View Full Version : He's home! Everyone say hi to Barliman.

04-25-2004, 10:27 AM
Hi gang! Not too much time, but I had to come post some pics. Barliman got here late yesterday afternoon, and within, oh, ten minutes, was right at home in our bedroom! He acts like he's been there his whole life, and he's not shy about us, either! This cat loooooooves people. You just can't scritch him enough. He cries (he has a high-pitched, somewhat gravelly myeeeeoow with a bit of a bleat in it) when we leave the room. We've already managed to clip his very long, very wicked claws. He doesn't much like having his paws messed with, but the ol' 'you rub his head while I clip his nails' distraction technique works like a charm. He's playful and happy and wants OUT of that room! He wants to explore in the worst way. Rizzo, however is quite iffy about the whole situation. He hangs around the other side of the door and watches it like a hawk. Backs up when Barli sticks his paws out. His growled or hissed once or twice, but nothing too serious. I'm thinking of letting him come in and sniff Barli in a carrier later today. Knowing Rizzo, he'll adjust better if he knows what's going on. Maybe.

One thing worries me a bit: Barliman keeps making spraying gestures against the walls. He *doesn't* spray, since I've checked every surface very carefully after he does it and there's nothing there. But the action scares the heck out of me. Is this in any way normal behavior? Rizzo's never done it. Do you think he'll actually start spraying?

Anyway...pictures are on their way!

04-25-2004, 10:30 AM
Rizzo waiting for his brother to come (actually, it's on old picture. But I like it!)

Angel Barliman with his halo. :)

Playing at the door....

Whoa!! What's that?!http://img43.photobucket.com/albums/v131/jrhillge/face_shot.jpg

04-25-2004, 10:33 AM
He really went to town on this mousie:

Walking off with his kill...

Showing off his plumy profile

Oh my gosh!! He lays eggs!!! :eek: ;)

04-25-2004, 10:35 AM
Welcome home, Barliman! What a handsome boy you are!!! :) (Like the name; are you a Lord of the Rings-fan?)

That's so sweet that he seems to have adjusted so soon, and hopefully he's soon become friends with Rizzo!

I wouldn't worry too much about the pretending to spray-thing, my Lily (she's a GIRL!!!) is doing the same! :eek: not long ago, I started a post about it, but the replies I got were more or less encouraging. :) Here's the post: http://petoftheday.com/talk/showthread.php?s=&threadid=47246&highlight=strange+Lilybehavior


04-25-2004, 10:36 AM
Ha ha ha!!! :D I love this one:


Just look at his face!! :D


04-25-2004, 10:38 AM
He has pink pads! Yay!

Already king of his realm.

Close up!

Bright eyes.

That's it for now. I'll keep you posted. :D :D

04-25-2004, 10:39 AM
He is just beautiful. Good luck.

04-25-2004, 10:43 AM
Originally posted by Kirsten
Welcome home, Barliman! What a handsome boy you are!!! :) (Like the name; are you a Lord of the Rings-fan?)

That's so sweet that he seems to have adjusted so soon, and hopefully he's soon become friends with Rizzo!

I wouldn't worry too much about the pretending to spray-thing, my Lily (she's a GIRL!!!) is doing the same! :eek: not long ago, I started a post about it, but the replies I got were more or less encouraging. :) Here's the post: http://petoftheday.com/talk/showthread.php?s=&threadid=47246&highlight=strange+Lilybehavior


Good catch on the name! :D He eats like a little piggy, so eventually I'm sure that the full name--Barliman Butterbur--will suit him very well. ;)

Thanks for the thread referral on the psuedo-spraying. I guess I should just be glad that nothing's coming out, but gosh if it isn't alarming to watch!!

04-25-2004, 10:48 AM
LOL, yes, looks like that's the perfect name for him then! :)

I know what you mean. Every time Lily is doing that quivering tail-thing, I'm checking my wall carefully, but so far, nothing came out. I wish you luck! :)


04-25-2004, 10:53 AM
Welcome Barliman! You are so handsome - Love that tail!

I'm sure you and your new brother will love each other once meowmie lets you two meet... but you have to be patient and let meowmie tell you when you can play together! :)

04-25-2004, 11:05 AM
Oh he's gorgeous! I'm so glad you got him!!!

As for the spraying thing, maybe you should get some Feliway to spray around the room. If he is really wanting to spray it may help discourage it and it may also help with his and Rizzo's introductions. It has helped calm things around here between Ripley and Scout somewhat. I've noticed all my gang calm down after I've sprayed it. It's available at most pet stores. It's not cheap but it's a lot better than the damage spraying will do.

