View Full Version : Macy is going to the shelter tomorrow... :0(

Sara luvs her Tinky
04-25-2004, 08:01 PM
Well I guess tomorrow i have to bite the bullet and take Macy to the shelter..:( :(

I still have her and two of the babies in the garage. I am really making no progress with the last two babies so I am going to try and get a have-a-heart trap from the shelter tomorrow. I have been keeping macy in the garage because the only time the babies get anywhere close to me is when I sit out there and pet Macy... but as soon as i move they scatter...:( I really don't know what to do with them.. so hopefully they have a trap i can use and i can get them inside to the bathroom..:(

anyhow... Here are some memorial pictures of Miss. Macy..
She really has found a SPECIAL place in my heart... she is really the most loving kitty i have ever met.. she purrs all the time and i really wish i could keep her..:(

here are some pictures...

this is one of the very first time i saw Macy... i ran inside and grabbed her some food.. don't let the picture fool you.. she was skin and bones.. but had just had some kittens.. I suppose they died because she never brought them around...


herer is Macy.. when she was an outside kitty carring my precious litter of scooterbugs!!.... she was enjoying some scritches!


here is Macy giving me a kiss... (i am gonna miss her soooo much!!!!!)


and lastly.. here is my heart.. happy and healthy and ready for a furrever home... I am gonna miss you sweet girl...:( :( :(


04-25-2004, 08:27 PM
Have heart! She's such a beuatiful lady and will find a home no problem! People will see how sweet and loving she is and snatch her up quickly!

04-25-2004, 11:19 PM
Macy sure is a sweetheart. I hope she finds her loving forever home very soon.:)
What are you going to do with the 2 kittens? Did the other 2 find homes?

Ally Cat's Mommy
04-26-2004, 12:29 AM
Macy is adorable. I am sure she will find a great home!

04-26-2004, 01:33 AM
Awww, Macy is just gorgeous. She has an expression on her face like my RB cat, Pyewackett, just a different color.

I don't think she will have any problem finding that forever home. I know I would. That sweet little kiss she gave you, looks very sweet.

She seems to love you a lot, and you love her too. You should keep her with you.


Sara luvs her Tinky
04-26-2004, 05:46 AM
Originally posted by krazyaboutkatz
Macy sure is a sweetheart. I hope she finds her loving forever home very soon.:)
What are you going to do with the 2 kittens? Did the other 2 find homes?

I am going to see if this shelter has any traps.. and if they can't take them in to tame them then I am ... i just hope they come around fast. I just don't understand why they are scared of me.. the other babies and Macy were so easy ... but these two just don't seem to get it.:confused:

04-26-2004, 06:03 AM
I am sorry that you have to take Macy and the other scooterbugs to the shelter. She looks absolutely loving and I am sure they will have no problem getting a furever home.

Here is keeping our fingers and paws crossed that they will get everything they deserve.

04-26-2004, 09:03 AM
The Found Cats and I realize that this is not a decision , that you undertook lightly , and we pray that that Wonderful cat , can find the Furr Ever Home ,that she deserves!And A Big MMMMEEEEOW To You , for caring , and helping!!!

04-26-2004, 11:57 AM
Originally posted by Sara luvs her Tinky
I am going to see if this shelter has any traps.. and if they can't take them in to tame them then I am ... i just hope they come around fast. I just don't understand why they are scared of me.. the other babies and Macy were so easy ... but these two just don't seem to get it.:confused:

I saw an article recently (I'll try and find the link) which thought there was a link between how friendly a Tom cat is and how friendly his offspring is.

As a litter can have several fathers. Maybe those two kittens have an unfriendly father. !!!!

PS. It is sad that you haven't talked around your husband to keeping Macy but everyone has their limits.

I am sure such a friendly & pretty girl will quickly find a furever home :)

04-26-2004, 12:00 PM
awwwww...I know you will miss Macy but you have done such a great job for her and the babies!!! No more stray kittens and mamma Macy is sure to find a happy home as well, largely because you have helped to make her more trusting and friendly:D

Sara luvs her Tinky
04-26-2004, 12:35 PM
Thanks for the encouragement everyone! As the day is passing by my heart is SINKING...

Macy has never rode in a car before and I am so scared for her.. she will be going to new surroundings and meeting new people.. poor baby.. I don't want her to be scared..

BUT after meeting everyone there from bringing in the first batch of babies... i really like this shelter and know that they will take real good care of her. But still.. it is hard taking a piece of your heart somewhere, dropping them off scared, and know you will never see them again...:( :( :(

04-26-2004, 02:42 PM

If she is your heart keep her.

