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View Full Version : I think I may have found a place to live!

04-25-2004, 05:29 AM
I was chatting tonight (lol its past 4 a.m. right now) and met this guy that has a duplex for rent. It's 2 bedroom, 1 bath and has a large fenced backyard. The previous renters had 2 rottweilers, he's totally fine if I had 2 siberian huskies and he even said it was ok I had cats. :D It will be available in May, the previous renters are moving out right now.

Sorry for sharing all this with you I'm just excited, it would be awesome if this worked out!

Here's some pluses and minuses:

It's in Salt Lake City, which is anywhere from 45 min-1 hour from where I live currently, and another 20 minutes from there to get to work. Salt Lake City is more pet-friendly than Utah County from what I've heard. They have all the dog parks, doggy daycare, etc.

I do work at Petco and there's several Petco's up in SLC, so it's possible I could transfer. I would miss where I work though. :(

I'm not sure if it's closer or farther from my agility classes, probably about the same.

It's $600 a month (I forgot to ask if that includes utilities) with a $600 deposit ($300 refundable) for pets. I can handle the deposit ok but the monthly payment will be pushing it, I barely make over $600 per month on normal wage (though I can make more on commission). I can work more hours now that school is out though too. I was also looking into getting a newer vehicle too though, I only have so much money (not much!) Since it's 2 bedroom I could possibly find a roommate..one that likes pets of course!

Melissa is really the only friend I have irl, she couldn't move in w/ me though because she already has 2 dogs (Bear and Lady). I'm not sure if she'd be willing to drive up to SLC on weekends to do stuff either.

Now the pre-roomate stage...could I live alone? Any advice from those of you that live alone? I'm not an overly social person, but living alone is a big step for me. Living alone in a city I'm not really that familiar with is a *really* big step...

Advice please!! :eek:

04-25-2004, 08:20 AM
My advice?

Move to Florida! :p

No really though, I don't have much adivce but good luck!!;)

04-25-2004, 08:39 AM
You'll have some adjusting to do either way - alone or with new roommate. But living on your own is nice to do for a little while, and easier than finding a roommate on short notice! Sounds like a perfect, pet-friendly place! ;)

Settle in a bit first, then you can worry about a roommate.

04-25-2004, 08:43 AM
I think living alone (when I was younger) was the best thing I ever did. It made me more independent and watch my money better because I knew I had to have a place to live!
I personally never really cared for having a roommate, but that's just me.

If you can't really afford that place maybe you could find one a little cheaper?

Either way, good luck!

04-25-2004, 09:03 AM
Yes, Karen is right. My cousin is your age and she took a roomate on short notice and it was a nightmare. Their personalities clashed really bad - one was a quiet worker, the other lous partier (guess which one was my cousin;) ) If you can afford it for a few months, then try it and look for someone else like you... if you found the right house after a search you can find the right roomate too.:D

I sometimes wish that I had a roomate or lived on my own... I went straight from mom and dad to my husband... there was no free-being-me time.

BTW: Congrats on finding the perfect home!

04-25-2004, 09:31 AM
Woo hoo Amy, I don't really have any advice because I still live with mom and dad myself but I'm glad you might have found a place especially one that would let you get another husky brat...want me to see if I can smuggle one out of my friends house today?

04-25-2004, 09:33 AM
Personally I loooooooooove living alone. Though there are advantages of having a roommate as well. I guess it really depends WHO is your roommate. :) Good Luck.

04-25-2004, 12:06 PM
I am so jealous!!! I would *LOVE* to move out!!! Im going to come live with you ;):p

I have never lived alone, but really what bad parts can you see of it? It's just you, and the pets of course, nobodys telling you what to do or what not to do, its quiet and peaceful and theres nobody to depend on and the pets are always there when its tough, I don't see anything bad about living alone..

Aspen and Misty
04-25-2004, 12:17 PM
My sister drove from PA to South Carolina to a new home, and the first time she ever lived alone. The dogs and cats keep her company and she would walk them nightly and run into people. She also made friends at work and things who would keep her cpomany.

The nice thing about how close you will live to home is if you need someone you can just drive home (normally)

I say 100% Go for it! Get another HUskie puppy to keep Nebo company and enjoy being by yourself!!

Keep us updated!

04-25-2004, 12:39 PM
Honestly I would rather live alone than with a roommate that I don't know. What I'd like to do most is have a roommate that I already know, but that's not possible.

However with a roommate the payments could be $300 a month vs. $600 a month, big difference!

