View Full Version : Jake's changing personality.

04-28-2004, 07:07 AM
I would think that by the age of 7+, a dog's personality would be set in stone! But Jake is just surprising us every day with all the new personality traits he's acquiring!!

The first, and most noticeable, change is that he's become BOSSY! I work nights frequently, and so I have to sleep in the daytime. Nothing new, really. But Jake has decided that it's just not proper for people to sleep during the day. He absolutely will not allow it. He will find any way he possibly can to open my bedroom door and put his face in mine and bark!
When he wants to go outside, he won't take "justasec" for an answer. He means "now"! He makes a little "huff" to tell us he needs to go, and if we're not up that second putting our shoes on he will bark loudly nonstop until he's out the door!

Another change - he's decided he wants to be as big and bad as Max. Max barks at the vacuum cleaner, so old Jake who's never payed any attention to the vacuum in his life, has to go nuts now everytime he sees it. He also has to chase the cat now, and bark at squirrels.

And - believe it or not - he's actually becoming somewhat affectionate!!! All his life, he's made it pretty clear that he doesn't care if we're dead or alive as long as somebody feeds him. Now - he sleeps at my feet sometimes! And the other day, he kicked Max out of his sleeping spot on the floor on my side of the bed! Yesterday he put his paws up on my lap, wanting to be petted.

???????What the heck??????????

04-28-2004, 08:23 AM
LOL!!! They are full of surprises, aren't they? :D

04-28-2004, 10:47 AM
Nicki's 9 and does the does thing! OF course she also does her old habits, but new ones pop up occasionally. *shakes head in wonder*

We all knew dogs were amazing creatures, so who on earth thought old dogs can't learn new tricks?

04-28-2004, 12:07 PM
Silly Jake!!

You need to let mommy sleep so she can 'bring home the bacon'. ;) :D