04-25-2004, 11:07 AM
Omegosh! Barliman is even more beautiful than the shelter shots!! Oh yes and the *liguid caramel* eyes!!! He certainly looks calm and cozy and right at home already!!! I am so excited for you!!! Can't wait for more pictures and news. I know what you mean about looking for some *bad* behaviors - here you have the purrfect family and worry about something bad about to happen but looks like this is something that is just a harmless behavior. I have seen mine quiver their tails also but never associated it with spraying behavior because I have never seen spraying!! I thought it was just an excitement thing??
Ah well, enjoy the time with your sweet new kitty! He sure DOES have a sweet and calm face doesn't he?? He reminds me of my Dylan in his facial expression - so gentle looking - oh and a lovely bushy tail too!! Thanks for the pictures and keep them coming! Hope that Rizzo will be happy with his new playmate and brother!!!:D :D

04-25-2004, 12:03 PM
Yeah, he's pretty great, all right. But I sure wish he'd relax. :rolleyes: :D




:D :D

04-25-2004, 12:04 PM
What a gorgoue big boy you have there! I LOVE his fluffy tail - reminds me of my Mishi. As for the vibrating tail thing, Mishi does this a lot, but never sprays. I didn't know what to make of it until that PT thread Kirsten started and now I know it pretty much means excitement, happiness, etc.

I can't wait to see Rizzo and Barli playing and sharing seals! :D


04-25-2004, 12:50 PM
What a beautiful boy you are Mr. Butterbur!

I wish Rizzo and Barli all the best in getting acquainted so they can be great pals for the years to come.

04-25-2004, 12:51 PM
Awwwwwww, he's so HAPPY TO BE HOME!!!! What a beautiful big fluffy boy he is! Welcome Home, Barliman!!!

Congratulations to all! :D

04-25-2004, 01:09 PM

04-25-2004, 02:54 PM
He is wonderful, must *rub* *rub* that belly :)

04-25-2004, 03:22 PM

Awww, what a fluffy and soft belly!!!



04-25-2004, 09:08 PM
Just checkin in to see about Barli - here are some belly rubs:
Didn't that feel good??? Those were orange belly rubs of course!!

04-25-2004, 11:05 PM
Barli is absolutely gorgeous!!!:) I wouldn't worry too much about the pseudo spraying either. My Storm has been doing this for years and has never sprayed once. I'm sure that in time Barli and Rizzo will become great friends.:) Please keep us updated and be sure to post many pictures too.

04-26-2004, 10:19 AM
Barliman says thanks for the compliments and the belly rubs. He also says, “Somebody save me from the furry psychopath on the other side of the door!!!” ;)

Rizzo is NOT a happy boy. Doesn’t care for this “brother” business at ALL. He’s fine when he’s away from the bedroom door and forgets what’s going on, but give him any reason to remember, and it’s time to STARE. We let them interact a little bit yesterday, which was probably a mistake. We wanted to show Rizzo what the “IT” in the other room was. So we let Barli explore the downstairs with Rizzo sitting at the top of the loft stairs. My husband sat at the bottom to run interference. Lots of staring, but no hissing or anything. So later, we propped the door open just a tiny bit so that they could see each other. Rizzo charged, hissed, and swatted. (no claws, I don’t think) This made Barli make an awful howly-growly sound. So, back to closed doors. Since then, they’ve been sitting on either side of the door staring, just waiting for the shadows underneath to move. Unfinished business, I guess. :rolleyes:

I feel bad. My baby is all traumatized! Barli is adjusting really well to his new digs (aside from the Rizzo thing), so we occasionally swap rooms, and put Rizz in the bedroom. Every time we do so, Rizz goes into the new room with HUGE eyes, slinking around and thinking, “Where is it?! I know it’s in here somewhere!!”

Oh well. Patience, I tell myself. :)

Barli is a sweetpea. My brother-in-law and his girlfriend came over to meet him last night, and he settled right in, submitted to being petted, and purred for them. What a great guy!

04-26-2004, 11:21 AM
Barliman looks like a gentle giant!!! What a handsome fellow!!! He reminds me of "sirrahbed" Dylan and my Abner!!!!

May I become a member of the "Barliman Fan Club"?

04-26-2004, 11:34 AM
Originally posted by catlover4ever

May I become a member of the "Barliman Fan Club"?

Me too!!!
Orangies are the best!!

04-26-2004, 11:45 AM
Barli is so handsome. And what a seductive belly.

Yes, patience is needed. Even Filou and Tigris when they met at 15 weeks of age, ignored each other for a week!!!! I now know from many pet talkers that most of the time it works to bting two cats together- but not in the first days:)

All the best for you and your furkids.

