View Full Version : Cat related victories:)

04-29-2004, 08:53 PM
When my husband and I decided that we were going to get married and that I was going to move out here to Japan with him, he swore up and down that we wouldn't have any animals (read: any cats) until we moved back to the states in 2006. Less than 5 months after the wedding last year, we got Boomer:)

What have been your cat related victories?
:D :D :D

DISCLAIMER: This post is meant to be taken lightly, no offense is intended to anyone! I absolutely love my husband and I don't think that I am any "better" than him just because he caved in and let me get my kitty. It's kind of sad that I even need to add this disclaimer... but I knw that some people take offense easily:( So, please do not. This is supposed to be light hearted and funny, thank you:)

04-29-2004, 09:46 PM
My teenage son had been adament for years that he hated cats because he had a been 'freaked out' by a friend's psycho kitty when he spent the night one time.
A lady I work with was looking for a good home for a gorgeous longhair tabby she had that would not be accepted by her Himalayan cat she had.
I was interested, and had convinced my son to give her a chance. Well, as it turned out I was very disappointed because another lady who had first call on her decided she wanted her. She had been indicisive until she met the cat.
I asked Rich to just go with me to look at the adoptables...and let him pick out which one he would want if he could pick one. He immediately clicked with Julie so I jumped on the chance and adopted her right there. He wasn't all that thrilled at first...but within days he was crazy about her. I predict he will be a cat owner from now on. Victory for the cat! (and for us- she is great)

guster girl
04-29-2004, 10:18 PM
Chris and I got together back in July, and, I moved in with him in November (stupid move, I know, but, it's being remedied as we speak). He is allergic to cats! And, I was so bummed when he told me, cuz I just love them. I can't imagine going very long without a kitty. But, when he met Lock, VICTORY! :) Now, he keeps an inhaler in the apartment. But, still snuggles with the furry.

04-30-2004, 05:39 AM
Every cat in the house has been a victory! It's funny because each one has felt like a struggle but when I really think about it he is the one that worked really hard to get the little brats in the door. I think he has just set me up to look like the freak in the family and he just sits back looking like the abused husband!http://petoftheday.com/talk/images/our_smilies/biggrin.gif

04-30-2004, 06:34 AM
Does a victory over myself count? :D

Just kidding. My landlady told me that she's ok with one cat only. We still took Pichu in - he just melted our hearts. And she still doesn't know (;) ), but he never sprayed, never destroyed anything in the house that is hers and he is such a cutie that he could turn anyone into a cat lover. One of my aunts was always afraid of cats :D, but she is warming a little to him and that is his sweet character only.

04-30-2004, 07:27 AM
This goes back a long way - but hubby always thought cats and barns went together. A act in the *house*???:eek: :eek: Our first was an outside *stray* that I sorta (oops) left food out for. Well, one thing led to another and we haven't been without cats since.... although he always calls them MY cats - until princess EMILY :rolleyes:
I guess the story here is much like CCL, he ACTS like each new cat is a cave-in - and he is the long suffering hubby, but....it is all an act to make me look like I am getting my own way!!! :D :D

Laura's Babies
04-30-2004, 08:29 AM
I was catless for so many years because of how I work and having to have someone else to keep them while I am gone. My daughter wanted me to get one but her husband kept saying they had enough animals in the house and she could not keep one for me. Then, the Lord sent Chester to me. After Rie-Rie met Chester, she fell in love with him because of his cute antics and told me she would keep him anyway. Her husband grumbled and complained until the first time they had him for 28 days and it took NO time for Chester to win him over. Now, Chester adores her hucband and follows him around like a lost puppy everytime he comes in from work, meowing at him constantly until he stops and takes the time to talk to him, pet him and pay him some attention. He loves having Chester curl up in his lap. My son in law is "honored" now and tickled to death that Chester loves him so much. This was not a victory for ME, but for Chester. His funny antics and loveable attitude has won so many people over. Or vet even tells my daughter that she should trade cats with me because her cat is such a physco kitty and Chester is so laid back.

