View Full Version : Kissy - guard-cat extrodinaire

Ally Cat's Mommy
04-30-2004, 03:16 AM
Last night I was watching a DVD and I thought I heard A DOG BARKING ON MY ROOF. Now this seemed unlikely on two counts:

1. I do not own any dogs in Bahrain
2. My roof is no place for a dog in the first place!

I went outside, and sure enough I hear the sound of a cat having a "hissy fit" and a dog barking!

I rushed up onto the roof (we have a spiral staircase outside next to the kitchen door, for access to the Air Cons etc), and the funniest sight greeted me.

Coming towards me, with her tail between her legs was Trixie, our neighbours dog (she is a mixed breed, about the size of a German Shepherd - so NOT a small animal!!!) She was closely followed by her owner Tom, and my son.

Apparantly Trixie has occasionally managed to get out of her garden, and she chased Kissy up the stairs onto the roof. Kissy normally jumps over onto the garage roof, and waits for the dog to go home, but his time she had enough, turned around and fought back!

Kissy was strutting around like the Queen of The Roof, and Trixie went home with a scratched nose and wounded pride!!!

Well done Kissy, for defending the house!

(She also had a cat fight with a new stray which has appeared from nowhere and was eating at "her"feeding station yesterday, so she had a very exciting day!)

04-30-2004, 05:08 AM
Funny story! Well done, Kissy!

04-30-2004, 06:04 AM
Way to go Kissy!!! You are now our viscious roof kitty!! Keep on struttin' Kissy girl but be careful!!:) :) http://petoftheday.com/talk/images/our_smilies/smile.gif

04-30-2004, 07:37 AM
Originally posted by Ally Cat's Mommy
Kissy was strutting around like the Queen of The Roof
:D :D :D That gives me such a funny cartoon-like mental pictures!!!:D :D :D a guard cat named KISSY, too!

04-30-2004, 09:07 AM
A Meadl , for Brave Kissy, Guardian , of Her Home!

Sara luvs her Tinky
04-30-2004, 09:17 AM
Way to go Kissy!!! Show that doggy who is boss!!:D

04-30-2004, 09:18 AM
Kissy, you are such a brave kitty to go up against a big dog! Well done!

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
04-30-2004, 10:11 AM
You go girl! :D

Edwina's Secretary
04-30-2004, 10:53 AM
Dear Komrad Kissy,

Kongratulations on a job well done. In order to rule the world we must stand up to kanines. I see the example set for you by Zam and Logan (taking over Kia's bed) as well as many fellow kats has served you well. Keep up the good work!

Kaptain Kat (aka Edwina)

04-30-2004, 11:13 AM
LOL!!!!!!! What a mental picture I get of Kissy guarding your roof!!!!! :)