View Full Version : Update From Germany

04-29-2004, 09:30 AM
I haven't posted in while. Things have been kinda wierd around here. I quit my job only after 2 weeks. They had told me they would pay me one thing and after I started working they had a different wage in mind. That and the boss thought since my husband was depolyed and I have no children or family to come home to I should work from 9 to 8 with no overtime when everyone else was working 9-5.

Andrew is doing fine in Iraq. He calls and emails everyday. He has 3 months and 21 days till he comes home. Unless of course they decided to extend for his unit. I can not wait till he comes home. Time is not going by fast enough.

Drake is well too. He has been a hellion since his daddy left town and has been a handful. He has his sweet moments but he seems to have more rotten ones. We have been going on our long walks and morning runs. A new dog moved into the building and Drake wants to tear down the door everytime the dog walks by our apartment. It is terrifying when you have to wake up to it 5 or 6 in the morning.

I have seen better days myself. I have more time on my hands than ever and not enough to keep me busy and happy. I have made a few friends here, but that isn't making me any happier. I have not hit rock bottom yet. But I see myself on that road if I stay here.

So, Drake and I are going on a long vaccation to Beirut, Lebanon to stay with my parents. The weather is great there, I have lots of family and friends and things to keep me occupied and busy. We leave in 2 weeks. This will be Drake's first trip to the Middle East. We plan on going on trips to Syria, Eygpt, and Jordan.

We have done alot of travelling since Andrew left (Luxemborg, Brussels, Netherlands, Austria, Switzerland). But it just isn't the same without Andrew.

I probably will not get a chance to post while I am in Lebanon. If I get a chance I will. Please keep us in your thoughts and pray that Drake's flight is a smooth and hasslefree one!


04-29-2004, 09:48 AM
Oh Souraya. I'm so sorry to hear that your feeling so down in the dumps since Andrew has left. I can't imagine what your going through right now. I know I would be positively lost without Mark.
I'm sure the calls & emails help, but it's just not the same.

It sounds as if going and staying with your family is the best thing for you to do right now.

Now, before you go you better post some new pictures of Draker so we won't be going through withdrawls (3 months is a long time to wait:p )!

04-29-2004, 11:31 AM
It's great to hear from you Souraya! I'm sorry you are feeling down. :(

Drake, you be good for your momma! *wags a stern finger*

Sorry to hear the job didn't work out either. How rude of them to try and take advantage of you. :mad:

I hope the trip to Lebanon will lift your spirits. I'll definately pray that Drake's plane ride is hassel free. :)

04-29-2004, 12:12 PM
I'm sorry things are not going well for you there. Going home for a visit sounds like a wonderful idea. You have friends and family to help you get though this time away from Andrew.

Just wanted you to know that I think that not only is Andrew doing a wonderful job and I thank him, but you are too! I think the families of military personnel have it harder. And being far away from home too makes it even more of a sacrifice.

Take heart that we're thinking of you and Drake and go have a good time in Lebonon. (Would love to have pictures of Drake before you go!):o

04-29-2004, 06:01 PM
Sorry to hear you aren't so happy but glad you'll be visiting your family. All the places you have been too sound great though I can understand it's not as good without Andrew. Drake is quite the well-travelled dog, perhaps you could make a book of it, especially if you took a lot of pictures. That could be your job!

04-29-2004, 07:15 PM

I'm sorry that things didn't work out better for you over there.

Going home for awhile sounds like a good idea for you & Drake.
It's good to realize when things are getting "out of control" and
it's time for a change. Best of luck to you & the Drakester on the
trip home.:)

You all are in my prayers, stay safe & please do check in when
you can, o.k.? Liz & Smokey.

04-29-2004, 07:36 PM
Wonderful to hear from you, Souraya! I'm sorry to hear that things aren't going so well. It is always so hard to be separated from the ones we love. I can't imagine what you are going through.
I hope your trip to Lebanon (and Syria, Egypt, and Jordan) brings you much joy and peace of mind. I know it will be wonderful to see family and friends! You must be excited! :D

I will keep Drake in my prayers as he travels with you. We all love Draker here at PT!!!

04-29-2004, 08:35 PM

It must be so hard on you in a strange country
with-out Andrew.

I am glad you are going to visit your parents with Drake.
That should pick up your spirits.
Sending lots of good wishes and hugs your way.


04-29-2004, 11:07 PM
Oh Souraya--I'm sorry you are not having a great time right now. I'm sure it is so hard, I cannot even imagine.
I get bored in my own house when my husband works all day and I have off, I cannot even imagine being in your situation.

Enjoy your trip home--it's probably what you need right now!!
I have a friend who's mother is from Lebanon, and she says it is a beautiful country!!!

Give Drake a big hug and have a safe trip!!!

04-30-2004, 03:08 AM
I am so sorry that you are having a hard time. It certainly is a good idea to see your family.
I often think of Andrew and you and hope the time flies until he comes home.

