View Full Version : Mighty Texas Dog Walk

04-25-2004, 12:18 AM
The dogs and I had a very fun day! We started out at the Mighty Texas Dog Walk (which is either THE biggest or one of the biggest dog walks in the world ... i forgot :o ), then went to my parents' new house that they just bought this month, and then to my boyfriend's house to meet his parents who were in from Florida! (A cute little note: when we were out to dinner at the Old San Francisco Steakhouse, this guy proposed to his gf in front of the whole restaurant. My bf's mom and I were both crying , it was so sweet!)

A couple pics from the dog walk:





Pics with their gold tags they got for crossing the finish line and helping set the record for the biggest dog walk:



Pics by my parent's pool:



04-25-2004, 12:43 AM
Great pics Aly!! Looks like Reece and Lolly had a fun time--and getting to meet Clifford, how fun! :D Nebo and Lady have to get prepared for Strut Your Mutt, it's coming up, we're excited! :)

guster girl
04-25-2004, 03:17 AM
Those are great pics! I wish I'd known about the walk! Where did it take place? Do you know when they'll have another one?

04-25-2004, 03:20 AM
Oh what fun :D and you got to meet Clifford.

Great pics Aly, Reece and Lolly are very cute. And looks like they had a great day out.

Thankyou for sharing the pics with us.

04-25-2004, 08:20 AM
Great pictures Aly. Reese and Lolly are beautiful as usual. Did either of them jump into the pool to swim? (My two have no desire to swim - they would just lounge) :)

04-25-2004, 08:48 AM
Great pictures Aly, it really looks like they were both having a great time:)

Do they swim in your parents pool?

04-25-2004, 08:54 AM
How adorable!! Reece is such a handsome boy and Lolly is just ever so pretty.

Give both of them a hug fom me, please. :)

04-25-2004, 09:20 AM
Yeah Reece and Lolly pictures!!! They are both so adorable!!!

I love thepics by th epool...2 out of my 3 would have found their way INTO the pool!!!

04-25-2004, 10:17 AM
Reece just lounges by the pool. Its so funny. He goes right out there and plops down next to it and sunbathes like he's been around pools his whole life. I keep a close eye on him because his vision is so bad. I don't want him to fall in. He doesn't like even getting his little feetsies wet in the morning dew so there's probably no swimming in his future.

Lolly hasn't swam before, but I will probably teach her soon. She LOVES sprinklers and she loves to wade in the creek at the park we go to. She runs around the pool trying to attack the pool cleaner thing, hehe. I keep a close eye on her too, but I doubt she'd fall in. I could see her eventually jumping in on her own though.

guster girl - I wish I had thought about telling you about the walk. Even though there was some rain, it was so much fun and a great turnout. It is an annual event, held around this time every year. I will definately remind you about it next year.

04-25-2004, 11:02 AM
Great pics! They're both so cute!:D

Thanks for sharing:)

04-25-2004, 11:05 AM
Just look at that sweet little Lolly--what a face!!!!! And I see Reece decided to go against my choice in wardrobe--that's ok, I love him anyway!!!!
Looks like a fun day--Clifford was there even--did he participate in the walk too????

Your parents pool is gorgeous--I have a picture in my head of little Reece lounging by the pool!!

Thanks for sharing with us Aly, and give those 2 a big kiss from me!!!!

04-25-2004, 11:36 AM
Great pictures!!!! I love their gold tags, they look proud!

Your parent's pool is beautiful. I've only been to Dallas before but I had no idea there were hill like that in TX - wow! That picture looks like it could have been taken around here and I live near the Smoky Mountains.

guster girl
04-25-2004, 12:43 PM
there's basically almost all types of terrain in Texas. :)

04-25-2004, 12:50 PM
Wonderful pictures. Sounds like you
had a fantastic day and a lot of fun. :D

04-26-2004, 05:35 AM
Reece and Lolly, you are just too cute. I'm so proud of you for doing the big doggie walk. Congrats on crossing the finish line. I love the pool and wish I could be sitting there with you guys.

Robin :)

04-26-2004, 11:12 AM
Thanks for all the compliments :)

My parents' pool is really sooo gorgeous. The pictures don't even do it justice. Their view is amazing. A lot of hills and a pretty lake are in the distance. They live about 20 miles outside of Austin. There is a lot of "hill country" surrounding Austin. It is so nice. I think Austin is one of the prettiest places in Texas, although if you go far west, there are nice mountains.

I guess we do have a little bit of everything, along with all kinds of crazy weather. They say if you don't like the weather here to wait 5 minutes and it will change :rolleyes:

04-27-2004, 12:53 AM
Reece and Lolly are such major cutie-patooties! I just looooove the picture of Lolly rolled on her back showing off her gold tag! And Reecie looks so handsome in his shirt!

I also love your parents new place (what we've seen of it anyway)! GORGEOUS VIEW! Maybe there are some pictures of Lolly swimming in our future....who knows... :p

Glad you had such a good time with Josh's parents!

04-27-2004, 10:41 AM
What adorable pool loungers. Sounds like the walk was a blast! :D