View Full Version : calling A&P Detectives!!

04-30-2004, 08:15 AM
:eek: :eek: :eek: Has Corkscrew been framed??? Would his Meowmie DO this deed?

Here is the story: Corkscrew has been accused of chewing flipflops!!

Here is the suspect.

Here is the evidence:

Commentary by a friend:

I think you chewed up your own shoes and just want us to think it was that precious angel

Can someone get A&P Detectives on this one???:eek:

04-30-2004, 08:37 AM
:D :D :D Deb, your toooo much!!!!:D :D :D

04-30-2004, 08:51 AM
Found Cats say MICE! Cats dont like plastic!!!

04-30-2004, 08:52 AM
Originally posted by catlover4ever
:D :D :D Deb, your toooo much!!!!:D :D :D
Do you think I have too much time on my hands??http://img56.photobucket.com/albums/v170/sirrahbed/1.gif

04-30-2004, 08:57 AM
Well, A&P Investigations has performed an extensive long-distance investigation and have determined this to be the guilty party:

(They realize that the flip-flops have pinlinke puncture marks, but Dudley once again planted that evidence to point towards a cat.)

04-30-2004, 09:02 AM
That's it!!! Dudley did it!!! I knew it couldn't have possibly been that way too adorable Corkscrew!!! I almost forgot about that duck that framed two other adorable kitties!! Now we know Dudley is on the loose once again!
!!!EVERYONE BEWARE!!! Dudley could show up anywhere at any time!!! He could be at your house right now setting up one of your precious babies!!!http://petoftheday.com/talk/images/our_smilies/eek.gif

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
04-30-2004, 09:49 AM
Awww.....I feel sorry for poor adorable Dudley! How do we know he did it, where's the evidence?

I think this was a rush to judgement based on his former guilty status. I think a more thorough investigation is called for. I think we need to get Cataholic on the case to ensure that Dudley's rights are not violated.

Or am I being taken in by Dudley's wiley ways? Does he use his cuteness to appeal to softies like me who believe that everyone - even a duck - has the right to make a new start in life.

Oh what a difficult case......:confused:

04-30-2004, 02:04 PM
Originally posted by Tubby & Peanut's Mom
I think we need to get Cataholic on the case to ensure that Dudley's rights are not violated.

Is Cataholic a police detective? Atty? PI? Can someone contact her? We MUST keep this fair and balanced;) (like Fox news)

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
04-30-2004, 03:15 PM
She's a lawyer. What kind of lawyer I don't know, but I know she's a lawyer and will be able to inform us of Dudley's rights, although by the talk on the other thread, he's pretty much a dead duck. Oops, pun intended I guess. ;) :D

04-30-2004, 05:07 PM
Originally posted by Tubby & Peanut's Mom
She's a lawyer. What kind of lawyer I don't know, but I know she's a lawyer and will be able to inform us of Dudley's rights, although by the talk on the other thread, he's pretty much a dead duck. Oops, pun intended I guess. ;) :D
Thanks Debbie - I have contacted her via PM and requested a pro bono consult for Corkscrew!!:cool:

attached is the request! legal help is coming!:


sirrahbed wrote on 04-30-2004 05:55 PM:


Hi Cataholic,
Tubby & Peanut's Mom tells us that you are a lawyer. We think that Corkscrew on Cat General is being falsely accused of chewing up some flipflops. We have already contacted our local detective agency. Could you please check the threads above and make sure that his rights are not being violated? Thanks!! This consult will have to be pro bono, of course.

Even a cat deserves legal advice, right?

Re: Corkscrew needs legal advice!!
ALL cats deserve legal advice. I will pop on over for a free consultation. Thank you for letting me know of this grave injustice!

04-30-2004, 05:52 PM
Dear PT,
Please let this letter serve as my representation of Corkscrew, as it relates to his wrongful charge of Shoe-Stabbing, a minor misdemeanor. It is our intention to plead Not Guilty at the arraignment, set in front of Mayor Karen, later next month.

Please refrain from any direct communication with my client. Any authorizations previously given are hereby revoked. Please direct all further communication to my attention.

Very truly yours,
Attorney for the Defendant, Corkscrew.

04-30-2004, 06:00 PM
We can't talk to Corkscrew ???? Is this a gag order? Oh NO!! What about his Meowmie? Who will represent her??? Maybe she can represent herself??:eek:

04-30-2004, 06:51 PM
I will represent Corkscrew AND Uba...for one low fee of $1.99/hour. This is a bargain! Until Corkscrew has been arraigned in front of Mayor Karen, you and the press stay away from my client! He didn't do anything! He is innocent!!!

04-30-2004, 06:59 PM
I will represent Corkscrew AND Uba...for one low fee of $1.99/hour.

How can you represent both of us! I think he is guilty!

04-30-2004, 07:01 PM
This looks like a guilty face!

