
Because I have a long drive home and drink alot of water, the first thing I do is drop my bags on the floor, step over the cats and race for the BR. While I'm in there doing my business they both come running in and take advantage of my "sitting" position by rubbing across my legs and expecting to be petted. After I've pulled myself together I then greet them by talking to them and giving them even more petting. I can't pick up Speckles but Max I usually pick up for a minute and give him kissies on the facie.

Then, of course, they couldn't care less that I had a bad day and scream out "feed me"!

04-30-2004, 03:31 PM
While I'm climbing up my steep steps, I shout "kit-ty, kit-ty, kit-ty" and voila!! I open the door and have my own personal welcoming committee.

With 8 cats, the first thing I do is take "kitty inventory" or a head count to make sure they're all there.

Then I start babbling in baby talk, asking them if they're hungry (what cat isn't???) and feed them.

04-30-2004, 04:33 PM
"Hi Babies, I'm home!!!!!!" is always the first thing out of my mouth. Dylan is the first to greet me and I give him a hug and some huffing. (he puts up with it:rolleyes: ) then Eliot gets his head and chin scritches and Emily does her famous *flop* which requires belly rubs. They usually follow me back to my room, bathroom etc and get a bit more attention and then get back to whatever they were doing:D
If her precious daaadddy is home, I don't see Emily at ALL:p brat. The one I can always count on is Dylan.:D :D

04-30-2004, 04:55 PM
If I come home, the first thing is a sound of the piano. It's Tigris who always steps on the keys before coming to the door:D

Filou sits on the counter of the cupboard close to the entrance door.

I go to him - he always is closer than Tigris and give him a nosekissie. After that I greet my husband;)

04-30-2004, 05:05 PM
Hubby and I both walk into the house and immediately call out "mom's home ... dad's home" if we are coming in together. We both call out separately when we come home.

I always say goodbye and tell them where I'm going and that I will be home soon.

04-30-2004, 05:12 PM
I make sure I say hello to each and every baby when I come in. Usually Sammy and Leroy are at the door and they get the first back and head rubs. Then I go find Peanut Butter and get a hug and speak to and rub each little furball. If one is missing I go on a mission until located. Then, of course, I do my slavery deed of serving up a smorgasbord for all!http://petoftheday.com/talk/images/our_smilies/smile.gif

04-30-2004, 05:24 PM
Originally posted by Barbara
If I come home, the first thing is a sound of the piano. It's Tigris who always steps on the keys before coming to the door:D

A musical interlude!!!

I am jealous!!!:)

04-30-2004, 08:34 PM
As soon as I walk it I always say Cubby momm's home. Then he rolls over on the floor over and over then I go potty and he follows, I turn on the water in the sink he gets a drink, I come turn on the computer to check PT by then he is done getting his drink I pick him up and hold him for a few minutes and sometimes pet him if he doesn't bite me first.


Ally Cat's Mommy
05-01-2004, 12:18 AM
Ally is usually waiting for me when I walk through the door, so I spend a couple of minutes with her having some "quality time" before I go and look for Connor. I have to stand a bit away from him and blow on him so he wakes up gently and doesn't get a fright!

05-01-2004, 09:03 AM
I yell , Kittys and then am not suprised as I am ignored , except by JJJ3 , who has rthe eternal Hope , for Whiskas Temptations in his Heart!

Laura's Babies
05-01-2004, 09:33 AM
Well, when I get home, it is a "tad" different from when all of you come home as you can guess. I WANT to just run and grab them and hug and kiss the daylights out of them because I have missed them so bad... But I know better than to do that.

I walk in and call out "Where are my Babies?" and start just talking to them, even if they are not where I can see them. When I do see them, I casually lean over to pet them and work my way into picking them up and giving them loving. Giz started "MEOWING" soon as she hears my voice and comes running. Amy just stays where she is and Chester gives me the "Oh NO! You're back" look.

They ALL seem to like their "other" homes better because there are more people, more commotion and activity around them. Here it is just me and NO excitement, only one set of hands to pet them and NO NOISE!