04-30-2004, 08:58 AM
I think that my biggest victories havebeen John Hancock, and Rocca , who were given to me , by a Breeder , who couldnot handlethem, It took over a Year , but all is well1 I was more concerned that they love each other, first , then the Feeder , second!

04-30-2004, 09:11 AM
Great thread Missy!

My first victory was Allen. Hubby was adamant that we would not have cats. i'd had cats as a kid and couldn;t wait to have one when I was married. We went to a party at my Aunt's house and poor, sweet, ADPRABLE Allen was supposed to go to another home, but they decided not to take him :eek: (are they nuts?)
Hubby said no. no. no. no. Then at the end of the party, he told us to pick out which one of the two kittens we wanted. We of course picked out the handsome Allen. My family sat there with their jaws hitting the ground because they'd never figured he'd say yes. They still talk about how he caved!

Then came the Pouncer story. We were NOT looking for another cat. The thought never crossed our minds. But last spring my daughter got into some serious trouble and was punished like no other time... we even set up commmunity service for her to do (Yes, it was that bad) I felt so bad for her. I'm sure she thought we were the meanest people in the world and that we washed our hands of her. So, we went to Petco one Saturday and they had kittens. My heart melted for my daughter and I thought this was the perfect way to show her we still care. I called hubby to see if we could bring home a kitten. He said no, so we left. Then he called me on the cell phone and asked what the new cat looked like. We told him that he said no, so we didn't get him. He told us that he firgured we'd be getting the cat regardless what he said! So we went back to adopt FLYYOD. Turned out that Flyyod had heart problems and they wouldn't let us take him. I didn't trust that rescue afterwards... that seemed fishy. So I called another rescue and they were having an adoption event that Saturday too. We went out and found a certain young man named Pouncer and life hasn't ever been the same ;)

04-30-2004, 09:14 AM
When Mark and I got married 11 years ago we both agreed that once we were back from our honeymoon we would get a kitten. Well I came back from the bank one day and told Mark that one of the tellers had 2 kittens, both were tiger striped and were ready to be placed in a home......hence Tigger and Tony became a part of the family.

After about a 1 1/2 years later I began a new job and one of the girls was telling me about this heartbreaking story of a kitten some boys found in a garbage can. The kitten she thought was only about 6 weeks old and she just could not keep him....I called home and bribed Mark into taking this little kitten home...Smokey. If I remember correctly Mark's bribe was a Ken Griffey Jr. Rookie CArd...which set me back a bit of money, but it was worth it!!!!

Mark said that was it "NO MORE" .....then came Tucker, who hung around our yard all through the winter. I placed a cardboard box with plastic around it and a down comforter for her to stay warm in for the winter. She had been abused and it took her quite some time for her to settle in to our family but almost 7 years later the "grumpy old lady" is still with us. Once again Mark said "NO MORE"

Then came Mystic who I really thought was pregnant and I was NOT turing my back on her. Turns out that she was not pregnant, she was in fact spayed....just her tummy was a little plumb, hence her nickname Flubby!!!!;)

I heard those two words again......"NO MORE"

Abner was next and I think Mark has finally learned that "NO MORE" really does NOT work !!!!:rolleyes:

There were many a stray in between the 5 that are a permenant part of the family, I always heard those infamous words , but the funny thing has always been that Mark will help feed all of them no matter how many times he may say NO MORE!!!

Sara luvs her Tinky
04-30-2004, 09:35 AM
Eric.... *how come the husbands are playing such intricate parts in these stories?!?*;)

never had a problem with me wanting a kitty.. and I was begging for him to get me one for christmas...

the guy i worked with kept telling him he needed to get me TWO kitties cause two cats were so much fun.. they way they play together and love on each other...

Eric said NO WAY he would EVER have two cats!!!!!!

Next thing... my sister calls and asked if I could keep her kitty till she could find a place that allowed pets..