I tried to question him about the flip flops, but he wasn't talking. Maybe Cataholic will get better results.


04-30-2004, 07:02 PM
AHA! You walked right into my plan! I KNEW this was a set up! I knew it! And, NOW, we intend to file charges against YOU for something I will make up later. Unfair display of a flip flop, maybe?

I will no longer represent you, unless you want to hire me to defend you against Corkscrews' charges against you? For $2.99/hr?

And, please consider this offical notice of our intent to call you as a NONcharacter witness!

Why, I never....

04-30-2004, 07:04 PM
How about if you represent me and instead of the $2.99 an hour I'll pay you with Tibby bellyrubs?

04-30-2004, 07:07 PM
My Uba, that sounds like a bribe to me! This scandal is getting way out of hand! All for a pair of $3 flip-flops. *shakes head in sorrow*

04-30-2004, 07:17 PM
All for a pair of $3 flip-flops. *shakes head in sorrow*

I wish it were only one pair of $3 flip-flops! try 10 pairs of $3 flip-flops! That's right he's cost me $30 in sandals. Money does not grow on trees!

04-30-2004, 07:20 PM
Uba... there's an Old Navy Outlet by me... they charge 1.00 - 1.50 for those flip flops (I know, 'cause we've got several pairs!) Would you like me to pick some up for you? ;) That way he can ruin 3 pairs for the cost of one!:p :D

04-30-2004, 07:21 PM
Money? This is about MONEY to you? Are you an attorney? Then, it can't be about money....he he he.

You are worried about flip flops? We are talking MUCH bigger things here, sweetie. Constitutional Rights, Freedom of Expression, Civil Liberties!

Maybe he just didn't like your choice of flip flops? I don't even know how you can wear them..they HURT between the toes. Maybe Corkscrew was a bit more concerned about your foot health than you were (and, btw, he wanted to address the foot odor, too).

As to Tilly belly rubs..I am thinking that over...it just might work.

04-30-2004, 08:44 PM
I still think that if it turns out not to be Dudley the Duck then Uabasson chewed her own shoes! I'm just certain that adorable Corkscrew had nothing to do with it! Beside she just tried to offer the lawyer a bribe of Tibby bellyrubs. Sounds fishy to me!!!http://petoftheday.com/talk/images/our_smilies/rolleyes.gif

04-30-2004, 08:55 PM
Must I remind everyone of Corkscrew's impeccable reputation? Why, he was chosen as one of our very own Cat of the Day (http://catoftheday.com/archive/2003/November/26.html) celebrities! This is not an honor bestowed on just any cat! No! Only the "creme de la creme"!
Look at this animal - take a good look - do you see a kitty capable of doing the malicious deeds of which he is accused?
May it never, never be!:eek: :o

04-30-2004, 09:29 PM
Who ever has chewed on the flip-flop has been here also. The plastic shower curtian liner has the same kind of punture marks in it. They run up and down the liner. So the invisiable hole puncher has made their rounds. One day they will be caught and then.... we will have to just wait and see.


04-30-2004, 09:34 PM
Don't let that cute Cat of the Day picture fool you! Corkscrew uses his good looks to get away with everything. But I assure you, he really is a terror!


05-01-2004, 03:19 PM
Originally posted by Uabassoon
Don't let that cute Cat of the Day picture fool you!

mmmmm....come to think of it...on closer inspection of meowmie's avatar...YES! I can see her teeth! They are definitely NOT pointy! I think this rules out Uabassoon as a suspect! The marks on the flipflop are decidedly pointy!!!

A&P - can you check Dudley's teeth???

05-03-2004, 04:51 AM
Originally posted by Uabassoon
Don't let that cute Cat of the Day picture fool you! Corkscrew uses his good looks to get away with everything. But I assure you, he really is a terror!


Everyone can see that he has been provoked badly:D

However I am not sure whether I would trust that lawyer (or any lawyer BTW). Looks as if she can be bribed far to easily:mad:

Another question: Does Dudley the infamous duck have teeth? Or do you think he got himself some toothpicks to add the marks in the flipflops?

05-03-2004, 12:32 PM
Originally posted by Barbara

Another question: Does Dudley the infamous duck have teeth? Or do you think he got himself some toothpicks to add the marks in the flipflops?

Ah, but that "duck" thing is just a cover. A disguise. No one ever blames the cute little duck, you know! And that broad, flat bill? Harmless. Riiiiiiiiiight.

According to my sealish sources, no one knows what "Dudley" really is, underneath all of the fluff and doggy drool. My theory is that he's really a baracuda. That would explain the pointy teeth marks, anyway! :eek:

05-04-2004, 10:44 AM
A&P- have you checked Dudley's teeth yet???

05-04-2004, 11:52 AM
lol, thanks for the pictures......I would say the kitty is guilty of temporary insanity-blame it on the full moon.