04-26-2004, 01:13 PM
Awwww, won’t Barli be thrilled to know that he has a fan club! Of course, then he’ll just run to the door and yell in cattish: “Ha ha, stupid Door Monster! I have a fan club, and YOU don’t!!!” And Rizzo will get even more depressed, and go lie down on the washing machine and look glum like he did last night. :rolleyes: :D

Seriously, if I ever manage to get a really GOOD picture of Barliman, you guys are just gonna die. He’s too cute for words. He looks like a stuffed animal. Last night, he was sitting on the loft stairs, framed by the greenery we have on the railing, with his tail curled around him, batting his eyelashes. It was just disgusting. :D And I’m not even an orangie fan, particularly! Sirrabed, this guy would have you wrapped around his little paw in no time flat! ;)

04-26-2004, 01:46 PM
Originally posted by Twink
I’m not even an orangie fan ... Yet! You will be! You will be!

04-26-2004, 01:51 PM
Originally posted by Twink
And I’m not even an orangie fan


04-26-2004, 02:31 PM

I didn't mean it like that! Don't look at me that way, Barliman! :D

Ok, don't get me wrong. I mean no offense to orangies! ;) I'm crazy about Mishi, Dylan, Leroy, Peanut Butter, Abner, and the rest of the PT orangies. It's just that they're not usually the cats I gravitate to in a crowd. I'm usually partial to the grey ones, or brown tabbies with lots of white.

That said, I admit that I noticed Barli first b/c of his looks. His eyes just zapped me across the room. Of course, I chose him because of his personality! (and also b/c I was afraid somebody else would come in, take one look at him, read his profile, decide he was a baby doll, and take him home to their hyperactive four-year-old as a birthday present!)

Anyway, I'm sure T&P's Mom is right. Rizzo made me loooooove brown tabby Maine Coons, so now it's Barli's turn to make me a big-time orangie fan!

04-26-2004, 03:01 PM
Welcome home to Barliman, he is absolutely gorgeous!! :D What a sweet face and fluffy belly. I can sure see why you fell for him!! :) :)

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
04-26-2004, 09:43 PM
Awwww...what an adorable doll baby!!! :D

04-26-2004, 10:16 PM
That is one cute boy! And what a beautiful tail he has.

My RB cat, Pyewackett used to do the spraying thing. But she never did actually spray. Seem like she only done it when I was petting her, or talking to her. Sometimes I could just walk into the room and she woud go through the motions. Worried me at first, but as time went by, I seen she was just 'going through the motions'.

Barliman is just beautiful!


04-26-2004, 11:04 PM
What a handsome boy! Welcome home Barliman!

04-26-2004, 11:07 PM
Originally posted by Twink
I have a fan club, and YOU don’t!!!” And Rizzo will get even more depressed, and go lie down on the washing machine and look glum like he did last night.

I, Sirrahbed, have just chartered the RIZZO FAN CLUB for lovers of Maine Coon and Maine Coon mix gorgeous goons:D We are pretty sure that Dylan is also a MC or a mix - the vet also thinks so and he fits the personality traits perfectly so I can be in the RIZZO club:D

I LOVE RIZZO!!! http://www.click-smilies.de/sammlung0304/liebe/love-smiley-001.gif

04-27-2004, 12:45 AM

CUTE!!!!!!!!!! You sure got yourself a splendid kitty!!! :D

Welcome Barliman!! We love you already!!!! :) :) :)

04-27-2004, 10:23 AM
The boys were playing under the door this morning. :D Rizzo, who up until yesterday wouldn’t get within a couple of feet of the door (but kept staring at it like it was going to do something) actually instigated it. He stuck his big pawsie under the door and kept it there for a while. Barli, of course, eventually touched it. Rizz leapt back a couple of feet, then crept forward and did it again. Reach, smack, jump. Reach, smack, jump. After a couple of rounds of this, Rizzo settled down with his nose practically under the door, and just watched. Barliman, who is much less cautious and perfectly ready to make friends as soon as Rizzo is willing, flailed a paw around under the door frantically, trying to play some more. But mean ol’ Rizzo left him hanging. :(

Now, somebody tell me this is a good sign! I’m very insecure about this whole introduction thing. ;) :D

04-27-2004, 10:30 AM
Originally posted by sirrahbed
I, Sirrahbed, have just chartered the RIZZO FAN CLUB for lovers of Maine Coon and Maine Coon mix gorgeous goons:D We are pretty sure that Dylan is also a MC or a mix - the vet also thinks so and he fits the personality traits perfectly so I can be in the RIZZO club:D

I LOVE RIZZO!!! http://www.click-smilies.de/sammlung0304/liebe/love-smiley-001.gif

Rizzo appreciates it. In fact, he names you as his very favorite fan and supporter, and says he would bring you a nice, furry seal if he could! ;)

Dylan’s a MC mix, is he? I knew I liked that boy!! *smooches Dylan*

04-27-2004, 10:31 AM
I'd take that as a good sign. When we brought home Jazz she and Ripley did that under the door and later when I brought home Scout she and Jazz did that under the door.

Steffi N
04-27-2004, 01:54 PM
Oh Barli can I puleeze join your fan club and give you snuggles and belly rubs too. You are one beautiful big orangie fluffboy. I know that you and Rizzo will be friends...eventually.