It will be good for the Drakester to get his daddy back:)

All the best


04-30-2004, 05:51 AM
Looks like you´re having hard time now.. But I really hope all will be Ok very soon.. and it´s great that you can travel with Drake :) Have I good time!

04-30-2004, 06:14 AM
Souraya, I think a trip home is just what the Dr. ordered!!!
You are normally so upbeat and happy, it is blatantly obvious that you are not in that place right now.
Good luck and Godspeed!!!
I will pray for you and think of you often!

04-30-2004, 07:58 AM
Thank for your replies. Your warm wishes mean alot to me.

4 Dog Mother
04-30-2004, 09:02 AM
I can imagine what you are going through and how tough it is! Sometimes it is hard to pull yourself out of the "dumps" and I think it is a good thing that you are going to see your parents. I am sure it will help your mood - and make the time go faster until Andrew comes home. I will pray that they don't extend his time. This war needs to be OVER!!! Know that you are in my thoughts and prayers. Diana

04-30-2004, 11:07 AM
Originally posted by shais_mom
Souraya, I think a trip home is just what the Dr. ordered!!!
You are normally so upbeat and happy, it is blatantly obvious that you are not in that place right now.
Good luck and Godspeed!!!
I will pray for you and think of you often!

I totally agree with Staci and the others. It has to be so hard for you. At least the job would have kept you "busy", but it sounds like it was a bust too!!!!

Enjoy your time with your family, Souraya. Isn't it great that Drake gets to go along too? What's your dad going to say??? Hehehe!!!! I know your mom will be in heaven, having you and Drake there.

Travel safely and know that we love you.


04-30-2004, 12:24 PM
These cyber hugs we send to you are all well and good but getting the REAL THING will be even better. I agree with Sabies suggestion, you should write an illustrated book on "Travels with Drake" (it worked for John Steinbeck and Charlie :p ) . You know for sure there's a zillion copies to be sold without even leaving PetTalk :D My goodness, I'm good for a dozen easily all by myself ;) Our hearts and thoughts are with you always, all ways.

04-30-2004, 12:34 PM
Big hugs to you, Souraya. My "army-brother" (activated Reservist) is stationed state-side, just 9 hours away from his wife and daughter, and that's hard enough. He enjoyed his time in Germany, he was stationed in Mannheim(?) years ago, but that was before he had a wife and daughter.

I do think a trip home sounds wonderful right now - we need "Drake of the Desert" pictures somewhere in Lebanon (or Syria or Jordan or ..)! ;) You be safe, be careful, and know you are loved by all of us, okay?

Drake, dear, I know you think distracting momma is a good thing, but you behave now, okay?

Sara luvs her Tinky
04-30-2004, 12:49 PM
Originally posted by lbaker
I agree with Sabies suggestion, you should write an illustrated book on "Travels with Drake" (it worked for John Steinbeck and Charlie :p ) .

YES!! and i will take one please!:)

sending some hugs too....

sounds like you are having fun and keeping busy despite the downfalls...

give Drake a big *HUG* for me!!.. and don't be a stranger!!!

05-01-2004, 06:48 AM
I am so sorry you are going through such a difficult and depressing time. Hang in there. I hope the trip home is just what you need. We will all be thinking about you. Best of luck to you all. We all care about you here and hope that these hard times end soon.


Kona & Oreo's mom
05-03-2004, 11:04 AM
Best wishes for your trip to Lebanon. I hope it is just what you need to get back in the swing of things. I hope that Drake has a good flight too, and that the 3 months until Andrew returns fly by!

05-03-2004, 12:30 PM
Souraya, have a safe trip to visit your family. Drake is so lucky to get to come along!!! My prayers are with you, Andrew and Drake!

05-03-2004, 07:03 PM
Thanks for checking in with us Souraya.
Hopefully the next update is full of wonderful stories and smiles!

{{Hugs to you, Drake, and Andrew.}}

05-03-2004, 07:15 PM
Enjoy your much needed family time in Lebanon, it will help you to get through the times without Andrew, my thoughts and best wishes are with you for a safe and happy holiday, I sure hope it helps cheer your spirits up a bit. TAKE CARE..HUGS:)

05-04-2004, 01:46 AM

You are always in our thoughts ........ I often wondered how you were doing.
Moving countries is so hard at the best of times, but with Andrew away it would be even harder I imagine.

HUGS and well wishes across the miles, and safe journey to you and Drake. Would love to see pics of you both in Lebanon ..... writing your adventure stories for Andrew to read when he returns!!!!

Hugs always

05-04-2004, 06:47 AM
Glad you checked in with us! I'm sure staying with your family will make you feel a lot better. We would love some more Drake pics! Sorry your job didn't work out. It'll get better soon.

05-09-2004, 03:32 PM
Oh, Souraya, even with having Drake with you I can understand how hard it must be, your man far away and you all alone in a foreign country. I think going to be with your family is the very best thing you could do, you need to be surrounded by love, not strangers.

Take care and have a safe journey.

Be thinking of you.
Big Hugs