View Full Version : knee update

04-26-2004, 11:29 AM
Last Tuesday I had my first injection. I don't know if it's natural swelling or an allergic reaction to the shot. There is more swelling there. When I go in for my second shot, I'll have the doctor check it out.:(

Miss Meow
04-26-2004, 04:34 PM
Can you call the doctor before your next appointment to describe your symptoms? S/he might be able to prescribe a different treatment if you are allergic.

I hope everything is OK.

04-26-2004, 08:41 PM
David, you really should at least call your doctor and tell him/her about the swelling. Like Nicole said, he might precribe something different for you.

Take care of that knee, and try not to be walking around so much.


04-27-2004, 12:26 AM
I'm going in today for my second shot and I'll let him know what's happening with my knee. Thanks for the sound advice. I'll PM you with the results.

04-27-2004, 12:26 AM
I'm going in today for my second shot and I'll let him know what's happening with my knee. Thanks for the sound advice. I'll PM you with the results.

04-27-2004, 01:15 AM
What happened to your knee? What type of injections are you getting?

I hope your swelling goes down and you're feeling better soon. :)

04-27-2004, 01:30 AM
I have a very arthritic left knee. Right now I'm taking a series of shots called SUPARTZ which is supposed to relubricate the knee. I take the second shot today,and I'll find out more fom the doctor.

04-27-2004, 04:47 PM
I got my second shot today. The doctor seemed to think that the swelling was just a side effect from the shots and that it was all right.

04-27-2004, 07:47 PM
David, that is great! I'm glad he didn't think it was anything serious.

Thanks for the update! I hope everything continues to go well and the medicine will help your knee.


04-27-2004, 08:39 PM
Oh boy....I feel your pain with knee problems. I've already been warned by doctors when I was 16 that I might not walk by the time I am 30 years old and now I'm only 20. :( It's all softball related from when I was a catcher. I hope your knee feels better. :)

04-27-2004, 10:16 PM
I had orthoscopic ( can't spell )surgury on my knee and the doc said that I might get a little arthritis. Now I have alot of arthritis in it!! I'm hoping these Supartz injections work!

04-28-2004, 01:13 PM
Thanks for the update David. Hope those shots begin working very soon.