Eric said .. no.. cause he knew I would probably never give it back to her.. Well *i won*... the time eventually came and she was supposed to take Jupiter back.. I CRIED LIKE A BABY. . I didn't mean to.. but I knew i was really gonna miss him living with us...

and Sister brought Mr. Kat back AND NOW I HAVE TWO KITTIES... MUHAHAHAH!!!


Story number 2!!!

When Macy first showed up and she was pregnant.. I begged Eric to let us bring her in the garage so she could have the babies.. and he said NO WAY.. next thing i know Macy had her litter and I got a call at work from hubby saying he trapped Macy and the babies in the garage...:D

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
04-30-2004, 10:28 AM
I think the biggest victory I can think of is my dad. The whole time we were growing up we could never have a cat because my dad "hated cats." We had dogs through the years, but never a cat. When we moved out to the country, we would get the occassional "outside kitty" my mom always called them. Well, 10 years ago, shortly after my mom had a heart attack, my dad must have been feeling bad about her spending so much time at home alone recuperating so he called me and told me he wanted to get her a Ragdoll and I was to find one, buy it and bring it home without her knowing about it. I was floored because I couldn't believe he would allow a cat in the house. Of course this was a few years after I had temporarily moved back in with Tubby and then ended up getting Peanut, so maybe they "broke down his barriers" although he and Tubby didn't get along very well, so maybe it was Peanut's sweet adorable "daddy's girl" ways that melted him. But anyway, I ended up getting the Ragdoll kitten and bringing him home to my mom. She was shocked and awed because he was such a little cutie pie. But the next time I came home to visit, I was floored because as I came in the house, here's my dad walking around carrying the cat! :eek: :eek: Turns out there are now only two people in the world who can touch that cat, and that is my mom and my dad. My dad has even really warmed up to the newest "outside kitty" - Goofy. So I wouldn't exactly say he is now a cat "lover" but he is certainly not a cat "hater" anymore either, which is a huge victory for a stubborn old man like my dad. ;) :D

04-30-2004, 11:20 AM
All I can say is that it is a good thing that Mimi and Butter were with me before I met Scott! :o He claims that he is allergic and he fusses about them, but deep down, I think he loves Butter's spirit, and he knows what Mimi means to me since she has been with me for so long. They aren't going anywhere, but I would dare not broach the subject of adding a 3rd right now. Our house is bursting at the seams with dogs, cats, birds and skinkids as it is!!! :)

My dad wasn't a "cat" guy either, but my sister loves cats. And when I was seven, and she 11, she begged and begged. In fact, I begged with her, to let us keep a 3 week old kitten that one of our friends had. The mama cat was a stray who showed up at this lady's house, with just the one kitten. Mama Cat died, and thankfully, my dad gave in and let Tigger come to live with us. Tigger lived 18 years, long after my sister and I had moved out and gotten married. In the final years of his life, it was my dad who made sure he was fed, lifted him up to the counter, which he could no longer jump to, and found him forever asleep in his favorite basket, and buried him in the garden. They've never had another cat, but in the end, Tigger brought beautiful and some funny memories to my family. :) I miss him, all these years later. :(

04-30-2004, 11:41 AM
I have two "victories", and right now they're not very fond of each other. :rolleyes:

When Seth and I got married, *I* didn't even think I'd want a cat. He certainly never entertained the notion of living with one! But it turned out I missed my old roommate's cat soooooo bad. And then Rizzo needed a home....and I was completely floored and amazed at how willing he was to take the critter in! I actually tried for a week to get him to object, because I didn't want to have a pet that was going to make him in any way unhappy. So, it turns out that Rizz and Seth love each other (even if hubby won't admit it!!). Rizzo follows him around, they wrestle, they play tag. Rizzo lets Seth do anything to him. He can check his teeth, hold his face to check his nose, you name it.

As a matter of fact, the reason that Seth, to my TOTAL shock, agreed to a second cat was that his "fatherly instincts" said that Rizzo needed sibling. The man said "fatherly instincts." About the CAT!!! :eek: :eek: :D