View Full Version : Nicki's new bone

04-27-2004, 08:31 AM
Last night, Nicki was happily chewing her new bone. No problem... a bone is a bone is a bone. YES there is a problem!!! This is the noisiest, squeekiest bone you've ever heard! :eek: And she LOVES it. I tried taking it away from her last night and she sat there crying and staring at the place I hid it. She wouldn't settle down with anything else.

Tell you how noisy this bone is: with our bedroom door closed, and in a room on the other end of the hall (with that door closed too) you can still hear the bone squeek, crunch, squeek!

What to do when a dog loves her bone? :p

PS: I seem to have been having bone problems lately! I thought I'd try a new brand after my old brand started breaking like china. Shes has never been interested in Kongs. Never, regardless what I stuff into them. She doesn't like greenies. I've tried just about everything and the only thing my obstinate girl likes are good old rawhide bones.:rolleyes: (which I give her when I'm home and the smaller pieces are tossed right away.)

04-27-2004, 10:00 AM
LOL that is too cute. You know the best bones are the squeeky noisy kind. ;)

Have fun with your bone dear Nicki, but try not to iritate your Mom too much. ;) :D

04-27-2004, 10:09 AM
Sometimes, when Kia chews on her rawhide just right, it makes this high pitched squeak. It's like nails on a chalkboard. :eek: :(

I usually take it away for a short time and entice her with a kong or a different toy.

I feel your pain!

04-27-2004, 11:18 AM
I know, I know, that constant squeeking can take it's toll on your nerves:D No sure though if you're talking about a real bone, a rawhide, or a plastic squeeking one. But truthfully, I usually end up laughing at loud at the great fun they can have doing something so silly and try to ignore the noise! Lucky for me, they will chew on any toy I give them. All I can suggest is to keep trying to find that perfect, silent, chewie;)