I wish I could find something cheaper (and closer) but I've been looking for quite a while now, it's really hard to find something that allows pets AND has a fenced yard.

I'm just a big baby. I want the independence, yet then I don't lol. Honestly if my parents would just let me get another dog, I don't think I'd be looking to move out. The biggest thing that worries me is that I'm not used to the area (and I have a horrible sense of direction)...I suppose I can always get used to it though.

I guess what I need to do now is just go look at the place and decide from there.

04-25-2004, 12:40 PM
I love living alone. If you want company, go somewhere, invite someone over. If you don't want company, you have a safe home to return to.
good luck.

04-25-2004, 03:24 PM
I think you should go check it out.
You should make sure that the yard is secure enough for Nebo and that the neighborhood is safe enough for you to live alone.
Who will be living in the other half of the Duplex? Will it be the guy who is renting it to you?
Do you need to sign a year long lease? I don't know if you could maybe just try renting it for the summer months to see if you like living alone and if you can afford it.
I really think it would be good for you to live on your own for a while at your age, plus you will have Nebo so you won't really be alone.
I'm sure you will meet people in the area when you take Nebo for walks or go to the local dog park with him.
Good luck!:)

04-25-2004, 11:16 PM
I love living alone also, but to each his own. I can totally see you living by yourself, if you could financially do it, but I wouldn't want you to turn into a hermit!!!! ;)

Miss Meow
04-25-2004, 11:39 PM
Have you found out if the utilities are included? Rent is one thing, but phone, gas, electricity, water and other bills keep coming in, especially power bills over winter. This might influence your decision.

Can you take over the lease, and sub-let the other room to someone? If things don't work out you can ask the other person to leave and choose to sub-let again or live alone. It puts you in charge of your living arrangements. If you choose to share, it might take a few attempts to find someone who fits your lifestyle, pays their share of the bills and is considerate towards your pets.

It's very challenging to find someone to share with, but when I tell stories about the guy who disappeared for a few days every rent day, so I had to cover his rent (I ended up moving out and he stayed even after I had all utilities disconnected), his mother warning me not to hassle him as he stopped taking his psych meds, the obsessive compulsive who'd arrange the chairs at exactly 90 degrees and sniff the teatowels for cleanliness every night, the one who would have a glass in one hand and a cask of red wine in the other by 8am, the one who installed a security alarm and barrier in his bedroom to keep my cat out etc, it makes for a laugh or two.

I hope it works out as it sounds like a fantastic place :)

04-25-2004, 11:47 PM
Its sounds like you found a nice place. Take some advice from me though. I moved out about 2 months after I turned 18. I was in my own apartment and there's costs that you don't think of before hand. You have to take in consideration that sometimes it is cheaper to buy meals out instead of make them since there is only one of you. When you do make your own food, make a slightly smaller portion than you think would be good for you so that you save on food waste/MONEY waste. :)

Then there is toilet paper, tooth brushes, tooth paste, shampoo, conditioner, hand soap, body soap, dish soap, laundry soap, fabric softner(if you so choose to use that), face wash, makeup, furniture, bed linens, bed, extra furniture for the 2nd room you don't have now, shower curtain, bath towels, wash cloths, bath mats, trash cans, trash bags, cable, internet, water bill, electric bill, sometimes gas bill, house phone, cell phone, maintenance fees, and probably more things that I can't think of right now.

I am not trying to discourage you though Amy. I am just trying to tell you from personal experience and being young like you and on a limited source of money.

Also, you'll be out of school for a little while so you will be able to work more and receive more than $600, and would probably actually be able to afford the rent and everything else, but when school comes back around are you going to be able to afford it then? :) Its a very nice thing to be out on your own, but quite honestly if I could do it again, I would've stayed home longer. Probably still be home now actually at almost 21. I've learned that I have my whole life ahead of me to be worried about bills and rent and stress like that. I need to get school done with and limit my stress to that and work instead of ruining my credit because a bill is past due or are just adding up.

Roomates are always a good thing when it comes to helping with rent, but if the new palce is in your name, and they decide to only stay there for a couple months then you're back to square one, so it's not something to "depend" on. Things come up and stuff happens.

I really am not trying to be negative at all...please understand that. I am just giving the advice like you asked, and want to help you out. :D If you would like any other advice then let me know, otherwise I hope this helps. Good luck with whatever may come of this! :)

04-26-2004, 01:47 PM
I must admit Lauren makes some EXCELLENT points. I didn't move out on my own until I was 22. Then, it was with a roommate(s) until I was 26 years old.