Why lose someone who is so precious to you.

The cost of three cats compared to two is so similar, as not to be a problem.

I believe in fate and I believe she should be with you.

04-26-2004, 03:05 PM
I saw an article recently (I'll try and find the link) which thought there was a link between how friendly a Tom cat is and how friendly his offspring is.

That's an interesting theory, I've heard about that, too (not long ago that I read an article in one of my mags).

Would there be a possibility to keep her? I figure you don't want to do that because of Tinky and Jupiter?

I'm so sorry that this is so hard for you! Hopefully she'll find a good place soon. She's adorable!


04-26-2004, 03:14 PM
Oh, Sara, my heart breaks for you and Macy. It really sounds as if you two have bonded. I hope things won't be too hard on her. :(

Are you SURE you can't find room in your home for her? I know we all have our limits, but, it is just one tiny sweet kitty. One you already love, that loves you, too.

I am sure you will make the right choice. I just feel so sad for both of you.



Miss Meow
04-26-2004, 05:31 PM
Sara, I'm sorry it's come to this.

I know you didn't come to this decision easily, but a little piece of me wants you to keep Macy as you've formed a strong bond with her.

Good luck whatever happens.

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
04-26-2004, 08:35 PM
Oh Sara, I'm so sorry it's time to part with Macy. I know your heart is breaking, but you did such a good thing for her and her babies. I'm sure they all found wonderful homes - and she will too.

I'm with everyone else in really hoping you could keep her, but I know how difficult the "other half" can be sometimes when it comes to adding a third member to the family. :rolleyes: I know it's not much consolation, but you just have to keep telling yourself that you did the best you could and Macy will now find a wonderful furever home where she can be spoiled rottern instead of still being out on the street having babies all the time.

Hopefully you can catch the last two babies and get them socialized too. Good luck and keep us updated on them.


04-26-2004, 08:49 PM
Awww....I'm sure miss macy will find a good, loving home that will treat her just as good as you do.

04-26-2004, 08:57 PM
((((((sara))))) Tomorrow is going to be very hard I know. I already posted I know but I just had another idea - and that is taking some of those pictures and printing them up in sort of a collage for your garage. You know - a little memorial of all the months with Macy and the scooterbugs? I suspect there will be more adventures in that garage;)

04-27-2004, 12:39 AM
:( I'm sorry, Sara. :(

This is why I can no longer do any sort of rescue, my heart couldn't take it either. :( I'm so sorry you're having to give her up.

Someone wonderful will give Macy a special home. I just know it.

Sara luvs her Tinky
04-27-2004, 05:26 AM
Thanks again everyone for the encouragement....

I really wish there could have been a way to keep Macy but Eric said no. And truly it would have been HELL introducing her to Queen Tinky. And as much as it hurts I really like this rescue shelter. They are spaying her this morning and i will probably call this afternoon and check on her.

I brought her in and they put her in the back room and let me say bye to her... She looked so small and pretty.. I told her she better be nice and pretty so she can make new friends... and when the lady walked in i showed her Macy's favorite spots to be petted.. so they can treat my little Macy Face right!!

I cried and cried and (the poor people) kept having to give me tissues and kept telling me how that i am giving her to the best rescue organization ever telling me how they are so picky about their screening process.. and how much they love cats too... and although that is so reassuring .. it still hurts.

anyway.. after i came home Eric gave me a big hug and he kept telling me about all our funny Macy stories... like when she was a new stray to us she used to come and sit at the front door (it is a glass door so we could see her)... and she would just sit there ALL THE TIME!!... and how she got so BIG when she was pregnant with the scooter bugs that she couldn't fit throught the porch railing anymore.. *sigh*.....

but ... the lady told me to call Nanette (the lady i've been communicating with) today and she can tell me where to get some have-a-heart traps for my last two heard heads.. and she said they will take them feral... Which i think i prefer.. cause falling in love with them earning their trust like with the other four scooter bugs.. was just too hard..

sorry so long and winded .... it just feels good to get your feelings out in the open to people who *really* understand..

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
04-27-2004, 09:37 AM
Originally posted by Sara luvs her Tinky
anyway.. after i came home Eric gave me a big hug and he kept telling me about all our funny Macy stories

I'm glad that even though Eric said no, he was still supportive and understood how you felt about having to give Macy up. I'm sure that helped a lot.

Good luck with the last two hold outs. I'm sure you'll catch them soon and they'll be on their way to their new furever homes too.
